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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, MAY PAGS SIX OCAl !' The Ladies Faculty club was held at the home ot Mrs. Alma King with Mrs. Arbon, Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Kin? and Miss Woodside acting as host-- . esses. The music was furnished by a ladies trio consisting of Jane Linford, Lavell Roberts and Ethel Rogers. Mrs. Walker gave a sketch on modern appliances for the home. An election of officers for next year was held. Mrs. A!r.ia King was elected president, Edna Burnham vice president, Helen Anderson and Josephine Nichols reporters, Mrs. Leo Walker as historian. Mrs. Welling, Mrs. Watkins and Miss Woodside, program committee. A delicious luncheon was j ' Last Thursday evening Mrs. E. H White was hostess to the Sinirio Mothers at the home of Fawn Quinney. Delicious home mac- - candy was served to twenty membeis. Bill Nikolaisen visited with Grant Parker at West Point la3t week. Mrs. Grace M. Hart returned Sun-- , day from Salt Lake where she has been for the past five weeks. The district conventions of the Le-- J gion and auxiliary was held at Richmond Friday, April 2G. An election of district officers was held. Mrs. H. C. Haight ot this city, was elected as district secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Jewell Steffen sang a solo during the morning session. During the banquet in the evening, Mrs. Richard Anderson gave a musical reading. Bill Pherson of sang a number of songs. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Parker have recently returned from an extended visit through the southern states. Mr. Parker remained at the Dr. Brenkley hospital at Del Rio, Texas, where he received medical treatment. While on their return home they visited friends Mr. and Mrs. Lavon Stokes and Mr. and relatives at Oakland, Stockton Mrs. Jay Rhead motored to Salt and California. in They cities other and on business. stopped at Reno, Nevada to visit Mrs. Lake Tuesday afternoon Gudme. Helen Mrs. Parker's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Con Steffen, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ransom and Mrs. H. C. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cook left attended the Legion convenHaight Mich. for Detroit, Saturday Richmond Friday. tion at They will remain there for six weeks and Grant sons, their visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Anderson Melvin. Melvin will return home with Mrs. Fawn Quinney attended the and of the close them at the spring Legion convention Friday night. Dew-eyvill- e, Tre-mont- Mr. and Mrs. John Darney of River-dalDr. Stocks and family of Pocatello, Mr. and Mrs. Howell Stater, Dr. Idaho, spent the weekend at the home C. B. Johnson and family, Mrs. Laura of David Stander. Mrs. Stocks is a Shuppe, Mrs. Bell Newman and daugh sister of Mr. Stander. ter, Mabel of Ogden, visited at the home of David Stander Friday. T. D. Davis of 3alt Lake City, visn ited at the home of hb daughter, Mrs. people who attended Marion Summers. the funeral services of Mrs. Viola e, .. . vr r Slander are, Air. ana airs, n&rvey and Ruth Smont, Mr. Foster, Phyllis and Mrs. David Peterson, Annie Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smont, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smont, Mr. and Mrs. How ell Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Darney and mother, Mrs. L. Reynolds, Mrs. j Joseph Oborn, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bergstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Henry btander ot Brigham City; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Darney of Loeran: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watkins r,f Thavnd Wvnmin tr XT r anH Xfm Ted Hone of Rock Springs, Wyo.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Middleton, Mr. and Mi's. Peter Anderson, Mrs. Lizzie Watkins, Mrs. W. E. Newman and daughter, Mabel of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Newman; Mrs. Ella Broadbent, Miss Cloe Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jensen of Salt Lake City. 2, 1935 County Leaders Training School Held Sat. T 'ft THERE ARE HAZARDS tod hazards M these goli courses as- the above picture Indicates "Keep your eye on the baJT wu a difficult tn- -: Btruction to follow the day these bathing beau-;- : ties decided to Invade - j r m golf links. A county training school was held Saturday for the Box Elder t j The flower garden club met at the home of Mrs. Harry Woodward lastj Thursday afternoon. Musical num-- j bers were furnished by Tess, Peggy and Gill Johnson, a trio, a piano solo, by Gale Millward, solos by Joan Green and a vocal solo by Mrs. Geo. Quinney. Mr. House, of Ogden, gave a talk on landscaping. Mrs. James Walton was hostess to the Tremonton-Garlan- d Literary club Wednesday evening. The book, "Pure Gold," by O. E. Rolvagg, was" reviewed by Mrs. Winona Mulliner. Following a tray luncheon was served to 16 members and 6 guests. Out-of-tow- 4-- H -- ,,J Maur-in- e Bothwell. secretary-treasure- r, Gibbs of Portage, song and cheer leader, and Lawana Hunsaker of Hon-eyvil- UhiA til The morning session began with the registration of leaders in attendance, followed by singing under the direction of Mrs. Violet Jensen of Bear River City. John Stewart gave a discussion of the value of a county leaders training school. Previous to the organization of the leaders. Miss Myrtle Davidson, assistant state boys' and girls' club specialist from Logan, gt.v? a talk on the value of a county lead- -' ers organization. A constitution for this organization was then adopted by the group. Mr. D. P. Murry, state boys' and girls' club specialist, also from Logan, discussed plans and the club tours. Mr. value of county Park Stumm acted as chairman for the morning session. In the afternoon session, of which Mrs. P. E. Ault of East Tremonton, was chairman, Mrs. Violet Jensen discussed games and music in connection with club work; and LaRee Barnard of Deweyville, talked on programs of work. The agricultural groups and theh ome economics groups then separated to receive special instruction in their various problems. AlSt:m I j rfatVJ.er&!j& a ("AIR MAIL" SPECIAL DELTVEXiY When a Varney Airlines plane Operating between Pueblo, Colo., and El Paso, Tex., spots a storm area) ahead that spells dangerous flying, ft radios to the nearest Varney base, rSend the car. The pilot gives his location and puts down at a desig nated emergency field, where the ma.il is transferred to the car. Chief Pilot black is shown passing the mail down to Dispatcher Pebblis. The car Is a Plymouth. 4-- H I ELWOOD Austin Seager to Fill Role in U. of U. Opera By Rlrs. II. P. Kasmussen s A call came to Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansen from Mink Creek, Ida. that r.ALT LAKE CITY. Austin Seatheir son, Donald, had swallowed a! ger, Tremonton, will fill the role of Micah in ..The Bartered Elide," the prune stone and it had lodged in his wind pipe, causing him much dis-- j 1PENNANT CHANCES DEFEND UPON THESE ROOKIES Royj opera to be presented by the Univertress. They met him at Losran and! Hughes is the emergency shortstop cJ the Cleveland Indians, while Bill sity of Utah in Kingsbury hall May Knickerbocker recuperates from an appendicitis operation. Insert, was rushed to Salt Lake City to a; 3 and 4. The opera will be the first to be regular righlflelder of the champion Chester expected Morgan, who removed it and the specialist, presented at the university after a Detroit Tigers. r boy was able to return with his par-- ! period during which they ents the same evening, feeling much were discontinued because of the ex-- 3 releaved. He is getting along fine. pense. the new club leaders, attended the The opera is being directed by ProBishop Font L. Hunsaker of Los training class for club leaders at Thomas Giles, head of the mufessor Angeles and his mother Mrs. Lewis Bear River City on Saturday. $ Hunsaker went to Idaho Falls last sic department. Frank M. Whiting of Mrs. R. P. Hansen entertained a RICHARDSON Mr. and Mrs. Glen the speech department is directing the Tuesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. few of her friends in honor of her Richardson of Tremonton, a girl, stage production. Mrs. Murdock and babies reon Saturday. at the Valley hospital, May 1. born turned with them to visit relatives birthday Mr. Seager is a graduate of Bear Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hansen went here and in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. River high school. CUMMINGS to Ogden on business, Monday. Bishop and Mrs. Hunsaker accomCummings, a boy, born May 1. Fred Barfus accompanied Albert panied the ward excursion to the Bessinger to Raft River Sunday HARRIS The Meanest Man Mr. and Mrs. Newman Logan Temple on Thursday. There where they visited on mining interIt has been said that the meanest Harris, a girl, born at the Valley were 20 people from here attended. man is he who a few days before ests. hospital, April 26. Mrs. Wayne Frank has gone to Miss Francis Romer spent the week NELSON Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nel- Christmas tells his children that SanOgden to visit her sister for a week. end at home from Snowville, where son of Howell, a boy, born April 28. ta Claus is dead. He may not be dead Mr. and Mrs. Leo Petersen and she is school. Mr. and Mrs. Y. Mimura but the Postmaster of Santa Claus, MIMURA teaching children of Ogden visited Mr. PeterMrs. Ada Fridal, Mrs. Verna Indiana, has suffered a paralytic a girl, born April 29. of Bothwell, sen's mother Mrs. Amelia Petersen and Miss Veda Rasmussen en- - NUSSBAUM Mr. and Mrs. August stroke. James Martin has been known and other relatives and friends here tertained the Trail Builder class of Nussbaum of Tremonton, a boy, to millions as a genial kindly Santa on Sunday also attended the ward the after their Monday, born April 29, at the Valley hos- - Claus as he relayed gifts to nearly prac conference. Where they met old tice Primary tor the May festival. Games a" Pan-- 01 ine worm. pital. freinds after a years absence. were enjoyed and a bountious tray WELLING Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wei Miss Twila Meldrum spent the luncheon was served to 16 boys and ling of Riverside, a girl, bora at the weekend home from the A. C. Milton their teachers. Valley hospital, May 1. EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING Anderson also spent Sunday home, The M. I. A. gave a one-aplayj school. from Work Guaranteed! , here on Tuesday. Next Tuesdav will Because he testified that he bit in Miss Norma Anderson has been the closing night and all activities to a h a in nail ROBERT SIMONSON piece roofing home from college for a week with a j, receIve their award for the sea. of pie, John Grammersdorf of Omaha bad cold son's work. All are invited to this has been awarded a $2,000 verdice bv Mrs. Wayne Larsen returned from interesting event. default against Lee Freeburg, baker. a week's visit to her home in Mink Creek. While there her friends hadj a shower for her. More than 40 of her friends were present. She received many nice and useful present. Mrs. Kim Mann went to Ogden on Sunday to visit Cyril Wright, who is in the hospital with infection in his It leg received through a bruise. was feared he would loose his leg, but hope is now held out for his speedy WE CARRY recovery. Prescriptions Carefully and Mrs. L. S. Mann was guest of Mrs. POSTAGE STAMPS Accurately Compounded Drew of Tremonton a few days last week. She was really surprised upon AGAIN! her return to fine her home spic and FAMOUS span and with new dining room four-yea- j ji l RECENT BIRTHS 4-- H Mur-doc- t k. Mor-tensc- THIS MUCH MORE IN A s See the new models now on display at en ct TREMONTON VARIETY STORE two-inc- Jeweler j :X-:--XM--:-XM' IIIIIIIIlTTTTTYTTTi: Qnttnrv TTo rNt Ann Demand Sport Shoes I TY DRUG CO Tremonton, Utah A Mrs. Trent Thompson, Miss Helen Thompson and Miss Carry Hansen, Swanky new models for many occasions. They're new and they've just the air of comfort that adds interest to any sport ensemble . . . They're unusual, amazing values . . . Priced as low as When Your Head Feelstuffy . . Jyi Apply ...Jujt Va-tro-n- ol few drop. Vt-tro-n- ol pene ttttei deep into the natal patsagea, reducea swollen membranes, dean away clogging mucus, brings welcome relief. GET THEM TODAY WEAR THEM EVERYWHERE F lSHBURNQ le, reporter. "" ' t f : club leaders of county at Bear River City Lund, j Nella Allphin, of Lovell, Wyo., has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. F. Price the past two weeks before entering training at the Dee Hospital. 4-- H under the direction of Mrs. Ethel B. county home demonstration and John Stewart, assistant agent, county extension agent. This school was held for the purpose of giving instruction to the leaders of boys' and clubs in the county in the girls' organizing and planning of project work for the coming year. In addition a county leaders organization was formulated, with Park Stumm of Tremonton being elected president. Mrs. Violet Jensen of Bear River City, vice president, Mrs. Dorothy Firth of iv' - f Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Capener and son, Vern, of Pocatello, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Capen- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kel ler. Club 4-- H ! Two generous sties ,..30 and 50. UJIO IN TIMI HUM PREVENT MANY COIDI Dr. DON C. JAMES. Optometrist Will be here Monday, May 6. Make Appointments Now! ROBERT SIMONSON Jeweler FOUNTAIN SPECIAL BANANA CRUSH A 10c large serving of Vanilla Ice Cream Covered with Crushed Banana and Marshmallow and topped with a Cherry 39c RUBBER GLOVES 29c jj 50c Forhans TOOTH PASTE 39c $1.23 full size CHAMOIS SKINS 98c 50c Ipana TOOTH PASTE 39C 39t HOSPITAL COTTON (full lb.) .... 29c 50c Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE 39c Pint McKesson's Milk of Magnesia .... 39c 60c ALKA SELTZER Frens Sanitary Napkins 75c BAYER ASPIRIN (lix of 12) .... 15c Shu Milk White Shoe Cleaner 25c One White White SHOE CLEANER Paste or Liquid 25c KODAK FINISHING - MOTHERS DAY 75c ( LISTERINE, (100's) 33c SERVICE SUNDAY, MAY SEE OUR - GIFTS - CANDY - CARDS 59c 59c 16-o- z McKesson Milk of Magnesia TOOTH PASTE 2 for EIGHT-HOU- R - - 49c 12 |