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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, JANUARY SI, 1935 &4iiocAiLsirfp The American Legion auxiliary met at the Legion home Friday night with Mrs. Hazel Ransom conducting. Mrs. Edell of Garland gave a paper on the convention held last October at Florida. She also gave an interesting report of her trip to Havana Cuba. Following the farewell party at the ward recreation hall Friday night, Mrs. Zina Nelson entertained in honor of Don Luke at her home. A delicious luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs spent Sunday in Salt Lake City visiting relatives. Mrs. Enid Jorgensen of Salt Lake City, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Christensen this wek. Mrs. Golden Harris has returned from Denver to spend a few weeks here visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Waldron and sons, Grant and Erie, of Morgan, visited at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harris Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff R. Jensen of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stander. Mrs. Vernal Harris delightfully entertained at a 500 party at her home Saturday noon. At four o'clock a de- licious luncheon was served to sixteen guests. Mi-am- Mrs. N. E. Shaw, Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Ed Winchester entertained at a luncheon for the Ladies Aid Thursday. Mr. Gordon reviewed the book, "Twenty Million Guinea Pigs." There were 40 present. Thursday evening the Relief Society chorus held a singing practice at the home of Mrs. Fawn Quinney. A very pleasant evening was spent. Refreshments were served to sixteen members. Mr. and Mrs. Brnad Stone of visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bradshaw, Sunday. Mrs. Judith Strand accompanied a number of friends to Salt Lake City Tuesday to attend a missionary farewell party. Mrs. Strand had been previously requested to furnish some vocal numbers for the program. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Palmer visited at Bountiful Saturday and Sunday of a, Og-de- this week. n, - Mrs. N. E. Shaw, Mrs. Gifford Wat-lanMrs. Bert Sargeant, Mrs. House and Miss Margaret Woodside attendd, ed a practice meeting at the Eastern Star lodge Sunday afternoon. A very interesting meeting was held Tuesday by the Relief Society. 70 members were present. The scrip' ture reading was conducted by Mrs. A. L. Cook. The 19th Psalms was j given by Mrs. Monk. A letter from Elder Earl Stohl was read bv Mrs. ! A. L. Cook. The Theology lesson was given by Mrs. Harry Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stander entertained at a dancing party Saturday night. The occasion being the .birthday anniversary of Mrs. Stander. At twelve o'clock a delicious supper was served to 30 guests. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Calderwood have been called to Salt Lake City to attend the funeral of Daniel Hunter, a brctaer-in-laof Mr. Calderwood. Miss Maurine Cook is visiting at Draper, Utah for a few weeks. Mrs. Vinnie McMaster of Salt Lake City, has. been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Fishburn this w week. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Thomas had as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. L P. Knudson and sons, Asael, Lyle and Billie, and daughter, Ida, of Portage. The occasion was to commemorate the birthday anniversary of Billie, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Knudson, and Odeen, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, which came on January 19 and 20 respectively. Thursday evening after the basket ball games at the high school the S. O. D. H. entertained a group of the fellows. The evening was spent in playing cards. Light refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Vance, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen, entertained Saturday night at Evans, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Vance. About 100 guests were present and enjoyed dancing and singing and a real jolly good time. Many beautiful and useful presents were received. Refreshments were served. . Local, Regional and State School Musical ac-tiv- Activities Announced Dates and places are announced for three impprtant musical activities for the schools of the state. A musical festival and contest will be conducted on March 15th for all students studying music in the north end of the county and will no doubt be held at the high school. If the students show sufficient progress and the patrons feel satisfied with their appearances they will then be allowed to participate in the regional festival which will be held in Ogden April 12 and 13. If the showing of the organizations in this regional festival justify they will be entered in the state finals which will be held in Provo April 18, 19 and 20. Mr. Watkins reports he has 200 students studying instruments. Out of these he hopes to have two creditable organizations, a class A "band and a class B band. Mr. Nye reports 100 or more participants in vocal and orchestra. The public will be asked to pass their approval on these organizations on March 15. Every student is putting forth his best efforts to make these musical organizations not only bands but orchestras and glees as well, the best possible. A number of soloists are also ex- " . Saturday night the S. O. D. H. entertained their partners at a surprise party at the Legion hall. The evening was spent dancing. Many interesting and novel ways of getting partners for the different dances were had. A good time was enjoyed by everyone. Finest Quality and Flavor - Dozen 10c Lettuce California Heads 10c 3 . Grapefruit Imperial Valley Selected Quality Each OPTOMETRIST ..... Coming Here Saturday - Monday Make Appointments Now G WATCHES Matched sets of engagement and wedding rings; .white or natural gold. Priced as low 750 ELGIN WATCH, KNIFE AND CHAIN j at 13 ... Pound Jar A Deposit Watches Sold Holds Any Crystal White Bars 10 CHERRY Lb. Box ... BEEF POT ROAST 1 1 1 lv ""hamburger 1 1U PORK SAUSAGE I 25c Beef - Rump, Prime Rib Lb -- Fresh Ground " Fresh mole A ri JLijE QCw O JV IH IvV BEEF STEAKS QCw Q3V LAMB CHOPS Of & VV Pound .... 10c PORK CHOI'S Pound .... - Half - Lb Smoked Pound .. RIB BOIL LIVER 10c l v Bars WHITE KING LW I Li T Large Pkg. Red Seal 3 Cans ... nrWICFD and t "Just Home Folks' 29c 28c 25c Holly Lge. Can 4C SERVICE " - IN OUR PRODUCE DEPT. BANANAS.1"" 21c 5c 5c CABBAGE r,und 1 1zc ORANGES 'gnJdcy........ 'IS LETTUCE CELERY Bunch 5c ... BUNCH STUFF 20i OXYDOL, lge. pkg. 5 CAMAY, bar SOAP, P & G, giant. 6 for ...... 25? DDAAMO Good Quality DMW1UO Ealch ..... CARROTS -- TURNIPS Bunch 4c .. rinth Bag 45c or , 16c 20C 20c WE WILL SMOKE YOUR MEAT 54c Local Mill Natures Gift BEANS 90 No. 2 can CORN, Tom Thumb No. 2 can W GRAPEFRUIT Shavers W No. 2 can JELLO Assorted Flavors 51 Pkff 6 box carton SALAD DRESSING Best Foods Home Style 'Qt. Jar pkg Crystal Wedding 19c" Pkg. BREAD 101 3 loaves RICE - fancy head 25 5 pounds TUNA FLAKES 12-o- z. 29i 101 SODA CRACKERS 3 Pound Box 250 COCOA 2-l- 35c Pound Jar 251 OATS Can 23 2 MACARONI 3-l- b. 251 Peanut Butter 148 Bag 91 Strikalite STORES Surety Oj Purity Calumet Pound can 100 MATCHES SKAGGS rooo No 2V2 Can Can WILL BUY FAT VEAL CLP. TOMATOES Solid Pack PEAS Ground Beef Per 10c Pound Picnics BULK LARD Home Rendered 2 Lbs Beef Pound Salmon OVENRAOST Sirloin 2 Lbs. Pound AND STEAKS ...... Pound 29c Pot Roasts wnimiiniiTiltrirrTIITriirillrnBMrnHBHn SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1935 Young Beef Pound .... tollPS " RADISHES Chocolates Lee's Market Fresh Ground Pound Our Store QAULITY ' Soap QUALITY MEATS urn Po'nd 'JTlt HI flfflAV Selection for Repair Charges Choice Fed Beef Always 16 Ozs. In a Pound at 50 See Our Window for Daily Specials Thorough and Speedy Repair Service Unclaimed Two HOME BOYS. 28c .... Salle For This Reason, Their Patronage During the Past Two Years We Are Advertising A Good Many Nationally Advertised Brands of Merchandise at Real Prices In Appreciation of Your Kindness to Coffee DIAMONDS A Real Saving Cattle Buying Completed gram In Elder County We Wish to Take This Opportunity to Thank Our Customers for 10 19c Baking Pwdr. Calumet Lb. Can 23c ut CASH-RAISIN- ( OA AD Crystal White Rock woods 2 Lite. .. . .. every item in the store is We are not "Closing Out"--bSALE and every article this included in when sold! be as to represented is GUARANTEED as 2C Cocoa Quality, Price and Continued Service! " FRIDAY and SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1st and 2nd 23c Dozen The following is the schedule for the stake tournament to be held in ; February. The round robin tourna- ment will be introduced in this val- ley for the first time. This is the L tournament that stakes all over the ' church are now using. It is a fair '" schedule to all teams entered because . they have to meet every other team'' in the tournament. A team may loee; j once, and still have a chance to win. 1st and 2nd place winners in each It is quite possible that a grand division will meet as follows: fin' ,4 social will be worked out for the ; 1st Night ish of the big event Be sure you all start now to make Southern No. 1 vs. Northern No. 1 No. 1 vs. Northern No. 2 your dates for North Box Elder coun- - i !; 2nd Night ties music festival and contest on 2 No. March '15. 1 vs. Northern Southern No. Southern No. 2 vs. Northern No. 3rd Night ProSouthern No. 1 vs. Northern No. 1 Southern No. 2 vs. Northern No. 2 Now In case two teams are tied for either first or second places at the end. Box of the tournament, the two contest-ant- s will play two quarters after the The last contract dealing with cat- second game on the final night. The tle buying section of the triple A pro- winner of the two quarters will be gram in Box Elder county, County declared winner of the tie. Agent Robert H. Stewart informs us, In case of a tie, and one of the goes forward for payment today. This contesting teams implicated in the tie makes a total of 775 farms from is playing or has played in the final which cattle have been purchased, game, a fifteen minute rest will be from practically every community in given them before the playing of the., the county. A total of 5,505 cattle two quarters. were purchased; 4637 head of which This tournament has been drawn up were shipped for food, and 868 were and approved by the stake presidency A total of $69,227.00 and officials. Officials for the tourcondemned. were paid to these livestock men. nament will be selected later. This program has made it possible to feed through the winter the better Some women ought to be arrested cattle' on the farms and ranches. for cruelty to their hair. AmMveTwy Oranges II Schedule for Stake Tournament to be Held In February ly 1 SATURDAY BARGAINS PfiMmw pecting to participate. Everyone we hope in North Box Elder will start to encourage each boy and girl to give the best that is in him to help put over one of the biggest musical attractions ever presented in this part of the county. While all details are not yet worked out it is expected that all clubs, civic organizations, church organizations, business houses of both Garland and Tremonton will get behind this event whole heartedly. The merchants no doubt will be asked to contribute prizes to be distributed to students qualifying musically for the same. PAGE FIVE ..." b. pkg. 150 COFFEE Maxwell House 290 Pound RAISINS 4-l- b. pkg 230 OVALTINE Lge. $1.00 size 650 SHRIMPS Dry Pack - can ... 100 DEVILED MEAT 3 cans 100 KRAUT 2Y2 size can 100 |