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Show AG3C BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. MAT 13. 1837 FOUR CRICKET CONTROL COSTS ESTIMATED BY ENTOMOLOGIST By The Primary association had a parlast Thursday in Honor of the rety cost will Mormon cricket control tiring officers, Mrs. Elna Hunsaker, approximately 575V000 for the 1937 Mrs. Frank Heslop and Miss Irene season, according to an estimate made Larson. The new officers are Mrs. entom- Rhea Christensen, president; Mrs. fcy C. J. Sorenson, associate Jt State Lillian Rasmussen and Mrs. Elsa Lar-seAgricultural Utah the ologist at HanHarold Mrs. curand on the assistant; Colleee. in a recent report and Tent cricket situation in Utah. This sen as secretary. All officers a enjoyed and the parents same report estimated that control in teachers social evening. very the of states d the nine The Sunday School gave a lovely west would cost 1733,000. The $300,-00- 0 Sunday morning and each program entomof allocated to the bureau married lady was presented with a beautiful caranation. ology and plant quarantine is approxesMiss Beth Mortenson had the misimately 40 per cent of the amount Utah If as timated fortune of breaking her finger while being necessary. 5 counties should qualify on the playing ball last week. She is under 8000 the doctor's care and is getting along raise would per cent basis, they receive to nicely. then could expect and they Ruth Munns spent the weekend approximately $24,000 from the fed- home from Willard, where she teaches eral allocation. This would be a total school. of $32,000 from this source available The M. I. A. officers and teachers for cricket control in Utah during the and their partners had a social on present season, the report stated. Friday evening. Mrs. Elias Anderson and Betty Lee During 1936 cricket infestations followthe in occur to spent the weekend in Logan visiting were known Mrs. F.lder. Rnv nt TTtalr iUlg liiUG nn,,nfia w v ' Mrs. Anderson'sandmother, i,ikuiMV other relatives. Hansen, Rich Cache, Iron, Juab, Millard, Selman went to Salt Lake City Tooele, and Uintah. The infes nnJohn ViiiRinPRH last FrtdaV. tations were heaviest and most severe Rov Larsen and Odell Romer ac damage occured in Juab, Millard and companied Miss Rigby and Miss Pugs-le- y Tooele counties. As a result or sur to Bancroft, Idaho for the week summer the where they were guests of Miss Utah in work during end, vey nvo was mai estimaiea Rigby's parents. Tney naa a very en of 1936, it hundred and four thousand five hun- joyable trip. Koy 13 real inieresteu in Idaho. dred acres of land were infested with in farmine Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Currier and crickets. This is not continuous in Mrs. Newman Harris and baby, ail festation but is spotted over wis rt T were Sundav eruests of their area, the report said. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Anderson. parents, Mrs. Harris ana DaDy remameu ivi a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Tnomas Aoet wem to Brieham Sundav to visit Mrs. Abel's father. Mr. Brooks. Mrs. Margaret H. Smith and daugn ters, Mrs. Vivian Fox of Salt Lake ntv. Mrs. Esther Mauss and daugh Inasmuch as feed represents about ter nf Rrisf Tdaho. and son. Mr. and 60 per cent of the cost of producing Mrs. Henry Smith of Salt Lake City, poultry and eggs, a careful check were dinner guests or ti. r. Kasmusindividual sen each pen in Sunday. should be made The Misses Jturma ana Aaa wan- fn see that no feed is wasted, cau sen extand Twila Meldrum all were home! tions Professor Carl Frischknecht, GEOGRAPHY QUESTIONS from Logan college for the weekend State Utah the at ension poultryman were Munns 1. Where is the largest rubber man Acrrir.iiitural Colleere. Carefully con also Reed and Ferrell home. plant in the world? ufacturing indicate that ducted experiments Lue-llRomer spent the weekend 2. What is the principal product of horn hens in average egg production home from Salt Lake City. Alabama? will only eat about 75 to 80 pounds of Mm. V.A Hesloo and babies are vis- 3. What has been the difficulty in feed per bird per year, and yet rec- at West Weber and Ogden during the the development of Canada's resourcrelatives ords kept by Utah poultrymen the iting her mother and other es? oast six years indicate that feed in week. 4. Is Alaska rich in mineral to has Larsen Martine Mrs. gone excess of 100 pounds per bird per year wealth? for friend Salt Lake City to visit a 5. What continents are in the Easthas been fed in several instances, he an indefinite stay. ern hemisphere ? said. Luby and Peter Rasmussen came 6. How many planets in the solar Some of the avenues through which up from Salt Lake Sunday to spend system ? many or our poultrymen wasie xeea Mothers Day. 7. Name the three independent are1: first, use of feed hoppers that countries in Africa. are improperly constructed or that letins that may help to eliminate some 8. What proportion of the populaare badly in need of repair; second, of the poor producing birds that are tion of Alabama are negroes? filling the hopper too full whenever reducing the profits from your poul HISTORY QUESTIONS a new supply of feed Is added; and try flock may be obtained, without third, scatterine scratch grains In Ut cost from the extension service at the 1. Who was the of Virter that is not only damp, dark, and Utah State Agricultural College, Lo ginia at the time ofgovernor Bacon's Rebeltoo but chickens for foul, unsanitary, gan, Utah. lion? to worK in witn sareiy. 2. In the battles of Bull Run of the r Copies of feed formulas for Civil War, who were victorious ? mixing 3. In the battle of Bunker Hill, in vyour own feeds, blue prints of feed the Revolutionary War, how many hoppers that prevent waste, and bul- By Enid Welling times were the British repulsed? 4. Miss Palmyra Bean, of Palmyra, 1850?What were the Compromises of New York, who has been attending 5. Who was the first of the Agricultural college in Logan the Massachusetts Bay Colony governor ? past year, was a guest Sunday at the 6. Name the five New England E. H. Packer home. Thayne Packer colonies. and Miss Bean attended the Clarks-to- n ii ward, where Mr. Packer gave the GEOGRAPHY ANSWERS Mothers Day address at the Sacrament meeting. 1. Akron, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith of 2. Cotton, but much corn and wheat in Idaho Mothers spent Day TOR SALE 8 and 9 week pullets. are grown. Mr. Smith's with visiting Frank Munns, Garland. t2. Fielding 3. Lack of transportation. mother, Alice Ann Smith. They also 4. It surpasses most of the counvisited with other relatives while here, OR SALE Russet, Bliss and Cobb- Senator and Mrs. Ira Huggins of tries of the world. 5. Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, ler seed potatoes. Phone 64.0-- 2 Ogden spent last Sunday in Fielding, : 6. Eight. f visiting with relatives and friends. 7. Egypt, Abyssinia, Liberia. Mr. and Mrs. Grant McFarland of '"OR SALE Tomatoes, Cabbage, 8. Two out of five. Tooele spent Mothers Day with Mrs. ,' Cauliflower, head Cabbage, Kahl-,- '. McFarland's Mrs. mother and family, rabe plants, flower plants, Zenias, HISTORY ANSWERS H. Smith. ' Astors. Ready for planting. Garland Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Carl Skinner of Lo,' Green House t3. gan spent Tuesday visiting with rela1. William Berkeley. ! tives and friends. 2. The Confederates. OR SALE Alfalfa hay. See V. J. Miss Beth Smith spent Monday and 3. Twice. 4. A series of laws passed by Woodruff, East Tremonton. Tuesday in Salt Lake City visiting witn ner sister and brother. Congress to settle the quarrels beILECTRIC FENCE-Sin- gle Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cannon and tween the North and South over the wire co? ) trols all stock securely and safely Miss Beth Cannon visited in Ogden question of slavery. 5. John Winthrop. when connected to our power and Sunday with their son, Chester Can j non. 6. Massachusetts, Plymouth, Rhode j battery units. $17.50, postpaid. 30 Mrs. Davfd Wood and daughter Island, Connecticut and New Haven. ' days free trial. Agents invited. Leatna spent Wednesday in Ogden. 7. Massachusetts, Plymouth, Con' Richard's Electric Fence Co., Pay- Miss Janice) Earl of Salt Lake City necticut, New Haven. ette, Idaho. spent Sunday visiting with her fath er Bud Earl and other relatives. . Monday visiting in Logan with Mr. LaMont Miller of Great Falls, Mon-ta- and :USTOM PLOWING u See or call Mrs. Lorenzo Hansen. is spending- an indefinite time Miss Altha Hansen of Salt Lake or 23. j Curtis Walton. Phone 39.a-j visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. City and a number of her Ifriends K. Welling. OR SALE Horses, ready for work. W.Mr. Sunday visiting with Miss Hanand Mrs. Louis Davis of St spent sen's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Hansen. I Highest prices paid for livestock. Anthony visited over Sunday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Hansen spent C Richardson. Phone 67.0.2. ana Mrs. jea k&ti. Sunday visiting in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Hansen spent Mr. and Mrs. Jarvls Johnson had OR RENT as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Apartment. Watkins ; Apartments. Phone 34.a-. Ervill Booth of Deweyville, Mr. and OUR Mrs. LaVar Johnson of Brigham City, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Deacon of Blue OR SALE trailer, one 6 Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Jarvls Johnrifle, good condition. Will sell son of Malad. ;or trade. What have you. Inquire I Leader office. 3.19 tf. n, By DWIG ' SiGHQPk DAYS ELWOOD, Mrs. H. P. Rasmussea 'H t ww 25-7- An-geli- ne -- San-rwt- e. .np-a- Production Costs Reduced By Check On Feed Hoppers Hol-broo- - k, 5-- 3. ; ,j Use "d," "nd," "rd," or "th" after the number of the day when the month ia not mentioned. Received your letter the 15th, or received your letter June 15. The period and comma are always inside quotation marks. The question mark is inside quotation marks unless it refers to the whole sentence of which the quotation is a part. Words like "each," "every," "everyone," and "anybody" are singular. Everybody knows his duties. Tell what is wrong in the following -sentences: 1.- Most all of the students were present. . data is reliable. I will lay down after dinner. 2. This 3. - .'.,' Call Maple Trout Hatchery, Brigham Reverse Charge. Ciek 493-J-- , 6--28 2. tf. MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Tremonton, Utah Phone 28 LARGE TRADE IN THIS WEEK ONLY BALANCE TREMONTON, UTAH rn : - -o-N -n 30:- - fin EEE. DOWN STAIRS STORE ELECTRIC CO. Checking Accounts BY-PRODUC- TS t Almost everyone with a large income hat a checking account, but the person with a small income also needs protection and convenience in paying bills. A cancelled check is permanent proof of payment; no receipt is necessary. You can carry money safelyin the form of a checkbook. You can make payments anywhere in the country by check. In keeping a budget, checks and stubs are constant records of where, when and how your income is spent. We invite you to open a checking account at this bank. 30 the Operator Already Understands That We Pay for the Call. BESSIN6ER BROS. These well fitting shoes are designed for smartness and comfort combined. Sizes to 10. AAAA to NEED This Is Our Private Long Distance Number COLORADO ANIMAL One of 18 styles in white slippers from Heel Hugger. SCHOSS Just Ring: Logan Enterprise SEE- - $3.95 SMALL INCOMES, TOO EASY TERMS We Will Call for and PAY CASH for DEAD or WORTHLESS HORSES & COWS FOR ICE Beverages & Goal Women and Girls MAYTAG SALE NOTICE TO FARMERS Fronk Chevrolet Co. for SHOP THRU THE LEADER ADS el for dead and useless cows and horses. Heel Huggers , 80-0- ASH PAID - L.R. SAMUELS -- 2. Two-whe- , . iBy .Corrections: 1. "Most pf the students" or "Almost all of the students." 2. "These data are reliable." Data son. is plural. 3. "I will lie down after dinner." Mr. and Mrs. Parley James, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer James of Salt Lake When the verb expresses a wish or City, were Sunday guests of Mr. and condition clearly unreal or contrary Mrs. Paul Larson. to fact use "were" for "was." If I Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Holman, acwere you. companied by Mrs;. Sophia Larson, were in Ogden and Salt Lake City How many errors can you find in Monday on business. the following paragraph? Rulon Manning and two small One of the provisions of the secur- daughters, Lyman Thorpe, Mrs. Jenities exchange act designed for the sen, LaPriel and Lawanna Bishop, all protection of the public make it il- of Garland, contributed to an interlegal for an officer or director of esting church service here, Sunday any Corporation to derive profits evening. from purchase or sale of stock held Miss Marie Larson was home from less than six months. This regulation Salt Lake City for Mother's Day. is of great importance to investors Mr. and Mrs. Alice McDonald of and prevent those on the inside of Ogden, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Corporation's operations from taking Alva Rhodes, Tuesday. undue advantage of any such inforW. A. Adams and members of his mation they have. family motored to Salt Lake City and Corrected: Pleasant Grove to visit relatives SunOne of the provisions of the Se- day. curities Exchange Act, designed for Mr. and Mrs. Perry Jensen of the protection of the public, makes it ham City were Sunday guests ofBrigMr. illegal for an officer or director of and Mrs. Alva Rhodes. any corporation to derive profits from purchase or sale of stock held less than six months. This regulation is of great importance to investors and prevents those on the inside of corporation's operations from taking undue advantage of any such information they may have. l, : EAST GARLAND Correct Usage nt -- 4 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen were i Ogden Sunday where they visited their parents, Mr. C. L. Allea an5 Mrs. Larkin. Last week the Boy Scouts of our ward enjoyed an over-nighik7 The group of boys were under 1 leadership of Seaman Mills and Rav Firth. The group camped over at the West moutain. They returned homl early next morning. Mrs. Lewis Christensen entertained at a birthday party in honor of her husband's 63rd birthday. Twentv guests were present. Games were played and luncheon served. Sunday morning the Sunday School put on a very splendid program in honor of the mothers. The numbers were rendered from the different departments of the Sunday School. After the program was completed a beautiful carnation was presented to each mother. Mrs. Reva Vickers spent the week end in Salt Lake City, where she attended a soriety party. She returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Anderson were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson are spending a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Firth and daueh ter, June, were in Ogden Sunday where they visited Mrs. J. C. Childs. Lewis Christensen was in Salt Lake City during the week, where he attended the N. W. A. convention. Miss Hazel Johnson of Brigham City visited at the home of Mrs. T. V. Summers Saturday and Sunday. Miss Helen Christensen was in Salt Lake City on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield of Riverside were visitors at the home of Mrs. C. W. Summers Sunday. The Bothwell boys Club met at the home of Wallace Anderson, leader, and organized for the coming year. Kieth Anderson was chosen as president; LeRoy Firth, vice presI ident; Junior Anderson, secretary and . Mrs. David Larson treasurer; Vernon Stokes, song and cheer leader; Marston Stokes, reportMr. and Mrs. Dean Grover of Lo- er. Other members are, Oniel Anderson and Thayne Stokes. gan, came to spend Mother's Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Grover. In the afternoon the party motored to Syracuse to attend the funeral services of Mrs. William Beazer, a former friend and neighbor. They returned home by way of Sardine canyon in order to take Mr. and Mrs .Dean Grover to their home in BEAUTIFUL SHOES Logan. Ogden, Utah A special program, honoring mothers was given in Sunday School Sun day. Each class furnished numbers on the program. Each mother in the ward was given a booklet; of poems. Bishop and Mrs. L. M. Holman and family motored to Brigham City Sunday afternoon to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Holman. ........ Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Isaacson have three of their small grand children staying with them while their mother, Mrs. John Isaacson of Honeyville, is at the Valley hospital with her new 4-- H Geography History Classified Ad Column I By Phyllis Summers ht " w& cricket-infeste- FIELDING BOTH WELL CO We Welcome All We Also Buy HIDES - PELTS - WOOL About Vfa Mile South of Logan East of the Sugar Factory New Business .Bear River STATE BANK 4 1 1 It i 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 f.m U M I II I IH ill It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ml |