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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST S, 1933 MGESIX Mrs. Dan Briggs had her mother, Mrs. J. S. Carter; her sister, Mrs. E. C. GammelL, and her aunt, Mrs. A. H. Childs, all of Springville, as guests during the week. club met The Jolly Stitchers with Faye Fridal Wednesday after noon with all members present. After sewing and recreation, dainty refresh ments were served. 4-- j Tremonion Local and Social "HHiil Ire ms STAKE M. I. A. OUTING Dear River Stake M, I. A. Dancing and Swimming Party at the Crystal Hot Springs, Monday, August 14. Luncheon and Swimming Starting at 7:00, Dancing at 9:00. For Complete program, Consult Your Ward M. I. A. Officers. tives. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Sargant returned Friday from an extended trip to Big Hole, Montana and Salmon and Challis, Idaho. Miss Julian Lassig of California, arrived Thursday evening to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drews. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Schrenk and family of Salt Lake City, visited during the week at the home of Mr. Schrenk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schrenk. Mrs. W. K. Bumham, baby daugh- ter, and small son, visited the first of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Beard. Mis. Elnora Bowcutt of Brigham wood. City, spent the week end at the home I'earl Watkins returned home Mon- of Mr .and Mrs. Demont Dockstader. Mrs. Zora Luke and son and daughday after visiting the past three weeks in Payette, Idaho. ter, Mrs. Fred Jensen af Mrs. W. W. Mrs. Leonard Castleton and small Wadsworth left Friday for California. son, of Malad, Idaho, arrived Monday Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Harris and small to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mis. daughter of Salt Lake City, visited Leslie Watkins. last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Keller of Bingham canyon, arrived Monday to visit with his par- Harry Taylor. a, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heed of ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keller. He is week visited last at Nevada, also visiting relatives in Mink Creek, home of Mr. Heed's mother, Mrs. Idaho, Wednesday and Thursday of the Alivia Heed, and his sister, Mrs. W. this week. Valera Randall of Ogden, arrived W. Shuman. Monday afternoon Mrs. Myron Goss last Thursday to visit the remainder of the summer with her parents, Mr. gave a birthday party in honor of her daughter, Pearl. Games were play and Mrs. H. P. Randall. Frank Gibbs and son, were business ed and a program given, after which visitors in Salt Lake the first of the refreshments were served to several friends. week. Fred Gephart left Sunday for St. Mrs. Ernest Conger is visiting in Louis, Missouri, and other eastern ci- Coleville, with her mother, Mrs. Hans ties. Anderson. Mr .and Mrs. Willard Wyatt of LoNeva Cooke of Ogden, is visiting gan, visited friends and relatives here this week at the home of her sister, Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Harpster. Mr .and Mrs. Lewis Madsen of LoMrs. K. C. Wright of Salt Lake gan, have been visiting the past week and Mrs. Jack Wright of Cedar City, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman visited Wednesday at the home City, Maughn. Mrs. Madson and Mrs. of Mr and Mrs. A. N. Fishburn. Mrs. Maughn are sisters. K. C. Wright is a sister of Mrs. Fish- burn. Mr. and Mrs. Demont Dockstader motored to Salt Lake City Tuesday where Mrs. Dockstader interviewed the Intermountain clinic. She has been quite ill during the past week. They returned home Wednesday. The many friends of Mrs. Hampton Bradshaw will be glad to know that she is improving very rapidly and at present she is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Perry at Brigham City. Miss Mary Anderson of Malad, and Leland Knudson of Portage, were dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs. H. D. Thomas, Sunday. Market Basket a iiuC Bran Large Pkg , Whole Wheat Biscuits - 1UC Pkg SALAD DRESSING WHITE KING .. Large Package TOILET SOAP MJ-WA- Quart Bottle TS PAPER 40 Feet X TUNAETTES Sr,.hin.N.e:. BARTLETT PEARS Large Can & SYRUP SUGAR 2 1. Packages NEW POTATOES TOMATOES GRAPEFRUIT .. !K" isr Large Size .... 25c 27c 19c 7c 15c 17c 17c 19c 25c 13c 6c IS Prices are rising fast. Be dollars ahead by stocking up now av. mirA'iwi pjy? vf2 Tr id nf w aft" 'i M mm sCk EVENT 300 Kathleen Quinn HOUSE FROCKS Y SMARTER STYLES On Sale Friday Morning J Let Us Be Gay and Thrifty o 89c Win-nemucc- r Penney's Outstanding j Mrs. W. W. Shuman accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Alivia Heed, and daughter-in-laMis. Earl Shuman, and two sons, motored to Ogden Tuesday. Mrs. Earl Shuman and sons remained in Ogden to visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. II. Everets for the remainder of the week. Mrs. J. H. Keller is visiting this week with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Hanson in Mink Creek, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Capener of Salt Lake City, visited Wednesday at the J. H. Keller home. Estella Calderwood returned to her home in Salt Lake, Wednesday, after visiting the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Calder- WEEK-EN- D All Mr. and Mrs. Herman Landvatter and Mr. and Mrs. John Landvatter and son of Ogden, left Saturday even-- . ing for Sabath, Kansas, where theyi will visit with Mrs. Herman Land-- i vatter's relatives for a short time,1 then on to Chicago and Peoria, 111.,: and other eastern points of interest, Mrs. Pete Meister left the first of! the week for Chicago and other cities in Illinois to visit friends and rela- Adorably "Different" Enchanting as Autumn Dainty dresses! With that extra 'something-- ' masculine e.ves even will appreciate! Fine fabrics, too in checks, plaids, stripes, florals Another For Every Dress That Fades! j Misses', Women's and Extra Sizes nRPAriviicuia STORE II 1 ""'saSMajassjSjsassjMssM '""B k4 N. R. A. FULLERWEAR Floor Enamel What an opportunity! Imagine Fuller's finest floor enamel at prices like theael But remember these specially-reduce- d prices are for two only from August 3 to 15 (inc.). Fullerwear Floor Enamel la the finest made. It stands hard wear. It last. Doesn't water-spo- t. And is easily washed. Many colors to choose from. Save money. ReRnish your floors now. See one of the Fuller Paint Dealers listed below right away because this s offer will not be repeated special again this year. Hartley and Stokes mil Just Home Folks R. A. SPECIALS IN. FOR SATURDAY, AUGUST 5th "We Do Our Part" to uphold the prices of our farming community by selling Utah-Idah- o Sugar, Tremonton Flour, Tremonton Butter, and never below cost. soap ysr1 i9c CORNFLAKES Large Package PORK AND BEANS fArrri? lAJrrLfl JAM Large Can 10c 10c . .. Chase and Sanborns Fresh Dated, Mb. Can RAISINS 13-o- z. Pkg VINEGAR DGlSLAm..!! BANANAS ORANGES Rip! Si : 5c 5c 29c 5c 25c SUNNY MONDAY, Laundry 10 LEMONS ORANGES 78' POTATOES .... Fullerene Wax gives a silken sheen that besutitics as well as protects. Stnnds hard west. POLISHING WAX Pound West's most popular finish for Interior walls and woodwork. Washable. PJLLHCLO Quart .... 5 Lbs. Sunkist Per Doz. 95c DECORET ENAMEL Pint Hard- - tmuh finish for all intrrinf lUM SPEEDITC VARNISH . . Cuart Fresh TOMATOES Medium Per Doz. SOAP 5CK0!' 19C PEASES JELL WELL 13c 11c 25c S,, New 10 Lbs. BUTTER 95c WILSON LUMBER RICE COMPANY Your Most Precious Gift YOUR EYES DONT NEGLECT THEM We have the latest methods and equipment for examining them. TUNNETTES, Creamed Tuna, cap TOMATO JUICE, Cocktail, RAISINS, Seeded, per pkg. RAISINS, Seedless, 3 pkgs. PINEAPPLE, Tid Bits, 4 CHEESE, Mild, per lb CHEESE, Nippy, per lb. COFFEE, Blue Pine SHRED. WHEAT, Kellogg's, pkg 13-oz.- tl. 8-- SUGAR Powder, Brown CORN Del Maiz Pound .... A 1UC Cream 1 Can Can. 15C Per Lb 5c 5c 19c 25c 15c 23c 29c 10c Salmon M7c Salmon Dixie l5C Flat1. 10c Cans SQUARES Per 8c Pound WIENERS HAMS Per Pound Can.. 15C Vienna Sausage Per 7C Can Sliced Beef 3'2oz. Jar... IDt VINEGAR-Picklin- BACON 12c Corned Beef Deviled Meat 3 19c 10c 5c 26c 3c 5c Del Monte ... oz PICNIC MUSTARD Blue Pine ... Per Lb 15c MINCED HAM 9c Pkg.' Per Pkg. TUMBLERS 51.12 65c 19c Bars 19c ff 1f A)) -- b. SOAP Stands hard outside use. Glossy finish. Doesn't show water marks. POBCH ft DECK PAIMT. Quart ZIJC can "TTT) U AY V LtXJ ORANGES Quick-dryin- Processing Tax Goes on Flour Tomorrow rt Buy Now! . . . 48-lBag Jf) TTT Why waste time and money on cheap-quali- ty paints, when you can buy Fuller Paints the paint that latl at euch regular prices as these. Buy today, while Fuller prices are still low. Lustrous, Many colors. ' SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1933 Gal. g ..29c SPICES Pickling Pkgf 15c PEPPER 10c I 1 Sf 19L |