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Show PAGE SIX BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1833 "UJfeafflotkr Stays n bu Laivrmcc in Bed Flawmornz When Mother has a real bad cold Or isn't feelin' very well. An' Daddy makes 'er stay in bed. It certainly is hard t tell What we're supposed t' wear t' school. Or when it's time for us t' go, Or if we've grot our books an' things; Our Daddy doesn't seem t' know! m - i i -- a i j 77 i u An when it comes t' breakfast Gee There doesn't seem t be a bite For us feat! But Daddy says That everything will be all right! He tells us that he learned t cook When he was just a little kid, An' when his mother wasn't well That's only part o' what he did. But, if he !er.rr.ed, he soon forgot, 'Cause all the toast is hard an' black, An' every epg busts right In two When Daddy flops it on its back. But I feel kind o' sorry then, Because he does the best he can And, anyhow, a cookin' Job Don't look so easy for a man. No sir, it ain't a bit o' fun When Mother isn't well An' everything we try t' do an' strong. Gets all mixed-u- p an' turns out wrong; But when she comes downstairs again It doesn't take her long t' see What should be done, an' very soon got things like they oughter bel Dates Changed for j Stake Tournament 1DCAMLS The dates for the annual stake M Men basketball tournament have been changed from the previously announced dates to Monday, Tuesday, and Mrs. Guy Johnson entertained at a Miss Mildred Miliis of Salt Lake cording: to Pres. Alfred Michaens visited at the home cf Mr. and afternoon, City Saturday toere w.U be no mutual- - held on Tues- Mrs. Robert Harris Saturday and Sun prizes rvi v a r A Ant rkhrii3 ww Q ur t na ! 1 1 stake may witness the games. The tournament this year promises to be one of the most exciting and thrilling tournaments ever held. This year's tournament will also inaugurate the Round Robin tournament. This type of tournament has been held thruout the church for years, but this season is the first time it has ever been used in this locality. In this tournament, a team may be defeated once and still have a chance at winning either first or second place. Each team plays every other team entered in the tournament, and the two teams with the highest percentage at the end of the series will be declared the winners. So no team is out of the running until the last game is over. ,. The schedule is as follows: Monday, February 9 p. m. - 2 Tremonton vs. Northern No. 2. Wednesday, February 20 Bothwell vs. Northern No. 8 p. m. n A. D. Allen Makes County Girls Vie for Snow Queen Honor Schedule for District The annual Snow Carnival, one of the biggest social events of the year, will be held on Saturday evening, February 16, at 9 p. m. at the bird Ballroom in Brigham City. This wiil be the sixth annual Snow Carnival and promises to be more elaborate and entertaining than ever before. The ballroom will be beautifully decorated suitable to the occasion and the popular Merry Makers will furnish the music. Instead of choosing one "Snow Queen" as done in previous years, three queens will be chosen by popular voces. The most vivacious, the most demure and the most sophisticated girls will rule as the Snow Queens for 1935. Mayor J. Wesley Horsley will crown the queens during ; all intermission of dancing. ihe names oi the following contes touts have beeu handed to the com mittee: Sara Shumway and Alice Christofferson of Garland. Gloria Dal ton 'of Tremonton; Grettle Shaw, Beth Stewart, Louisa Call,, Doris Christensen, Marie Eliason, Ada May Love-MuBeth Johnson and Rita Victor of Brigham City; Lola Hunsaker of Fay Farnsworth of Fielding; Marjorie White of Perry, Evelyn Tay-- Idr- of Willard; Wilna Anderson and Wiyliis Murphy of Corinne; Zona Jen; sen and Arva Dallin of Bear River .,Cty; and Ruthe Allen of Harper. , . d, Hon-eyvill- - i e; No. 2 of Utah A. D. Allen, collector of federal income tax in district Uo. 2, Utah, will observe the following schedule in assisting those who need help in making out their income tax reports: Garland, February 18, 1935, Driggs Confectionery. Tremonton, Feb. 19 and 20, Midland Hotel. Brigham, Feb. 21, 22, 23, Howard Hotel. Wellsville, Feb. 25, Theurer's store. Hyrum, Feb. 26, Post Office. Smithfield, Feb. 27, Smithfield li brary. Richmond, Feb. 28, Richmond li brary. Lewiston, March 1, Theurer's store Randolph, March 5, Conley Hotel Laketown, March 6, Ben Arwin store. Logan, March 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, In ternal Revenue Office. On each of the above dates and respective places a deputy collector of Internal Revenue will be stationed to assist taxpayers in the filing of their returns. A. D. ALLEN, (Signed) Deputy Collector Internal Revenue Farm Bureau News The Home and Community section of the North Box Elder county farm bureau met Wednesday afternoon in he basement of the Garland library. County Demonstration Agent Ethel Lund and President Mrs. A. R. were in charge. A demonstration on "Paint up, Clean up, Fix up," was Ca-pen- er given. '' Mr. Dunn, HP rn Fuller Paint Co. of Salt Lake, gave an interesting talk on paint. Thirty ladies were present. Don't Delay Have Your Harness Oiled and Repaired for Spring oooo- j The games will be played at the Bear River high school gym., and will start at 8 p. m. each night. The officials for the tournament will be Don Barney and Merlin Stevenson of Og-den. f"""77T 7 semi-month- Reserved seats are now on sale at the City Drug Co. at Tremonton, and the APCO service station at Garland. Reserved seats are selling for 35 a night or three nights for $1.00. This will make it so a person will not have to go to the high school an hour early to get a seat. General admission will be 25c for adults and 15c for children. The reserved seats will be on sale at the previously named places until sold, or until 6 p. m. Monday evening. Don't fail to come out and see the most evenly matched tournament in years. From the rate the tickets are now going, it looks as though there will be a capacity crowd on hand each night. The Daughters of the Pioneers will meet at the home of Mrs. W. W. Wadsworth Thursday, February 21. Intimate Talks to Stomach Sufferers Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Burton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Kim-band family of Salt Lake, spent Tuesday visiting at the home of Mr. ly Dalam Kent of Malad An interesting wedding of February was that of Anne May Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Taylor of Tremonton, and Dalam E. Kent, son of the late Daniel Kent of Malad, Idaho, and Mrs. J. D. Ellis of Idaho Falls, Idaho. The marriage took place Sunday, Feb. 10, at noon ,at Blackfoot, Idaho, at the same place the bride's parents were married 44 years ago. Mrs. Kent is in business in this city. An afternoon tea will be given Feb. 24, at the Taylor home for relatives and friends in Utah and Idaho. Mrs. Daniel Taylor, Mrs. Harry Taylor, Grace Hartvigson and Grace Thompson of Tremonton and Mrs. Harold Persson of Garland, will assist at the tea. Mr. and Mrs. Kent will be at home to their friends at their farm home at St. John, Idaho, after March 1st. February Clearance Thursday night 25 Primary officers met at the home of Mrs. John Garfield. A board meeting was held followed by a social. A delicious buffet luncheon was served. Men's Suits - Overcoats Suits at only 12 al and Mrs. Edward Kerr. If you are one of the numerous sufferers from stomach trouble, what Mrs. Florence Nelson of Smithfield, you need is a treatment that will go is visiting her sister, Mrs. Clara Crick to the source of your trouble. Begin et this week. correcting your condition by remov ing the toxic poisons from the blood Mrs. L. E. Allred spent the weekend and important organs to help nature at Ogden attending business there. keep you well. Get rid of sluggish bowels with Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Fishbum attheir germ laden wastes that poison1 tended the funeral of Mrs. J. D. vour entire system and cause tnai at Brigham City. so hard and condition Sunday "heavy" "lazy" to get rid of. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Anderson enNeutralize the acids in your stom ach give the gastric juices a chance tertained at a shower Friday in to digest your food. Soothe the brok of their daughter, Ruby. en membranes and spots which "cut was served to 40 guests. into you." right v Advise with your druggist. He will Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson of tell you that an effective preparation visited Junction, to take for your stomach condition is and Mrs. C. T. at the home of Mr. Thompson last week. Williams S. L. K. Formula. Its gentle and thorough action on your bowMrs. George Scowfield is visiting d els together with the and relatives at Layton this week. effect make it most effectoning-u- p tive. See the City Drug Co. about Mr. and Mrs. Byron Warren and Williams S. L. K. Formula. It is sold and Cleon Kerr of Ogden, visfamily on a back only money guarantee. (Adv.) ited their mother, Mrs. W. A. Kerr, Sunday. SPECIAL! UNTIL FEBRUARY 13TH $1.25 veB2& at Unly These Suits and Overcoats are just as good as they ever were Medium light colors Sizes 33 to 39. The pants alone are worth the price we are asking for the full suit but we are tired of looking at them, and are going to sell them to the highest bidder So come early and treat yourself to a real bargain. .... Tremonton, Utah America's Three Leading Magazines - In Response to the Many Requests of Our Patrons, We Are Again Putting In a Stock of American Magazine Harness and Leather Findings Home Companion Collier's Keep Step With the Trend BUILD, REPAIR OR REMODEL YOUR HOME We Are Headquarters for All Your Needs in LUMBER, HARDWARE FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES farmers9 Cash Union "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" 0X0 OF ALL THREE For Only 15 MONTHS $4..00 AT YOUR DOOR EVERY WEEK! RUG n CO. city WE CARRY POSTAGE STAMPS Tremonton, Utah Challenge Square WOMAN'S THE NATIONAL WEEKLY USE OUR "MARKET BASKET" AS YOUR GUIDE TO FOOD ECONOMY Mrs. Calvin Kay, assisted by Mrs. Nick Chournis entertained at a birthday party Saturday night in honor of Thomas Kay, on his 70 th anniversary. A tray luncheon was served to 40 relatives and friends. Mr. Kay was presented with a rocking chair from Mr. and Mrs. Nick Chournis. rxx: TREMONTON HARNESS & ACCESSORIES CO, INC. ELMER GORRLNGE, Manager, 2 US nMlnrr May Taylor Marries anti-aci- a representative of the Oiling per set sin FT A delicious luncheon of Valentine design was Austin Seager, Elvin Garfieid, Owserved to 13 members. Mrs. Herman en Cook and Josephine Wadsworth Landvatter, Mrs. Gifford Watland and spent the weekend at their homes. Mrs. Erie Watkins were the special Mr. and Mrs. John Laub spent the guests. weekend at Brigham City. They atMr. and Mrs. Gruy Johnson were tended the Firemens Ball Saturday Sunday visitors at Richmond, as the night. guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J .S. Stoddard and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mrs. Harriet Harris and Mrs. e J. Johnson. Giles spent the weekend at Salt Lake City visiting with Mrs. Amy A valentine party was given at the Randall. Methodist Church for the Junior Owen Rasmussen of Mount PleasLeague boys and girls Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Gifford Watland and Mil- ant, spent the weekend with Owen dred Carter served refreshments to 20 Cook at Tremonton. guests. Last Wednesday evening, Feb. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Watland at- the S. O. D. H. club was entertained tended the Civic Ball at Brigham City by Elaine Reeder and Ardus Nelson at the home of Mrs. Alvis Anderson. Wednesday night. Special guests were Mrs. Alvis AnMrs. Leona Barracknan of Salt derson, Mrs. Adam Brenkman and k w" the grand lecturer to, Mrs. Vernal Harris. Prizes were won the Eastern Star at Corinne Wednes by Mrs. T. J. Berkhart and Mrs. day night. Mrs. Gifford Watland, Adam Brenkman. Mrs. Adam Brenkman, Mrs. N. E. Shaw, Mrs. John House, Miss Mar-Mrs. O. C. Richardson has been visiting at Plain City the past week. . v. . ., ner was served at 6:30. The Legion Auxiliary held their meeting in the Legion Mrs. David Holmgren is viisting at home last Thursday evening and arSalt Lake City for a couple of weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. P. rangements were made to carry on regularly the meetings of the auxilLarsen. iary organization. The second and fourth Fridays of each month were Thursday afternoon, Mrs. J. M. chosen as the meeting days. Schaffer gave a lecture at the Bear River high school to the classes in home economics. Her subject was, "A Tour Through Switzerland." Ef-fi- 18 Tremonton vs. Bothwell. Fielding vs. Northern No. Tuesday, February 19 8 p. m. 9 p. m. Mrs. Jewel Stephen low. The Tremonton Relief Society held their work and business meeting on Tuesday, with 96 members present. The scripture reading was conducted by Mrs. Cook. The book, "The Wooing of Rebecca," was read by Mrs. Norman Maughn. The story of David and Jonathan was given by Mrs. Margaret Stenquist Mrs. Judith Strand sang a solo, "In the Time of Roses." Mrs. Mary White and Mrs. Augusta Stenquist were the honored guests of the Relief Society, it being their 80th birthday anniversasy. Mrs. Pack, with complementary remarks, presented the guests of honor with a birthday token. Mrs. Edith Summers Marguerite Ballard, Louisa Harfield, Mabel Abbott, Elizabeth Sandall, Sylvia Christensen and Helen Allen acted as hostesses. A dainty valentine luncheon was served. Mrs. Teckler Stenquist made and served a large birthday cake. There were thirteen children in the nursery. Value Accurately Com pounded 2 89 New Lffe. Size Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE 500 JERGENS LOTION .... 500 Ipana TOOTH PASTE Bayer ASPIRIN TABLETS, 100's LISTERINE, Large Size - II. D. THOMAS SPECLL REPRESENTATIVE (Leader Office) oxo Subscriptions for All Magazines AT LOWEST TRICES 75c Value 49 tZ qq 59 59 Laura Bond SHEETS PAPER and ALMOND LOTION ENVELOPES, both for 390 Full Pint 49 TO INTRODUCE JERGENS SOAP u e Are Authorized to Sell 10 bars for 19 (A regular 50 hand soap) YOU SAVE WHEN YOU TRADE WITH US ! ! 60 M Quart Fully Guaranteed 14-o- z. SAVING $4.50 from single copy value $(1.88 Subscription value $8.50 Single copy value I HOT WATER BOTTLE ALARM CLOCK 1.25 Prescriptions Carefully and M |