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Show PAGE FOUR By BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, JULY relatives while on their vacation. Miss Sablna Ericksen left last week for California, after a two weeks vacation with ber brothers, John and Emanuel. She also visited ber brother and family in Salt Lake City. Frances Romer came home from Logan for the weekend. She is attending summer school at the A. C. Eilton Anedrsen spent last Sunday home from the A. C. He is at present working at the A. C. experiment station at BountifuL Mrs. A. P. Hansen entertained on Friday in honor of Mrs. C. W. Wright of Alabama. J. M. Mortensen and san, Jay, went to Pocatello on business last week. Miss Norma Andersen has accepted a position at the City Drug Co. in ELWOOD Mrs. P. Easmiusen 1L Mrs. Elisha B. Ward, mother of Mrs. Lawrence Hansen, came up from Ogden, Friday for a visit. She has been visiting her daughter in Ogdea Mrs. Lawrence Durant and children of Salt Lake City, are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and ber mother, Mrs. Ward, attended a funeral of Mrs. Wards sister, Mrs. Sarah Cardon in Willard Wednesday. Mrs. Owen Rasmussen received word that her aunt, Elizabeth Sains-burof Salt Lake, passed away Saturday. Funeral services were held Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnsen and children of Payson, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Johnsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Christensen. The Petersen reunion was held at Logan on June 19. There were 60 present, most of them from Elwood. A delicious luncheon was served. All enjoyed the day. James Hansen reunion was held at Lorrin Fair Park last Sunday. Those from here who attended were Mr .and Mrs. V. L. Hansen and children, Mr .and Mrs. A. P. Hansen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mr. and Mrs. Carl Romer and children. The program and luncheon was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. C. W. Wright of Burmlngham Ala., left Saturday for Richfield to visit relatives there. She will return here for a short visit again before leaving for the east. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Petersen and two sons of Los Angeles, arrived here Wednesday evening to visit his mother, Mrs. Amelia Petersen and other relatives. They left for Idaho on Saturday, where they will visit other y, Ro-me- r, Tremonton- 4, 1935 Teton Peaks and Jackson Hole Country I I y " . r, s p ,, , r S ' n, J. P. Christensen and Guy all enjoyed a trip to Logan on n, Thursday. Rose Bronsen is visiting her grand father, Wm. Bronsen at Logan. Ada Bronsen is visiting her sister and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jorgensen at Brigham City. Read the Want Ads - Jim. HALF YEARLY SALE in the New DOWNSTAIRS STORE Women's PETERS Shoes $1.95 - $2.95 - $3.95 For i m series of articles to appear In this newspaper, This is nne of sponsored by the Salt Lake Advertising Club, associated civic clubs of southern and central Utah, and chambers of commerce ; part of m program to point out Utah's resources so that local people will "Know Utah Better". By MARION C. NELSON Children's s PENROSE 89( - $1.49 - $1.69 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Shuman Men's and Boys' were at Yellowstone National Park last week. They returned home $1.95 - $2.95 - $3.95 Newell Taylor and son, Wayne, were visiting with relatives in Afton and Evanston, Wyoming, Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Enjjvar Peterson ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Petersen of Brigham City to Yellow- - SEASON'S OUTSTANDING SENSATION J i stone Park last week. Fred W. Petersen and Miss Delia Petersen returned home Friday after attending the San Diego fair and other places of interest in California. C. C. Leavitt and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leavitt and Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison and family of Afton, Wyo., were visiting with Mr. Newell Taylor Tuesday. Mr. Kirkham of Garland, attended sacrament meeting here Sunday with members of the Elwood ward, who fur nished the program. Mr. Leavitt and Cranford Taylor were Salt Lake visitors Tuesday. Save Your Crop .... Don't lose your grain crop by using poor BINDER TWINE . . . Get Fresh Stock Here, at the RIGHT PRICE And Remember We Have a Complete Line of IMPLEMENTS - BUILDING MATERIALS AND HARDWARE It Is a Pleasure to Shop Where Every Need for Farm and Home Can Be Supplied Farmers Cash Union ' "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" j 1 VIRGIL a than ever before 'MysticandCircus' no ggjj LARGEST IN THE WORLD 80 H. P., V-- 8 ENGINE The most practical, powerful, dependable and tco nomical truck engine Ford hat ever built. 4 REAR AXLE Sturdiest type of axle construction. Housing ca ries load, leaving shafts free to drivt truck. FULL-FLOATI- FULL TORQUE-TUB- E DRIVE Plus radius rods insures positive axle alignment, giving longer tire life and better braking. SEE HUMAN ELECTRIC SAW MILL Lady Sawed Thru by a Powerful Saw - Not In a box! SEVEN UNSOLVED MYSTERIES OF THE ORIENT BURNING A MAN ALIVE CASADAGA PROPAGANDA CHINESE OPIUM DEN MYSTERY AND DOZENS OF OTHER ILLUSIONS OVER YOU BEHIND YOU RESIDE YOU WITH YOU Cnrrfc1rc OpUUlV& " The Mystic Seance of a Frenzied Genious" FUN THRILLS CHILLS High School Aud. Tue., July 9 Only 8:15 p. m. Ten Tons of Equipment SHEELA Live African Lion Children 15c Adults 3"c mam Vosjr Tkuck F0F2 AMERICA'S PREMIER ILLUSIONIST AND HIS $50,000.00 SHOW OF 1000 WONDERS V- Thus is the vast country of the Tetons in Western Wyoming. Vast, rugged mountains rear their great bulk into the clear mountain skies from the Southwest shores of Jackson lake. Scattered through the territory are scores of dude ranches summer haven for many who seek the solitude and grandeur of this wild country. Grand Teton National park is one of the smaller parks but for breathtaking mountain scenery it is unexcelled. It was established in 1929 and embraces tha most spectacular part of the Teton mountains. In addition to the sublime mountains of the region, it embraces Ave large lakes and many smaller ones, extensive forests of pine, fir and spruce and groces of cottonwood and aspen, as well as glaciers and barrier. The grandeur of the beetling gray crags, sheer precipices, and perennial snow fields is vastly enhanced by the total absence of foothills, and by contrast with the relatively flat floor of Jackson Hole from which they are usually viewed. Jackson Hole is one the most sequestered and severally enclosed basins in the Rocky Mountain region. The basin floor ranges in altitude from 6,000 to 7,000 feet and embraces an area of over 400 square miles. This basin is the dude ranch capital of America. Dwindling in Importance for actual running of cattle and other stock, historic old ranches have been reconverted for their summer purpose. Through this territory, too, vacationists now roam where once rustlers and outlaws made their headquarters. 65 miles Jackson Hole itself is a strip of lovely long and from 10 to 20 miles wide. Jackson, retaining much of the frontier atmosphere, yet equipped with all the essential conveniences of modern civilization, and MOran, on beautiful Jackson Lake, are the principal towns. Rail and automotive transportation have brought this wild region f mountain and forest, lake and plain within the Intimate reach of vary Westerner. Ogden, Utah Ogden Headquarters I snow fields. Much of the park is above timberline, the Tetons rising from 3,000 to 7,000 feet above the floor of Jackson Hole. The Grand Teton Mountain group, scenic climax of the range, is one of the noblest in the world. It is one of the few that can be described as cathedral-like- . Its great central spire is formed by the Grand Teton itself, which reaches 13,747 feet into the sky. Of the five lakes, only Jenny and Leigh lakes are accessible by The others are pack trips. Actually, the full beauty of automobile. this section is available only through pack and trail. Except at Teton pass, near its southern end, the range is practically an insuperable LRSfimueLS DEWEYVILLE Iversen, son of Mrs. August Iver-ise- n By Mrs. Thomaa Ault of this city. The marriage took place in Ogden Saturday, June 29. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Allred and children of Ogden, spent Tuesday vis- weekend guests of their son,: LaRaino iting at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Marble and family at Fillmore, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tingey and Parley W. Allred. Mrs. Rast Petersen and two daugh- little son of Promontory, were guests ters, Ruth and Vernell, spent Satur- of Mrs. Myrtle Knudson and Mrs. Minnie Boyde on Sunday. day in Salt Lake City on business. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fiedrekson of Miss Welma Zinck left Monday for Salt Lake City, where she will attend Penrose, were calling on relatives a beauty school. here Sunday. Mrs. Marvin Storreys and children Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Burbank of Brig of Salt Lake City, are visiting at the ham City, were calling on relatives home of Mrs. Sarah M. Fridal. and friends here Sunday. They were Miss Zelda Johnson is visiting in dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs. A. R. Ogden with her cousin, Lucille John- Burbank. son. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gittens wtnt Mrs. Golden Petersen and three to McCammon, Idaho, on Monday to children returned to their home in visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Barnard of FillSnowville, Monday, after visiting with her mother, Mrs. Augusta Iversen for more, Utah, were guests of Mr.' and two weeks. Mrs. J. P. Barnard on Sunday.' Lavania Barnard spent a few days Bishop Osey Jensen, Mrs. Elizabeth Andersen and Mrs. Carrie A. Chris- with Mr. and Mrs. Verl Barnard at tensen made a business trip to Brig-ha- Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burbank and City., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jensen at- family of California, spent a few days tended the Nelsen reunion at the Crys here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. tal Springs Sunday afternoon. Charles Burbank of this place.: LaRue and Alvin Johnson of Salt Phyllis Christensen of Bear River Lake City, spent Sunday in this city City, visited her sister, Mra.Ruloa visiting their mother, Mrs. Johanna Gardner for a few days. Johnson. Mrs. N. Peter Marble had as guests Mrs. Fontella Wright, assisted by on Monday, Mrs. Arthur Pierson, Mrs Mrs. Marvel Dunn and Mrs. Morris Darrell Scothern of Tremonton and Glover entertained the members of Juanita Dugan of Rexburg, Idaho. the L Apren Midi club Thursday afMrs. Albert Howell was a guest dur ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ing the past week at the home of Mr. Albert E. Holmgren in this city. and Mars. Parley Merrill. Luncheon was served at small tables Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nielson are on the cool lawn after which bridge enjoying a fishing trip in Idaho. was played. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Barnard and litMr. and Mrs. Rasmus Christensen tle daughters of Warren, visited at spent Wednesday in Salt Lake City. the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. BarMr. and Mrs. Rudger Ipson spent nard on Sunday. the week end in Salt Lake City. Miss Evelyn Harwood of Ogden, vis Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Taylor, Mr. and ited relatives here on Monday. Mrs. Reubon Holmgren left Monday Mrs. Stella Scheib and children of for Detroit, Michigan on business. Salt Lake City, visited her parents, Tif CThrisrAniapn mflria a Vtuainoaa w ... UUU1VUH Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fryer this week. a.vu ft The same day the Kitchen Queen cooking club of Elwood, met at the home of Beth Mortensen. Cake was made and served. A good time was John-se- - De-Io- t Don't Miss It NEW BRAKES Cast alloy iron drums mean fewer adjustments longer life for brake lining. NEW HEAVY-DUTThis dutch has 25 Y The new Ford 8 truck is a quality truck it is built to give you lower cost of operation, fewer repairs and fewer The money-savin- g features on the right are only a few of the values that have been built into this new Ford. Many of them are exclusive with Ford in the e field. Your nearest Ford dealer will be glad to let you test this new truck under your own loads and with your own driver. Telephone today and arrange for a demonstration prove its efficiency of operation for yourself. V-- lay-up- s. low-pric- AUTHORIZED FORD FORD MORI THAN DEALERS TRUCK IVIft AMIRICA'S O ft I A T TRUCK CITY DRUG CO. AND BY MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN LEG JON CLUTCH lower pedal pressure; HEAVY FRAME frame with full rennet High carbon pressed-stee- l depth cross member reduces chassis weaving. EXTRA DECIDEDLY LOWER MAINTENANCE The low cost Engine and Pans Exchange Plan permits lowest cost maintenance through the entire life of the truck. AND Callister Motor UP- -f. O. ft. DITROIT Eur ttrm Armgk Vmkmttl VAIUI TREMONTON, UTAH "ni Centrifugal force increases plate pressure more than 100. 11" in diameter greater capacity. tbcrix0j ! ! SPONSORED BY AMERICAN LEGION TICKETS ON SALE AT s. Mrs. Sina Thorsen and daughter, Evelyn, motored to Ogden Thursday. Fred F. Petersen spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City on business. By Mrs. C. W. Brailsford Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Burt of Brig- Creek. had. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker and daughter, Margery, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Petersen, Mrs. Maren K. Petersen, Mrs. Martine Larsen, Mrs. H. P. Rasmus-se- BEAR RIVER CITY ' ham City, announce the marriage of n their daughter, Elizabeth to Ivan - Gertrude and Don Hansen, children of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansen, spent the weekend in Preston and Mink Creek visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Larsen is spending a week or ten days at Mink trip to Salt Lake Thursday, Co. Frd rimmtet Pirn. |