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Show ".',7Jn. BEAR RIVER VAIXEY. iilACER, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 183T i!..m Federal Social Secur- ity Taxes Explained) 1 ' " ' C Title vm The Form used for this This tax became effective la January 1, 1937. Thia la a tax on every employer and numevery employee regardless of the ber employed not in the excepted SS-- 1. classes. vm By DWIG SCHOOL? DAYS n"? llT class. J' According to a report 19 per cent of the farms in Utah are operated, according to H. A. Turner, assistant agricultural economist u the Bureau of Agricultural Econom ics. Washineton, D. C. This report indicates an increase in farm tenancy. OroDDcr farms in Utah have in creased from 5 per cent of the total farms in 1880 to 15 per cent in 1935. The report also shows that only 19 were per cent of the farms in Utan in 1935. d d Of the present number of farms in Utah, 39 per cent rented for cash. 7 per cent pay on the crop sharing basis, and the remainder are taken care of by other means. In the United States farms operated bv tenants increased from 35 per cent in 1900 to 42 per cent in 1935. The census figures for 1930 showed in that the eauitv of all exceeded of Utah estate farm real other equity holders. The rate of farm tenancy is influ enced by crops grown, size, value and type of farm, and the age oi tne farmer. All of these items were used in obtaining the above figures, says Mr. Turner. ve'Rfe coHvmceP J5L part-own- vooHetonr wy is an excise tax on the 1 of the taxable wages of employer empaid; and an income tax on the taxable 1 wages of the of ployee received from each employer. Only the first $3,000.00 received by each employee from each employer in any one year is taxable. The employer is responsible for the collection of the tax from the employee as and when the wages are paid. The employer remits monthly to the Collector of Internal Revenue the The names of the employees or account numbers are not used on the These numbers and Form SS-names will be used in an information return due in July 1937. Only one return is used each month for each emmover regardless of the number he employes or where they are employed in the United States. The return is made from the principal place of business. The return must be properly exe and complete in every detail. cuted ' The return and taxes on January's taxable wages are due in February; February's in March; etc. The excepted classes under this Title are: (1) Agricultural labor; (2) Domestic service in a private home; (3) Casual labor not in the course of the employer's trade or business-th- ere can be no casual labor in corporations; (4) Service performed by an inNOTICE TO FEEDERS OF dividual who has attained the age of MOLASSES 65 years; ' (5) Service performed as an ofBy Mrs. Geo. A. Beal fr Molasses can be obtained at the 4 ficer or member of the crew of a ves-- j the and of on laws the under documented eel Tuesdays Sugar factory only 9. March Green Elwood Ball, Gold, United States or of any foreign coun- Fridays, after 9 a. m. Utah-Idah- o Sugar Co. Miss Ruth Johnson and Miss Ellen try; emLund spent the weekend in Salt Lake in the Service performed (6) Government of States United NOTICE City. the ploy or of an instrumentality of the United Mr. and Mrs. N. Homer Hansen and Effective as of November 29, 1935 children, Mary and Jon, of Salt Lake States. (7) Service performed in the em- I disposed of my interests in the Utah City, were weekend visitors at the ploy of a corporation, community Auto & Implement Company, of Tre- homt of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. chest, fund, or foundation, organized monton, Utah, and disclaim any liabil- R. Capener. and operated exclusively for religious, ity or responsibility therein. Mrs. Rulon Manning and Mrs. DaC. R. STEFFEN vid E. Manning were Salt Lake City charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or for the prevent, visitors Friday. ion of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the net earnings of which a of Barker nephMurray, inures to the benefit of any private ewEugene of Mrs. J. H. Kirkham, was guest shareholder or individual. at the J. H. Kirkham home on SaturIf there is any doubt about employers being in one of these excepted day. Fred Nielson came up from Salina, classes, he should inquire at the Col- Saturday to spend some time at the lector's Office regarding his status. and sister, home of his brother-in-laThe Form used for this Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Beal. Title IX " is 940. This tax became effective Jan, Tom Kearns, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen 1, 1937. and F. J. of Salt Lake City, Title DC is an excise tax on employ- were dinnerRayeni on at the guests ers of 8 or more employees; that is, home of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Hughes. George FOR SALE Seed barley and oats. if an employer has in his employ on Mrs. Ursel Rose came up from Salt Highest prices paid for livestock. 20 separate days in a calendar year, Lake City and spent the weekend with ' C. Richardson, Phone 67.0-each day being in a separate calendar her son and daughter-in-laMr. and week, then this employer Is liable un Mrs. Horace Rose. FOR SALE Matched team, 4 and 5 der Title IX. Mrs. J. B. Dana of Ogden, visiter The rate of tax is 1 on all wages on years. Three other horses, and two Monday at the home of her mother, Milch cows. Dee Francom. Elwood, paid or payable in 1936; 2 in 1937, Mrs. Nellie Pierce. Utah,.l mile east of school house, lp 3 in 1938 and thereafter. The taxThe Legion auxiliary held their payer may credit against this levy up regular meeting at the home of Mrs. FOR SALE 20 acre farm in East to 90 of it by contributions made to Ethel Riley Thursday afternoon. After " Tremonton. Good buy. Inquire Lead- State Unemployment Compensation a short business meeting Mrs. Leo er office or call 77.0-4 tf. Funds. Walker gave a talk on National DeThe return and payment of the tax fense. During the social hour the WANTED To buy, or lease for five was due on the 1936 tax by January ladies made dish towels for their new years, a farm of 20 to 40 acres. Joe 31; however, the Secretary of the kitchen which is in the basement of ' Ortega, Garland. Treasury granted a blanket extension the library. The hostess served deuntil April 1, 1937 to pay this tax. licious refreshments to eight memSEED POTATOES 1 sack for 2 back There is no wage or age limit under bers. in the fall. Snake River Valley Seed this Title, Mrs. E. J. has been in This tax is paid annually and is on Salt Lake thisHolmgren Growers, Box 274, Idaho Falls, Ida. week taking a brush 4 the employers only. course in culture. The excepted classes of employment upMrs. J. W. beauty Hancock of Centerville, FOUND One ski. Owner may have under this Title are: is visiting at the home of her sister, the same by calling at this office (1) Agricultural labor; Mrs. George Hughes. and paying for this add. (2) Domestic Service In a private Mrs. Art Felsted was hostess to her home; club Wednesday evening. Fifbridge WANTED Fat, balky slow horses to (3) Service performed as an of- teen members and one guest were , ship. Glenn S. Mason, Phone 79. ficer or member of the crew of a ves- present High score was won by Mrs. i tf. sel on the navigable waters of the Lawrence Carter, cut prize, Mrs. Chas United States; Wood, low score, Mrs. Lee Isaccson. FOR SALE Fresh load young mares (4) Service performed by an In- Refreshments were served. ' and Geldings. Glenn S. Mason, dividual in the employ of his son, Mrs. Art Felsted and Mrs. Leland Phone 79. tf. daughter, or spouse, and service per- Hansen entertained sixteen guests at formed by a child under the age of 21 a luncheon Saturday afternoon bridge CASH PAID for dead and rseless in the employ of his father or mother; at the Felsted home. Prizes went to cows and horses. Call Maple Creek (5) Service performed in the em- Mrs. T. W. Innes. Mrs. Dewey WelTrout Hatchery, Brigham ploy of the United States Government ling and Mrs. P. C. Petterson. , Reverse Charge. 8 tf. or of an instrumentality of the United Mrs. George A, Linford was hostess to the Garland of the D. U. P., FOR SALE Choice 40 acres. High States; Service In the em- at the home of camp (6) performed her son and daughter-in-laproductive condition. C. Richardson. ploy of a State, a political subdivision , Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Linfordd, tf. thereof, or an instrumentality of one Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ludvig Laror more States or political subdivis- son was In charge of the meeting. ions; led by Mrs. J. H. Kirkham. OUR Singing (7) Service performed In the em- The lesson on the early ploy of a corporation, community in the state, was given government by Mrs. Geo. chest, fund or foundation, organized A. Beal. Miss Lois Linford favored and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or for the preventMAKE GOOD OR WE DO ion of cruelty to children or animals, no part of the net earnings of which Co. Inures to the benefit of any shareholdTremonton, Utah - Phone 28 er or individual. We Call Title f tM. l was JwT 5H0V'1M tenant-operate- farm-operato- rs 1. IfHliM Classified Ad Column I 2. w tf. 3-- 1. 3-- 3-- 4'. 1. 1. 493-J-- 2. 1-- 7, Fronk Chevrolet I EAST TREMONTON Miss Bessie Shuman returned from a 10 day visit in Ogden and Salt Lake. Reed Palmer spent the weekend with his parents at Park Valley. Mr. and Mrs. N. Cranford Taylor returned to Clear Creek. Mrs. Taylor has been visiting here for the past month. Mr. Taylor came Friday evening. Master Foy Shuman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Titus Shuman, has been treatments in Tremonton to straighten his left arm. Three years ago he had the misfortune of receiv ing second degree burns from falling in a fire. We are glad to report the treatments are proving a success. SEE- BESSIN6ER BROS. TREMONTON, UTAH tP-H-O-N-- EB: - IhduTS' "red rock, 7 t Brkce Canyon like men in a -- J uuc vi uie natural won,w National Park, which will 7 bowl-sha- n tal Oil company radio broadS ploring America with pZ;1! JrZSi Carveth Wells." over H Salt Lake City, at 6:45 to ,uSd dav nierht "In Zion National Part . internationally known exp'iorJk ture has done in broad davit' man has done by night at V Falls, whftrp uui- - oolnr&rf the sparkling waters. ... "si Mountain canyons of southwestern Utaliw if they had been painted bv IT giant artist who used a rainW . x Besides Bryce Canyon, Welh describe such points of inw-1Cedar City, Inspiration Point ft! vajjjruu, iiamiai Ullage, RaiclyJ Point, Zion Canyon, Mount (V? Highway, Temples of Zion, Cag " nee licmu 1 Mrs. R. G. Brough accompanied Irvin Garfield to Salt Lake City and spent the weekend with her daughter, Dona. Mrs. LaRaln Gale of Salt Lake City has been visiting relatives and friends here for a few days. Mrs. Rose Peterson returned Monday from a two weeks trip to Oregon, returning by way of Los Angeles. Mrs. Ira Fridal and family spent Sunday at Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Newton went to Ogden Friday. Mrs. Rhea Toyne and infant son returned with them to visit a short time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newton. C. W. Merrill called on his daughter Mrs. Ira Fridal Friday afternoon. Mrs. May Butter and son, Myron, of Trenton, were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Ada Garfield. Mr and Mrs. Earl Eickles of Los Angeles are spending a few days with Mrs. Rose Peterson enroute to Wyoming. Mrs. Eickles was formerly Miss Arlene Peterson. "S v Old m rrograu Diseased and insect infested fee pupuuiuuii aii oua jmaer ' will be greatly reduced soon. At a meeting between the county agent, Robe! H. Stewart, and district agricultag Biazzard, a pit inspector, jonn u count- t. and conducted through the efforts g local Farm Bureaus or other erisfc organizations. It is planned to safe! a thorough cleanup of old trees are a menace to the better orchard of the county, in that they breed 3 abundance of insects and disease which are carried and disseminate! generally. The plan calls for one tratcor a begin at Willard, and another at Pert and work northward and weshrarj covering the county in as far as tfel will permit. The county ia to funig the tractor and all equipment and til property owner is to stand the laM cost, including the tractor and the gasoline and oil for The work isto be confined to tree removal only. Further announcements will made as the program Committeemen will be appointed a ESTATE OF LOUIS GERMER each community to handle the orgaca Creditors will .present claims with zation work in connection with m vouchers to the) undersigned at program. Utah, on or before the 12th day on June, A. D. 1937. KENNETH L. GERMER, Get Result Administrator of the Estate of Louis Gernier. B. H. JONES, DR. JOHN WEST First Natl Bank Bldg., Standard Optical Ca of the Brigham City, Utah, Will Be Here SAT., MAR. J Attorney for Administrator of Date first publication, February Make Appointments Now at 11, A. D., 1937. SIM0NSEN Date of last publication, March 11, which! frail Notice to Creditors Leader Ads ROBERT WANTED! I RETAIL RADIO DEPT. i home. A death that occured in Logan will interest to our local people. Mrs. Forsberg was converted to the L. D. S. church by Fred L. Peterson in the Norwegian mission. She had visited the Petersons when they Jived here. Mrs. Leonard Peterson and small daughter, Myrna, returned from Mer ced, California after a two months be of visit Subscribe for the Leader with ed a reading. Luncheon was serv to some 30 members and guests 30 This is Our Trivate Long Distance Number the Operator We Understands That for Call. the Already Pay COLORADO ANIMAL DEBSTS . . . and CREDITS Consider yourself as a om-mbusiness: Some part of your income goes for operating expenses P1 fox new equipment and improvement and a small part goef into your cash reserve. of Frequently, opportunities or emergencies arise that call more ready cash than you have in reserve. Yet, if you h1 salary or other reliable source of income, yon can obtain fund to meet your immediate needs from this bank. Repay Itct conveniently, on the basis of future earnings. fc Any of our officers will gladly explain the requirement! personal loan. an Just Ring Logan Enterprise BY-PRODUC- TS We Also Buy CO HIDES - PELTS - WOOL About iy2 Mile South of Logan East of the Sugar Factory -' ior oia iruii iree removal was fona. lated to go into effect this week. The work will be organized atoms Dew-eyvill- e, Will for and PAY CASH for DEAD or WORTHLESS HORSES & COWS -- . That's the Paiute Little Miss Cleo Bosley returned from a ten days stay in Tremonton with her cousin, Miss Norma Nelson. Mrs. Charles Peterson entertained at two parties honoring her birthday Friday evening. Her friends were her guests and on Sunday she entertained immediate' family. On Saturday the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Carl Nelson called on her. The occasion being her birthday. A very enjoyable time was had. Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh was called to Los Angeles. California Saturday on account of the serious illness of their son, Leland. The people are taking advantage of A. D. 1937. JEWELER the buss taking us to the lectures on Monday nights at the high school. Mrs. Sarah K. Shuman is up and around again after a serious illnqss. Two of her daughters have peen visiting her, Mrs. Lois Jensen of Ogden and Mrs. J. H. Miller of East Garland. Can use young man between the ages of 17 and 21 who ha$ Everyone is ready for the elementary school operetta, "Sun Bonnet Sue," to been WORKING or SCHOOLING to be a RADIO TECHM-Cbe presented tonight (Thursday) at AN, who wants more practical experience. the Thatcher recreation hall. Charles Last, Gordon Nesson, Con Write Letter at Once to Steffen and Earl Stohl were the speak ers at the Sunday evening Sacrament meeting. Mrs. Steffen sang two solos, accompanied by Mrs. Clifford Beard. 2448 Harrison Ave. OGDEN, UTAH Ersol Berchtold is convalesing from his recent appendicitis operation in Brigham City, at his sisters, Mrs. Leo Young, and at the Fred L. Peterson NOTICE TO FARMERS FOR ICE Beverages & Coal "Unka-timpe-wa-wnn- ro County Sponsors PENROSE GARLAND ! WIS Tongrueiste, er owner-operate- 2. M The Indians Hari a Increase In Utah Farm Tenancy Shown Name For It.ARflal t BEAR RIVER STATE BANK We Welcome All New Business Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation $5,000 Maximum Insurance for Each Depositor 4if h m 1 s H Bot,m4.,in in i 1 1 nv |