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Show TAGE TWO BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1933 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postoffice at Tre-aumto- n, Utah, tter. u Second Class Ma- ELWOOD DEWEYVILLE Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen Mrs. Thomas Ault James Walton. Editor and Publisher Bishop and Mrs. V. L. Hansen, Published at Tremonton. Utah, on Lois, Ruth Munns and Mrs. daughter, of each week. Thursday Annie Munns of Gorland, all attended the Munns reunion at Liberty Park Subscription Rates One Year, in advance Six Months, in advance Three Months, in advance last Wednesday. J. P. Christensen and H. P. were Logan visitors on $2.00 $1.00 .50 Free to Public Obligatioq ia tKa Ameticaa InduMiial Ubrary. Writ or Buaine Adreniaing Matter you ara interested in;saaa will be prompt! jr forwarded. AMERICA! IKD.U.TRIAL LIBRARY EsMMferUs BalUlat. Ckloto, IUlaoU Wednes- - friendship quilt and remember her and friends in Eiwood. A delicious tray lunch was served by Veguests da Rasmussen. were Mrs. Orvil Hunsaker of Honey- ville and Mrs. LaMar Iverson of Bear River City. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Wray and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hymas, all of Rupert, Idaho, were guests oi air. and Mrs. Georce ChaDman last week. from Tuesday to Thursday. Mrs. Chapman accompanied tnem to a ai t Ijik Citv on Wednesday where they visited relatives and friends. Miss Garnet Chapman went back with tnem to Rupert, where she spent the remainder of the week, returning home on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Abel of American Fork is visiting here with her children, Mrs. A. A. Munns, Mrs. Don Hunsaker and Thomas Abel. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Thompson and children of Lewiston, visited with Christensen, Sunday. Mrs. L. S. Mann and Mrs. Kim Mann attended a shower at Lewiston, for Miss Lynette Baird, on Thursday. Owen and Peter Rasmussen were Salt Lake business visitors Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Woods and Mrs. L. S. Mann attended a bridge club at Mrs. Carrey Drew on Saturday. Sixty-on- e of the descendants of P. M. Hansen gathered at the old home here on Saturday for a family reunion A pleasant and profitable day was spent. Saxon, daughter of George Rousch, of Ogden, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Maud Roberts. H. C. Hansen entertained at a dinner party Sunday in honor of his wife's birthday anniversary. Over twenty guests partook of the delicious chicken dinner prepared by Miss Veda Rasmussen. The M. I. A. program given Sunday evening was very instructive. After singing some M. I. A. songs nineteen of the young men and women each gave a slogan of the M. I. A since 1914, with some good sentiment, after which J. M. Mortensen gave a very fine talk on the new slogan, "Inspired by the Refining Influences of Mormon-isWe Will Develop the Gifts Within Us." Mrs. Arvil Hunsaker gave two accordian solos. Miss Lillian Clarkson of Salt Lake, is spending the week end at the home of H. P. Rasmussen. Mrs. Marv Mortensen and daugh ters, Pearl and Ethel, returned home Monday, after visiting with Mrs. brother. Krist Iverson and at Wendell, Idaho. They also family, visiteu with Mrs. Johanne Petersen at Buhl. Idaho. neio-hho- Out-of-tow- To Your Town as well as to your Country ItATRONiZS YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS RIVERSIDE Mrs. Rasmus-se- n Mrs H P. Rasmussen and daugh ter, Veda, entertained last Wednesday in honor of Mrs. W. E. Woods, who soon leaves for California to make her home. The afternoon was spent in sewing quilt blocks as a result in sewing quilt blocks. As a result Mrs Woods will be able to have a ao! The only plan in tb U. S. wWa catalog dvatwin matttr ccmrinc anjrlina of bnameaa Without bcUainactFraaB4 can cr product J. O. Hadfield :x: Mr .and Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt and eon. Alvin, and Mr, and Mrs. Wra, Bowcutt, left Sunday for Rapid City, So. Dakota, where they were called because of the accidental shooting of old daughter of Mr. the eight-yeand Mrs. Roland Boothe. Mrs. Boothe is the oldest daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Bowcutt. Mr and Mrs. Austin Udy and chil dren and the Karl Welling family left Sunday for a fishing trip. They expect to be gone for several days. Mrs. V. H. Johnston of Kellogg, Idaho, and small daughter, Irene, are quests at the W. Bowcutt home. Mr. and Mrs. Easton Nielson of announce the birth of a son, July 4th, at the home of Mrs. Nielson's mother, Mrs. Nina Dustin. Newell Udy, E. W. Ward and Leo Hacfarlane were home for the 4th of July. They returned to Blacksmith ar Mrs. Don R, Lamb .1 1 n Hy-ru- m PLYMOUTH j 1 :x: -- - i :x: Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble atA fire of unknown origin broke out tended Farm Bureau day at Ogden on on a haystake on the ranch cf Don R. Friday. Lamb, Tuesday about nine o'clock in On Thursday, June 21st one hun- the forenoon, burning two large dred and twenty citizens from com- stacks of hay and spreading to tne munities if this valley, viewed the machine shed where the combine and Educational train display. other implements were stored. Had it Doris Burbank spent a few days not been for the timely arrival of men with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. from town who had noticed the stacks on fire, all would have been destroyed, Harry Cook at Ogden. Mrs. H. A. Lish and son, Horace, for they succeeded in pulling the com Jr., and daughters Tillie and Gloria, bine from under the burning building attended the funeral services of Mrs. with three automobiles. Mr. Lamb, Carrie Fizer held at Brigham City on with his boys, were putting up hay at Fielding Siding when the alarm was v. a. seager oi me nign council, given, and rushed with others to the and Elder Veral Johns and Max Beal fire and assisted in getting the flames were speakers at the Sunday evening services June Zoth. Mr .and Mrs. S. W. Perrv of Slater. ville. visited last Tuesday at the home of Bishop and Mrs. M. G. Perry. Mrs. Oswald Harwood and son, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen. During the day they celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Jensen. Mrs. Con Fryer entertained a num. ber of little folks at her home Friday in honor of her little daughter, Delone's birthday. Dainty refreshments were served and games were played. Mrs. R. N. Gardner entertained Fri. day afternoon in honor of her grandson, Keith's birthday. Games were played on the lawn and refreshments Bil-li- e. served. Mr .and Mrs. Alvin Norr and sons, Wayne, and J. Dewey and daughter, Cleo. and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jensen. and sons, Glenn and Delbert, spent Monday and the Fourth of July in Logan canyon. T. R. Ault spent Monday and Tuesday at Logan with his father, J. W. Ault. under control. Mr .and Mrs. Wm J. Hess were visitors to the Logan temple Wednesday of last week. They announce the marriage of their son, William, to Miss Arvilla Hindy of Randolpf, Idaho, which took place in the Logan temple on that date. The newly weds left for the Yellowstone National Park Friday of last week where they will spend a few days. Howard Hess left for Teton Basin the fore part of the week where he expects to be employed for the rest of the summer. A very pleasant surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Nish in honor of Mr. Nish's 73rd birthday anniversary. Many of his children and grandchildren were in attendance and a real enjoyable, time was had by all present. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Ellen Smith who has been on the sick list for the last week is not much improved at this writing and it became necessary to take her to Tremonton where she could receive medical attention. Mr. and Mrs. Marteneau of Salt Lake JLy, are spending the week here visiting with their son, Fred Kohl- hopp. They hafe been making a tour cf many parts of Idaho for the last ftiree weeks and report that there is much need of rain to mature the crops in many places where they had been. They, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Kohlhopp, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Lamb Sunday of this Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish and children spent the Fourth of July at Logan. William Fererson and son. Geo. and Iver and Jack Germer spent a few days fishing at Yellowstone Park. Alvin Marble of Ogden, visited his parents, Mr .and Mrs. N. B. Marble over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Christensen visited relatives in Ogden over the week. week end. Mrs. Agnes Archibald is reported to A number of our community attendd ed the celebrations at Logan and the be seriously ill at the hospital in at this City writing. on Fourth the Crystal of Springs Fork canyon, Wednesday. July All expressed themselves as having Mr .and Mrs. Geo. Ward Anna Morhad a very good time. ris, Mr .and Mrs. Kenneth Austin, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudsbeiry enand Mrs. Ted Austin and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland tertained and the Delose Jensen family, Maxine Mrs. Dan Garn and children at dinner 4th in the of Sunday. canyon. spent July Logan Mrs. Clotheal Eames and children of :x:The J. 0. Hadfield family, Geo BowAmerican Falls, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Standing an cutt family and Riley Hancock family Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen for a few nounce the marriage of their daugh were also at Logan canyon. days. Mrs. Glen Walker returned home ter, Klea, to Rees Roundy, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Roundy, the marriage Wednesday morning after a week's visit at the R. C. Richards home. taking place Wednesday, June 29th in Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cook and Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Roundy will make their home in Fielding. three children of Idaho Falls, were Mr .and Mrs. David Emery of Woods visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rich ! ards last week. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Cross, have moved here to reside for the summer months. Mrs. Emery was Richards are sisters . Another Independence Miss Zelda Hess. Verl Unander of Burley, Idaho, callformerly come has and passDay Miss Wilcox of Salt Lake City, Iva ed at the R. C. Richards hame Suned. Its ah over for anis spending her vacation at the home day. Miss Phyllis Richards accompanother year, except for of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. O ied him to Burley where she will visit the memories. Wilcox. with her aunt, Mrs. Isreal Barlow. Real summer is here Mr .and Mrs. D. J. Adams of Salt Mr .and Mrs. Munson and family now and the opportuniLake City, spent last week with Mr, were visiting at the Ronald Hales ties to create and proand Mrs. Clifford Welling. home Tuesday. duce for winter conAllen Cannon, who left during the sumption. From this early part of June, with Elmer Jep time on thrifty houseHe who keps his business credit j An intelligent person does not know of Mantua, and George Bishop pson wives will be preparing wil prosper. aU he knows where he must look to of Garland, for a motor trip through for foods winter Know the leading citizens of the be the eastern states, returned Sunday enlightened on the particular Our by patronizing your city library ject They spent some time at the Century store is preparof Progress in Chicago. Other places ed to furnish all canof interest they visited were, Windsor, ning materials at prices Canada, Harvard University, Boston you can well afford to Mass.; New York City; Washington pay. D. C; Mt. Vernon and other interest ing places. 3 Lge. Pkgs. John Earl and family of Providence Ogden, Utah PAR 65c spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs. Leonard Standing, who also have as their (Coupons Redeemed Here) JOHN J. SHUMWAY, Local Representative their mother, Mrs. John Earl guest, Phone Garland 124 . Ogden Phone ".Milk Maid" 302 2 Lge. Loaves of Ogden. Sr., BREAD 5c Mrs. Orvil Boothe of Honeyville, is Distance i sno handicap when prompt first call service, best equipment, skilled mortitians and moderate prices are visiting with ner parents, Mr. and 2 For Large Mrs. Jarvis Johnson. considered. CANTALOUPE 15c Miss Gladys Roundy is spending the week with relatives in Woods Cross. Green We offer in addition at no extra cost, a complete grave Pkg. TEA side setup, chapel tent, chairs, greens, lowering device, etc. 17c Hy-ru- m HOW ONE WOMAN Births of the Week LOST 20 LBS. OF FAT :x: Lost Her Prominent Hips Double Chin Sluggishness Gained A Shapely Figure PETERSON Bishop and Mrs. Fred L. Peterson of Penrose, a boy born at the Dee hospital in Ogden, June 28. MICHAELIS Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Michaelis of Garland, a boy, born NIELSON Mr. and Mrs. Easton Nielson of Riverside, a boy, born July 4th. GARFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garfield of East Tremonton, a girl, born If you are fat how would you like to lose it and at the same time gain in physical charm and acquire a clean, clear skin and eyes that sparkle with buoyant health. July 3rd. of thousands do not what STENQUIST Mr. and Mrs. Gus Sten Why women have done to get rid of pounds quist, a boy, born July th. of unwanted fat? Take one half teaJune 29th. spoon of Kruschen Salts in a glass of GARDNER Mr. and Mrs. Dewey hot water every morning before breakGardner of Deweyville, a boy, born fast and keep it up for 30 days. You July 2nd. can help the action of Kruschen by BARNARD Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bar cutting down on pastry and fatty nard of Deweyville, a boy, born July meats and going light on potatoes, 4th. butter and cream. Then weigh yourself and see how many pounds you have lost. Kruschen Salts are a blend of 6 salts most helpful to body health. SPECIAL Best of all, a bottle of Kruschen Salts VELZOR that will last you for 4 weeks costs DUART but a trifle. Ask any druggist for a bottle and start to lose fat today. It's Newest and the safe way to reduce but be sure Latest Methods you get Kruschen your health comes first. (Adv.) $3.00 GENUINE COMBO RINGLETTE or 2 for $4.50 $3.00 When You Think LUMBER Done by Experts HODGES BEAUTY SALON THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 Formerly Milady Beauty Salon Phone 71 Brigham City TIRES! we will YES trade for your old ones Associated Gasoline and Oils SERVICE LEA'S LEA DUNN, Prop. UTAH TREMONTON Ma-la- 5 - FIELDING -- m All Over lli N m tiny' Mor-tpnse- L sub-wor- ld Tre-mont- Mount Ogden Mortuary ... MAYONNAISE or RELISH SPREAD PINK It Takes More Than Salts, Calomel, Mineral Waters, ) Tall Cans SALMON 1 Oils, or Laxative Pills To Arouse a Sluggish Liver They Give Only Temporary in their sction that there is nothing Relief From Constipation about them to remind you that yon have ever taken a medicine, and most and Biliousness, Because remarkable of all you gradually the dose until you no longer re They Hare No Effect Whatever on the Liver or Its quire a laxative at all Pint Jars 25c 10c Quality Meats in Our Sanitary Market Lb. BAgON SQUARES 9c Production of BOe. Bile Is nature's laxative and ydor tnmarh and .....in. ne quart of fresh bile ererr day to mccp Htm ciean, pure, ires irom fa a and disease germs. When your lirer btcomes slurrish i the bile stagnates and stops flowing freely. Ths contents- of yeur bowels become the breeding- place for germs land polsona; your food does not digest it Just ferments and decays la the bowels. The blood absorbs these , poisons and you suffer from constipation, gas. sick headaches, biliousness, ncrrousnexs and sour stomach. Sargon Soft Mass Pills remove the cams ot this condition In natnrr'. way. They are not like any ot nedicine you bars ever tnkrn. T, art so gentle, thorougL hnl J V """Ms Siu-ro- ''ance. !Mr r "We foe a foil MM? btilnwt. writ 8. F. WUUa. Sott Dmg At He. Co, HOUSE FOR RENT Call Mrs. bert Parker, phone 76.0-2- . Gil WILL BUY live useless horses. Ricy Anderson, Tremonton. See iQc Choice Heifer Lb ROASTS IQc RIB BOILING Lb MEAT 8c asssBSB mmmmmmmmemm Lb. BOILED HAM 29c MINCED HAM 15c Moirells Pride PIGS FEET PORK CHOPS CLP. Per Btl , , 2QC' 1. 7-- SlftgjGGSl Registration figures reveal that very nearly one out every three people who buy motor cars today in of Olds-mobil-e's price field, settles his choice on Oldsmobile. The rest of the business is divided among ten different care! The main reason for this Sales Leadership is Style Leadership for the new Oldsmobiles are the smartest cars in America, regardless of cost Come in today. You'll get a thrill out of Oldsmobile performance, tool 6 tf, FOR SALE OR TRADE Good second hand John Deere dump hay rake. Call Jas. Walton at 23 or 39.a-- l CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Cows and horses. Reverse call tf41 Brigham 493J2 Wanted Animals Dead or Alive If dead notify us at once. 13c tf STYLE LEADER FREE Estimate on painting and Our guarantee is paperhanging. --real. Call August Nussbaum, phone 77.0-- PURE LARD re-du-re Unless you have tried Sargon Soft Mass Tills you can have no idea of the effects produced by this natural cleansing of your liver and bowels. It makes you feci years younger, stringer, healthier and happier. It back life and color to faded eyesbrings and cheeks, restores the sppctite and sound digestion gives you a new outlook on life itself. n n!,,',t on. renolne Soft Ma Pills. Won't be misled. There are only- twa rnmll v v u pull "iii.istimulate atanrss whlcA will sctumlly - ""rpia r aiiiggiKu liver to rleanae and piuify KseJf by Increasing Its pro. durtion of bUe. Barton Soft Mans Pins contain) both a these aub-- ...WANT COLUMN.. eading itsJield lecausz ifs the Phone Logan 49 and Reverse Charges Prompt Service OLDSMOBILE THE SIX 1745 and up. THE EIGHT $845 and up... . o. 6. Lansing . . . ipqre tire and bumpers extra . . . G.M. A. C term Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah Colorado Animal Bi-Produ- cts Co. TB1T THE CEMlUt MOTORS BC1LDPO AT THE CENTTET n, r,n,..r.. . |