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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1933 PAGE SIX PLYMOUTH Mr. Don R. Lamb I Famed Tabernacle Choir To Sing At Sail Diego Exposition. Dy L They report the fair comparing very favorably with the worlds fair , although smaller. They brought K. H. in, home for a visit. Mrs. C. M. Cole was hostess at a delightful bridge luncheon at her home Thursday, in honor of Mrs. Mary Coil and Mrs. Forrest King of Los Angeles, Calif, High prize was won by Mrs. Orsen Iverson, and consolation by Mrs. Park Stumm. The guests were Mrs. Coil, Mrs. King, Mrs. Orsen Iversen, Mrs. Moroni Lundberg, Mrs. Park Stumm, Mrs. Arthur Allen, Mrs. Jos. Holland and Mrs. Ernest Cornwall. Mrs. Roy Nash of Salt Lake City, has been visiting here with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kohlhepp for a few days, returned to her home Tuesday of last week. Mr. Lloyd Estep, 7 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Steed Estep, of this place came nearly being crushed Wednesday afternoon when he slipped and fell under the wheels of a wagon load of ties which his father was hauling from the rail road track. It seems that while his father was driving home with the load he drove between two posts in the fence and his wagon became lodged between the posts and it was necessary to hitch the team on of the wagon. Mr. Steed the back-en- d was holding the tongue to guide the wagon through while his son was driving the team when he slipped and and both wheels of the wagon passed over the boy's body. The father took his son to their home about half a mile away and rushed him to the Valley hospital where it was found the young lad was in a serious condition 'having three broken ribs with other Mntemal injuries. The boys injuries "were cared for and he is getting along nicely and was able to leave the hospital Sunday. Mr. Steed thinks that the rubber tires that were on the wagon was all that saved the boys life. Mr. R. Lional Mason while cutting hay with a mower on his ranch Thursday had a very close call of being seriously Injured when his horses became freightened and ran away, throwing him off the mower in front of the cutter bar. In some manner unexplainable, the knife passed under his body and other than a few scratches and bruises he escaped . Mr. Mason is of the opinion that it wasn't his time to go, and feels very fortunate. who unMrs. Olean Josehpson, derwent an operation at the hospital list week is home and getting along who A f 41 SNOWVILLE Bliss Annie Hurd By Lake City last week. Mrs. Golden Peterson and children came heme Monday from Bear River City, where she spent two weeks with her mother. Lowell Cutler, Lee Brown and two scouts from Ogden, furnished the program for sacrament meeting Sunday. Miss Rhoda B. Larkin of Salt Lake City, isiv siting friends here. Mrs. Geo Skidmore and Miss Myrtle Daley spent three days last week in Ogden, returning home Friday. Miss June Yates of Kelton, is spend aunt, Mrs. ing a few weeks with her ; Abe Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eliason, Jr., visited Yellowstone Park last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Nelson, Jr., Mrs. C. M. Peterson, Miss Vida Peterson were in Ogden Monday of last week. Miss Cleo Cutler, daughter of Jos. Mrs. Van Peterson is spending a j. Cutler, was married to Boyd Fer- few weeks in Garland. gus, son of Wm. Fergus of Stone, Karl Fuller of Smithfield, is visThursday, in the Logan temple. iting at the home of Jos. J. Larkin. Mrs. Mary Larsen of Loa, Utah, Wm. Hurd, Jr., was in Brigham on and L. M. Hurd were married at Salt business, Thursday. The Mormon Tabernacle choir of Salt Lake City, one of the world's outstanding choral groups, radio broadcast. Is shown above as It appears With the great Tabernacle Organ for a nation-widvoices will be heard as guest of the Ford This noted musical group of three hundred and eighty-fiv- e Motor Company at the California Pacifio International Exposition during the week of July 19 to 28, e Perhaps the greatest cultural contribution of the intermountain west to the California Pacific International Exposition la the scheduled appearance in San Diego of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir of Salt Lake City. As guests of the Ford Motor Conjpanjr, this world-famou- s cat organization of three hundred golden voices will appear in the Ford Music Bowl In Balboa Park during the 'week from July 19 to 26. Sacred and secular maBterworks of music will feature the afternoon and evening concerts, which will include the leading choral numbers from the composers pt ancient and this summer . un-hu- rt. nicely. modern oratorio and opera, as well as solo and group interpretations c of modern, classic, and This is the same compositions. type of music that has thrilled millions of music lovers during the choir's broadcasts over weekly national radio hookups. The last slity-flv- e years of Its history has seen the choir develop from a small body of singers into a splendid choral group recognized today as one of the world's outstanding musical organizations . . . "a symphony of glorious voices with a musical soul", as it has been described by one eminent musical critic. semi-clasti- Sponsored by Henry Ford at the Century of Progress in Chicago last summer, the choir was considered by many the leading musical attraction of the world's fair. Ford Motor Company officials voted it one of the most successful entertainments presented by the Ford ' V Exposition. ! 5 In fact, so enthusiastically were its offerings received by fair visitors, that the Ford Company mada special arrangements to feature the choir in a return engagement during this' summer's Caluornia exposition. For Snglj V JULY 4Pv;lc: SHOE YEI 'fe V 3 1 MkJ Linford Archibald, who was injured in a motor accident two weeks ago, the home of Mrs. Alice Persson at Garland last Wednesday. The prizes were won by Phoebe Haight, Fannie Lower and Peg Johnson. Mrs. E. H. White was a special guest. A delicious luncheon was served. Mrs. Ethel Stockham of the Dee Hospital visited at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scothern and Wanda Garfield. A delicious lunch- and Mrs. Gilbert Parker Wednesday. Last Thursday evening the Singing family, Mrs. Darrel Scothern, and Mrs. eon was served. The color cheme was Values ve Charles Petersen and family attended of patriotic design. Mrs. Cook was Mothers were delightfully entertained the Checkett's reunion held at Logan presented with a beautiful hot plate at the home of Miss Mae Fridal. The rooms were beautifully decorated Canyon last Sunday. A sumptious iron. Miss Eva Beutler of Logan is spend with American flags and spring flowdinner was served. ers. A delicious luncheon in patriotic Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ballentine and ing the week visiting at the home of NEWEST STYLES OFFERED AT was served to 24 members Miss Harris. design Ruby son Jimmle of Park City, Utah are days. Mrs. J. D. Harris and son, J. D. Jr. followed by an enjoyable evening of of home at the a few days spending games and music. spent Wednesday at Logan and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rhead. Miss Vaudes Bergstrom of Ogden Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Maughan spent DR. DON C. JAMES visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Olsen of Renard and Morgan last Sunday at Logan visiting rela- Mrs. OPTOMETRIST Bowman of Peterson George Bradshaw Sunday. Nancy Will Be Here Monday,' July v8 tives. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Haight spent visited with Mrs. Etta Stanfil Satur MAKE APPOINTMENTS NOW Tuesday evening the ladfes of the day at the home of Mrs. Londy Harris. Saturday night as the guests of Mr. Farm Bureau entertained at the home Mrs. Wallace T. Capener of Pocatel-lo- , and Mrs. Elias Hansen of Mink Creek, ROBERT SIMONSEN Mrs. John O. Garfield in. honor of Regular Stock Shoes Reof JEWELER T Idaho is visiting at the home of Idaho. miss Mrs. Wanda Cook, rormriy Mrs. Brig Williams and Donna duced for Clearance! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keller Mower returnee' Wednesday from a this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Haight spent trip to Pocatello and Rexburg, Idaho. Mrs. Orsen Iverson and Mrs. Ar last week visiting at the home of Mr. OXFORDS thur Allen were hostesses at a bridge and Mrs. Willard Moss of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Woods of party Friday evening at the home of Brigham City spent the weekend at Mrs. Iverson, in honor of Mrs. Mary the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coil and Mrs. Forrest King, of Los Angeles. High prize went to Mrs. J. H. Keller. BUCKO Mrs. Mart Hanson and Mrs. Millie Park Stumm, and consolation by Mrs Christensen spent the weekend at Salt J. L. Weidmann. A tray luncheon SLACKS was served to Mrs. Coil, Mrs. King, Lake City visiting friends. be ... The Ogden Epworth League accom- Mis. J. L. Weidmann, Mrs. J. Laub, Mrs. W. Mason, Mrs. Jos, Iverson, All Sizes Available But Not in Every Style. panied by the Tremonton. League it you went on a gypsy hike last Thursday Mrs. C. M. Cole, Mrs. Jos. Holland, No Exchanges Mrs. Moroni Lundberg, Mrs. Ernest evening. The hike ended near the low cost will river bottom at Deweyville where a Cornwall and Mrs. Park Stumm. you You Miss Shoes, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Frazier and fam gypsy stew was enjoyed by all. Mr. and and Mrs. a S. Cooke Ily is Miss Lucille Cropley George spending week at the home of Mary Supan at and daughter, Louie, have just reVISIT OUR STORE TODAY! turned from a visit with their daughRichfield, Idaho. Miss Eunice Johnson of Richmond, ter and sister, Mrs. Wm. H. Wood Utah la visiting at the home of her and family of Grand Junction, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Wood are former resibrother, Mr. Guy Johnson. The families of Gifford Watland, dents of Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Fridal, Jr.. John Herman Landvatter, Chris Beck, Eli Winzeler and Alma Theurer returned and Fae, returned from visiting the home Sunday after spending several San Diego fair, Tlajauna,. Mexico, Boulder Dam, Zions National Park days at Bear Lake. They reported and Bryce Canyon National Park. a very enjoyable trip. A HM III II M 1 1 M I H Ull I'Ht IIHIM 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keller entertained at a trout supper Sunday night at ! ! ! ! ! I ! I ! i t I I I l"M"t"M" t I' ! their home. Vera Capener .their grand son brought the trout for the supper home with him from Yellowstone Park. Covers were laid for 8. Mrs. Millie Christensen was a special guest M You'll Mrs. Nell Monaham of Oakland, California visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Parker Wednesday. 4th WE CARRY Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Monk of HowPrescriptions Carefully and POSTAGE STAMPS ell spent Sunday with friends at Accurately Compounded 4 Tremonton. SATURDAY-JULY-6t- h The Ladles Faculty Club of the B. R. H. S. met at the home of Mrs. M $1.00 ST. REGIS ONE WHITE Alma King Wednesday evening to disWATCHES matters. cuss business SHOE CLEANER M Mrs. Lula Taylor entertained the FRENS SANITARY NAPKINS 30c FORHANS members of the B. B. bridge club at still confined in the hospital, but .as been removed to Hyrum where it is reported he is getting along nicely and will soon be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hess, who were married in Salt Lake City last week, were visiting here with Mr. Hess' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Hess during the week end. About 10 couples of our young mar ried folks here and a few others are planning to celebrate the 4th of July sightseeing in the Yellowstone Park. They left Monday morning in the van They expect to be gone about eight MlOCAILStefl Been Waiting for f X SPORT SHOE SALE t You' i ns $1.89 $2.29 , INCLUDING: t PUMPS TIES YdDW Mostly We can your first consideration make inviting and beautiful, help and the surprise should If Need Don't Opportunity This ISHUURN Kill HdlllHI I- -I- I- 1 lIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTyTTTTTTITTTTTTTTTTTYTYT I- Need These For the ANKLETS CITY DRUG CO its 15cpr. 19 pr. f Darrell's Beauty Salon j Ogden's Most Modern Equipped Daughter a Permanent for Graduation Gephart Stores Co. Priced $2.00 and lip C07 1 111 H"M"H UTAH (Box of 12) BOYERS FACE POWDER with CLEANSING CREAM 50c PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE MILK OF MAGNESIA Full Pint M M M 89 15 39 29 TOOTH PASTE - Large HOSPITAL COTTON Full Pound THERMOS BOTTLES Pint $1.00 CHALLENGE ALARM CLOCKS .... 23 29 39 79 89 Meet Your Friends at Our Store Whether You Buy or Not You Arc Welcome to Use Our Store and Its Facilities i M H CALL ?G3 First Seoiirity Bank Bldg. OGDEN, H-- H 0 Give All Sizes to 10 "Buy for Cash and Pay Less" o Tremonton, Utah In Gay Colorful Checks and Stripes 10 t Try a FreSfrXimeade 000 Sc iii:innnymm!tn,tnf t |