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Show PAGE FIVE BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1933 visited here Tuesday evening. The M Men and Gleaner girls presented their contest play, "Women Folks." The' Relief Society play, "Mother fulls the string, presented March lvtn was so interesting that they were requested to put it on again. Both plays was greatly appreciated by a large RENOVIZE PHILADELPHIA CAMPAIGN POINTS WAY TO IMPROVE BUSINESS Georgeously Sheer crowd. . lwr!p-j-.) fHm 44- - I! " f pT: I fM 4H " - Leo and Marion Miller went to Og den on business, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heslop and Frank Heslop went to West Weber and Og - t;f& J,. den to visit relatives on. Thursday. They were accompanied back by Mrs. Frank Heslop and baby, who has been visiting at her home for some time. Mr. and Airs. Chapman ana son, Kenneth, of Pocatello, came down to prised to find so much snow, as they. expected the ground would be ready to farm. Mrs. Elias Anderson enter-- 1 tained in their honor on Thursday ev ening. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mortensen were Ogden visitors Thursday. The M Men and Gleaner Girls en 4 "repair, today's bargain prices," residents ot Philadelphia have pledged themselves to spend more than $18,000,000 In the next six months for the Improvement of their property. Leaders of the Renovize Philadelphia Campaign, which I f .j m m m m m By Mrs. Roscoe Stoddard I - j. :x: G. J. Wood met with a very painful accident Monday evening. He was butchering a veal for market and the knife slipped cutting the cord in his thumb. He went immediately to Tremonton, where Dr .Schaffer sewed it up. It required 9 stitches to sew up the wound. With the exception of deal of pain, Mr. Wood is reported to be on the improve. Mrs. Mirl Mason went to Willard Tuesday, where she will visit for some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barker. .Dallas Wood and Wayne Gunnell. no have been attending school at the U. S. A. C, during the fall and winter terms, returned home, Saturday. Mrs. Janie Wood made a trip to Tremonton, Saturday, to deliver two articles contributions from this ward, Philadelphia homes at today's low prices for material and labor. At the left is the original attic, typical of many that serve only as storage places. Right, Is the same attlo with walls and ceilings of pressed wood boards and a servictable floor of cushioned wood blocks laid over the original flooring. brought about the pledges, estimate that every dollar put Into circulation times la the multiplies twenty-fiv- e course of a year, so that the new business thus created will amount to the slogan WITH restore at $150,000,000. The illustration shows one type ot "renovizing" that has added value to a doll cradle and a chair, to be taken to Salt Lake City for the Relief Society exhibit to be held in connection with the April conference. Mrs. Lee Anderson has returned home after having spent the past week at Providence, with her father, Mr. Fred Pickett. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Sorenson and family, made a trip to Logan, Monday. Mr. Sorenson's mother returned with them for a short visit. Mrs. Remis Larkin and children of Snowville, and Miss Florence Anderson, of Brigham, are spending the week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson. Mr .and Mrs. Waldo Grant spent the past week at their First Class Work Guaranteed PHONE I EAST GARLAND I -- By. Mrs. David Larson ! :x: ,wi- Itturin ii." On All Jobs Large or Small Estimates Free --- 77.0-- Tremonton, 1 i tm ii irt Hartley and Stokes Just Home Folks SATURDAY SPECIALS YOU WITH NEW SILVERWARE COUPONS IN TO ACQUAINT BREAD This is very fine bread made in our own bakery b(y our skilled bakers. 2 loaves 5c M "Kitchen-tested- " 48 POUNDS K $1.19 18c , gSfc, SHREDDED WHEAT 7c 2 4e. .... Package PORK AND BEANS LETTUCE -- A- ELWOOD Large Heads ..... . 10f 5c 13c GRAPEFRUITS- - 35c ORANGES 29c Dozen FREE with each dozen oranges) Daffodils dozen (One Your bouquet is here for you OATS Sperry's Quality Oats Are I Perfect stockings, silk from top to lisle toe. New spring colors. FttSHBURNQ 3 I - By Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen I -- 1 Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mortensen were in Ogden on business last Thursday. Mrs. Gladys Murdock of Logan, is spending a couple of weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hun-sake- r. Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson, had the misfortune of having the horse falling on him breaking two of his toes. He had them set and is .on crutches, getting along ag well as can be expected. His only regret is that he is missing his school work. Mrs. V. L. Hansen, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munns, Mrs. Annie Munns and Mrs. Grace Haws, all attended a funeral for Sarah Willas of Lehi, aunt of Mrs. Hansen. While down there they visited relatives and friends at Lehi Junction, American Fork, Salt Lake City and Ogden. Mrs. V. L. Hansen entertained at a dinner last Tuesday in honor of her birthday. Especially honored guest was Mrs. Horace Woffinton of Garland, Mrs. Hansen's twin cousin, there only being one day difference on their age. Ralph Steiner, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Shurtz of the M. I. A. stake board, ZTT: Salmon Fresh salmon direct from the ocean to you. Roast it, fry it, or cook it with white sauce. It's delicious per lb... 0c Always Good 9 !b. bag 23c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP Unwrapped 10 bars 18c MAMS We are featuring our very best grade of hams on our anniversary sale. If you can't use a whole ham, you may have a half or a fourth at this same bargain price. per HONEY In liquid form, has wonderful (b... 15c 5 lbs. 15c RAISINS Choice, seedless 19c 33c Quart Reg. 45c size per gal. 49c M '" syrup" Silver Tip table syrup a treat for the whole family BRICK CHEESE Slice from these bricks just what you need from day to rlav and it will alwavs keen fresh. Cheese always makes a tasty meal. WHOLE BRICK per gal. 55c Fre,;h Vegetables Our fresh vegetables stocks are complete. Saturday we will have fresh stocks of the best quality Grapefruit, Oranges, Cauliflower, Radishes, Lettuce . Spinach, Carrots, etc. at ... Most Attractive Prices This is pure pork sausage made from young, tender pigs. rr Wieners Large, fresh, juicy hot dogs, a dish every kiddie likes. Have a wiener roast at home while these are on sale. H ONE HALFl BRICK 29c 57c BROOMS SAUSAGE per lb... or seeded per pkg. 5c flavor ' :x: SUGAR Xdnr....... CORN Alva Rhodes went to Salt Lake City Friday, returning Sunday with a new Chevrolet truck. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sorensen were dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs. T. J. Stuart of Fielding, Wednesday. The dinner was in honor of Mrs. Frances Allen of Portage, mother of the two ladies. Miss Rhea Heppler, of Tremonton, was a Sunday guest of Miss Mabel Korth. John Isaacson, of Honeyville, was calling on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Isaacson, Saturday. Eight little boy friends of Junior Oyler, met at his home Sunday afternoon for a few hours, in honor of his birthday. Games were played and refreshments served. Tuesday evening, under the direction of M. I. A. officers, the one-aplay, "Stoves" was very well presented to a well fulled house. Sunday made history for the local Sunday attendance of any previous record. Leland Watt of Layton, was a Sunday guest at the J. L. Atkinson home. ct GOLD MEDAL FLOUR SOAP J EMEMBER how they sold for 79c? We do. Seven years ago next Saturday the first O. P. Skaggs System store opened. You as well as millions of others have been served by this fine organization. advantage and Every patron of our stores received the greatest chain store all on home. at here your meats remains Try saving yet every dollar made and at O. P. cash week the trading in paying by and groceries every day Stores. Skaggs System ' a -; T SEVEN YEARS OF SERVICE sion. ll.'.v,-in.ir,r- FLATTERY CHUKKER DEAUSAN NATURAL BLENDE NATURAL BEIGE OCREBEIGE OIL Ability of California oil in dustry to stave off price collapse this year, in spite of internal strain and breakdown in Midcontinent markets, source of much comment. BILL FELT RELIEVED Bo: "Hello, Bill, I hear you've an indefinite stay. Mrs. Perry Jensen and children, of Brigham City, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Alva Rhodes. Mrs. J. M. Sorensen spent a few days in Brigham as the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Rilla Jensen and Mrs. Annie Burns. Miss Uarda Jensen of Brigham City was the week end guest of Miss Rhoda Larson. A social is planned for Friday evening, including all adult members of the ward. Program, luncheon, and dancing is to be the evening's diver- August Nussbaum - Lorin Larkin motored to Richmond young and old. this week. week. Mrs. Fanny Capener has returned home after having spent several months as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Capener of Riverside. Howard Oyler and Norman Larson went to Salt Lake City, Monday for We'll Go Any Place An yTime :- - Chiffon and Service Weight Lin-for- PAINTING KALSOMINING PAPER HANGING Lowest Prices Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Holman motored been sick." o: "Yeah, but when the doctoe told to Salt Lake City, Monday, to visit Horace Richards of the stake high who recently me it wasn't asthma I breathed a lot Mr. Holman's mother, d and Cyril council, from Fielding, on her eyes. easier." of Garland, visited our ward underwent an operation They returned in the evening ac Sunday. by Miss Marie Larson, who Bishop and Mrs. C. B. Gunnell en- companied several days at her home here. spent tertained at a family dinner, Sunday. Mabel K'orth and Mr. and Sylvan Besides the family Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mrs. and Oyler spent several Douglas L. and Mrs. Adams of Thatcher, Mr. Lake City, last in Salt days visiting I - - were present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyde were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Sorenson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nielson went to Logan Thursday, returning home Wyatt, was seriously ill. Mrs. Martme Larson left for Logan Tuesday. She will spend a week with her daughter, Mrs. Willas Adams. Wanda Anderson left Saturday for Salt Lake to visit relatives. The ward maintenance dance Friday was well attended and enjoyed by all and SATURDAY ONLY FRIDAY 30 guests. Mrs. Mary Mortensen was called to B. Gunnell, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gun- Logan Thursday. Her daughter, Mrs. nell and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wood Willard home here. CM Old or New tertained in honor of the returned missionaries at the home of Amos P. Hansen last Thursday evening. The time was spent playing games after which a delicious tray lunch was served to This is our red handle broom, the d best broom on the market very low-price- 29c each TOMATOES Solid pack, choice tomatoes at at real bargain price. per can 8c SCHILLINGS COFFEE This brand of coffee needs no introduction p,r 10c per lb. 29c 4 FOOD nriLiULiru-ii.iLiwHrii-irir- ii STORES nun |