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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16. The D. . TT Pre: ttei by I fj -.- . FOR THE PRESIDENT'S STAMP ALBUM MARCH OF TIME BBQ. ' 1939 . I.. Tl,., Mf "ttMji irijfjo a;jne I? 1 1 I ment benefits since the program start i i ed operation. But for old folks, So-- ! cial Security is still pie in the sky:' t! it wiu not begin paying monthly olds5 age insurance benefits for those overi 65 until 1942. hurt liuiys The Ways and Means committee's, w i. VH1 Bi Cpver. was the sale oi first witness last week was the So-- j OoSt' di to France. "Pouolo cial Security Board's scholarlv rhnir.! denouncing the "scandalous man Arthur J. Altmeyer, who recomv v aParttJ Tsa. .c warned France not mended that the Act be extended to loves Vo'yc Prr'tT s help would be cover seamen domestic .. servants, em, believe ig one & of educational and charitable ployees commiT delusions into tt,1 the and other groups that ' ort mi lossalever fallen. Be- institutions would add 6,000,000 to the board's .jjcb the efforts of the present clientele of 42,500,000; that states to insure a just the board increase its subsidies to s no a Mttttt i : i ble i Tr should break out. before States for dependent children and the the v 'Oh!' the French blind. Chairman Altmeyer also outlin.'je u' ".,h be smashed to bits.' ed his, and the White House's threefold plan to give more to he old. insurance Begin monthly cld-ain 1940 instead of 1942. This payments spired. Dr. George Gal- - would help already insured oldsters .... i. i. NE institue of Public who now get nothing but lump-su89 per settlements of their claims pS test week reported a third only $12,000,000 since 1937. totaling Tfi the electorate against wn e ' for Franklin Roosevelt-dofth .. Extend insurance benefit"; 6 per to wives over ' . up December . ::. .. K3. r 65, aged widows and i .. eent since of 1937. widows with dependent children. ?ar8 thejummer e Overhaul the present stop-ga- g rica'j assistance piogram, which was vill ?' ,':.? ' deal - ed supposed to take care of uninsured Wendell oldsters by giving them pensions up to hnv YORK President ith & Southern $30 j. month financed by matching ivear :er"itt chained by the State and Federal grants . In prac- for five years nfiiitw ,m rirrts tice the 1.7R3 171 npnsinnprs- imrfor nftitionoi reiu-io.yet f a h fhft TV A. lost ri,s lat- - this program ate getting an average last fortnight of $19, and in the South pensions have chance to get free Court repeated the ranged down to $6. The Roosevelt-Alt-meyme supreme . 4 ''."fck on Commonwealth & Souhern proposal abandon the policy of TV on A subsidize runt State grants, matching utilitv companies monti 'Petition with their established according to their economic need over As dear to Franklin Roosevelt as R'er lines. This left privately Wildlife Week Stamps being presented to Marvin Mclntyre, for President Roosevelt by Carl D. Shoemaker Secr is unpopular with most experts it out of choice selling the tary of the National Wildlife Federation, and Minor Hudson, National Director of the United States Junior Chamber oil Josits on social insurance is the principle with the competing eternally Commerce. This was the first sheet to come off the presses and is autographed by J. N. "Ding" Darling, tha famous' Ca;s latter choice an ob- - of building up a "reserve-- instead of cartoonist and President of the National Wildlife Federation. uctior on a basis. win imnrvssihilitv. financing nous econ""" '"'ts rcse, Who IirSI Oliertu lu W" Willkie j xou, aiu.ycaia aiici wuic outiai :93S Threads Among the Gold," "Carry Maude O. Cook of the stake board. ukuuioc 51x3 uickcicu am uwuhlj nut to TVA in lao-iMe Back to Old Virginia," and 2 The class in Family Relationship met e more in Ten-benefits than ; yearly ar 0ver a fair price for Swedish numbers. Mrs. Strand played as usual with Fein McDermaid contJe Electric Power Co., the chief it collects in taxes, the reserve will ducting the lesson. in- - have reached the unimaginable total ffe The Tiemonton Second Ward Re- - the accompaniment 011 the guitar. subsidiary involved. An rtfo A number of ladies were busy at inreact a of inBut ndent amount the lief met $47,000,000,000. very Marjorie Stenquist Treasury I Monday, February audit found the Society tag 2 quilts, while others sewed carpet 'dLrf in F E P.'c electric division will have spent this money for other 12 with Augusta the guest teresting "Sketch of Augusta Bra; Life." A talk "Tribute From rugs or did some kind of fancy work, "w tsfisnn.000 f honor. It heing near her 84th birth net: but TVA, men- - purposes and the reserve will con -- J o..V f was given by Ethel Ham under the direction of the work lead-era ar-of a of been sist Government hoard had n entire Neighbor" the bonds, bid would program day, Hsnrpfiation. son. Counsellor Soc-Margaret Pack of the ranged to do honor to her. ilrettan $67,000,000. This, plus T. the interest on which will meet 'OK love appreciastake board, deficit. 2 ial bond The But expressed the Individual cheiry pies, ice cream, Security's opening numbers, sang byj P's cash reserves, was just the congregation, were selected from tion and good wishes. tnirp rare of its $72,000,000 in sen- - interest will in turn have to be met chocolate birthday cake were served Sister Stenquist thanked the sis- under the supervision of Hostesses among her favorite hymns. A tribute but left nothing for by the Treasury through other taxes, j ior securiUes, g from the Relief to ters Grandma of the. Relief Society for their Margaret Thomas and Jennie Andereconomist of liberal cent 99 Stenquist stock per the common John T. Flynn. writing in "Harper's Society was given by President Mel- - kindness, expressed her love for them son. mch is owned by C. & S. - on "'The Social Security 'Reserve' trade IT. Stohl. A corsage of ferns, and related some incidents in her life. T'A's Chief Power Engineer JulNext Monday will be our Literary sweet The opening and closing prayers week declared: last Mr. peas and carnations, a birth-ela- y Swindle," visited week us A. Krug last which will be a continuance cake made for the occasion, and were offered by May Cornwall and meeting, in Manhattan, raised his old viously the government cannot pay t of Sir Walter Scott's "The Talisman, in a gift, tokens of love and esteem, Helen H. Allen, both neighbors of Viola Electric Power Co. adequate pensions if it insists on bid for Tennessee Cowley conducting. to were her. Grandma Stenquist. presented Mr. Willkie accepted. borrowing m'ost of the old age taxes You bet! I'm going to get in on to $78,800,000. Our Singing Mothers are practicbe There were 76 ladies present. Judith Strand and Dorothy Sten ! Including cash and odds and ends, and spending them to support the the 1939 conservation program. I now for the 17th of March was of lesson her The number a favorite by ing i ii.t given I the deal netted C. &. S. about $80,- - government. The whole thing is a dis-- ; Scripture sang quist save want to my farm. Counsellor assisted were 'reel "Silver Ida which in-Stevens, by songs, among 000,000, a figure it can increase by guised tax levied upon the lowest I if ! selling Tennesse Electric's water, ice come groups under the pretense of it ! which old age pensions premiums. A aid transportation properties, almost overnight into a, ALS did not want. By and large, the! emment would dare support itself out rabble pouring steadily across tne news tne 01 a payrou um u 11 noneauy pro French border at the rate of 4,000 f settlement was the best e jts. " an hour. Of the 200,000 men left in futility industry has had in years, claimed its purpose. O y i- ! gave the most genuine promise yet the Loyalist army, 150,000 were exthat utility over. is nearly baiting pected to reach France in safety, RED HUM CONTINUED - i would probably be captured or O before they got there. surrender Rammed WASHINGTON through " v PIE IX THE SKY - - " 1 V a the House of Representatives by It was only at the last moment IK: last week was a new that the French Government after I WASHINGTON In 1935 Franklin! vote of committee to in failing to persuade Generalissimo life for the Roosevelt sold of lease and j Congress .thiCongress J sold the U. S. the Social activities, Franco to agree either to setting up Security Act, the biggest, most comprehen-- I chairmanned by Martin Dies of Tex- a neutral zone or to declaring a gendecided to open the save, most expensive mass insurance as. Mr. Dies had to be content with eral amnesty WE' I pohcy ever written. Since then its and extension of one year and a prom- French border, to as many fleeing purchasers, the nation's taxpayers, ised appropriation of $100,000 (to be soldiers and civilians as cared to enhave had occasion to read their pol-- f voted later), instead of two years and ter. Otherwise the Loyalist army j other-wisicy carefully and now might have decided to hake a suicidpractically ev- - $150,000. His victory was ery politician is the U. S. has put impressive. al last stand on the border, possibly O j revision of Social Security at the top resulting in a massacre and an interI of his must list. The House incident. and national Ways TEAPOT TEMPEST Means committee Safe in Fiance, Premier Negrin last ' week began hearings on proposals to make the WASHINGTON While the Presi offered publicly to mediate the war i Act work better. trou on three conditions: That Spain be dent was having foreign-polic- y The Social func-I ble with the Senate, Anna Eleanor freed of foreign influence (meaning Security Act has tioned well for have who whose U. S. Italians and Germans) that a governRoosevelt Roosevelt, participants a plebdrawn out $400,000,000 in unemploypopularity is higher than her hus ment be established through disthe probable iscite week last (meaning current band's in polls, Fianc ); Generalissimo wrote: "As far as possible I never dis placement of acbe war of the cuss questions of partisan politics, but that liquidation so "We are the leading democracy of companied without persecution rein could join the world. Do our sympathies lie with that all Spanierds Franthe other democracies or do they lie construction. But Generalissimo undemanded to have with thp totalitarian states? The co was reported surrender. present tempest in a teapot is stirred conditional driven the After ycy a grand prize Enay Contest with Chevrclcf'i ANNOUNCING crescendo of peace rethe Frenchman a that Despite fact the up by vacuum gear jhift at trio (ieme! new temational perfected more likely than seemed S with 9 it 9 Chevrolet rew flow in a test plane which France ports, minisPerfected vacctm gear riif is one of the greatest advancements his and loyal Dr. . . to that N'.grin was buy. going as irrportant an quite legally in the automotive industry in the past ten years psrfccte J vac jum gear shift is geared to product a ters would soon transfer the governbrates. or "Germany the as advancement Valencia. Dr. Miles you will see how easy It is thousand planes a month; France to ment back to Madrid or Because if i such an important achievement we would lile everysurto by gain nothing NERVINE to be a winner in the E:say produce one hundred planes a month. They had little one to drive the new Chevrolet with perfected vacuum gear shift. to lose personally by ': see all the nations of rendering, to mok want "I Inow that once you drive a perfected vacuum gear shift equipped We area "Did the work a fighting. The ear you will realiie that a car cannot be modern unless it has this the world reduce their armaments. ) out hold long to be not could on expected new feature. says the I have seen no acquiescence Many advantages of this Franco attack, Miss Glivar a For this reason we are conducting the Es:ay Contest, so that you part of Mr. Hitler. Have you, inWho against with modern shiftinq, and the but menawhile the world situation is taking a belligerent attitude may have an opportunity of drivinq a car greet feature will suggest WHY DON'T still had of hearing just what you think of a The the have Loyalists we opportunity to may change. might world today?" as soon as you YOU some money and a general European perfected vacuum gear shift ride. O demo TRY IT? ta';e Ihc v,hee! then all you war between the Fascist and OVFK THE ROKDKK - - AfteF cratic powers could still save their have to do is put your recause. surlering from a nervous ailFranco Spanish LE PERTHUS. actions down on paper. ment, Miss Glivar used Dr. Miles Before a swift northward Frontier nervine which gave her such Chevrolet's perfected vacuum advance of Rebel Generalissimo FranVTit our inowroom , . . git a splendid results that she wrote co's armies, Loyalist icsistance last KASTTKKMONTON s an ruWt and the of regulagear shift in 50 words or lest. opy enthusiastic letter. week collapsed in northern Catalonia. blank and If, in the opinion of the judgoi an tion!, sign entry fu suffer from "Nerves." With communictions cut, food supCome in today and drivo Ueke Salt of or their agents, your essay is the Chevrolet 1939 Brough Dona Miss rfrive the new ' yu i'e awake nighis, exhaustplies gone, and ammunition home will wrt at sudden at the revisitor was the weekend best one submitted you the new 1939 Chevrolet with perfected vacuum gear shift. noises, tire ed, the Loyalist Army disintegrated Mjiij, are cranky, blue and of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. ceive the grand priie Then write your reaction te with perfected vacuum gear Mgcti:, your nervcs ure Brough. spent Gaifield Glen and end enter the contest. ''.ii probably out 0 order. shift Max Fiidal iuiet and relax tlicm with the the weekend in Salt Lake visiting me medicine Contest Lasts from Feb. that "did the with Elwin Gaifield. . . a il 1nOD Garfield. for lhis Colorado RirL $L Mrs. J. O. Garfield. Irvin ir. l.itn to Marcn inn, were Lucas viU,lcr your "Serves" luve June Cardon and Dorthy doubled you for hours or for in Ogden Saturday, attending the yo"11 find this Ume-w- a Livestock show. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Garfield were remedy elTective. ffStorcs 25c end $1.00. Ogden visitors Monday. From Page One) ' r.c.v the are tiers 5. and Gayda said, Italy's be now should wiers Canal. Panama the j ued 1 -' j " . - . !W - : . .. a, ge 2 AmS iiJ .t . . m .1 old-ag- v. . ma: J .. old-ag- be ,: - TV ss r-- -- cr s is own-utiliti- es IOUTiCS he r j - -- vj Uncle Jim Saijs , U Mot old-ag- . A- Relief Society News Sten-quist- 's Stc-nqui- j - ( j a. 1 E j . riain-speakin- "Ob-Willk- ie f j j A gov-ITV- ed wei;: . PERFECTED MCUUIi GEAR . 50,-00- S 0 on I 344-to-- 35 rrarsifs I rv7 n SZ r vestigate f 3 e I ; ... ve 1 lelf-start- four-whe- . 7 . Cc-Jss- Madrid-Valenci- . full-bodie- h d . . Enter Today ! Conult the. ar s 1 Og-de- n Frank Chevrolet Company --"- BU -- 1!JFi I SHOP THROUGH THE LEADER ADS FIRST Phone 20 - Trcmcnton, Utah |