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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1933 PAGE SIX Drycc Canyon National Park Great .1 3 In urvna Canvon is 3v r.H i is i U on of a ierie of article to appear In thu newkpajxr, aporuored br the Salt Lake Advert isinit Club, asaoclated civic club of aouthern and central Utah, and enarmbera of commerce; part ofwill so that local people program to point out Utah'a resource Thl i "Know Utah Better". By MARION C. NELSON On all the awesome sights on the face of the earth, there Is none more breath-takinnone that more completely overwhelms an observer, than Bryce Canyon. This scenic wonder Is approximately twenty-fivmiles from Panguitch and Is reached over splendid highways. It has been said that If a view of this great amphitheatre does not create a is feeling akin to reverence, nothing ever will. While Bryce Canyon not as extensive, it Is like Cedar Breaks, intensified. Crowded into 85,240 acres, 8,000 feet elevation at the rim, Bryce Canyon presents such a spectacle that in recognition of its unusual scenic value it was made a National Monument in 1923 and chanjed to a National Park in 1928. From Cedar Breaks to Bryce Canyon one passes through sevenly Hiiles of most Interesting and varied scenery a3 though to prepare the Visitor for the climax at the rim of Bryce. Crossing the broad summit of the Markagunt Plateau the highway traverses fine coniferous forests that frequently open Into charming "parks", and passes greut areas covered with lava from Hancock Peak and the adjacent extinct volcanoes. Navajo Lake, a beautiful mountain tarn encircled by pino and a noted fishing water, is about eight miles beyond Midway. Soon pretty Duck Creek, rising In full power from a fine spring ar filled with trout, parallels the highway for several miles, then diaa;; pears under the volcanic rock. At the crossing cf Strawberry Gulchob-a little used trail extends southward to Strawberry Point, a famous servation point on the Pink Cliffs. The main highway H alternately surfaced with v,hlto, pink, and red rock, a Tainted road in a laud ui color. The read enters Red Canyon which is so like Bryce, on a smallei scale, that you may bo excused for thinking you lsavo nlreaJy arrived A few milss more of travel through a pine t'cltsd valley, walled wi t red rock, and you come to Bryce Canyon National Park. At first you may be disappointed! Here Li Eryee Lodge, but there seems to be nothing to indicate the existence ci a canyon. Have patience, for you notice a footpath leading directly awey from tho loil.e brillir.nt sights A short walk and there bursts upon you one of th3 ver beheld by man! The thing about Bryce Canyon that will fascinate you, that will keep you entranced for hours on end, is the weird sculpture of the reck formations that rise In countless numbers from the canyen depths, and the brilliant colors with which they are tinted. As you stand for the first time on the rim of this fairyland of reality, looking downward, your first thought is that some giant hand scoopad out a bowl in this Utah plateau, and then studded it with tho3e strange beautifully-colorefigures that rise from the canyon floor. They scarcely seem real. Perhaps the Indians who once roamed through this country described It as well as it can be done. Their name for Bryce was g e children returned home Monday after visiting in St. George at the home of Mrs. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seegmlller. Lloyd Anderson of Salt Lake City, is visiting at the home of his parent, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson. OUR MAKE COOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Tremonton, Utah - Phone I Co. 28 A LOST gray range horse, weight with shoes on front. Call H. A. Hawks, Blue Ridge tf. ranch. about : : 12D0 lbs, Trout Hatchery, Brighara Reverse Charge. A Product of Western Farms invigorating Nourishing J Healthful 493-J-6-- tf Fronl Chevrolet 11930 11928 11929 11930 11929 11931 11929 11929 11928 Offerings Ford Cabriolet Graham Paige Coupe Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Sedan Chevrolet Coach Studebaker Coupe Ford Coupe Buick Sedan Buick Sedan Becker's BoHle Beer is PASTEURIZED.. TRUCKS as good bottled should bo... br 11934 Vt Ton Truck 11930 Vz Ford Truck 11929 Vi Ford Truck 11933 l'2 Ton Truck (long wheel base) 11932 Vt Ton Truck (long wheel base) 11934 Chevrolet Master Delux Sedan (6 wheels) 11934 Tlymouth Delux Sedan I PRICES LOWEST IN THE STATE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED VVWAVVVVV An achievement of brewers who have kept at their task . . . without interruption . . . for over a half century . . . perfecting their skill yen during the years of prohibition! No wonder it has that superior flavor! BEER III front woDiCTstlynfSj ! - The M. I. A. stake outing will be held at Crystal Springs Wed., July 17. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom had ia, of Denver, Miss Vaudess Bergstrom of Ogden and Mrs. George Bradshaw of Tremonton, Mrs. Byron Stalling and children and Mrs. John Cranier and children of Corinne, were the guests of Mrs. Anton Anderson, Thursday. Tuesday afternoon the Relief Society members' held their iast regular meeting of the year. Rose Vanfleet, Delia Marriott, Dora Brough, Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Gleason of the stake board, were present and gave very interesting talks. Following the meeting a socal was held. The class leaders were each presented with a beautiful gift in appreciation for their work. Refreshments were served to 17 members and visitors. CASH PAID for dead and useless cows and horses. Call Maple Creek SEE- 36 THATCHER as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. 8 of Salt Lake, were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Summers. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Firth motored to Malad Sunday, where they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Servoss. Mrs. John Anderson and children returned home Thursday after an extended visit in Ogden. The Relief Society meeting was held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Eli Hawkins. Mrs. Radcliffe Henrie re viewed the book, "What Every Woman Knows." Musical numbers were given by Miss Beatrice Hawkins and Mrs. Rhoda Mills. A delightful tray luncheon was served by Mrs. Haw kins. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eberhardt and family were visitors at Logan on Sunday. The Summers reunion was held at the Crystal Springs, June 20. Swimming, luncheon and program were the features of the day. About one hundred from different parts of the state were In attendance. TREMONTON, UTAH li Frank Norberg and daughters, Glor, 5-- -- , BESSIN6ER BROS. home for a short visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vernald Johns spent the weekend in Ogden with Mr. John's mother. Two-stor- y FOR ICE Beverages & Coal -- j gar Co. Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Johnson and daughter, Helen, were Ogden visitors Saturday. Miss Marion Johnson came frame house, FOR SALE strickly modern, close In. A snap for someone. If interested see James Walton, Tremonton. 2 tf. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Clark and son The M. I. A. stake outing will be held at Crystal Springs Wed., July 17. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Anderson and Utah-Idah- ; FOR SALE One used electric motor and one gas engine. Saa J. A. Pack Trade-i- n j 19. 8-- 6-- ) I came home wth her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Linford are leaving this week for Chinnook, Montana, where Mr. Linford has accepted o Sua position with the 5-- But the changing colors of Bryce are almost more amazing than its figures. Lighted by the morning sun, the canyon looks like a bowl of glowing embers, decorated with lace and filigree work. It is no Wonder that the Indians referred to Bryce as the "canyon of fire". At midday the canyon has lost its sparkle and seems to sleep in the sunlight. At sunset the colors are brought cut in soft hues, and by moonlight, the deep shadows set oft the biiV.irut white spires, making them Almost seem to glow with a v,liit.o li bt. No visit to Bryce is complete until yen have seen it from the trails that wind through the depths cf the ( r;cn. l.ffco tho Grand Canyon of the Colorado, the view fiom t'.is inn ecvvcs only to stimulate ths Imagination, and a descent to the ciryen floor is the only means by which a traveler may fvliy nprr: i:t? th? versatility of nature's art look displayed there. Here too, r.s c.t C.i 1 '. Cr.nyon, no observer can him-elf at the great amphitheatre sprc-.- d cut b .v; him, Blgh, and Bay to "well, now I've seen F;;c: C :: yen ", for the moving sun constanttVfforent that you may spend ly sets a new stage with new r ." with new quirks of color days at the canyon always t::.:j - CTgS&iNC TTe. sen tf. Castle. By Phyllis Summers too ic frost-whit- BOTH WELL 1 6-- But though these figures rise erect from the canyon floor, like men, they resemble almost anything under the sun that your imagination can conceive. Here In one place is a whole city of spires, their bases tinted with a deep rose, their tips glittering in brilliant Single forms are everywhere. Here is a statue of Queen Victoria: there another of the Pope the resemblances so amazing that you caa hardly believe your eyes. A few of the established names in Bryce may give you an idea of the variety of the forms: tho Organ, the Sculptor's Studio, the Queen's Castle, Tower Bridge, Moon Temple, Bluebeard's , 1 WANTED Animals to pasture for at the home of her sister, Mrs. Glen summer, in local pasture. J. H. Baron in Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Milton E. Nelson and Miller, East Garland, phone 59.0-3- . tl. daughter of Ames, Iowa, who have been visiting with Mrs. Nelson's par SEE the Sparton Refrig- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Manning the erators. 20 to 30 Lower oper- past week .left Monday for Brigham ating cost. No service problem re- City where they will visit with rela- quired. J. G. Read & Bros., Ogden, tives for a time. They expect to Utah; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pack, spend the remainder of the summer Representatives, Tremonton, Utah. in Utah and will return to Iowa to school in the fall. FOR SALE New hay derrick and a Mr .and Mrs. C. H. Last and famgood mower, ready for use. R. A. left Tuesday for Strawberry canily Christensen, Tremonton. yon to spend the week. They expect LAWNMOVERS SHARPENED on to visit Bear Lake before coming Ideal Sharpener. Prompt Service, home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirkham visited Work guaranteed. E. S. Sercomb, tf. with relatives in American Fork SatTremonton, Utah. urday and Sunday. Their daughter, WANTEDCrippled and useless hors- Miss Venna, who has been visiting es, alive. Call 657-Logan, Utah. with relatives there the past month d , if Wig Classified Ad Column rct and form, By SCliOOI DAYS By The M. I. A. stake outing will be held at Crystal Springs Wed., July 17. Pres. C. E. Smith, Bishop Mark Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Capener Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Garrett, Mr. anJ Mrs! M. W. Garrett were among thase who attended the funeral services for Mr. C. M. Peterson at Snowville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kennett Austin visited with relatives in Salt Lake City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Boss visited in Salt Lake City, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boss came home with them in the evening. Mrs. John L. Siddoway and children of Vernal are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hansen this week. James Herbert of Salt Lake City was a guest at the home of his nephew, Frank Hansen .Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. L. H. Bigelow and children of Salt Lake City, are visiting this week with the C. H. Hales and the Geo. O. Nye families. Mrs. Geo. O. Nye came home Sunday from Salt Lake City, where she spent the week visiting with relatives and friends. Ike Bennion is visiting this week with his wife and son at the home of Mrs. J. L. Harvey. Miss Fay Nye is a guest this week The Organ GARLAND Mr. Geo. A. Beal I ?s" UNION MADE BECKER'S BEER is truly a product of the communities in which it is consumed made of barley grown on intermountain farms and pure artesian mountain water. It satisfies both hunger and thirst. Ask your arocer, drug store or beverage dealer for the Hand Carton of 6 or 3 bottles. Manufactured hy PRODUCTS CO. Ogden, Utah Distributed by BECKER BESSINGEIt BROS. |