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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY Traveler Writes Letter to Leader a nallev - anc d & not do They BO more, but "down below,' j ti&l-y' I I uneventful days, we ar fow Ponta Is Delgada-Az- ore There was a and dark- running "Bundswell was on so there setting in. VL for passengers or crew. A djoreieavs passed Cape St. cfP!e ?portugal) and at that point t the Mediterenean, turned 7r so to speak. Next morning r.ibraltar and left again afa fine Had unur stay. V1K. S of the rock. The SCtJiery num cnanish coast wwcu .tnn "r:. 22 p" fimifrh. j ffaros WIWUW were, 1 . S 5 I1 sy?.p2d frcm Doweyviuc. Mrs. Bybee and son of Ogden visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Sudbury on Saturday. Mrs. D. B. Marble entfrtahv a numbtt of friends at a quilting on Thursday afternoon at her Ix ne. A hot luncheon was served to V ose present. Cleo Marble, P.uth Saow and Lucille Llsh rendereid a vocal selection on the M. I. A. program at H. on Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Perry and little Ann were visiting relatives at Logan on Tuesday. Mi and Mrs. N. PcteV Marble v. ere Ogden visitors Monday. Mrs. A. R. jJurbank entertaincl at a birthday party on Thursday night in honor of her son, Kenneth. Various games were the enjoyment of the evening. Refreshments were served to twelve guests. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sandalls of Ogden visited at the home of Mrs. Paul Gardner on Sunday. Sunday at the home of B. P. Gardner, a family dinner Was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sandall of Ogden and Mrs. Paul Gardner and children of Deweyville were present. ViJ;., Passengers j p;-r- ty hotherinr their , ;y-vil- ,naliv exciting- iursebut we had to dis- ot A meilU Ul imuc, num who iives pro tern in and came to see me there Gibral-- f he told there were some rough doings of Gibraltar on that was in progress of Malga. We were possession 20 miles least of Malaga-ab- out on the and noon dUround bridge claimed that they could hear lre. i went up there myself but Lid not hear anyhing. Later we ! heart by wireless, that a batue was Ita progress allright and that Malaga n liad been t&Ken. I interest to us, as Malaga used to be of call before the one of our ports Jtte vicinity L and that a battle L Itrouble started. NEW YORK, (Special;. Photography and ingenuity combine to show about how the New York Fair will appear in 1939 to visitors arriving from ithe west in planes flying at an altitude of one and miles. Cameraman made this "shot" from a plane over the New Jersey meadows. Shown in the foreground is the shipping along the Hudson Manhattan .with its towers grouped about the Empire State building (center) which houses present headquarters of the Fair and in the middle distance the acre site of the 1939 international exposition. To the right lies 11,216 Brooklyn and, beyond, the hinterland of Long Island. At the extreme left, spanning the East river, is the new Triborough bridge over which many of the 50,000,000 visitors expected at the Fair will motor to the convenient parking lots. A photograph of the table model of the Fair has been superimposed on the negative of the air view to show the grid of the central exhibit zone, the boat basin being constructed on Flushing Bay and the lagoons that will feature the exposition's amusement zone. . ( three-quarte- rs , Next morning we passed Balearic tislands and an airoplane came out and I around the ship a few times. iThe pilot waved his hand at us and Ithen went off again. Palma de Mall-lorc- a, Balearic Islands, also used to be Icircled j . - through. I also had to identify my- -' self and by that time I felt so intaSailortown, etc., no doubt all very that out of pure devilment I eresting to the boys and it just about produced by the State of Utah liquor gave them a rough idea what slums license, issued to me at Tremonton In Europe really meant. Particularly and which I happened to have on me. 3 drew their attention to a butcher-iho- p They squinted at it for awhile and no where they sold warm rabbits. doubt State of Utah which was The Madam in charge, hold about all they could understand, must just got of the rabbits alive, tapped them on nave impressed them and it was ac- ttehead, stuck them with a knife and cepted. I further needed some smau Jtoed them while they were still change for tips, etc., and still had to lustily kicking about. They were go to more different sections and fin- nm rabbits allright. ally, after much digging and scraping I All day long I had a "hunch" that around I managed to get 10 Lire in e ought to clav vm that was ail I could eet. the French National si, Pttery and after explaining it to the; Bv we had hold of a pretty good foys we decided to buy a whole serie car after much palavering, we reach- -licket at 5.25. Morris picked the ed an "all inclusive price," which afSumljer beginner's luck, you know all did not prove inclusive, as there very shortly we shall be winning there, tips to be paid here and includjmillions of Francs and we have tell you, "everything they decided that then we are going ed." It's a great life, this turis life, run away from the ship, see Euro- if don't weaken. pe on our own in grand style, then you We went first to Pompeie, along the pmt home, pay off the mortgages Ausostrada and the close beautiful M live happy ever after, that is if. of the grounds on the var-cultivation After dinner both boys went ashore f farms we passed was noticed by on their own and my fears that the boys and drew their comments. Joey might loose the ship were did not have too much time on We roundles3 as both of them turned up hand but managed to see some of the in true sailor's fashion, a few Pom- Mnutes before places of interest at sailing time. I didn't principal were duly beys f m they did not tell me where peie and I guessthethewonders of early with had been. They had asked me We then ?or a COUDle nf "R.ire. cum on iiv. civilization they did see. . lunch at the Hotel Suisee, where had wag forthcoming, I presume were initiated into the problem "blewitallin.lncai con- - they I heard "Bucket of Blood" of eating Spaghetti Italian style and thel had managed to get more their sleeves than in their mouth down famous IZ... a few. more attempts they de- after together with the' . . , ,,v. Hitler's right hand, was expected to come from Rome to embark for Capri. There were German and Italian flags to be seen everywhere. I had heard various times for. his departure, but nothing definite. As we neared the dock on our way back from Vesuvius, one could notice great activities of police and soldiers, so then I knew the time for niS departure was drawing near m& tnat we would be able to see tne Djg man." We were tied up at tue same d0Ck where they had the Destroyer to take him over, so once to rjass through the our car manae-e- We have some Jewish passengers on the ship and they of course did not like this display at all and their remarks were anything else but complimentary. Some of them thought that Mussolini put on that display just to show how pleased he was to get rid of Goehring. As you can see, it all depends on how people look at things. We sailed at 7:30. At 9:00 a. m. we passed Isle of Capri. At 3:00 a. m. Stromboli. At 7:00 a. m., through ! Straits of Messina, then the next day at Alexandria. I took the ashore in the afternoon. In the evening they went by themselves. They have quite some difficulties in landing here as the police regulations here in Egypt are somewhat strict and they require a seaman's passport to land here, which the boys didn't have, but a "backshee" will work wonders. A group of the boys had arranged to go to Cairo , including Morris and Taylor. I left them to make their own arrangements as I just could not poke my nose into it all as quite a few of the boys were in e the same predicament as Morris and were soins to have "ringside seats" Anyway, something went all ne had to pass by close to our shop, Taylor. and all their carefully laid wrong j g0t a ck out of noticing how ev-t- plans went haywire and there was a erything was arranged. In very fuming and fretting and coming to me spectful distance, hundreds and hun-sti- ll for advice, which of course I had to dredS 0f Mr. Average Citizen kept to check by police, then open space then soldiers, Guards of Honour, flags bands, etc., and nearest to the sacred spot i.e. the place of embarkment, there was a bright array of real goodness "Ruritarian State Stage Uniforms", goldstripes, medals and feathers in hats, just one glittering mass. Of course that sacred spot wasn't for any mortals like us, but we were satisfied to see those ceedings from our ship, j had been wondering that the place was s0 poorly lighted up but little did i know what was ta come. As his car drew near the dock hundreds of torch-soo- n were lighted. Bands blared forth the Horst Wessel Song and it was one but there was better to sight a Df,nrt farewpu rere- he stepped on aXl Ma?rJ From there we drove through Mac- -' mony and the second Nai dinner and nat aroni and Spaghetti town and up the the of UP an mountain to the Crater of Vesuvius, was given and as have never wit- I such fireworks a still had we Mter leavmg the car piSo and had numer sUff climb and with much puffing and . nessed before. It was a magnificent m enmK. Hundreds of little boat3 f. o,.w tha ton snfictacle. .v.o. r DIOWUIK WO imoLiiy iwuvai and all of them around all were there always changes, w? The snerv up. colored lights, while with fid flares tvtara t an-nov- ed cod-liv- er 1 tu our j)ui one of our other in the afternoon. Took them -around the city. The market, Slums, le In feeding chickens and turkeys for market, It Is advisable to eliminate fish meal and oil from feed during the last few weeks to avoid fishy taste and odor In the meat, say turn down. Taylor came to me a poultry nutrition specialists. little later and turned back what money I had given them for the trip. MICKIE SAYS I am their acting banker, yon know. He looked as disgusted as could be. IP EVRVBODY. BORROWED. No sooner had he been here than I HI? NEIGHBORS PAPER, WED heard some boys shouting, "Come on NAFTA QUIT BECUZ W come on it Jensen, Johnson, hurry up, WOULP HAVE JEST 'OALY is all fixed. In came Morris, rushing to me to get the money back again. OAE- QAShtSUBSCRIBER! Since then I have not seen them so I VOAT SEA ,xHITCH' READER." AhJP "7HUM9 " guess it is "all fixed" now and they , are off. sVURHE&30&MrE'? Now after. this comes Jaffa and Haifa, with a possible trip to Jerusalem.. Then cornea Beirut la Syria, with a trip to Damascus; then Piraeus in Greece, with a trip to Athens, but more about that in another letter. I ouu uuwv., ... t.ij doubt feeling very proud of their task to go along with the police to be inold friends coming to as Guard of Houour. Surely the right vestigated. It struck me as just a bit Isee us, with no warlike intention at spirit in which to educate future stiff that even up there officials were lalL "Cannonfodder. prowling around and investigating Again our passengers were that he "didn't do anything As it happened I know Italian mon- - people. Our descent of course was quicker jto us" as then they would have had ey and in "pre Sanction Days" it was IsonetMng to write home about. By quite an ordinary matter to change than going up. Morris was all for taktten we had real Mediteranean weathemoney at the various travel agencies, ing short cuts and once he had a job r, elorious sunshine and blue skies. This time I had to go to the bank of stopping himself and surely thought Jext mbrning we docked at Marseille. Rome and it was quite a complicated he had taken a short cut into eternity ?As it happened both boys could notj matter. I don't know how many dif- - but he managed to pull himself up. kve time off together, so perforce, I ferent sections I had to go to before a All day long there had been excit- tad to take one in the morning, the fifteen dollar transaction was carried ment in Naples, as Wilhelm Goehring, one I just t 1 Mr. and Mrs. Axtl Hassell were visiting in Salt Lake during the week. Rpturdav a car of rot".tops was oVinllt us. I am sure our pasleaia a loved have ,m rlearlv " IHVU" some- Srdment, naval battle or twee Aolt Lome. to-- ; Peacefully along same as what its destination . v,. Tbouia Friday Mr. and Mrs. John Becker of Ogden visited relatives here. J. Robeit Loveland accompanied them one could even plainly hear Sn fired off. but I think the we saw. a British, was 'fSp fjSStoff Rv Lisli. i, " DEWEYVILLE Wednesday evening the Gold and Green Mutual dance was enjoyed in the ward hall by a large crowd from Dcweyville and surrounding places. The queen was Cleo Marble. The prize waltz was won by N. B. Marble and Mrs. Saunders. The hall was decorated very beautiful. Prize for the fox trot was given to Ray Love land and Nonio mcation is well on the . nred ... 11. 1937 ... New York World's Fair Site From 9,000 Feet Up One) rootiaued From Page X1 FEBRUARY docked boVs er re-we- re o al-a- dy With kindest personal regards to you Mr. Editor, your wife and other good friends around there, I remain Sincerely yours, Max Parman. Income of Utah sheep ranchers and wool growers will be approximately $15,000,000 in 1937, according to Professor A. C. Esplin, sheep and wool specialist at the Utah State Agricultural College. The sheep and wool inof the dustry furnishes about total livestock income- and approxiof the total agricumately ltural income for the state, he said. one-ha- lf - one-thi- rd f to-io- us RIG NASH MORE DOLLARS FEW ST A tuic grvat ed m uv--nj CLO S otS'J StZlS SjgS ?uottea?5S f , .HSrS M r tr" - Ped but ft. HS ft? t p--o Ume we cou.d . 7Z5t SSL fussy wSeT we are so and i not ret aywhe wL pretT; hot' wino- on o"ur ,. near At the same erand display. lava feet The ships in the harbor stralts Bonefacio the red hot lava and also have their aJd lava .onvenirs in the shape of ash sde ear,y MZday mcSig tras with inserted coins. hal we were up there, the boys tiSft tomboys - mile to see wnai jl mcojia " so I nlanned an 6etner, rthem for the rule. There are Faclst under to o live A, ShIp a " of " VounS fcllow9 ioldi. un with troopship full ""bpr . . . . f r ..Tn,,Hst a tu mumA f. -- aruunu irom ADDissmia and nangmp aW uieic, living Preparations to Hanger Om who make their tUmin re- - by such odd trips as they can make lookeTll fine from 'ourists. A coup,e of poUce 0ne l""ft" - f- hi i hC - saw a tailend Hundreds of Slew. BOldicrs fcmbl?t,Wtlng: for Fla8 and bands tvery- here. xl one group of "Bal- kt Uf" bIts klda. hardly able alone- an a ... . r . anri -- J!L" "P in uni- " a mall rifles and no tte Ahu. jne . nlan - war- - ' uea ft " one au v H dr steamwhistles and sirens and majeswalking around there. They had the 016 0n X ifsi iney v qnr T could understand him about us. He was a .m ,0 0f course we were ' i,.- ..rrf HLtr- ... . Thev called inose ooys a"d in a sort or "Ser- owthem style" lnterogated geant -Major vMnti. ana. as mey eviaentiy -j flcat'n- - -- apers on them so they naa alt HrhL ' - harbor. m all this excitement I did not see and Goehring at all. I asked Morris missed seehg but Taylor .eyso nim, a.iuiuuKn uo standing on deck. Surely it must have all been very exciting to the boys ani When it onr! to a fine dav. "--"o mMnowas all over could not help but ask e. myself what it was all about. Surely . r pohtic. It sure-nothing els but " v,w......0 iy waaii L was spired all this display. I guess it and to show England a just display , France now iai, imu u..wuo ... .... now ana nr. A Tfolv org Itint vjrerimwijr how they stand together on the Spanish Morrocco Come on now, of eesture m - a- sort . wnai are -- b' t Sedan with trunk Actual pfotograph of Nash LaFaytltt.'WO" sedan costs just a few dollars more than Thousands yet the tales are breaking all records changing to these bigger, smcifer Nash tars is a great big O The new Nash LaFayctte-"100- " 1 whoelbase automobile. It has a 90 horsepower g engine. Larger hydraulic brakes. Strong steel body. Synchronized springing. Ride stabilizer. No Draft ventilation. It's much bigger than any of "all three" Nash h gas-savin- sedans of any of "all three". Ambassador Six is as big as cars priced Nash The $100 higher. The Ambassador Eight compares in size with cars costing $100 to $300 more. Do you wonder Automatic why thousands are changing? See Nash. extra cost. Cruising Gear available all models at slight the AVAIIABLE THROUGH THE NASH-- C ASK ABOUT THE CONVENIENT TERMS AND LOW RATES MASH Tremonton, Utah I. T. BUDGET PIAN GIVES YOU MORE FOE? YOUR MONEY PHONE GOLDSBERRY & DIDERICKSON 137 |