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Show ckc'J 'ST.' BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. JULY four PLAYGROUND NEWS Cheap Paint Formula Used by Shop Boys (By Jatk Anderson) FUN RIDES HIGH! , Well hurrah kida it hasn't rained for a whole week. Can you imagine it? Well, neither can I but let's get down to news. Classes at school are rolling merrily along and the after noons at the park are even better. The Alpha Gamma club met Tues day and completed plans for their hobo party which took place tne same evening. The party started at 7 and contin ued until 0:15. First of all they were given a laughable but strict initiation. If they failed in their given task they were to be excused from the party. No one was excused. After being paired off In twos they were given their assignments some of which were: Begging for old socks, coffee, candy, pennies, ropes, and sugar lumps. Having finished their own rounds, the members of the club rebelled and the program committee and officers were forced to do a little begging on their own. The group then marched through town singing "I've been working on the Railroad." From here they went a mile west of town where they made a fire and had supper. Beverly Man- nlng was then awarded the prize for being the best hobo and the party disbanded. And now for the sport fans The Tremonton playground's team of boys beat Garland's team in an extra inning rally 8 to 6. This makes one victory apiece and believe me competition is really hot. The team consisted of the Reds and Whites combined. They are as follows: Reds Hal Rhead, Richard Robins, Lowell Johnson, Lyle Holdaway, Bobby Bennett, Daryl Garfield, Byron Bronson, Frank Landvatter, Junior Crockett, Wendell Giles, Tommy Stephens, Jay Hill, Dwayne Getz, Ellis Winzeler, Mariner Ballard, and Don Woodward. Whites Billy Goldsberry, Lynn Bronson, Darvel Robins, Ellis Smith, Leon Spencer, Dennis Miller, Loyal Glenn, Jack Haight, Wayne Burgess, Dallas Sandall, David Anderson, Sonny Bjorn, Boyd Mason, Billy Winzeler, Billy .Nelson and Wendell Burgess Others may join by contacting the j supervisors. Softball, Volley ball, Tether ball, horseshoes, and other games will be run off in tournament form. Five points will be given for entering a team in a game and 10 points will be given for winning a game or contest. - The team gaining the highest num. ber of points will be treated by the losers. In the meantime the girls are prac- - Land Bank Explains Rodeo Juvenile Federal Farm Loans number of boys registered for summer project work are using the shop at the Bear River high school under the direction of Mr. Skinner and Mr. Last on Monday and Thursday evenings. Several painting jobs are under way and some have finished and feel --quite satisfied with the results of the Poor Man's Faint" formula. Owen Stokes, David Fridal, Lamont Summers and others have completed their paint jobs and many others are stalling as soon as time permits. Following is the formula used by the boys: Cost Materials 2Jc 1 quart or 1J lbs. of flour quart or 1 lb. of mineral color Venetian Red, Chrome Green, 7c Burnt Umber 1 auarts of Buttermilk 9Jc Cost per gallon Method: Mix 1 quart of flour with water to make a batter, then add enough boiling water to make a stiff paste by stirring briskly. Add I quart of the mineral color desired and mix In thoroughly beating out all lumps with a wooden paddle. Add and stir in enough sweet buttermilk to bring the mixture to the consistency of cainL This mixture will cover about 300 feet of surface and covers well all weather beaten and unpainted boards. Is not suitable to paint over greasy or recently painted surfaces or metal surfaces. It does not take the place of a good white lead and linseed oil paint does give good protection from t v. Carol Davit rodeo features of Covered RODEO Saturday, July 16 We now handle . . . COVEY OIL PRODUCTS :U. S. TIRES TRACTOR FUEL .... 13c gal. HARRIS SERVICE STATION You Can Now Own a 25 qt. Polished Genuine National Pressure Cooker equipped for canning, at nearly half price. Special ! only THRILLS , OF WAGON DAYS v Utah's greatest rodeo, exemplified by the Utah Covered Wagon Days, which will offer one thousand dollars more in cash prizes than any other Utah show in either history or the state, has one of the most attractive programs for Salt Lake City In the history of rodeo. In the first place, Salt Lake City Services Held Tuesday For Gediah L. Secrist and Covered Wagon Daya will offer more than $3,500, which, is $1,000 more than offered by any other rodeo, for a real comprehensive program. Of course there will be other prizes for Utah's "top hand" rodeo, including $400.00 for bulldogging, $240 for Lady Bronc riding, $150 for amateur bronc riding, and $30 for Wild Cow Milking. Entrance fees, all of which are returned to the Cowboy Turtle contestants include $10.00 for bronc riding, $5.00 for Brahma bull riding, $15.00 for bulldogging, $15.00 for calf roping, and $5.00 for Amateur bronc riding. All rodeo performances will be held at the Utah State Fair Grounds, evening shows on July 21, 22, 23 and 25, a matinee on July '3, and a free children's show on he afternoon of July 23. Doubles Partner Check the ones you are interested in and indicate partner. There will be a senior and junior division. Act now and lets get started. So long kids, see you next week. Our Remodelled, Enlarged Service Station Will Officially Open for Business tar, one of the Salt Lake City's Wagon Days. AWAIT PATRONS Age 0 Williams, U m ticing up to take another crack at the boys. Look out fellows. And now here's something that should interest you older folks. A tennis tournament sponsored jointly Junior by the Tremonton-Garlan- d Chamber of Commerce and the Recreation Association, will be conducted. All intereested are urged to fill out the following blank and deliver to Lyle Tripp or Don Sheffied, park and tournament supervisors, not later than Monday, July 18. Pairings will be made and you will be notified of time and place to play immediately. The winners here will have an opportunity to play Logan and Ogden title holders for the Northern Utah Crown. OPENING' ' SOFTBALL NOTES " CANNING CAPACITY IS pint jars 7 4 quart jars half.gallon jars 18 No. 2 cans 10 No. 3 cans - Here U a ( aimer that will heat quickly, will not rut, dent or warp. It is made of pure aluminum, cast In permanent molds. Net weight 18 pounds, liquid capacity 23 qts. FULLY GUARANTEED QUALITY MERCHANDISE BUILDING MATERIAL HARDWARE COAL GLASS AND CHINA WARE PAINT AND VARNISH Since feed costs (By IL D. T.) STATE OF THE NATION From the Chicago Tribune's New York City correspondent comes the report that someone on Wall Street has worked out statistics on the state of the nation in a manner that has the great mathmaticians of that street puzzled and not too amused, Consider: Population of the United States, 124,000,000. Eligible for old age pensions, That leaves to do work, 94,000,000. Persons on federal, state and city government payrolls, 20,000,000. That leaves to do the work, 74,000,-00- . from 50 to 75 peruSua:ly the cost of producir-cent - Vui0 important for each g0 I this item carefully, advkJ 1 the Utah state A& An inadequate or balanced feed may poorl be any price if it is the small, poorly fleshed bird, a time. The feed may be and well balanced but the n be so high that little left for profit after is deducted from the sellin" the birds. Professor Alder's it requires from 70 records to 80 n grain and mash to fed from day old to 29 weeks 05 amount, about sx whole grains and mixture of n sJ-awheat and barley u usua est and best. Corn is e2 butsuPPuesno5 cannot get from othr produced feeds, Professor a plains. Mash is usually madeUp to 80 per cent ground grain.; products such as bran and addition, it must also suptf animal proteins and certain to make a complete or ba'ari tion. Exepriments show that first four to six weeks the turi adapt itself to and do equally measured in pounds of feed of grain, on mash containing to 25 per cent of crude that rate of growth may mi be t by mashes containing more than this amount. Since profc plement is the most expensive the mash, the feeder should pecially interested in the 1cm than the maximum amount ne for good, rapid growth. f I " j one-thir- 0. 1 Byron Alder, extension d two-thir- home-grow- Ineligible to work under the child labor law, 6,000,000. That leaves to do the work, SlTf1 Number of unemployed in the nation, 13,999,998. That leaves to do work, 2. The two workers, adds the statis tician, are "me and F. D. R. He has gone fishing and I am getting damned tired' x DIET NOT SO GOOD First Cannibal: "The tribal chieftain has hay fever." Second Cannibal: "Serves him right, I told him not to eat that grass widow." x MORE WORRY Der Fuerher is reported in love with That King Emmanuel's daughter. would be for Mussolini to worry about the expense of welcoming Adolf whenever he came calling on her! x SAFETY SLOGANS A good driver keeps his eyes on the road while he is driving. A poor driver turns his head to talk with other passengers in the car. This type of driver is never safe. x NO TIME FOR TLAY Farmer boys will soon be forced to call off their afternoon baseball games "on account of grain." x THOUGHTS FOR SERIOUS MOMENTS That action is best that procures the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers. Hutchinson. Genuine Plymoij RED TAG SEIsl Twl Binding $4.60 Per Dail C. W.&t IN POCATELLO UNDER LIGHTS New Fall samples just arrived All I The Gephart Stores Co. Softball new weaves and colors. Made to your team of Tremonton, captured an 8 individual measure, for only $23.50. Cliff's Clothiery inning slugfest from the fast Idaho Extra pants, $1.00 Paint & Glass Co. team of Pocatello. " Tuesday." Frank Alix, Wes Gephart and Lynn Thomas scored two home' runs each. The final score was 20 to 16. Gepharts have won 9 out of 11 enIS THE TIME TO GET YOUR counters so far this year all games being played against first class, pickAND ed teams. Tremonton, IM - NOW Lions vs. Midland Cafe on Monday, 3 to 3 tie, called on account of BLACK CAPS RASPBERRIES DEWBERRIES i PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE WALTER WUTHRiCH t EAST TREMONTON Leader Ads Get Results Tremonton PHONE 66.A1 wwm IS Tremonton BEAR RIVER CITY By Mrs. C. W. Brailsford - I ; BILLFOLD With Zipper VALUE $1.00 DEXTER - 5 60c R ALKA-SELTZE- - 9C gr. ... Ige. ... 29c EPSOM SALTS - TURN E-- Z - SUNDRIES 35c Gem Single Edge Razor Blades $1.00 St. Regis TOCKET WATCH 69c Gem Razor, 5 Blades, Novel Case FACIAL TISSUES . 200s 15c T LAXATIVE GUM . dt W?C 2 Slice SI'ECLL r Bag . 2:c FEENAMINT TOASTER EXPERT Gene's Radio Service ASPIRIN 3-l- b. slow-risin- TOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET mm 19 73 c BAYER BOTTLE City, spent Sunday visiting with their sister, Mrs. (jarl Iverson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry John and children, of Silver Teaks, Nevada, spent the weekend visiting with Mrs. John's sister, Mrs. Ruth Hansen and family. The work and business meeting of the Relief Society was held Tuesday. Mrs. Lucinda Jensen gave a talk on rural school. She had given it previously at the Hotel Newhouse. The meeting was In charge of Counsellor Elizabeth Anderson. Ofsen A. Christensen, of Brigham City, and Teter S. Jensen of this city motored to Bear Lake Saturday where they made an Inspection tour of the river and lake. Mr. Christensen renort- ed the g waters of Bear Lake have reached the highest point since 1926, assuring farmers along Bear River an unusually ample water supply throughout the summer. RADIO SERVICE 25c ANACIN 5lC Tint QyLY TOILETRIES TABLETS St. Regis VACUUM son-in-la- w Farmers' Cash Union DRUGS Justin - Genuine Leather Milton Holtery, of Roundup, Montana, is visiting with his narents. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Raynold Rasmussen and children, of Sublet. Idaho, are visiting in this city with relatives. Alvm Stander is visitinsr in Pora- tello, Idaho with his and (laughter, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Stocks. Oscar Lunquist. Mr. and Mrs. John Lunquist and children, of Salt Ike Hacked By a Quarter Century of Experience, Reputation and National Advertising Co SAYS rojJLTRi" some-thin- Funeral services for Gediah L. Se crist were held in the Fielding ward chapel Tuesday at 10 a .m. with Bishop M. A. Garn officiating. Mr. Secrist died Friday afternoon at the home of B. F. Ellensen of this city, Friday afternoon of a heart ailment. The deceased was born Jaunary 24, 1856 at Farmington. Surviving are four sons and daughters, Earl Secrist, of Anaconda, Montana; Mrs. Iva Gohn, of Girdig, Montana; Mrs. Effie Bauer, of Cut Bank, Montana; Mrs. Edna Flemming, of Bonnie, Montana; and nine the weather for three or four years stnd looks almost as well as a good oil paint. Next Tuesday evening:, July 19 the shop will be open from 6 until 10 for the summer project students for "a special visit by fifty or more. Farm mechanics and ag. science men from all over the state who are making a special study of the meth ods used at the Bear River high school. Among the visitors will be Mark Nichols, state supervisor, and Prof. S. R. Humphreys and others from the U, S. A. C. A special invitation is eriven to a group of boys and their parents, who are interested in building on a cooperative basis, a concrete water trough with drainage facilities and an automatic shut off valve. A group of seven or eight intend to cooperate in planning the project so that the expense in building the forms may be divided between the group and the forms used a number of times. I The temporarily reduced interest rates on Federal land bank and land bank commissioner loans, authorized will by a recent action of congress, to on all interest prior payable apply reword to July 1, 1940, according ceived by Director William Peterson of the Utah State Agricultural college Extension Service from Albert S. Goss land bank commissioner of the farm credit administration. On most Federal land bank loans through national farm loan associations the temporarily reduced rate will be 3 J per cent a year, and for loans made directly from the banks, 4 per cent. On land bank commissioner loans the temporarily reduced rate will also be 4 per cent. Commissioner Goss said that under the law as now amended both land bank and commissioner borrowers, be ginning July 1, 1940, will resume interest payments at the contract interest rates at which their loans were originally made. At present, with a few exceptions, the contract interest rate on new Federal land bank loans now being made through associations is 4 per cent, and 4 J per cent for direct loans. The contract interest rate on all commissioner loans is 5 per cent. The commissioner said the reduced interest rates will apply for the stated period on approximately 630,000 Federal land bank loans now outstanding in the amount of $2,025,000,000, and about 450,000 land bank commissioner loans aggregating nearly ATCHFEiD HERE A AND V THERE New Low Rates For A Name Singles 14, 1S38 r a Ct O v o ..Ob 49 ... 10 $1.00 Challenge ALARM CLOCK ... 89 25c BARBER COMBS - Special ... 13 Marine Milk of Magnesia - full pt. .. 30c - 59 49 19 19 19 Qd 25c Listerine Tooth Paste - 2 Reg. Size .. dV 30c Boyer FACE POWDER 50c Ipana TOOTH PASTE 30c 1 13 OIL 30c PABLUM Pre-Cooke- d 43 Mush ... 25c WHITE ACE 19 SHOE CLEANER .. 15c Fort Howard ROLL TOWEL, 2 for 10c FLASH LIGHT Batteries 2 for 50c TEK TOOTH imcusii - 2 for in JL 15 51 OQ 10c LIFEBUOY SOAP - 3 1 for 1 QQC 30c Hinds Honey and Almond Cream Ov 1 QC 25c ROSE HAIR OIL Household Needs - 3 IN 19' - Special J ' """' 50c Richard Hudnut ROUGE ALL SHADES 25 MrKESSON CASTILE SOAP Freo Lathering Floating . 3 Bars 29c VEW MAKE-U- P MARVELOUS D KITS .51.10 |