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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. MARCH 11.1037 the Speed rw .)foi2StlSSom Sw BlW By Fronk Chevrolet Co. "B!K!CAB Cop it"vS?i.ESXXJ'6;') ( BY not mono a VJWHV IT LOOKS AS THOUGH!! null. 1935 Standard 9hev. CoatH $450.00 03 j CALme W the ink Stt be- - these words have Twenty-secon- d Legislature will likely ts its lawmaking deliberative alsed in the Uberty of set- v the ciwft " " beyond the allotted fSeislative experts were pre- Friday that the senate would Thursday, but that JSerbouse migh have to continue a fore savlnff sine cue. 60-d- ay mmL statistics corn- last show Blood has af- H. Senior Henry signature to 36 measures, eXtra ..1oWa lost ayi""""" fle""' L.tM,av nie-h- t and memorials, T Solutionslegislative branches, en-Tbo- th or yhere only one is necessary. more are either in his fTor on the way, having had the senate and house approval, to be engrossed or signed SSi" ZZl fzL or the officials. m measures have FT. V'T" qaickor ung pro-Sou- died Whs at the hands Uveg either have passed Z se rx trough the withdrawal T liquor bill, control just about ! heen for the past two years, inference committee, with liklitransbill Ldof early approvaUThe w mo ferriug countyroa.ua S The leaves liquor ed ao wstem is The U1 senate uaa Mms. These are now either on action or Chouse calendar for early in the house siiung tummiucc abious disposal. The lower house has able to boast of more legislation procured during the current session than any other single branch of endeavor, the strictly labor bills exceeding in number those of any other group. At the close of Saturday's session eleven labor bills had been enacted into law by the legislature. Governor Blood had signed eight of these. Three others were on the way for his approval or disapproval. Enacted measures sought by organized labor include the amendments to the workmen's com pensation law basing compensation on a minimum of 240 days a year and adding five per cent to the compensation award for each minor child up to five children. A bill to bring occupational diseases under the act was defeated in the senate as an amendment to the enacted measure amending the law, but was held for reconsideration. Further action is deemed doubtful. Other enacted labor measures now laws through being signed by the governor include those preventing the deputizing of striking employes during a strike to register with the state industrial commission, and giving the a industrial commission power of in arbitration of labor disputes. House and senate approved labor bills awaiting action by the governor include the day for miners, and the legalizing of peace ful picketing. Another prescribes the time and method of paying wages. Bills to kill the antisyndicalism and antisabotage law and to require cessation of all plant operations whenever the militia was called out at time of strikes were killed in the senate after being passed by the lower so-call-ed sub-pen- collar-to-coll- ar ur which are as yet passed 24 measures Reacted upon by the upper house. house. Itee 53 are practically certain to be lt adjourn-'fiffbefore of Sally disposed The direct primary bill, one of the matter how hard or long the several measures affecting the state as a whole, has passed both legislegislators work during the few days of the current session lative branches and now awaits the Ko re-slui- ng many are certain to die in governor's signature to become a law. measures 1934 Ton Chev. Pickup Vi house sifting committees, That he will sign it is deemed certain. win the regular committees who have . . . . The homestead tax exemption not reported thew out. The senate by bill was made a special order of busifforldng Sunday disposed of a number ness in the senate for Tuesday mornof their own bills, but the house had ing, together with its developed comonly Monday to take action on their panion measure, the old age pension, mm. That the solons' extra labors bill, later to become the old age as otbM avail them much was doubtful, sistance bill. What happens to the exdue to the inability of the house to emption was largely dependent on the mate and No shrewd buyer passes up our used car bargains State-Wid- e GARLAND Mrs. Geo. A. Beal before adjournment. bills ton-mi- 7 le 3 ton-mil- Auction Sale Rear of Farmers' Cash Union, Saturday, March 20th, Mrs. T. W. Innes and daughters, Bobbie and Maralin, and Mrs. O. W. Johnson were weekend visitors in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nelson and daughter, Karen, of Salt Lake, were weekend visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Woffin-de- All Utah Communities $385 Check Shows Trout Cost Fishermen $2 A Pound I 4 Trout from Fish Lake costs the anAuction Sale Rear of Farmers' State Board of Health Inaugurates Cash Union, Saturday, March 20th. gler approximately $2.00 per pound, Annual Spring Drive for Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Givynne of but hundreds of ardent fishermen are Cleanliness Woods Cross were Sunday guests at willing and anxious to pay this price, the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ne-p- according to a Burvey made under the direction of the Works Progress AdThe importance of a clean city to A. Larkln. ministration in connection with the the health of its citizens and to vis miss nosa Neison entertained at a construction of a fish itors is stressed by Dr. J. L. Jones, at party Friday evening. Those Loa, In Wayne county. hatchery State Health Commissioner, in a mes- birthday were Nona. present Arbon, Noami The survey came to light when & sage to the communities of Utah in Neal, Lola Robbins, Zella Hurd, Beth sanireport of the Loa hatchbeginning the annual drive for completion Hurd, Twila Anderson, Mary and Luwas received at the WPA offices Sara Shumway and Mabel and Fay tation and beautification. Committees cille Hurd and Lucille Pack. D. G. ery in the Newhouse Building, Salt Lake Michaelis, students of the U. S. A. C, in almost every community in the Nelson m, Rex Anderson, Fred Siegstate will , the weekend with at their homes. the sanitary fried, Lowell Pack, spent cooperate Elyron Mills, Fer-re- ll City. C. E. Anderson and daughter, Lora, inspectors of the State Board of A thirteen days check was made In Neal, Grant Nelson, Bert Peterhl n. were business visitors in Brigham on Health, who, under the direction of Howard Hurst, acting Director of the Monday. Mrs. O. L. Brough spent Monday Sanitary Division for the State Board, in Salt Lake with her mother, who will visit health officials, physicians reached her eightieth birthday on that and city officials in the next few weeks to promote the movement date. Mrs. A. R. Capener was a Salt Lake Already the civic clubs of the state are interested in this program for City visitor Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. M. D. Peters and children were spring g and will appoint guests on Friday at the home of her committees to further the campaign parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway. in every city where they have a chap- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis O. Johnson vis- ten The state organization of the Jun- ited with relatives in Brigham Thurs. ion Chamber of Commerce has alMr. and Mrs. Dean Capener went ready taken action and other organto Ogden Sunday to see Bill Storrer, izations have signified their interest. who underwent a serious operation in Last year nearly forty towns and the Dee hospital about one week ago. cities of the state made a big affair Mr. andi Mrs. C. E. Anderson and of spring clean-uand the success daughters, Lora and Olive, visited rel- of these efforts has inspired more atives In Brigham Friday. cities. It is estimated that more than Mrs. P. C. Peterson and Miss Mar one hundred and twenty-fiv- e commungaret Woodside were Brigham visitors ities will participate. Saturday. Requests for the inspectors from John J. Shumway and P. C. Peter- the State Board to assist, the local son were business visitors in Salt citizens in promoting the drive should Lake City Monday. be sent immediately to the SanitaMrs. A. R. Capener was hostess to tion Division of the State Board of the Ladies Self Culture club at her Health at the Capitol building, Salt home Friday. President Mrs. J. D. Lake City. Gunderson was in charge of the meet ing. Alter a short business session sightseeing at any time," says Wells, the time was given to Mrs. Margaret "and you'll find some astonishing Johnson, Mrs. Milton Hansen and changes if you haven't been there reCarlyle Gardner, who furnished an in cently. The dream of the famous teresting program of instrumental and Frenchman who laid out the city has vocal music, taking up French com- come true. Millions of dollars rightly positions. A most enjoyable afternoon spent have enabled architects, artists was spent and refreshments were and engineers to carry out the plans members and of Pierre L'Enfona, who wanted served to twenty-nin- e nine guests. Washington to become the most beau A party in honor of the birthday tiful capital city in the world." Features of the radio program will anniversary of Mrs. A. M. Austin, s dessponsored by the Garland Bridge club, be popular explorer-reportwas given at the Austin home Monday cription of historic Leen Mansion, and Sixteen ladies were present. After the the story of how the home of Robert card games, a delicious luncheon was E. Lee became this country's largest served. national cemetery Arlington. of ro .... last week. Golden Peterson is in Salt Lake at Fish re- of 13,844 pounds. ceiving medical treatment. Miss Nona Arbon was hostess at a birthday party Saturday evning. Mrs. Horton Hurd had an operation for sinus in Ogden Friday. Mrs. Rennis A. Larkin was chosen Stake President of Relief Society at Union meeting Saturday. D. G. Nelson Jr. went to Ogden Monday to visit his father who is recovering from a serious illness. p, non-cont- to determine actual conditions Lake. The days that were checked included June 15, 16 and IT; July 1, 2, 3 'and 4; August 18, 19 and 20 and September 1, 2 and 3. Mileage Incurred by automobiles visiting Fish Lake during the aforementioned period totaled 231.533 milea which, at five cents a mile, represents ed an expenditure of $11,567.65. Hotel expenses, clothing, tackle, camp supplies and groceries cost $14,420.56 and a total of $4,249 had been expended for licenses. During the thirteen day period, fish were taken, with a total weight 1934 son and Reuben Arbon. Mrs. Joseph Larkin, George and Hazel Larkin spent the weekend In Smithfield. Mr. and Mrs. James Haskell of Sub-le- tt and Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson and children of Newton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Nelson Sunday. Jack Allen of Ogden visited friends here over the weekend. Lee Arbon of Salt Lake City is visiting his grandparents. Gilbert Arbon underwent an operation at the Valley hospital Thursday house-cleanin- ... ben-ato- SNOWVILLE By Miss Annie Hurd Campaign Now On In By fate of the "assistance" measure. . The final decision on the repeal of Unless all signs fail labor will be the tax and the providing of higher license fees for motor vehicles rests with a conference committee. In e tax is dead and event the any X come will in its place higher fees . Looks as though a lot of sought-fo- r appropriations for this, that, and the other thing are going by the board .THE BEST BUY IN I death in committees of one sort and and another. These include a $225,000 CALIFORNIA WINE appropriation for the just establish ment Junior College in Carbon coun in . The house has passed the so- - most all of the time was taken up ty Six a quorum. procuring called "little Wagner bill," guaran versial bills were passed and four ad teeing Utah workingmen the right of to the third reading calendar vanced r collective bargaining. It follows lower house passed a house The bill al senate Robert Wagner's resolution approving President Roosemost in toto. It will reach the upper to reorganize the Unit velt's acproposal house this week, but to procure court, but similar ed States supreme Utah mater another tion is quite in the senate by the held is action up had the proffer of another building committee. chamjudiciary gift last week the Salt Lake reach their Clean-U- p $k$mMi The survey indicated that cash expended by occupants of 836 cars who visited Fish Lake during the checking period amounted to $27, 246.21. The new Loa hatchery, which will be used to stock Fish Lake, cost of which sum the Works Administration supplied $8,198. $20,-355.- Pro-gra- ss BUY IT IN TREMONTAN SAVE Large, Full Case of White King SOAP With Every FREE R3 AIT T A FULL YEAR'S SUPPLY A Sold During this Sale Ending March 20th Trade In Your Old Washer - Balance On Terms .. For Repairs Write Our Ogden Store .... For Quick Service or See Our MR. AND MRS. J. A. PACK Representatives er MAYTAG SALES & SERVICE CO. Stores Leader Ads Get Results -- - Ogden - Brigham - Tremonton - Malad - Thone 307 jiiuwuiiijiimwwiiiwJW .... ber of commerce edifice. It requires an appropriation to cover expenses involved in assumption of building debts and issuance of bonds under the bill to empowering the secretary of state held senate . The accept the gift a Sunday session by the simple proAl- cedure of just calling it Saturday. ... ,l.t . i w i J. i .1 Jr I J 'Artre-- rri ...K'M a -- 4 """"""'n'.' v I IMI" :' iu:..i..ui.iiiw -nin Nation's Showplace In Next Broadcast America's greatest showplace Washington, D. C is the next stopping place for magic carpet tourists who tune in on the Continental Oil company broadcast, "Exploring America with Conoco ana jarveui ob, which may be heard at 6:45 to 7:00 o'clock Sunday night over station KSL, Salt Lake City. "Washington is an ideal place ior v Spring Meeds Your Spring Needs We Have A Complete Supply of All GARDEN SEEDS Wells Will Describe - GARDEN TOOLS Plan Your Remodeling' Building and NO lAVCH HAD if YOW AY SIR! Lj KENTUCKY STRAIGHT AND TKtN I.4U6M COLD JSW lm?H Uf fyi BOURBON ID TAW WHISKEY lllft 90PROOF Repair Jobs Now! GET THE HABIT OF BUYING Quality Building Materials Quality Farm and Home Supplies Quality Coal - For Colds - - Salicylate Alkaline wea'""w" say. That's what modern doctors Is. r That's what in of teing admlnisterod doses. fumShes this medication In one Alka-SeH- Alka-bciu- "HOME OF QUALITY MERCHANDISE" farmers' Cash Union 1 er pleasant drink. efever used anything ftmore fective en Indigestion, RheumaUc and Sciatic for refund the mony you paid tout first package. Altaf' M"u; Tout druggm ' SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, IN NEW YORK g " "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET' f . r ' " j ;. v i v J , I i i - |