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Show 7, bear nrvrn valley leader. Thursday, apexi. ik PACS EIGHT n ttwwwti") kf 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 min 1 1 nin i m 1 1 1 1 1 11a I Li Li Lm SJPSIKIT VI I Slarjorie Hansen, Correspondent Phone S J; 52.a-- l Snowballs in Miami As sensational as snowballs in Florida is this snowball bath- Lloyd Harris, of Washington, D. C, and Mrs. Eddis Fredrlckson born the weekend with his parents, a of spent are proud parents baby girl, Mrs. J. D. Harris. Mr. Harand Mr. morning. Thursday ris was enroute to San Francisco. Miss of Smithfield, and De-Willard Hansen, of Los Angeles, Ruby Harris, of Harris loris Logan aiso visueu California, visited with friends and with their last parents week over the relatives in this valley I Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Green and were Salt Lake City visitors and Monday. Miss Mary Benkler, of Logan, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Air Conditioned Shirts, Guaranteed K. H. Fridal, Sunday afternoon. for one year. Cliff Clothiery. Mr. and Mrs. Leland J. Hansen were in will Lake City visitors Thursday af Salt participate Miss Cleo Nye the McCune Recital at Salt Lake City temoon. next week. Mrs. David Stander and Miss Es the Stohl were in Ogden on business has ther who spent Miss May Fridal, last three weeks with relatives in last Thursday afternoon. Idaho Falls, returned to her home C. J. Dewey was in Salt Lake City Saturday afternoon. on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Earl spent last Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Wright and week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. AlMr. and at children, Verna, Buddy and Carol, of Midvale, bert Christensen at the anl. Mrs. Leslie Dansie at Riverton. Idaho Falls, spent the weekend and Fridal Mrs. Ira of to family Mar. home son. a Dansie gave birth 19. She was formerly Miss Rebecca Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen and Mrs Earl. Merrill, of Logan, were guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Christensen and Mrs. Leland J. Hansen last g and family are spending the week with friends and relatives in Mrs. Denzil Swenson, cf Logan, is Tremonton. visiting this week at the home of her Mrs. McFarland and daughters, sister, Mrs. Ernie Conger. Goldy and Bonnie, and son, Floyd, of Air Conditioned Shirts, Guaranteed Logan, are spending the week in Cliffs Clothiery. for one year. I .4 ' , . L 4 i ' of the Pittsburgh Testing Labora tory, largest independent testing organization in the country, put the newest automobile lire with its "lifa saver" tread through exacting investigation before it was released to o.conr sumers cy me Goodrich Company Akron, Ohio. Left to right above are: H. C. Cook, R B. Lincoln. T. P. Mc- h 4 Hugh and A. R. Ellis, the organization's president compete for International won Macfadden International Germany. Bavaria, Walter Ringer, by Bemarr Macfadden donated the trophy, which the winner is holding, to arouse enthusiasm for physical development in the youth of today. The meet was neia on Mount Horquay -V near Banff, Alberta, Canada, under the mJ? rules of the Federa?, A tion Internationale de Ski which is open to all amateurs of the world and the trophy will be contested for each year, y, 7 J ArJ JuTK "Snow White" To Be Shown A. at Orpheum "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" begins an engagement Saturday at the Orpheum Theatre. This is the first Walt Disney animated film produced in feature-lengt- h Tech nicolor, which has been declared by newspaper critics to be the season's biggest sensation. It is unique in more ways than one, combining as it does the pleasures and lure of fantasy with excelcomlent drama and edy. The plot is derived from the best known story in Grimm's Book of folk tales, and this factor alone will attract patrons. The young folks will be impatient to e their favorite Princess, "Snow White," in all her loveliness on the screen, alive, as they have often seen her in imagination, as well as the wicked Queen, the evil Witch, the funny Little Men, and all the other inhabitants of the mystic folk country. The older movie fans will be equally glad to renew their acquaintance with the fiction friends of their high-pressu- re childhood. "Quintupland," an excellent twenty minute short subject, shows the Dionne babies at age three. They sing, dance and ski, and otherwise furnish entertainment. The marvelous Multiplane Technicolor of "Snow White" is a novelty. There will be no lights in the theatre, and no one will be admitted during P. PETERSON DIES FOLLOWING AUTO ACCIDENT A. P. Peterson died at a hospital in Burley at 1 a. m. Tuesday morning following an automobile accident in which he was fatally injured. Mr. Pet erson was on his way back from Wendell, Idaho, where he had taken his wife, when the accident happened. According to reports, he sideswiped a trailer, causing his car to overturn. Other occupants of the car were uninjured. Mr. Peterson is a son of the late N. A. Peterson and Johanne Peterson. His mother still lives at Elwood. Mr. Peterson has been prominent in church affairs, having served as a bishop in Stone, Idaho for a number of years and other important positions. The deceased moved to Elwood from Wendell, Idaho two years ago, where he has since resided. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at Wendell, Idaho, where Interment will be made. shows. On Saturday and Sunday, shows will start at 1 p. m. and every two hours thereafter; the audience being dismissed after each showing. top-flig- ht Good Sense, Hood Luck "Good sense," said Uncle Eben, "is what we admires, but good luck is what we truly envies." J 3-- ll tl'l 4 -- MSaegjjiv i M i A CT- vJ lJw 1 1 JO -i I W-pX f -- V r in Tm Dance In Harbor Lights At Senior Hop Friday CLINIC NOTES c vice-preside- nt Dr. Leader Ads Get Results mckesson quality at the right price OQ$ )J -- Burntone Ibath HOSPITAL COTTON 43 39 FOR TIRED EYES Tooth Powder CALOX - REG. 50c VALUE KLEENEX 89 25 89 37 THE MODERN LINIMENT Tablets Aspirin 100 REGULAR 50c VALUE 2?c - 500 Tissues . 1 - Hydrogen Peroxide pt. J. & J. Velure Hand Lotion - 75c value ; nWKGl DRUGS 3!)f Meads Pablum - 50c U PRESCRIPTIONS .39t Gem RAZOR - 7 BLADES Laxtive ifc 69c . $1.00 Soretone s .29c - lb. Favorite HAIR BRUSHES, Reg. Baby Powder it 89c St. Regis THERMOS BOTTLES 7Q( REGULAR $1.00 VALUE .9S Slice BREAD TOASTER Challenge Square ALARM CLOCKS OQc U O .'. Albagar Compound 50 LOW PRICED SUNDRIES 2 REGULAR 35c VALUE "Everything to Build Anything" K McKesson's MEDICINE CABINET 7T Financing Arranged If Desired die, chairman, a of Box Elder County Planning Board 6 That Sunday, Anril 3 w; anno-- : Analax-Fru- CII E ERFU ELY SU EMITTED proF, - REGULAR $1.00 VALUE ESTIMATES planting ricultural college under the diwi of the Public Improvement and tification committee with - v ri us. ..... Citrated Carbonates . . . , iff j That the tree from Tremonton to Garland mb ui uic iuau may De COltiVf this year. This work to be prf supervised by the Landscape Er sion specialist of the Utah State if X ALBOLEXE - REG 35c VALUE LUMP.ER NEEDS possible, designated thioughout Eox i county as a fit time in evenmeeting on that day to urge pi person and organization in the erf ty through a short talk, by j ments, etc., to do their parts fcf ing to beautify the county by pla:: of trees, shrubs and flowers, and Fun in the Parlorl Vic and Rush think the new parlor game M l J II Canine Stars Do Clever cleaning up home and public grci great fun. Sade, of the radio team of Vic and bade, can think 'The photoTake Off and through the liberal use of pf of better uses for her brand new Westinghouse cleaner. This on houses and outside building;! graph shows a canine is like the 1,200 which will be awarded, in addition to six high ump with Dumpsie $1,000 prizes, in the current series of contests, running The cooperation of all Bishops from March 21 through May 1. Vic and Sade are heard twice going over the bar while officers of the Commerf Ministers, his pal Wafiles stands daily, except Saturday and Sunday, at 11:30 a.m. and 3 30 ' Lion Clubs, City anlTownbot Club, by. p.m. E.S.T. over NBC. all civic organizations, religious ganizations, and all who are should be responsible for stlmulas covers the ceiling. Or such a worthv. helpful cause, is ail Refreshments will be served from 7 That all incorporated cities i one of the city buildings, and a Malad g officials in the county be urge! its orchestra will send its swingy tunes BIRTHS in the eradication from a boat in the corner. BUXTON Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bux- cooperate (B. K. IL S. Journalism Dept.) such as white weeds norious Homer Shurtz, senior class presiton, a girl, born April 3. The elaborate "Harbor Lights" deco dent, and Melvin Manning, Hop chairpuncture via, glory, morning ROCK Mr. and Mrs. Dick Rock, a ration scheme of the Junior Prom man, are in charge of the affair, and their within city limits. boy, born April 4. will again be the scene of a gala high have been assisted by H. Stewart, Chan Robert Hall Fanny JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Eddie John school dance the Senior Hop Fri- and Lucile Lish, and son, of Bothwell, a boy, born April day night. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE lEADEf secretary of the senior class, respec5. Senior class officers and committee tively, and Blanche Richards, Lewis Richard Thompson, of Elwood, is members have been working on the Allen and Naomi Gaddie, members of dance for some time, and believe that the Hop committee. Ardis Saunders receiving treatment at the Clinic. Wm. Eli Hawkin: Mr. and Mrs. Amel Kupfer, of Both students and dance lovers of sur- has been the artist and advertising had their tonsils well, removed last Chiropractor and Masseur rounding communities will have a has been done by Beth Cannon, Stan- week. ley Johnson and Ruth Secrist. really enjoyable time at the affair. OFFICE PHONE 13S Arch Richardson returned to his Entrance will be through the new home this week, after recovering from Over Bear River State Bar building. As patrons come into the an appendix operation. 4 gym, they will find themselves on the deck of a ship, with a lighthouse opposite them on the south side. A painted canvas scene of a rising moon adorns the west end of the gym, and at the east a skyline view of the city. A multitude of gaily colored balloons NEW THAT AIN'T" SUPPLY ALL YOUR PAINT AND where .1 "A BOARD AND A NAIL AND A CAN OF PAINT MAKES MANY A PLACE WE ARE PREPARED TO 5 1 BEST FOR BURNS CAN MAKE IN A HOME that, appointed. Dr. Walter Clarke, executive director of the American Social Hygiene Association, out- lines the 1938 campaign against syphilis, at the Association's annual dinner meeting m New York 50 PAINT UniiC f REGULAR 50c VALUE AND LUMBER -- niiipie water supply, the Cod and State Highway Commission others in charge be urged to 1 out an annual planting program t uuupeiauou wan me County iiuiS t.uaiu, uns ana other Antiseptic Solution 59 HOW VERY TRUE! IT'S REALLY AMAZING THE DIFFERENCE A LITTLE s20 yLA Ny f K 71 lHwynnfriWalflallfllVrtwltf' Mi-s- vis-tin- - 1- Scientists Bil. Brough and Robert H. mittee members Harold p 5C John B. Mathias were ev,i M J' H Gaddie, chairman of the ning Board Beaut ifica0 was also present. t0av4 The following recommends made: I That Forest West Street to the pot, and from First East to?5 East St. be beautified by the planting of a row of tZ er side of the sheet East Forest to be comply Silver Leaf Maple Forest hardwood suited in relation to present now growing. 2 That East Forest . f and guttered on both j curbed from First East to Fourth EaWl That steps be taken to hi J Victor dump yard debris on Main St. removed and the wZ ings be put in a condition of cv liness, and beautification in w"1 with the total Main St t City from 7th South to 6th Nortfc? dancer. J C,i the ine members ttansen, Bishop Henry worn by ing suit end. Air Conditioned Shirts, Guaranteed Cliff Clothiery. of for one year. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, friends with visited Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shuman and here Sunday. They were accompanied is Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shuman and sons, by their daughter, Elizabeth, who attending school at Mills College In Billy and Waren were Ogden visitors Oakland, California. Wednesday afternoon. t oo. mittee present were: Eleanor Morris, 1 we-ken- Miss Irene Schmid, of North is visiting with her brother, Lloyd Scmid this week. Miss Schmid is on her way to Los Angeles, where she will attend business school. The Public Irrv7men. Committee of the mercial Club and Chamw merce held a meetw in Rooms on thf Sh:' Mr. Da-kat- o, ii Li 121 I -- To) To3 nr-- i FOUNTAIN y I ft SERV, |