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Show PAGE FJVB BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1936 DIET IS BEAUTY RULE PROPER s (By Betty Barclay) DEWEYVILLE By Mrs. Thoma Autt Thursday afternoon a number of boys and men enjoyed the trip and the historical talks given, at uonnne and the splendid serving of food and refree'jruats given by the sponsors Ttur-da-y evening a. party was giv en the school teachers in the ward hall under the direction of the Mutual Prcrsni, tobea3 cf love and esteem, and refreshments were the occurence of the evenings The tokens were presented to Principal Blackham, Miss Christensen and Miss Hopkins by Bishop M. G. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser have as their guest during the week, their , son, Russel, of California. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chides ter and children spent Sunday at Salt Lake H City visiting relatives. Fred Harwood and his father of Salt Lake City were calling on relatives here Friday. Mrs. Anna Germer and daughter, Bertha, attended the funeral of LeRoy . :; Eccles at Ogden on Sunday. Mrs. Sarah Chidester of Salt Lake City visited at the home of her son, Ray and family, here during the week. Mrs. M. A. Lish and granddaughter Lueiia Loan are spending a tew weeks at the home of Fred Harwood in Salt Lake: Mr. and Mrs.' John P. Barnard of Fillmore visited relatives here. Mrs. Alice Wheatley is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gilson at Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Thurlin Mimmott and children of Ogden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Burbank. Mrs. William Heusser, mother of Joseph Heusser, spent a few days here as a guest. Thursday and Wednesday Mr. and " Mrs. Joseph Heusser, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Heusser and children of California, celebrated Red and White day at Richmond, also visited relatives in ! ,; Weston, Idaho. i Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Barnard and children of Warren, visited at the . home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Barnard. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Germer and fam-il- y have moved in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Harwood. A number of married folks enjoyed a fishing trip, Saturday evening and Sunday in Logan canyon. ' ' Mrs, Peter Jensen of Logan spent the weekend here at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Lish and family. - ' Paul Gardner spent a few days at Ogden visiting relatives. The following graduated from the District school: Helen Sudsbury, Dallas Hyatt, Mryl Perry and Dewey Snow. . Everyday Cooking Miracles A bulletin recently issued by the Municipal Department of Health, Albany, N. Y., is so full of common sense and simple advice that I want to bring it to the attention of my BY VIRGINIA FRANCIS ulii Wlrtlmt Hnm Ckmy InwHtmm Wouldn't it be fun to be able to cooking top of the electric range. ton a whole armload of vegetable Because of its excellent design and in the kettle and, after to long a construction, it can maintain boiltime, to "get" soup? Well, vege- ing or temperatures, table soup "maker may be almost consuming only a small quantity ae frivolous a task as this; at least of electric heat units. Even after no longer need we eavesdrop; no the current has been shut off, cooklonger need we worry about ad- ing continues for 10 to IS minutes. verse "goings-oin the kitchen; no In addition to making soup, whole Mi below-baki- j n" vege- - ir "' Hot from the Thrift Cooker of a modern electric range delicious vegetable soup for cold winter days. ". tables and dessert; may be steamed in the Thrift Cooker at one time without any exchange of flavors; inexpensive cuts of meat may be cooked to a delectable doneness via slow, moist heat; and dried vegetables and fruits may be cooked without any preliminary soaking. Here is our favorite recipe for making vegetable soup the Thrift Cco'.ser way. . Thrift Cooker Vegetable Sony 1 soup bone j. ?4 cup carrots ?:. cup turnips ; y., cup celery leaves and diced celery v: :'s soup. " potatoes (cut in cubes) ' ljj cupsonion A Perfect Blend , "" jr.:all Thrift Cooker vegetable ebuD iii'i i teaspoon salt just ordinary soup, either. vv'vfc-- :: 3 quarts cold water making soup in this large cc:r.3-n- y P'sce soup bone, with water, cooking unit of the modern . and vegetables, in the range, there is a perfect blend prd Thrift. Cooker kettle of electric extraction of the succulent table and. meat flavors without the range. Cover. Cook on Low heat G to 8 hours. Soup may be vegetables being cooked to a oulp. id 10 to 12 hours, or overnight, haat oi Ciz The yvf Thrift Cooker is perfect for nak-ing il desired. , cooked a is of This is the kind the 'o soup soup which, soup; just Tight degree, and the work as- jfi'asn the proverbial "soup's on" is sociated with making it is kct at announced, brings the family scur- 1 a minimum. lying and smiling to the table ' go Now, just a word about ths Thrift khis is the kind of soup thafa ;l Cooker, which is installed ,uy tfii'food none will be leftv r Y soup kettle with a restless spoon. Well, now that frequent cold snaps and Soup sipping pretty well go together, there's something new in soup making which we think you ought to know. Soup days are no longer "watch days" in the kitchen. Just as we said, you toss a whole armload of vegetables (and we like a soup bone in ours, too, den't you?) in the. Thrift Cooker of the new electric range; and after E3 long a time time spent in any vrzy that you please, reading, knilati?, "outing," or sleeping the Tnr2 t Cooker produces delicious . CARD OF THANKS 8 We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to all who in any way assisted and for all the many kind acts shown us in the hour of our bereavement of our beloved ; son and . brother. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koford : and family. 7 the-park- : ried. . vice-preside- , ble : Elaine Waits of Smithfield was the guest of Barbara Lish on Monday. Relatives from Ogden, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gard ner Saturday and Sunday. , FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ! OUTDOOR "ThreeLive Ghosts" . s . was appreciated. On Wednesday after school Mr. Leonard. took the sixth, seventh and eighth grade to a picture show. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen over Friday night. They left early Saturday morning for their home in y.t MAY 22nd and 23rd in , gs Theatre Orpheum Tremonton, Utah QEl IMPROVES' . Huntington. Miss Horsley's home is in Brigham City and Miss Pugsley's is in Park Valley. . They have had a very successful school year and it is to be hoped they will all return and take up their work next year. Ira Andersen, Elias Andersen and H. C. Hansen attended the funeral services of Mrs. Catherine Johnsen at Logan last Wednesday. Mrs. Andersen gave a birthday party in honor of her son Dale's 6th birth day on Wednesday. The afternoon was spent playing games and refresh ments were served by his mother and sister, Annie.' KNEE - ACTION SMOOTHNESS .' 'Tomin Round the Mountain" , "SUNDAY - MAY 24 . 25 MONDAY - TUESDAY Ronald Colman and Elizabeth Allen - 26 THATCHER Roche in By Phyllis "A Tale of Two Cities,, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY (SALT Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom and Mrs. Roy C. Anderson entertained the school teachers, Miss Mabel Christen-geMiss Dorothy Hadley and Ross Kelly, at a chicken dinner, Wednesday evening. The O. D. O. club was organized Thursday and the first meeting held at the home of Mrs. Sarah. Adams, Mrs. Wanda Adams was elected president; Mrs. Sarah Adams, vice presi dent; and Mrs. Ivy Christensen, secn, MAY 27th and 28th "Speed" FLATS AUTO RAGES) "Beyond Bengal" (JUNGLE PERILS) Theatre Paramount ' j 1 f GARLAND, UTAH NEXT SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY - MAY 24, 25, 26 Eddie Cantor in j "Kid Millions" 4.4.4. .. . .; j '"! 4 ! 8' t- ! PflTHF ' Audrey Olson, curvaceous and petite blonde, found the knee--; action ride of this I?3 Chevrolet Master De Luxe sport sedan so c - ted the "radiator ride," on her beach horse, smooth that shr r thrill out of the gliding sensa- to get an even now in its third year with Chevrolet Master tion. Knee-ac- t' De Luxe mod yith the basic design the same as when the was introduced. ire revolutionary well-know- 11 tflA lrnnurlof an avnarionm nn A vtt V MKliAotitn - uw "uu .v wilK r"?w' is uie pne aim jiyut. jium. nrst-haninside week the information which to courage give you every is positively necessary for you to have. It is the ONE publication which is under no obligations to the big moneyed interests or Czars of trade none of those fatal ueuimiu tne semsn cliques wno "v".oc""""i.,., tnevery life blood of the people. That's why the Pathfinder is in a position to tell English. You can deyou the unvarnished facts in the plainest possible no .1 1 n i i j j d, pend on every word it says and there is substitute for reliability. EVERY WEEK FROM WASHINGTON. D. C. Washincton is now the news center of the entire world. It is the one . t t a ictly unbiased and reliable publication tne in country. wnere. piace . I ...1 . is located there. The same can ne issuca. OTt inai is wny me Pathfinder clear sighted vision which led to the selection of the National Capital as aco is the backbone of every the home of the Pathfinder over 40 years IUa DnlhflnrlnM lArintr 3.- Single 1SSUU Ui uic rttuuiuuvi iyuaji 11 IS vUl tui a juiinvu nine v PAIHFINLPER nffpr vou nt aJlAvilvfS urcatlv reduced bargain price the srentest an(Y most popular national weetogether with THIS klyThe PATHFINDER PAPER; both a full year 52 weeks for .1 B - Only $ 2.25 . : - -- Gene Autry - ng longer need we stand over the old meals, consisting of meat, : Wednesday, Mrs. O. H. Johnson entertained at a shower for her daughter, Berniece, who was recently mar:" By J. J. Thompson is serving- on the Miss Sarah Carlsen, daughter of Mrs. A. P. Petersen, spent the week grand jury at Ogden this week. The Misses Helen and Marion-Johnsoend at home from Wendel, Idaho, Monday spent Sunday night afidt where she teaches school. Sho atv ' tended the graduating exercises at -with friends In Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nye left Tuesday the Bear River high rchool where- her Mr. for Salt Lake after a pleasant visit Vida Carlsen, graduated. sister, and Mrs. Petersen were also in atten-danc- e at the home of their parents, Mr. and as were many more from El- - j Mrs. George O. Nye. Mr. Nye acor u wooa. mere were xi who giuuKu , panied them to Salt Lake on a bu from hieh school from the Elwood. ness trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson and school. Mr. ,d Mrs. Norman Larsen and, daughter, Melba, spent Saturday fa with relatives. daughter. Dorothy, and sons, Blaine, Clarkston ine wues vi me outturn ana aA R.in oio, unBB urnnn MlAlaMi , and Miss Molly Hansen, all of Mtok tists of Box Elder county held a meet at City, Wednesday ft Creek. Ida., were weekend guests of , tag " 1 Brigham rtf VI nm a rJl fitfi Mr: and Mrs. M. W. Hansen. They. wmu" were other officers and resident all attended the graduation exercises sen. Lunch was served at the Idle is Hansen Carlos of which Saturday, r Isle Cafe. a graduate. Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Shumway were Mrs. Angeline Hansen, grandmother of Miss Ara Andersen, spent the week in Coalville, Sunday, where Mr. Shumend to attend the graduation exer- way officiated at the m?riag of cises at the high school where Ara Miss Orpha Sweeten, daughter of Mr. was the validictorian and a graduate. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten, and John F. Last Tuesday, Mrs. A. P. Petersen, Boyden, all of Salt Lake Gity. The ' teacher of the trail builders class, wedding was held at the home of Mr. took her class for an outing to the Boyden's mother in Coalville after Bear River. The evening was enjoyed which the party went to Salt Lake in playing games and a wiener roast City where a wedding breakfast was and marshmallows were also featured served at the Hotel Utah. Mr, and Mrs. Oluf Johnson motored in the entertainment. A. P. Petersen to Ogden Sunday. Their daughter, accompanied them. There were- 11 trail builders and all enjoyed the so- Marion came home with them to spend her vacation. cial event. Max Beal came home Monday from Mrs. Ira Andersen accompanied her Mt. Pleasant where he spent the winon to Mrs. Logan Harris, daughter, ter over teaching school. weekend and the spent Thursday Miss Florence Petterson im here there. On Wednesday W. W. Nieken and from Logan spending a few days visMrs. Norman Andreasen, teachers of iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the Church History class in Sunday P. C. Peterson. Mrs. J. W. Chambers and Mrs P. school, took their students to the Crys C. Petterson were Ogden visitors' Fri. which a after tal Springs for swim, Dean Orwin is home frrom Salt they enjoyed a wiener roast at Lake City where he has been attendThey returend to the home ing the L. D. S. Business college. !' remainder park where they spent the Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning and of the evening playing games. They son were Ogden visitors Sat. small time. a had all very good Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fry spent the held a meet The Parent-Teache- rs weekend with their parents, Mr. and ing Thursday. A good report was giv Mrs. D. E. Manning. re a en of their last year's work and Mrs. Grace Haws spent a few days organization was effected. Mrs. Ada Fridal was chosen as president. Mr. visiting with her son, Austin, in 4 with Rebecca Nevada. Leonard, Mrs. Albert Bishop has returned to Mortensen as secretary and treasurer. home after recovering from an After, the meeting refreshments were her operation in a Salt Lake City hospitserved. The school lunch last winter was al. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stayner, Miss real successful. About 90 students Woodside and Miss Verna Margaret work Mrs. Larsen's of it. partook high-tensi- on " P. - readers. It said in part: "The natural ambition of every normal woman is to present an attravtive appearance. Upon this ambition many great industries are founded cos metics, the industries of manufacturing women's clothing and accessories and many others. All of these akls to beauty can be a tremendous help, but without good health all that in' genuity can devise and money com' mand are of little avail. "Good health, particularly in this age, is modern, hurried, largely a matter of sound living ha bits, especially a soundly planned diet; a diet that supplies all the elements required to keep the system function ing properly is the very foundation of beauty. Yet how many women lavish time, thought and money on artificial aids while neglecting this essential that is more Important than all! "In no respect is the diet more frequently lacking than in the foods that supply ;sufficient energy'. Time and again the penalty is seen in the loss of vitality, in sallow, lifeless complex' ion and a general depressed outlook on life. What artificial aids to beauty can make up for these losses? "Adopt as the first 'beauty com. mandment,' the regular inclusion in the diet of the foods that provide the energy that the system needs. Bread, for instance, is one of the most nour of the ishing: and particularly one most convenient and helpful carbohydrates to build up vitality and energy." I GARLAND Mrs. Geo. A. Deal ELWOOD By Mrs. H. eje II Tremendous Savings SATURDAY ONLY Prices on all our dresses will be cut for one day only. No dress in the shop will be priced higher than $6.00 BUY AT THIS GREAT BARGAIN EVENT LaGra Shop Tremonton, Utah f retary and treasurer. Several friends and relatives called at the home of N. C. Nelsen, Sunday. The occasion being the birthday of Mrs. Nelsen. A delicious luncheon was served to those present. Thursday evening the Gleaner girls entertained their teacher, Mabel Chris tensen, at the home of Leora Nelsen. The evening was spent playing Cootie, after which supper was served. The William Burton family moved from our ward last week. The Relief Society members and the Primary officers and teachers held a social at the home of Mrs. Agnes Burton, Tuesday. Sach organization presented Mrs. Burton with a beauti ful gift In appreciation of her services in these organizations. Clara Peterson and Elvina Nelson visited in Promontory last week. Mrs. James Peterson entertained a number of friends at a delicious supper on her birthday, May 19. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nelsen moved to Tremonton, Monday. Mrs. James Peterson entertained the widows of the ward and other special guests at dinner Thursday. Leader Ads Get Results DR. WILLIAM ELI HAWKINS CHIROPRACTOR Offices at ROBERT SIMONSEN JEWELRY CO. Office Hours: 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Office Phone, 75.0-- 1 ;Res 788 Kirkham attended a dance review at the U. S. A. C. in Logan Friday even; '' ' , ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson and Mrs. Leonard Bishop were Ogden visitors Monday. The Garland Bridge club held a party at the home of Mrs. J. W. Bradford in honor of her birthday anni ver- sary. Relief Society Newn Tremonton Relief Society was held Tuesday, May 19th. Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Olive Rhead. A vocal solo was eiven bv Marcella Thompson, accompanied by Marparet Pack. The literary lesson vas g iven by Mrs. Zina Nelson. A review of the book, "Pride and Prejudice," and a tribute to Mothers, by Temple Bailey, was given by Mrs. Nelson. 47 members were present. Bargain Day Again We Offer to Our Customers : SMOKED SLICED Lb. BACON 29l ASSORTED Lb. LUNCH MEAT . 1 29 FRANKS and lb. BOLOGNA 13y2tf SALT Lb. bacon: LEAN STREAK is. . CRYSTAL WHITE 2 For SOAP 5 GIANT BARS MILD Lb, CHEESE 15 BOOTH'S SARDINES S Lge, Cans . ..25 MUS1.1KU OK TOMATO ' Lire, CORNFLAKES Pkr. 9f RADISHES and 3 for Green ONIONS . ....... .5 euw. NEW POTATOES 25 CLR SKAGGS Surety 0 Purity |