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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 30. paob eight 1936 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson were Ogden visitors Tuesday. "ftJMH OCAIL IN APPRECIATIO We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the splendid coore ration given us by Fire Chief Meister and his select men in getting the fire in our ware house under control. Also, to the Garland Fire Department and all others who volunteered their ser- Mrs. Joseph Josephson has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs Joseph Josephson during the week. Mre. .'Jhepherd of Salt Lake City Emma Lou Stander, Ruth Pack, is vialtl-- Z with her sister, Mrs. Mar Winzeler and Gereldine Joseph-so- n Helen ' Pack. Egaret gave a farewell party for Joseph' Cut-- It ine Stokes. N. R. Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Sina Clif-t(i'- -, at visited and Lowell Cutler Mrs. Ammon Tolman spent Suaiay.. and Sunday with friends and relMrs. atives in Tremonton. and Miller C. Horton Mrs. weekend with A ioe Osmond spent the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Maughn atCook. L. A. Mrs. Yr. and tended a funeral at Wellsville, Sunday. of TreMr. and Mrs. Gordon John Miss Katherine Maughn spent the to Brigham City. monton have moved weekend with her parents at Logan. were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hansen Mrs. Virginia Blaekham entertained Sunday. visitors Ogden the S. O. D. H. Thursday at a wiener The L. L. Bridge club entertained roast at her home in Deweyville. The Frievening was spent in social chat and Mr and Mrs. W. W. Wadsworth, of Mrs. J. singing. home the at day evening M Schaff er. Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Christensen, are making their home at Pendleton. a de- Arthella Anderson, Alta Hansen and Oregon. Twenty guests enjoyed Mrs. L. C. Christensen were Ogden licious luncheon. visitors Tuesday. - Mrs. Ed Winchester was hostess Mrs. Alma Theurer and Mrs. Frank to the Rebechah's and their husbands and Imthurn Wilbur entertained nine friends at Dalton evening. Monday S. N. Cole won the men's prizes and Mrs. Theurer's home, Saturday night Mrs. Carrie Kendall and Mrs. Cole in honor of Mrs. W. W. Wadsworth. After a delicious luncheon, bridge was won the ladies' prizes. played. Mrs. McClure of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harris and Mrs. and Mrs. Carrie Drew won prizes. Effie Giles spent the weekend with Mrs. Wadsworth received a guest Mrs. Amy Randall of Salt Lake City. prize. Leo Watkins and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Castleton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Valentine and family visited with Mrs. Catherine Watkins during the week. vices. We hope Life is a series of minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs and Mr. and Mr. Erwin Jones spent Sunday visiting in Logan. The. many friends of Reva Oyler will be glad to know that she is much improved and was released from the hospital Monday. at all future times to merit this friendly spirit of cooperation by giving to the public in return the greater degree of service and quality. Do not waste them. WILSON LUMBER CO. Wednesday. They report having had a home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. nice trip, but Utah is still a pretty, Jarvis Johnson Sr. Ward Welling of Salt Lake - City good looking place after visiting thru j visited . Kansas, etc. for a few days in Fielding, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Johnson were with relatives and friends. I Ward conference was held Sunday Ogden visitors Wednesday. Mrs. William Secrist Mr. and of, night, in connection with our regular Logan and Mrs. Annie Busenbark of) sacrament meeting. President ClarBeaver Dam spent Sunday visiting at ence E. Smith and John J. Sbumway the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis John were in attendance. Special musical numbers were furnished by the'Mut-ual'- s son. Ladies chorus, under the direcMr. and Mrs. LaVar Johnson of Mrs. Bea Packer. Reports were of tion the at spent Sunday Brigham City Some of the most unpleasant things you have worried about may happen, but they probably won't be nearly so bad as you expected. . Mr?. Shoule of Snowville and Mrs. Keeter of Ogden were Sunday guests of Mrs. J. A. Josephson . The Treble Clef club met with Doris and LaRene Carter of Garland as hostesses, on Wednesday evening of last week. The musical prigram was given by Marilyn Nichols, LaRene Carter, Doris Varter, Madge Henrie and Bobbie Beard. A guest number was also playe by Wendell "White. Two prospective members, Marilyn and Collen Callister were also guests. The theatre ticket prize was again awarded to Bobbie Beard, for the best practice of the month. Games were played and delicious refreshments served. The club will meet next month with Olive Renae Getz as hostess. Mrs. James Ransom entertained in honor of her son, Wednesday, and sons, Cook with L. is L. Mrs. Ward Shuman visiting Mr. and Mrs. A delicious lunchbirthday. living's Mr. her mother, Mrs. Alivia Heed, this eon was served to 'nine guests. Dudley and Alton, visited with and Mrs. A. L. Cook Sunday and week. Monday. Mrs. Bill Powell spent Sunday in The Westminister Forum of Lo- Ogden. gan presented a pagent at the M. E. By Enid Welling church Sunday evening. The employees of the Canning factory gave a dance, Monday evening Lewis Cannon and wife, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs.' C. VV. Green and in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wads- and Mrs--. Gene Cannon spent the past fniTilv. Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon John worth. Mr. Wadsworth was presented week in St. George, Utah visiting with oh foTYiiiv Mr anil Mrs. Evan Green with a beautiful ring. and friends. relatives vi 'ted in Layton Sunday. They also Mrs. W. M. Welling and daughters, attended the Green reunion in Weber Mrs. Delia Josephson entertained Enid and Maurine, spent the weekend the B. B. Bridge club, Saturday after- in Salt Lake City. Miss Noreen Earl Canyon. noon. Mrs. Effie Maughn and Elberta accompanied them to Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. A. Li Cook attended Steffenson were special guests. Prizes Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Packer, and Mr. funeral services at Bear Lake, last were awarded to Hazel Manning, and Mrs. Wallace Bourne were in OgSaturday for Mrs. Clara Osmond Alice Persson and Lula Taylor. den Tuesday. on business Welker, mother of President Ray A. Miss Beth Cannon and Elenor RichmisWeaker of the German-Austria- n Lowell Culter and Mrs. Zina Nelson ards went to Logan Saturday, to parsion. Mrs. Cook is a niece of Mrs. attended a Standard Oil meeting at ticipate in the play day exercises Welker, Hotel Utah, Monday evening at Salt held at the U. S. A. C. campus. Lake City. Bishop M. A. Gam and son, Oleen, Mr. and Mrs. James Ranson and returned from a weeks trip to the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor were Salt of cattle George A. Pierson spent Monday East They took a car-loa- d Lake visitors Monday. and Tuesday at Idaho Falls. to the Eastern market, returning given by the heads of the various auxilliarry organizations. East Garland Elders were also in attendance and gave brief talks. Closing remarks were by Presidents Smith and Shum-waA large crowd was in 4 y. 'iTTTTTITTTTTIlTTI We Invite You to Use Our Store Meet Your Friends Here Whether You Buy or Not You Are Always Welcome M NEW BAGS GAD-A-BOU- M T FOUNTAIN Saturday Only Our Regular 25l 49c Woven Straw SUN HELMETS . .: ..... Genuine Cool Cap Vacuum Bottle - Pt Certified Hospital Aspirin - 5 gr. (100's) 13c McKesson Milk of ............. 33c Magnesia Fitches Share Cream 191c Large Tube At Our $1.19 PAPER TOWELS For Kitchen 3 Rolls and Holder ..... FIELDING Your Prescription Filled Exactly As Your Doctor Orders We Carry Postage Stamps 25c BANANA 98c Hygia Nipples, Wide Mouth each SPLIT Prophylactic Tooth Brush . 39c Reg. Size ....... St. Regit Pocket Watch Guaranteed 89c .. Johnson & Johnson Bafcjy Talc Life Bouy Soap 10c : 3 5c 19c for 20c fife PRESCRIPTIONS - DRUGS - FOUNTAIN SERVICE a fu ti fYYTTTTTTTTTTTIITTTirrTTTTTTTTTT f Tremonton, ;j k4 1L 1 A An R. L. FISHBURN STOCK FOR FORTY YEARS the Tremonton. Utah R. L, FISHBURN & SONS CO. HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU YflDU SETT s WHAT YOU MUST PAY FOR THEIR MERCHANDISE, The Entire Stock of the NOW IT S YOUR TURN R. L. FISHBURN & SONS CO. TO DICTATE THE PRICE YOU WILL PAY. must be sold to the highest bidder - beginning Saturday, May 2nd and continuing each day until entire stock is sold -- The ENTIRE STOCK of LADIES, MENS and CHILDRENS SHOES - UNDERWEAR - DRY GOODS NOTIONS CLOTHING HATS - RUBBER GOODS Ladies and Childrens DRESSES SWAGGER SUITS SPRING COATS, etc. V -- -- -- At Your Own Price 3 SMILES W&tiBLK 10:30 A. M 2:00 P. M. 7:00 P. M. PLENTY OF VARIETY! BEST OF QUALITY! -- xx- AND ABOVE ALL, YOU BUY AT YOUR OWN PRICE -- xx- PROBABLY NOT A SINGLE ITEM IN THIS ENTIRE STOCK OF HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE WILL BRING HALF WHAT IT IS ACTUALLY WORTH BUT IT HAS TO BE SOLD w ' REGARDLESS OF PRICE V- Dealers Invited |