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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. JULY By accompaning her for an indefinite stay. She will visit her brother, Leslie Andersen, who is at Alabama on a ELWOOD Mrs. P. Rasmussen LL mission. Several people entertained in honMr. and Mrs. E. W. Hall and chilof Mrs. Wright She has made many or reM. Haws dren attended the John union at the Crystal Springs on Wed- friends on her visit here with her disposition and they nesday, July 10. A complete organi- lovely and sunny zation was affected and Mrs. Olive all regret to see her leave so soon, s. H. Hall was chosen It was but wish them success on their trip. L. S. Mann and sons, Ilin and an error in last week's paper where s. Clare, and Ray York started Saturit was stated Olive Haws for They were very happy to get day on a fishing trip to Star Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Amos P. Hansen and their organization started. ILE SHE- TP . Dora Hunsaker and two aisters spent last week in American Fork visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Abel and relatives. The Relief Society excursion to the Logan temp'e on Friday, July 12, was a real success, as nine car loads from here attended, S3 people in all. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Hansen and children spent Friday and Saturday in Mink Creek. Their niece, Miss Dortha Larsen, accompanied them back for a vacation. The Misses Leah Yates, Florence Burgess and Luby Rasmussen of Salt Lake City, were guests at the Rasmussen home Friday night, leaving early Saturday morning for Yellowstone and other places of interest on their vacation. Irene Larsen is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, at Wil-lar- M. Mortensen went to camp Kiesel Saturday to visit the scouts and accompany the scouts back from their ten days stay at the camp. Nine boys from here enjoyed this trip this year. Mrs. Newman Harris of Logan visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ir? Andersen Monday and Tusday also to visit her sister, Wanda, who left or Tuesday for Alabama in corcpcnj with Mrs. Wright. The county nurse, Miss Allred, will give her next lecture on Friday, July 19, at 2 o'clock in the Relief Society room. All are invite f'to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mortensen and son, Foy returned from a trip to Yellowstone Monday. They had a very pleasant trip. I BEAR RIVER CITY Ey Mrs. C. f Mrs. Lawrence Durant and children left last week for Salt Lake City, after a couple of week's vacation with her parents. Mrs. C. W. Wright of Birmingham, Alabama, Teturned Monday from a visit to her relatives in Richfield. She left again on Tuesday for her home in Alabama. Miss Wanda Andersen is k-t- 7 Is? XV. ! Brailsfonl $ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dahl of Midvale El-wo- od, WILLED BUM TO pOG Mtrtbt 70 McDer-mot- t, yer old, her earth- left all ly possessions to guarantee 1'et would be that J. d. The following had their tonsils .and adenoids removed the past week: Ara Anderson and Marvin Barf us of Hugh Hunsaker of Honeyvllle, Louise and Douglas Barns of Downey, Idaho. The chiidrn of Arthur Thompson of Elwood and three children of Joseph. Boudern of Logan, had their tonsils removed July 17. Louis Spackman of Deweyville, while working for the sugar extension division of the AAA, suffered a very severe injury to his leg. His condition is reported very critical by the attending physician. Jess Hess of Plymouth, had a minor , operation last Friday. L. S. Mann met with a serious accident while on a fishing trip at Star Valley with his two sons. He was Cirown from a horse, breaking his lower jaw bone. He was taken to the hospital Weunesday. Ross. Coombs left the bosptal Tuesday. He has been in the hospital for the past week suffering with a bad cold and ear trouble. $25,000 m treated kindly. Mrs. Hilda Rohde, the spinster's friend, has been given custody of the dof. 'VtJi ft V 1 ' if '"i 4 GIRLS COOL OFF Dolly Miller (left) and Tlielma Shearon, pretty exponent In Earl Carroll's "Sketch Book," of hot-ch- a cool off after a song and dance. The refreshing breeze is furnished by an air circulator, simple form of air conditioning; developed by General Electric engineers. Installed In home, store or office, It forces out 2,900 cubic feet of hot air every minute and pulls in as much cool air, bringing welcome relief from the heat. HOT-CH- f , III iv-iiUT,to-ta- " A .. "PREMATURE BERTH" 1 In a recent address, F.W. Peck, Cooperative Bank Commissioner, observed that not all farm cooperatives live to a ripe and successful old age. Some of them suffer from "premature birth" caused by inadequate capital, failure to fill a real need of producers, poor market connections, lack of understanding of successful business methods, and a weakness for making great promises that cannot be fulfilled. These cooperatives die young. This simply emphasizes a fact that should be more widely known that cooperative marketing Isn't a form of magic. You can organize a but unless it rests on a sound basis, you can't make it work to advantage. The cooperatives which have really done things for farmers have all been organized on sound, realistic business principles. They have had competent executives to run their affairs. They have had sufficient financing. And they have come into being because of a definite need for their services. Good cooperatives mean eventual prosperity for the farmer stable and permanent prosperity. Poor cooperatives work against the very ends they IN JOVIAL MOOD Henry A. WalJija, Sec'y of Agriculture and Chester Davis, head of the AAA Utah announce the safe arrival cf an 8 lb. baby boy born Juy 4. over-confiden- Mrs. Dahl r was formerly Miss Violet Rasmussen of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Earland Chrnan are the proud parents of a 10 lb. baby boy born at the Cooley hospital in 1 yV 1 ! 1 li 'lii.J I to! i i 5 WELCOME, UNCLE CHARLIE! That's what Lois Bennett, who sings the role of Sally Gibson and Con- - g ' ed co-o- p, 3j iix slar of the Ivory Soap GOLDEN WEDDING finest blended America's whiskey. Better taste because it's a blend of only costlier H Wrm VrJ l h Vjt i ft.60?' 0,,";VwBl0t ntH tO" t A c7? V A v W QUAKER No. 1.5ft?,flW-- C. Cort, traffic manager of Old QuakM Distillery Co., LnwrMieeburg, Indiana would not trust thlt tpoelal millionth case of Old Quaker to and one-haordinary hands so he isomUy nd It on Its way. OLD EXPLORING SEA BOTTOM VACATION FAD Miss Dval Huelson with fish she speared while wearing specially constructed diving helmet used by vacationists to explore the battom of Chesapeake Bay. ff jy I n I i Brigham City July 13. Mrs. Ohman was formerly Miss Pearl Hansen of Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sorrel of Salt Lake City spent Saturday and Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor N. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Orsen Iversen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Iversen, Mr. and Mrs. Moroni Mortensen of this city; Mrs. Verna John and Miss Myrtle Hall of Elwood returned home during the week from a weeks outing to the Yellow Stone Park. Mrs. Moroni Mortensen is visiting relatives in New Westminster, Canada Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jensen and family of Salt Lake City is visiting lf espouse. I rell Simonson and family. The boy scouts of this ward, with n their leaders, Delbert Holmgren, reAndersen and Harold Reese, turned home Sunday evening after spending the weekend in Bear Lake, Idaho. Quite a number of the Relief Society teachers of this ward attended the Relief Society teacher's convention held in the first ward in Brigham City, Sunday afternoon and enjoyed the splendid talks given by the two peneial board members, who were, present, Mrs. Nettie D. Bradford and Mrs. Hazel H. Greenwood. John E. Christensen, who has been confined to his bed for some time, with relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson were shopping in Ogden Monday. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Vivian An dersen of Bothwell, Mrs. Augusta Iver sen, Mrs. Bemice Hall and Mrs. Thres sa Brailsford, gave a parcel shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan D. Iversen, who were recently married. The party was held on the lawn at the home of Mark Simonson. The afternoon was spent in social chat, after which refreshments were served to thirty guests. The young couple received many beautiful and useful gifts Mark Simonsen returned home on Monday morning after a month's visit at Lemhi, Idaho, with his son, Far- - Painting - Tinting Paper Hanging I WILKINSON PHONE & SON 3-- 3 THE MOST mmmm CHEVROlET.tot7:ADURINGJULY The favorite in Kentucky where Kentuckians call it "double rich". Take a tip from the Colonels when youbuy! R. P. 8. Pt. Off. See Our New WALL PAPER SAMPLES Sun Tested - Washable y'y. STRAIGHT WHISKEY "Crmm of KwitockT" suffering with an attack of cancer, was taken to the veterans hospital in Salt Lake City, Saturday morning. Al-vi- CREAM OF KENTUCKY Itt Xfo"0--P- ' s. 10 p.m. E.D.S.T. lZWfi P&tyfcr J p rl Inc. y GvID i "It's ALL whiskey" Coprrljht, 193S. Schenlw Distributor. Tent Show, are saying to Charlie Winninger, famous star who now bosses the program. The program is heard every Sunday night at (lm tS), TERES HOSPITAL NEWS SNAPSHOTS sec.-trea- sec-trea- PAGE 18, 1935 FINELY LOW-PRICE- BALANCED D CAR EVER BUILT :.: sjy cj Good business ' - DESERVES Good Stationary Qk A Poor Business """"rt" Mart D Una To Tt iirmnifn iiiniinf"' ' we want you fo drive n ...the streets and highways, too... CAR EVER BUILT FINELY BALANCED LOW-PRICE- Good Stationary to help it become a good business When you write a letter, distribute folders or send out a statement, these printed messengers are your sole representatives. If cheap ink is used or flimsy paper or broken type, they cast a slazy reflection on you. We can give your printed matter and you a fair fighting chance with your customer or prospective customer BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Personal Printing Department Your Chevrolet dealer is host! You Invited to invited cuestl o aiu without drive the new Master De Luxe Chevrolet in traffic, Chevrolet new any obligation! Try this how learn and .u- - urn. tmirhtawav. carl d much finer It is than any other It I .Jam low-price- J own mnrh more eatiflfied touII be to 4uju i,w the only car in the lowest price range with a beautisolid steel Turret-To- p fully styled Dody by Fisher, n construction, and the famous gliding Chevrolet. Ride! Come drive the Master De Luxe CIIEVKOLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT, Hiiu. aj Trcmonton, Utah gh I i i !). fBTnfff ltTr.Tt1 1 Mil tuimn Knee-Actio- nnl V-- CIOE10LE W!3LO 1 D THE MOST NEEDS (faiar miuictt I Smian CD 1 ABIUTT T- QtALER AOVEKTI8EM6NT To v J toe. Paone 20 |