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Show 25, 1937 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY JPAGE FOUR Palatial Kearns Home uiven to DAYS SCHOOL - iaie ror Governor's Mansion (Continued From Page One) Representative Eynon's bill providing for the licensing of wineries and distilleries in the state and providing that these shall use Utah products In the fermentation of wines and dis tillation of liauor. The house concurr ed in the senate amendments to provide for supervision of these plants by the liquor control commission and the bill is now enroute to the governor. This bill, as explained by Mr. Eynon is not designed to increase drinking in Utah but to launch a new industry here. He pointed out that there are thousands of acres of land in southern Utah, particularly in Dixie, where the finest grapes in tne country can be raised, and it was the purpose of this bill to encourage the development of the vineyard industry. He also pointed out that barley and rye could be raised on thousands of more acres and the distilleries would stimulate this new industry lor uie iarmers 01 the state. , i 60HNAi 1 vbmtcw .. r r GUI POK I iZ v z it, v :, WL m fmtVAd xL , hi WffiMl 5Sft J Crop, Feed Loans May Be Secured Here Tues. BFDWIG' J ...... : r- v Vi Representative Walter - of Iron who is always on the job when it comes to matters designed to promote the welfare of industry and business of the state, introduced in the lower nouse a om uesigueu w o"""-f- y and reduce the work of employers in making necessary reports in con- - .tAn 'UVbUVU K. Granger comrwina nHth impmnlnvmeTit sation. The sponsor of the bill claims that, it will save BO percent of the detail work in connection with reporting this data. 's Following Senator G. G. a in successful effort getting junior college for Price, Utah, D. A. Tidwell and Frank Bonacci of Carbon county introduced a bill in the house providing an appropriation of $225,000 to erect buildings, purchase equipment and pay operating expenses for the first year.resRepresentative Heher Bennlon-olution for an amendment raising the pay of legislators to $8 per day day ran into a snag in the senate and was killed by a vote of 14 to 7. At the same time another bill was passed in the house to pay the legislators $5 dollars a day for 'expenses' during the .session. Representative Page of Piute declared he thought the bill was . "Applications for emergency crop refeed loans for 1937 are now being of on Tuesday Tremonton at ceived House Court each week, and at the at Brigham City on Monday of each week by Vernal Willie, field superior of the Emergency Crop and Feed Loan section of the Farm ureoii Administration. , These loans will be made to farm-from credit ers who cannot obtain other sources as provided by regulations issued by the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration. The to the money loaned will be limited farmer's immediate and actual cash needs for growing his 1937 crops or for the purchase of feed ior uvesiocK. Loans are made to eligible applicants up to $400.00 at four percent interest Rmfirmncv croD and feed loans wiu not be made by the Farm Credit Ad ministration to standard rehamuiation clients of the Resettlement Administration whose current needs are provided for by the Resettlement As in the cast the security ror these loans will consist of a first lien t the crop financed if the loan is for the production of crops, or a first lien on the livestock where ine loan is used for purchase of feed. Consid inose in erable time can be saved need of these loans will bring their tax notice or other legal description of the land on which crops are to be grown with them, at the time they make their application. I Lind-etrom- Repre-eentativ- L es -- U . - .MIL!., .... I. La morally and legally wrong. RepresenVon tative Holbrook of Davis said he thot Your Know Language "we are going against a mandate of the people given in the last election." S. A. C. However, the bill was passed with By C. L. Bushnell only eleven votes recorded against School of English, LOGAN, Utah. Miss LaVon The measure is now before the senate. InttrntUontl Correspondence daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Schools Senator Holbrook's liquor control Spencer of Tremonton, was selected bill which prohibits sale of wine or recently to play the part of Mrs. Pike liquor by drink and was altered by 'THE expression "nobody home" is "Distant Drums," a Little Theatre in the senate to provide for a one man j undoubtedly slang when used to I production, which was presented denote stupidity. It is, however. manager of the liquor business with February 15, 16, and 17 in the auditwo advisory commissioners, caused slang with the backing of Alexander torium of the Utah State Agricultural Pope, one of the most eminent of the a flurry when it reached the house. of One college, according to Floyd T. Mor Eighteenth Century poets. The house judiciary committee met reads: famous couplets gan, director. Pope's at 8 o'clock in the morning, rushed "You beat your pate, and Miss Spencer, a sophmore at the the bill through and to the head of and fancy wit will come: nollee'e is maiorin? f. v w in speech O f the calendar. But when it was taken j $r. Knock as you please, there's She is a pledge in English. minoring nobody at home.' up for consideration the lawmakers of Theta Alpha Phi, national honorfound a lengthy list of amendments ary dramatic fraternity, a member on their desks which, first were thot . An eminent man may be a prom- -i of the Utah State Barbs, a social or man is a but Inent man, to be senate amendment, then house prominent eminent. not "Eminent", ganization for unaffiliated students necessarily committee changes and finally were used of in a and a member of the "B" club, an k properly speaking cliscovered to he the sale by drink pro-j who m his ranks tnan profeshigh organization for Bear River and Box visions of the bill previously intro-due- d eion or the office which he holds. A Elder high school students who are in the house by Representative prominent man is merely one who the Utah State Agricultural attending Wood of Weber. Mr. Wood denied stands out from his fellows. f college. knowing anything about the amendShe has taken leading roles in ments. Representative Selvin of Tooon Earth," and "Love Expert,' "Peace ele voiced the sentiments of a numI annual Barb production. She has the reber of representatives when he been on the makeup crew for several marked that some one had been try Little Theatre and college plays. ing to "pun, a fast one" on the house Miss Spencer was graduated from their cars in condition By keeping members. The house committee amend ments were not on the desks and in motorists can avoid much trouble and Bear River high school. While there the confusion over which was which loss of time. Some suggestions offer- she had leading roles in the annual high school play for two years and and what was what in amendments ed on care of the care are: j Slow starting is often due to a dif- the senior play for one year. She was Mr. Wood succeeded in getting the liquor bill tabled. At the close of the ference of a few t housandths ofan in vaudeville for one year and was week the bill was lifted from the table inch in spark plug gaps. These gaps a member of the Girls and Dramatic and a plan to recommit the measure should be checked about every 5,000 clubs. Miss Spencer has also directed and to committee to consider the Wood miles. Correct gaps improve starting j acted in several plays for the Tre plan of sale by drinks, was set afoot. and pickup. Front wheel shimmy causes severe raonton ward. One of the important actions by the house during the week was the tabling wear on tires. Causes which can be of the homestead exemption bill, pend eliminated include'a bent axle or axle ing consideration of revenue bills de- - i wth improper tilt; worn king pins and signed to finance the proposed exemp-- ! and bushings; improper toe-i- n Be tlon and appropriation measures to, camber of wheels; worn, unbalanced', or determine what, if any, funds may be improperly inflated tires. Mon. Hard steering is more often caused available to take care of exemptions. Representative M. E. Boyden of Sum- - by underinflated tires than by lack of The Ogden Area Public Forum that mit said he thought the house was lubrication. has been conducted at the Bear River Rear wheels should be checked getting the cart before the horse in school each Monday evening is to .consider the exemption bill casionally for looseness on the axle high more popular each week as becoming before it knew where the money was shaft. Working of the wheel hub a larger group attends them and beooming from to make up the losses eventually may shear off the axle comes acquainted with the high class in revenue. Representative Mathis of shaft key. matter presented. Carburetor trouble calls for the att- subject Washington was of the same opinion. Next Monday evening Dr. A. F Representative Pett of Juab thought ention of an expert and motorists Corey will deliver a lecture on the they were trying to buy something should never attempt adjustments un- - subject, Munitions, Profits and War. without knowing how much money Because of the nature of the subject they had to pay for it and moved that Piute also attacked the measure in- the American Legion is sponsoring a the measure be tabled. His motion dicating that it savored of a move to dance following the lecture, and are prevailed. "pack the court." Representative urging citizens from the entire valley House joint resolutions Nos. 4 and Granger of Iron rejoined that tjie to attend the lecture as such a lecture 5 for a constitutional amendment to court had been packed for a number subject is in line with the major proprovide a new school equalization fund of years by reactionary presidents. ject of the Legion. The lecture and for the benefit of less prosperous Senator Lawrence Nelson's state dance are both free. counties were passed by the senate. police bill was the subject of a bitter The senate passed the administrafight in the senate in which the presi- - less tion welfare bills, but in shape to be aeni familiar with they are cnarged tne patrol was the carburetor.entirely easily amended to conform to the sen- used for political highway ate old age pension bill, if this mea- commission and work by the road If a car door closes hard, oil the Senator Huggins lock, sure passes the house. The house lock guide, and door hinges. countercharged that the bill was passed a memorial to congress ask- legislation. The measure was spite ing approval of the Roosevelt plan killed at the end of the week. finally of changing the Supreme Court after a major attack on the measure by Representative Milton Twitchell of Garfield and it was sent to the senate where it has gone to the sifting committee. Representative Page of Spencer Plays In "Distant Drums" Theatre At U. it j j j , I Classified Ad Column I f j , ( 2-- FOR SALE Nine head good Holstein milk cows. Also stock trailer. Roy ',: C. Richardson, Elwood. Car Attention Avoids Trouble! i 5 FOR SALE New and used typewriters, reasonably priced. High School VL 4 Supply Store. 3-- FOR SALE 60 tons Alfalfa hay, free from White Top. Weiser Brothers, Tremonton. 2-2- 5 3-- t2p. 4 , 1 LOST Black Scotch terrior. Small, black dog with long hair. Return to Mark Nichols, Garland. Reward , j FOR SALE Brood bows and pigs. Alvin Curless, Corinne t2p. J FOR SALE Good used separators. Will take livestock. Call 8.5-2-1- 2. FOR SALE Seed barley and oats. C. Richardson. Phone 7.0-- 2 tf 1 2-- 18 WANTED farm Beed I Man to sell Idaho dry potatoes, ton commission. "Munitions, Profits and War? To Discussed At Public Forum J j Box 27, Idaho Falls. oc-tryi- ng WANTED Fat, balky slow horses to ship, Ciena JS. Mason, Phone 79. tf, 2-1- 1. FOR SALE Fresh load young mares and Gelding. Glenn S. Mason, Phone 79. tf ' 2-1- 1. . CASH PAID for dead and useless cows and horse. Call Maple Creek Trout Hatchery, Brigham 493-J-Reverse Charge. tf. FOR SALE Choice 40 acres. High productive condition. C. Richardson. 2, 6-- 28 1-- tf . 7, our ! Miss Deloris Thorsen chartered a plane to California where she spent the weekend with friends. Miss Celia Larsen spent the week end with her parents at Provo. The Primary association presented the 3 act drama, "Marry Before Mid Night," and the following cast were: Florence Gardner, Lula Jensen, Fae Holman, Myrtle Anderson, Esther Ohman, Helen Huggins, Ida Christen-seRachel Mantlo, Pearl Jensen, Edna Christensen, Ruby Anderson, Gertrude Iverson. The directors were Mrs. Bernard Hansen and Mrs. Clifford Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Renold Anderson spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Emma Ohman. Miss Dorothy Gardner who is teaching at Mantua and Miss Emerene Christen at Plymouth, spent the week end with their parents. , Mr. and, Mrs. Roy Holmgren is spending a few days at Logan with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Anderson and baby, and Mr. and Mrs. Elis Anderson were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Garfield at Tremonton. Miss Gayle Holmgren and Zona Jen sen of the A. C. and Miss Hope Christensen of the U. of U. spent the week end with their parents. The Box Elder Glee club presented the program at our regular Sunday night meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Taylor were Ogden visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Anderson were Ogden visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Holmgren, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson spent Monday and Tuesday visiting in Salt Lake City. Miss Helen Ellwell, who is training at the Holy Cross hospital, spent the weekend with her parents. Mrs. Vernal Anderson is spending the week in, Salt Lake at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Art Jensen, who are the proud parents of a baby boy. Mrs. Wanda Johnson entertained her bridge club Saturday night. n, Mi c Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah . Phone 28 -i- l FOR ICE Beverages & .Coal -- SEE- BESSIN6ER BROS. TREMONTON, UTAH : 36 P-II-O-- jj TOO The mlsmated are alwayg hung. Wedlock is safest HOLLAND human pad-loc- Divine love Is the onl, sweetener of the mini Believe It or not: I once large ox stagger becauL little ticks. We educate our children tricksters unless . their hearts to right 1 tions. We Will Call for and PAY CASH for DEAD or WORTHLESS HORSES & COWS 30 This is Our Private Long Distance Number the Operator Already Understands That We Pay for the Call. COLORADO ANIMAL CO We Also Buy HIDES - PELTS - WOOL About 1 Mile South of Logan East of the Sugar Factory BY-PRODUC- ' ! J S5 ' ! .? makeugpu. Thrift vise some magical .WMtern Newspaper t;nl0Bi Bear River" HIGH LIGHTS Box Elder high school band the direction of A. B. Casemai sented a stirring band concert w Wednesday. A large variety of bers were played, ranging from"vf uria Overture" to "She'll be (W Round the Mountain." This was the first band year and it was received with Z enthusiasm A short skit, "Here cm!! the Bride" was presented withan This program marks the of an exchange of band tween the two schools. Bear River, not yet out of ning for a place in the state ment will do all in its power sist the taller Ogden game at the high school team Friday on aggressiveness and the detemiu. tion to win. Their chief worry seems to he tb two powerful Tiger guards, Wayne1 and Williams, rated the outstay guards of the division. Welling has recovered from the jury to his hand and will doubtless i more playing Friday than in the tr, previous games. Lewis Allen is ported to be showing considerable provement in his style. Student pep rallies this week cate that the student body is a to win. Sport fans throughout tk valley are also showing considerafe interest in this game. im Science Before uuring trie war, War Australian mm trench-digginnear Beersheba on I road to Egypt turned up ancient pa ments with Christian signs ana inscrh tions. For a. week the Australians continually under airplane bombing the enemy, 'dug away, carefully raised it and dispatched it safely to Cata g tr; Notice to Creditors ESTATE OF LOUIS GERMEE Creditors will present claim vouchers to the! undersigned at the ffi eyville, Utah, on or before day on June, A. D. 1937. KENNETH L. GERMER, Administrator of the Este of Louis Gcrmer. B. H. JONES, D First Nat'l Bank Bldf, Briirhani Citv. Utah, Attorney for A&ntoisu Date' of first publication, FebrflU 11 An 10.17 Date of last publication, Mardill A. D. 1937. 'I frH"H-H"- fr l- - tHWHW! TO HOLD? Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation $5,000 Maximum Insurance for Each Depositor 1 1 1 1 11 II in n nig be fighting has' to maintain tneir record of no on the home floor. Though shorts than the Ogdenites, they are tofe We Welcome All New Business rit-ti to fa The local boys will BEAR RIVER STATE BANK TS -- ; " ' There is no delusion go ent as that congress Docs money "burn a hole in your pocket?" Do you find it so easy to spend that you wonder where it all goes? Try a checking account at this Bank for expends ture control. Deposit your money in the bank as you earn it, draw checks to pay current obligations, and carry only a moderate amount in your pocket. Man people have found that this method prevents unnecessary spending. Besides, a checking account enables you to pay bills by mail, and saves yo0 time as well as your money. NOTICE TO FARMERS Just Ring Logan Enterprise ! J I Subscribe for the Leader MAKE GOOD OR WE DO W- - By Mrs. C. W. Brausiora r s 5 BEAR RIVER CITY t m .ttti it |