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Show PAGE TWO BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1933 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postoffire at Tre- Second Class Mat monton, Utah, RIVERSIDE u tes. June Walton. By Mrs. 4. Editor and Publisher SNOWVILLE v. hadfieid By Miss Annie Hurd Published at Tremonton. Utah, on :x: Mr. and Mrs. Karl Welling enter Thursday of each week. tained at supper for a crowd of mar Subscription Rates One Yecr, in advance .$2.80 ried people, Friday night, after spend Six Months, in adTanee $1.00 ing the evening skating. .50 Three Months, in advance Joseph Forsberg and J. O. Hadfield were in Ogden on business, Friday. Mr. and Mr3. Wm. Bowcutt have as their guest their daughter Mrs. Rol and Boothe and baby of South Dakota, TK ooly piaca m tha U. S. wWa catalota and dvertiiiic matter forertng any Una oi bwainaa. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunsaker of El or product can be ottaned Fraaaad Wi'kout Obkaabja ta the Ameacan kuiuttrial Library. wood, spent Monday and Tuesday at Vnia for Buhmh AHvartiam Matter yva ara the home of Nina Dustm. iotaraated injaama will be promptly forwaided. Mr. and Mrs. R, D. Macfarlane en AMERICA! IIDOSTEIAL LIBBABT tertained a crowd of married folks KajlnaariM BoUdUai. CkiMtt, lUlMi Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munns of Garland were the only out of town guests. Miss Lila Tubbs went to Ogden, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Delose Jensen enter as well as to your Country tained at dinner Friday for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nielson of Portage. Miss Irene and Voss Ward attend PATRONIZE YOUR ed the basket ball game at Ogden Fri LOCAL MERCHANTS day night Mr and Mrs Wm Rnwputt went to Ogden Monday to meet Mrs. Boothe. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ward went to Portage Sunday evening to attend a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nielson. Mrs. Fanny Capener of East Garland is a guest at the A, A. Capener TN the welter of debate over unem home this week. J. ployment the war debts, tariffs, Henry Hales was in Ogden Friday prohibition and similar subjects, we to attend the basket ball game. have lost sight of one major problem Mrs. Jack Forsberg spent Saturday in Garland with her mother, Mrs. Alf that of silver. World recovery and rehabilitation of Bowcutt silver; are inseparable. Precisely as ruinous silver prices helped bring on world depression, so can fair silver prices help bring back world prosper Jty. By Mrs. Dan Garn Business leaders and industrial or-- J. ganizations are continually stressing the need for an international silver Members of the Social Development conference that will produce results. club were entertained by Mrs. Thomas So are political leaders of both par Harris, Thursday of last week. Mrs. ties. It's time for action. Grand Snow presided. The entertain ment committee had charge of the pro gram and was featured with a variety of games and contest work for which prizes were given. A delicious lunch was served. Mrs. Harris was assisted Free to Public To Your Town DON'T FORGET SILVER. Mrs. George Allen spent the week end in Ogden- Our school teachers, Miss Christensen, Mr. Cutler, and Mr. Ferguson, spent the week end in Logan and Brig ham City. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arbon spent the week end at Stone, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurd. Mrs. A. L. Peterson entertained at dinner, Sunday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Cutler,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hurd, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Golden Pe terson. Miss Leona Arbon came home Fri day from Ogden where she has been working". Rent-meiste- NOTICE by Mrs. Dewey Wood, Mrs. N. Garn and Mrs. David Wood. NOTICE TO WATER USERS Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Johnson, Jr. spent Sunday in Malad. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stewart enter Notice is hereby given that Edward tained at a party Wednesday evening. Og-ier.yan, whose post office address is 500 was played. Supper was served at in achas made n, midnight. Members of the S. S. club met with Miss Myrtle Hess Sunday afternoon at the home of her sister, Mrs. Bill Jar- dine. A program was given and luncheon was served. Friday night the members of the Social Development club were enter tained by their husbands at a basket dance. It was a very delightful and pleasing anair in wnich every one present participated. The baskets were very artistic, making an attractive dis play, the average size being from six inches square to bushel baskets. Mu sic was furnished by the Fielding or- hestra. This application is designated in Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Johnson spent the State Engineer's Office as File the week end in Ogden. Ko. 11313. AH protests against the granting 'f said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be by affidavit in dup- licate, accompanied with a fee of $1.00 rnd filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. Geo. M. Bacon, State Engineer. Date of first publication, January 5, 1933. Date of completion of publication, February 2, 1933. ...WANT COLUMN.. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 rooms, reasonable. Partly furnished, with . kitchen range, etc. preferable. Call Leader office. Mrs. Anna Gilbert is visiting in mne. Cor- - of the lb can 10c 1 9. Remarks, visitors. 10. Benediction, John W. Chambers. Participants Stake Directors: Mr. J, Theodore Arbon, Y. M. M I. A. Mrs. P. W. Christensen, Y I. A. L. M. Conductor: Professor Richard Condie. Accompanist: Mrs. Milan Peck, piano. Mr. Alvis Anderson, violin. Tremonton Mrs. Geo. Quinney di rector; Mr. George Frost, assistant di rector; Mrs. L. Watkms, accompanist. Dr. D. B. Green, Lou Forsberg, Gol den Harris, Mel Robbins, Rulon Rob- bins, Arlene Kunz, Evelyn Kunz, Vir ginia Carter, Thelma Harris, DeEsta Holmgren, Constance Jensen, Mabel There is no better brand of Peanut Butter than School Boy. The Mb. can formerly sold at 29c a can, Saturday it will sell at 10c. Children enjoy this delicious h e a 1 h f ul food. Buy several cans. 1 Pancake Flour Calderwood, May Calderwood, Claudia PHONE 47 . . . Drug to. TREMONTON, UTAH Prescription Specialists! FINEST OF FOUNTAIN SERVICE AND LIGHT LUNCHES This is your drug store, come and make yourself at home Tremonton Business Guide And Directory Oyler, Lillian Morrison, August Neus sbaum, Harriet Neussbaum, Hyrum MEDIUM SIZE Shuman, Hyrum Shuman, Jr., Gordan Nessen, Oral Bennett, L. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Christensen, Mrs, O. L. Brough, Augusta Brough Quin- The merchant who advertises tin Allen, Roscoe Heppler. H. Was- - news paper a service that has no is offering the readprs nf Cold mornings and aHaoyA sum, Darrel Heaton and Marjorie Ko- give free the news of the products that can be had in your home ford. good old Aunt Penrose ward Lucile Howard, diPancakes go Irene Shuman, assistant; Berty MAKE THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS PAPER rector; hand in hand. Why YOUR Peterson, organist. not take advantage SHOPPING GUIDE i,",. Martha Jensen, Charles Jensen, Or of this bargain price son Jensen, Lena Miller, Merlin SSH Vl'iVlWIAIUl of 10c. Give the Leland Marsh, Lucile Berchtold, family a treat at Lois Shuman, Leavitt Taylor. very little cost. Plymouth ward Mark Jackman, director; Grace Rudd, organist Irene Archibald, Ruby Bennett, My-r- a ConcenSteed, Velda Ferre, Jetta Archibald, Luella Smith, Zina Steed, Mary Costs cwt. $1.25 Only Steed, Dora Hess, Ciaria Hess, Irene own Bennett, Jannett Steed, Edna Reeder, Hazel Allen, Inez Hess, Ekla Lamb, This is a sale selVery Best Laying Mash Money Can Buy Delia Hess, Laura Hess, Odell Marshdom enjoyed. Call Call for Particulars al, Earl Pierson, Reed Hess, Wayne at our market and Archibald. Edward Steed. Earnest get one or two of Nish, Preston Steed, Ted Hess, How I -these packages. This CO. ard Hess, Jasper Rudd, Harper Steed, is pure white lard of Glenn Archibald, Jene Hess, Steed the very best grade. Eugene Udy, Kuel Pierson. Riverside ward Mrs. Marian Hales, Leon Butler, assistant director; director; Lavon Hales, organist. 10 Bars -- : Ruth Forsberg, Lila Tubbs, JNma Unwrapped TUBES 19c Udy, Larella Bowcutt, Annie Bowcutt, C. W. Irene Ward, Welton Ward, Henry Hale, Stephen Hales, Geo. Bowcutt. Bag Beaver ward Maud Bowen, direc15c tor; Marie Erickson, organist. TREMONTON Thora Durfey, Blanch Johnson, Ruth UTAH Pkg. Bowen, Ollie Durfey, Sylvia Simmons, 13c Dean Erickson. LEA DUNN, Prop. Bothwell ward Mrs. Ezra Harris, Small Can Ripe director; Norma Summers, organist. 7c Olives Ruby Anderson, Beatrice Hawkins, Amy Allen, Maurine Anderson. 22c ward Roma Thorson, Deweyville When You Think Frank China or Crystal Ware. director; Stevens, director; n HARDWARE aaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaBar Genevieve Gardner, organist. Aunt Jemina Per Pkg. Alton Perry, Max Germer, Elmo WILSON ... 10c Lish, Hyrum Marble, Louis Spackman, To Build Anything" "Everything Alta Marble, 'Edith Marble, Emma Phone 11 The Best In Optometrk Service Can Dunbar Gardner, Lydia Marble, Loa Lovelami. In Northern Utah 13c East Garland W. A. Adams, direc tor; Maude Adams, organist. School Boy Beth Rhodes, Louise Atkinson, Eva 10c Oil Ardice Adams, Helen Atkin Adams, l maaaw iwa son. Box OUl Assorted NO. 267 Elwood Mrs. P. W. Christensen, di 19c rector; Herman Andreason, assistant SOOD NEWS director; Norma Anderson, organist. After 1st we can reline your July Doz. Juicy Elna Hunsaker, Mae Hunsaker, brakes with 19c Alice Hunsaker, Deaune Christensen, Brake Raybestos Lining Dorotha Christensen, Melba Hansen, MAKE GOOD OR WE DO The Best That Money Can Buy Lb. Golden Ripe ChrisDorothey Anderson, Margaret Co. 5c tensen, Parley Christensen, Norman Diderickson & Goldsberry Tremonton, Utah Anderson. Phone 21 Doz. Fresh Fielding Mrs. E. H. Packer, direc 39c tor; A. W. Trice, assistant director; Mrs. Gertrude Hansen, organist. 4 Lbs. Pure Wnite Eben Wilcox, Mrs. Verne Bourne, 29c Mrs. A. W. Trice, Mrs. D. B. Jones, Loeti Hodges, Blanche Fer.e, Mrs. i ' ' Lb. Any Cut Ralph Grover, Marie Smith, Nona Smith. Mrs. Earl Holt. Ina Mae Holt. 15c Fred L. Nye, director; Garland fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtsmHm Pearl Peck, organist. Choice U. S. InHDcrtrd IK Marie Hall. Jane White, Blanche 9c 10c pkg. ohh'o-atiA- Je-mi- a n THATCHER -i- - :x: Mr. and Mrs. Lisle J. Adams. Fran cessa Wight and Vera Facer attended teachers institute at Brigham City, Saturday. Miss Pearl Bergstrom who has been, employed by the Tremonton Banking Co. for the past eight years, is now visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom. Mrs. Melvin Christensen is confined to her bed with complications following an attack of flu in December. Mrs. Vernon Bodily and little daugh ter, Shirley, of Syracuse, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Bodily's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Johnson entertained a large number of friends. Cards formed the evening pastime. .At midnight a delicious luncheon was served to about ten guests. n " 2 ,M Mil-te- T, POULTRYMEN, ATTENTION! Favorite Laying Mash with Purina trate You per by using your grain. Lard 4 lbs 29c THE LEADER A. William Harris and two sons, of Cardston, Canada, have been visiting at the home of Mr. Harris's sisters, Mrs. R. G. Watt and Mrs. D. E Adams. p, BATTERIES Soap - TIRES - ASSOCIATED GASOLINE & OILS 9-l- b. Germade LEA'S SERVTf!tf b. Brown Sugar Mothers Oats THINK Pancake Flour Shrimps Peanut Butter Utah Station Chocolates Lemons Fronk Chevrolet Bananas Grapefruit Lard " Steak tu.. na Es-te- ll-17- tf 2-- n r tt n. ij. scott Mixed chorus, (a) "Sons Vikings," Eton Faning. Peanut Butter and Mrs. Louis Christensen last week. Mrs. Guy Bosley entertained at a quilting party at the home of Mrs. George Payne, Wednesday. Nine ladies were present and light refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Harris and son, Jule, motored to Ogden Wednesday. Mrs. Mildred Nichols entertained Friday evening at a shower in honor of Mrs. Kenneth RandalL There were thirty-tw- o guests present Games of various types furnished the evening's entertainment. Delightful refreshments were served. The young bride received many pretty and useful trifts from her well wishing friends. Miss Maunne Marble was ill dur ing the first part of this week. Carl Christensen of Ogden. is visitf"ss ing his sister, Mrs. Ezra Ham's an.?" family. Mrs. Mildred Nichols gave a Dartv Monday evening at the home of D. Mr. Marble was toastmaster Mr. and Mrs. Louis Christensen and son, Fred and daughter. Helen motor ed to Salt Lake Sunday. Thfy returned home Tuesday. GARLAND TREMONTON MILLING 1'OR SALE One Holstein cow; one Wednesday, Mrs. E. N. Diderickson Jersey and Guernsey mixed, just entertained at a birthday dinner in freshened. See Paul Heitz. honor of her husband. Cards and so cial chat formed the evening's diver CASH PAID For Dead and Useless sion. At a lute hour a delicious lunch Cows and horses. Reverse call was served. Covers were laid for 12. tf41 Frigham 493J2 Wednesday evening the Junior Girls ATTENTION BUSINESS MEN Re- and their teachers, Ethel Jensen and Anderson, enjoyed a bob sleigh duce expenses. Expert preparation Grace ride and progressive The sunnpr. of Federal Income Tax returns, in- ri course first chili of was and crackers ; stallation of bookkeeping systems at the home of Effie Eldridge. adapted to individual needs, ef fec- - enjoyedwere then entertained at the They . tive organization of business enterhome of lone Dunn, where dainty prises. Reasonable fees. George sanwiches and salad wore served. The Eberhard, Public Accountant, Tre- hour of midnight found them at the R. F. D. No. 2. Thone monton, ' home of Fay Waldron eating ice cream tip. and wafers. When returning to their homes they found themselves in a ter rible blizzard and they expressed them 9 t'"J I'nnaiw main IV im.mW selves as thankful for the Vanguards and the expert driving. Friday evening the M.I. A. heiM Wa.'aW& iiJti their Green and Gold ball, which was a social and financial success. Next Friday another dance will be held, under the auspices of the M. I. 7.5-5-- 1. r's BOTHWELL By Miss Ilia Perry :x:- (Continued From Page One) Miss vida bandau of Ugden, was the week end guest of Mr, and Mrs. derson will assist as violinist. George Payne. The festival will start promptly at Gilbert Williams gave a party, Wed 7:30, the admission is free and all nesday for his friends. There citizens of the valley are invited to were tenevening guests present and the even attend. ing was spent playing cards. Following is the program: Mrs. Bert Firth motored to Ogden, 1. Community singing "Carry On." Wednesday. 2. Invocation, Horace L. Richards, The Relief Society gave a shower at 3. Instrumental duet, Alvis the home of Mrs. Nelse Anderson, and company. Wednesday afternoon, for the purpose 4. Presentation of "Beaver" scout of securing dishes and iish towels for award, under direction of John Ben the ward. Light refreshments were son, chairman of Court of Honor. ladies presserved to the thirty-tw- o 5. Sang, "Stars of the Summer ent Night," by Plymouth male chorus. Donald Burnhope visited in Salt Mark Jackman, director. Lake from Thursday to Monday. 6. Organ solo, Mrs, Milan Peck. Mrs. George Summers and children 7, Feature solos, Professor Richard visited at the home of George Henrie Condie. of Garland, several days of last week. 8. Chorus numbers. Mixed chorus Roland Christensen and small son (a) "Prayer" from Cavalleria Rusti of Brigham, visited his parents, Mr. cana, by Pietro Mascagni; (b) "If My Song Had Wings," Reynold Hahn. Male chorus, (a) "How Can I Leav Thee," Freedrich Kucken; (b) "Sweet Geneveive, " Henry Tucker. Ladies chorus, (a) "Oh for Wings of Dove," Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy; (b) "Elegie," Jules Mass enet; (c) "Calm as the Night," Carl Mrs. Archie Neal came home from Malad, Saturday, with her baby son. Mr. and Mrs. Antone Rentmeister of Juniper, were gussts of Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jos. J. Larkin. The Peterson family held a family party at the home of their mother, Mrs. A. L. Peterson, Wednesday night. The young people of our town had a sleding and skiing party on the hill west of town, Sunday. The school went out to the point west of town for a sleighing party, Bohm, Friday. FIELDING Utah, application cordance with the requirements of the Laws of Utah to appropriate 10 c. f. c. of water from Salt Creek in Box Elder County, Utah. Said water is to be diverted at a point 200 ft S. and 2650 ft E. of the 8W cor., Sec. 7, T. 11 N., R. 3 W., S. L. B. & M. and conveyed a distance of 350 ft and discharged into an old channel of Salt Creek and allowed to flow down said channel approx. 7 miles and rediver-te- d and used from March 1st to November 30th incl. of each year to irrigate 600 acres of land embraced in all Sec. 17 except the SEi SEJ, T. 10 JJ., R. 4 W., S. L. B. & M. Grand Musical Festival To be Given Sunday At Stake Tabernacle ' FOR ICE Beverages & Coal i Pot Roast QJ? SKAGGS FOOD jTSSamaaajtaWaaaV Vida Manning, Thompson, Dorothy Gee, Ethel Rogers, Connie Driggs, Al- - ve Pearson, Loell Roberts, Jessie Manning, Merle Christopherson, Evan Geo, Myrtle Hob'gren, Roy Manning, Elmer Anderson, Alma Hansen, Mark T net MiVila Dlii-ln- . lIn.A1 in,!,.. TJtt- tTl ilt SEE- - BESSINGER BROS. TREMONTON, UTAH I : 36 : |