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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1933 PAGE TWO BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Poetoffice at Tremonton, Utah, as Second Class Mat- te SNOWVILIE F TREMONTON By Miss Annie Hurd By Mrs. P. E. Ault - l ! DEWEYVILLE By Mrs. Thomas Ault James Walton. Editor and Publisher Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robbins made Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott are! Thursday of each week. a trip to Logan and Brigham last Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Abbott motored week. to Salt Lake City, Monday. Subscription Rates Supt. Bunderson visited our school Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cozier visited in $2.00 Monday. He was accompanied by Preston, Idaho, Thursday and One Year, in advance Friday. $1.00 Miss Robinson. Six Months, in advance Mrs. O. A. Seager motored to Losan J0 Mr. and Mrs. Bealy S. Cutler and Sunday. She was accompanied by her Three Months, in advance Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hurd, Jr., were son, Austin, who is a student of the U. S. A. C. Ogden visitors last week. Mr .and Mrs. J. H. Garbanati and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brough, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cutler motored to Evan Hansen of El wood and A. L. The only p!ace in the U. S. where utaloea and Ogden, Tuesday, returning home Wed- Cook and son, Noel, of Tremonton, dvcrtiun nrtr eorerin any Una ol butinew or product can be obtained r r aaa Without nesday. were Salt Lake City visitors, SaturObiicattoa ia the Amriscan Industrial Library. Mrs. Melvin Cottam returned home day. Write for Buainea. Adrertiaics Matter you are jatereeted in; earn will b promptly forwarded. Friday after visiting at Spanish Fork Mr .and Mrs. Henry Oyler of Treand Corinne a few weeks. AMEBICAR IIOOSTRIAL LIBRARY monton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hill of KaaiaMriBSBmUaUaa. CJaWaO, llllol Jos. J. Cutler attended the scout and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Garfield meeting at Ogden, Thursday. He was attended a birthday dinner Sunday at accompanied by his wife and A. L. the home of R. G. Brough, in honor of Neal. Mrs. Brough's birthday anniversary. Mrs. Rebecca N. Cutler and Mrs. O. L. Brough and Elmer Anderson John Arbon attended the Relief So attended the Sunday school conference ciety and general conference at Salt in Salt Lake City, Saturday and Sun Lake City. day. as well as to your Country Miss Murriel Cottam of Brigham is Miss Rae Abbott was home from her aunt, Mrs. D. G. Nelson, Logan over the week end. visiting Jr. Mrs. George Abbott and Mrs. K. H Mr. and Mrs. John Neal were busiPATRONIZE YOUR ness visitors to Ogden, Monday of last Free to Public I Fashion Follows Health Lead 4 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germer had as their week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMurdie and children of Ogden. The three act play, "Eyes of Love" has been presented at the Tiemonton ward, Honeyville, and Beaver Dan. Credit is due the cast and the direc, tor. This is the M. I. A. play and directed by M. I. A. officers. Mrs. A, F. Loveland of Logan, spent Sunday and Monday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dewey of Ogden, were calling on relatives here Saturday. Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Brough and children of Tremonton, were visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Christenson and son were in Ogden last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dewey and ; 1 ; . daughters of Ogden, visited at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Joseph I. Dewey. new minerals. In addition. It was found On tm&rt tablet everywhere. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dewey and appetizer the pineapple cup Is mak- to be an aid to the digestion of prochildren were visiting at the home of ing lt appearance following recent teins such as meat and eggs thus givMr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser, returnrevelations that Hawaii's golden fruit ing it a definite place on a menu In has. In addition to lta luaclous flavor, which these are Included. The new. ing to their home in Ogden, Saturday. deflslta health values. Yhese Include, pineapple cup la simple to prepare-I- t Jeff Barnard and his friend, Paul la mad from crushed pineapple or according to reports of a Sant( students at the U. S. A. C, were study, a generous supply of tidbits, chilled and terred la this visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vitamins A. B and O and five essential cocktail glasses. J. P. Barnard last week end. Mrs. Leon May of Harper, was visiting her sister, Mrs. T. L. Wheatley Juryman: "I beg to be excused, Holiday Heroes last Sunday. The man who wouldn't go with A social evening was spent at the your Honor. I owe a man 10 pounds, home of Mr .and Mrs. Louis Germer, and he is leaving for a long trip the Picnic Party. him before he Monday night in honor of Mr. and abroad I want to catch Mrs. Fred Farmer who are making gets on the train and pay him the 10 Fancier: "Five pounds is a lot for their home at McCammon, Idaho. Mr. pounds. It may be my last chance." Judge: "You are excused. I don't that dog. Can't you halve it?" Farmer has been the O. S. L. agent want anybody on the jury who can lie Dealer: "No, missus, I never sell here for the past seven years. Under the direction of the M. I. A., like that." a splendid program was given in con nection with sacrament meeting, Sun"r""T'"Hfci"l IK TiTi"' V'IM 'Iff "dfthIIf1lirHlh ''I'iglh ' 242r12&lJm day, April 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble and daughter, Alta, attended the general conference at Salt Lake City. The district school presented an op eretta here Friday night in the ward amusement hall, under the direction ALL WORK of Principal Frank Stevens, assisted Anderson and Misses Bunderson. RAMSDELL : : : : PHONE TREMONTON 134 DEWEY by All are to be complimented in the success of the operetta. Special One of the largest audiences attended and all Complete Line of Wallpaper Samples were much delighted. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartlett and son, Merlin, were guests of Bishop and Mrs. M. G. Perry, Tuesday raid Wednesday of last week. Ellis and Clarence Perry, Jeff Bar- nard rnu Ariin Marble, students of the L. S. A. C, at Logan, visited their parents, here the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr and son, J. Dewey, and daughter, Cleo, attended Sunday school at Howell, Sunday. J. A. Fryer was in Ogden Monday. y Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Loveland were The merchant who advertises is offering the readers of the shopping in Ogden, Monday. news paper a service that has no obligation attached to it. They Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Sudsberry, free the news of the products that can be had in your home give Mr .and Mrs. Axel Hassel and Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Loveland enjoyed dancing town. at Ogden, Saturday night. MAKE THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS PAPER YOUR Sunday, members of the Dewey famSHOPPING GUIDE ily, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dewey, where plans were made to have the Dewey family reunion at Dewey ville, June Gth. All committees were appointed and a splendid reunion is expected. When You Think Mrs. M. A. Lish spent a few days HARDWARE at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. 11. Burbank. Tom Etherington called on his broth "Everything To Build Anything" er, James and family, here early in Best In Optometric Service The Phone 11 the week. In Northern Utah J. W. Ault and daughter, Mollie, of Logan, called on Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault, here Monday. T. R. Ault ac companied them home. He will spend a few days as the guest of J. W. and family. imx kit d, To Your Town LOCAL MERCHANTS week. Peterson was taken seriously ill here, Thursday and was taken to Garland for medical treatment. Jos. J. Larkin and daughter, Harriet and two sons, George and James, left Thursday morning to attend con C. M. DOLLARS COME tfOME. fT RACE the course of a dollar spent 1 for property improvement, repairs, or replacement. Part of it goes to local merchants, who provide the needed materials. Another part goes to the workman on the job. The workman spend his part for the necessities of life. The corner grocery, the drug store, the department store get it and through them it goes to their employes, to the farmer and the manufacturer. Then the circle begins- again the money enters new pockets, passes through other industries, travels to other sections of the country. The part or the dollar going to the store providing the supplies follows much the same course. It pays the store s workers. It pays bills. It goes to factories to purchase new stock. From the factory it goes to other workmen, to related industries supply ing raw materials, to investors. And, at last, the dollar comes back, through one channel or another, to the original spender. In a short length of time that tlol lar has had a thousand uses. It has done the work of a thousand dollars. That's the beauty of money which is actually circulating it is used an in finite number of times, and it does as Ready For EASTER ference. Lowell Cutler spent the week end in Salt Lake City. Bishop and Mrs. D. G. Nelson, Jr., and Mrs. W. C. Nelson attended conference in Salt Lake City, Sunday. Archie Hurd spent a few days last week in Tremonton and Ogden. On Tuesday of last week the adult department of the M. I. A. entertain ed at a banquet and program. Every one present enjoyed the evening. On Wednesday night the Black Pine ward presented the drama. "Star Bright," here to a large crowd. All foods desired for any regular or special event for Easter must be purchased Saturday. To many people Easter is second Christmas in the matter of serving rare, good foods. Our store has prepared for the most particular. We have Weekly Grain Market SATURDAY, APRIL Painting - Paperhanging Kalsomining Spring Prices 8, 1933 Domestic Grain Markets Remain dependentlv Firm, Prices of Most Grains Highest For Season In- - per lib 10c " Every "Kid" in the valley must have Domestic grain markets remained independently firm during the week ended April 7, and prices of most grains advanced to new highs for the season, according to the Weekly Grain Market Review of the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Further deterioration in winter wheat, pending farm relief legislation and more active cash demand were the much good each time. influences. Now is the time to obtain needed principal strengthening Wheat unadvanced 3clc bushel decades in lowest cost the at per repairs and at the same time do your bit in der an active milling inquiry which reflected the increased demand for fighting depression. Jobs are cheaper than charity and' flour. Rye was higher with wheat, without the jobs, there won't be any corn and oats were up per bush el with feeder and industrial demand thing for charity. the most active of the season. A conoOo tinued active inquiry for malting barley strengthened the market for that grain and prices made further gains. ! Flax advanced principally as a result j of the higher prices of other grains By Mrs. -- . since the oil market remained weak -r- and crusher demand was not active. Bishop and Mrs. V.'LCHahsen were WHEAT: Winter wheat made fair dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orvil growth in the Ohio valley, Eastern Hunsaker, of Honeyville, last Wednes- part of the mam hard winter wheat day, in honor of their granddaughter's belt and in the east and southeast but in the west central part of the main birthday. Mr. Willes Adams and baby of Lo- producing section dry weather contingan, are visiting his parents, Mr. and ued with the condition of the crop Mrs. Wm. Larsen, for the week. poor and many fields bare. High Lloyd Hunsaker and Vertis Wood, winds and freezing temperatures caus of Logan, came over from the college ed further damage in Western Kan to spend the week end. They left for sas and Nebraska during the week. Salt Lake, Saturday, to attend the Private trade estimates placed the 1933 winter wheat crop missionary reunion and conference. nearly Miss Wanda Anderson has gone to bushels below last season's Salt Lake for an indefinite period. small harvest. Wet and cold weather Milton Anuerson spent the week delayed seeding of spring grain in end home from college. Minnesota and the Dakotas but seedLeland and Ezra Murdock of Sugar ing made fair progress in the Pacific City, Idaho, were guests of Mr. and Northwest where winter killing was Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker, last Monday on extensive. their return from conference. Mrs. LeRoy Hunsaker was taken to Dick: "Politeness has never cost the hospital in Brigham last week, anybody anything." where she will undergo an operation Tom: "Yes, it has have you nev for gall stone, as soon as her health er been in an overcrowded tram?" permits. Mrs. Lawrence Steffen and babies have gone back to Brigham City after spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hunsaker. Mrs. Don Hunsaker and baby spent last week visiting her parents and FOR SALE One Fordson tractor. relatives in American Fork. See E. J. Winzeler, Tremonton Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman mov Utah. ed back from Pocatello for the sum 12p. mer. They were accompanied by Mr. ana Mrs. Hen Hoops and Harlow FOUND Truck license plate. Owner may get same by calling at Leader Hoops of Rupert, Idaro. Mr. and Mrs. office and paying for ad. Ben Hoops returned to Rupert, Tues tf. 2c-3- marsh-mallow- ELWOOD I jrtS-asmusse- n 1 Marshmallows 4-- day. The operetta given by the school children last Friday was well attended and well rendered. H. P. Rasmussen, Owen Rasmussen Wayne Francom and Floyd Christen-e- n were among those who attended conference in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Vernon Pett, formerly Miss Rose Jensen, was the honored guest at a shower given by the Relief Society. Twenty-tw- o ladies were present. The afternoon was spent in tea towels for the bride. A beautiful quilt was also presented to her. Refreshments was served. Mr .and Mrs. P. W. Christcnsen, Miss Dorotha Christensen and Miss rearl Mortensen went to Salt Lake Saturday and Sunday. 6 LAWN MOWERS sharpened and paired. See Guy V. Allen. P. & G. Soap Will trade large churn for smaller one. Call Leader office. WANTED Your orders now for potted flowers for Easter. Ogden See our regular stock of prices. flowers and seeds, at Lea's Service 3 3 Station, Tremonton. t4. FOR SALE Two city lots, 50x150, wun moaern ciucken coops on each, size of coops 20x36 and 20x54. See J. A. Pack, phone 3 54-a,- CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Cows and hones. Reverse call Bngham 4MJ2 tf 41 Bars 25c Fridal attended the Relief Society conference at Salt Lake City, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Mae Fridal came home Monday after spending the winter in Salt Lake Lge. pkg. 22c Oxydol (Jig Saw Puzzle FREE!) Potato Flakes Lge. Pkg. Mb. Jar Marmalade PAPER 18c Per. Napkins Tuna Flakes City. May and K. H. Fridal, 3rd, of Lo gan, were week end visitors at home.. Mrs. J. O. Garfield, Miss Leona Gar field and K. H. Fridal and Mr. and Mrs. George Beal were conference visitors Saturday and Sunday. 1 nomas Kay and daughter, Lillian, visited relatives in Salt Lake City, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott made a business trip to Ogden, Friday. Mrs. P. L. Ault accompanied Miss Izola Jensen of Logan, Robert Stew art of Brigham City, and Park Stumm of South Tremonton, to Portage and Riversldft, Friday, in the interest of club work. Mr. and Mrs. Vernald Johns return ed Friday after several weeks stay in 9c ORANGE Pk. 5c Med. Size 11c 2 Wheaties Pkgs. 25c (35c Skippy Ikml FREE!) Purity Graham Pkg. Crackers Bread M. J 4-- H 25c 2 Loaves R. Coffee Manu. 5c jr. BEEF Pot Roast Rib Boil SLICED Minced Ham Per Lb. 10c Per Lb. 5c Per Lb. v STOSXi I POULTRYMEN, ATTENTION! Favorite Laying Mash with Purina Concentrate Costs You Only $1.25 per cwt. by using your own grain. Very Best Laying Mash Money Can Buy Call for Particulars MILLING CO. GARLAND-TREM0NT0- N ICE Be verages & Coal i SEE BESSINGER BROS. TREMONTON, UTAH : 36 : SPRING IS HERE Why not buy those seeds now and be ready for that early garden. Wc have both loose and packages. OUl Western Grown and Tested Seeds MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Mammoth Bronze Turkey Toults from RED WING HATCHERY And Baby Chicks See Froiik Chevrolet Co. H. P. RANDALL 15c a R SKAGGS FOOO . Wife (to husband who is painting his car): "Heavens! What are you 3 doing, Tom? Why are you painting ft one side red and the other side green ? OH Have you gone mad; ' Husband: "Don't you see, dear est? I've got a fine idea,. You just wait till you hear the witnesses contradicting each other when we have an accident. pk(f. 20c Meats re- FOR TRADE 6 Tremonton Business Guide THINK WILSON 19c ... I And Directory Mb. Pkg. Large Bars 100,-000,0- ..WANT COLUMN.. s s Wieners and for a picnic. If you want them good and fresh and cheap O. P. Skaggs System store is the place to buy them. Also you can buy nice fresh eggs for only 10c a dozen. Not only the children like picnics. How about a trip to the mountains or even if it is just out behind the shed, the kiddies join around the bonfire and enjoy a feed of these tasty hot dogs etc. c I GUARANTEED and the prices are attractive. j compre-bensl- Tt ' you everything could possibly desire - -- half-dogs- ." to only t Tremonton, Utah Phone 21 I 1 |