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Show .ACGSIX BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY MMMMMM aunt. Front Jeppesea. 1 TREHONTON NEWS AND SOCIAL ITEMS , :x: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watkins and family of Buhl, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs Leo Watkins and family of Idaho Falls. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Castleton and son of Malad, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Valentine and baby of Bear River City and Mrs. Teah Watkins of Brigham City, mother of Leslie Watkins, were the out of town guests at a birthday dinner given Sun day in honor of Leslie Watkins, at his small ton, returned to' their home it Texas after visiting' witlf Mr. .Eh Mrs. Fred Lund of Salt Lake City, man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo and Kutb stone or Los Angeles, Calif. Kay. are visiting with their mother, Mrs. Mattie Stone. Mrs. F. W. Beck and daughter, Mrs. Maried Boylance, and Mr. and Mrs. Sofus Schiby and four children Mrs. Andrew Beck and children of of Logan, visited the first of the week Rupert, Idaho, were week end guests at the home of her sister-in-laMrs. of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Madson. Albert Bessinger. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hakkie, Verda Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harpster and and Faie Haws of Salt Lake City, children and Dean Madson were Sun were visiting old friends here Sunday. day guests of Neva Miller in Ogden. 4Ir. and Mrs. Walter Ehmann and The Peter Pan club surprised Mrs. Demont Dockstader at her home Wed nesday evening. Later ice cream and cake was served to 14 guests. Natalie Wilson of Burley, Idaho, was a week end guest of her mother. U Mrs. Helen T. Wilson. Mrs. P. E. Ault entertained at silver tea, Wednesday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. Barbara Bums. Thursday night Mrs. Sallie Gephart and daughter, Edythe and Mrs. N. E Shaw motored to Logan to attend the Clara Barton chapter of the A. E. S. CECIL B. DEMILLE'S The SIGN with Karma Beck is visiting this week in Salt Lake City at the home of her TIES 49c of the CROSS - FREDRIC MARCH, ELISSA LANDI, CLAUDETTE COLBERT, CHARLES LAUGHTON and 7500 others. NEVER! IN THE MEMORY OF THE OLDEST THEATREGOER HAS THERE BEEN AN ENTERTAINMENT SO MASSIVE . . . FASCINATING . . . STUPENDOUS! 4 DAYS, STARTING, MAY 27 ... SATURDAY, PARAMOUNT, GARLAND of the MOONLIGHT GARDENS MAY 30(lb BELZAR DUART Newest and Latest Methods TREMONTON GOOD MUSIC and a GOOD TIME , $3.00 GENUINE COMBO RINGLETTE $3.00 or 2 for .... $4.50 Done by Experts HODGES BEAUTY SOLON Formerly Milady Beauty Salon checks, plaids, hairlines Brigham City Glens, Hartley and Stokes Phone 71 Just Home Folks and club stripes. The greatest value you ever saw for the price. They rook and feel like $1.00 ties. Wanted Animals Dead or Alive SATURDAY and MONDAY, DECORATION DAY SPECIALS If dead not if us at once. Phone Logan 49 and Reverse j Charges WBURN SOAP Prompt Service Colorado Animal Bi-Produ- cts tL WHITE KING Co. OATS wwmft u LI -T-Y COFFEE T SUNDAY . . . MONDAY . . . TUESDAY May - 28th - 29th - Large Package 16c 1 4 Pound Package .. CHOCOLATES 15t BECCO 25 c OC 3 Pint Bottles ULLillIM dessert, the & h r quick setting, Pkg BANQUET FOODS MAYONNAISE . IN "Bite Pi. REISH SPREAD inm Sjpanini 9J IStittSftSSSZ. 29g 30th Eddie CANTOR 19 2 7C S. RAISINS L-I-B-E-R- 23c 29? A Banquet Foods demonstrator will be in our store all day Saturday to serve you with the new, leading products of the state. Come in and sample our new line of Banquet Foods. 99 With LYDAROBERTI Quivering, Quaking Rhumba Sexsation and the 76 GOLDWYN GIRLS America's Proudest Beauties Exhibiting Their Pride! FIG BARS iQc pd CRACKERS 2A.miul,,,.,25g &"r hls bi dlsh of Mcxican wMc spiced EStSSi C1 thrUls ln the yeUing bull, 5iV?2 perilous ?tWf midnight love beyond the Rio Grande. GRAHAMS mids scenes of f0U&ht,0ved' danfed and . . . and garnished with the lovliest girb this side of heaven! . . . 'Talmy Days" and "WhooBee" SHREDDED WHEAT SSVirJ S? ur0nllpait: is shown All kinds of fresh, seasonable vegetables. Strawberries Bananas, Oranges, and bunch items at prices greatly reduced for Decoration Day. All day Saturday there will be a National Biscuit demonstrator at our store. He will serve FREE cakes to you. Come in and visit our store for the Nnee da Bak- the best MUSICAL anywhere for the past n!h8, VYe ? happy t0 a Picture high class entertainment to our patrons and we say be sure and see it during the three days engagement Pi. . And get your share of these MONEY SAVERS Pnt COMEDY and NEWS r-- 25c In Pkg. . 10c ers products have captured the taste of the nation. NEW! CRISP! Dresses Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jensen of Salt Lake City, were week end guests of Mr .and Mrs. Dave Stander. The last meeting of the Tremonton-Garlan- d Literary club for this season, was held at the home of Mrs. Louis Peterson, Garland, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Leona Anderson gave a review of the book, "Toilers the Hills," by Vaudis Fisher.. New officers elected were: President, Mrs. Edna Henrie; vice presi dent, Mrs. Inez Brown; historian, and reporter, Mrs. Dorothy Capener; literary leader, Mrs. Edna Muir. Luncheon was served to twelve mem bers and four guests. & . mm Voiles and broadcloths Births of the Week M(B OIPEEJEBJ SPECIAL Are the smartest thing in neckwear for spring. In ; Mrs. Zina Nelson and children of Snowville, visited the last of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stander. - ! Glen Plaid ttttt Hurry tip! Mrs. Alice Burgess left Monday for Logan, where she will visit relatives for the next two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Sherrum accompanied by their daughter and granddaughter of Buhl, Idaho, and Sirs. Ferd Schmeidt and son, Arthur, of Carl Maisik and family, Elmer Gor-- Salt Lake City, attended the funeral of the infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Wilson. Mrs. Sherrum is a sister of Mr. Wilson. home. Saturday afternoon Mrs. George Cropley and two daughters and Mra N. E. Shaw visited with Mamie Shaw in Corinne, prior to her leaving to spend the summer in Boston, Mass and other eastern cities. ringv ''and daughter. Loo, were Salt Lake City visitor Sunday. . organdy trim med . . . dainty K'Jtff new styles. HIGLEY Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hitr- ley of Black Pine, , Idaho, a girl, ' born May 18. NORTHMAN Mr. and Mrs. Eric Northman of Garland, a boy, born lot 'X 79c May 18. THOMPSON Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson, East Tremonton, a girl, born May 21. H UNSAKER Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hun- saxer of JMwood, a girl, born May 23 GARDNER Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gardner, a boy. born Mav 25. HOWARD Mr. and Mrs. M. R. How ard of Garland, a girl, born May 25. Jd Vo ? You must make it a point, loseeinem. w r,i m 9 Artificial Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pierce are re joicing over the arrival of their first grandchild. They received word that a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fish er Squires of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Squires will be better known to her friends here as Dora Pierce. Prepare now for Decoration Day, May 30th HOSPITAL NOTES 10c & 15c Flowers Unbleached :x: Mrs. David Holmgren underwent an operation for appendicitis, Monday She is improving nicely. Saturday the daughter of R. P Muslin 36 in. wide Hanson of Bear River -- City, had a minor operation. Mrs. Lisle Adams returned to her home in Thatcher, Thursday morning. Mrs. Hampton Bradshaw returned to the hospital the last of the week to receive medical attention. The small son of Glen Archibald, also the small son of Leland Thompson of Garland, had the misfortune to each have their arm b$ken. Pat: "I was in a building so high that when I let a hammer fall it hit me on the head next morninsr when I was coming to work" Mike: That's nothing. I was in one so hisrh it had to have hinges in the middle of it so it could bend over to let the moon pass. 10 Yards 45c GEPHART STORES CO "Buy for Cash and Pay Less" PHONE 33 PRICES FOR SATURDAY, MAY 27th aIaa DEPENDABLE Vacuum Pack. Pound CRYSTAL WHITE SAr,n lOBam.. 27c .UTAH FINB '10 Poondg w. 52c 25c Brooms ,5 TIE tEach ... SWEET; TENDER iTCaO Can ... Globes ,30 and 60 WATT P4m f-A- rJ& 10c 10c GRAHAMS Box 25c LARGE, FANCY Can 10c M b. Shrimp 7 27c "REX" BRAND Pounds 8 OlinA Bananas ICEBERG, Large Head Tound 69 c ......5 c 5c I |