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Show 7 ( ! BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1932 PAGE FOUR y Jacob Peyope motored to Brigham last Tuesday. He wag accompanied by WASHAKIE ! By Mrs. Joseph -- Mr. and Mrs. Kippie Nongan. Mr. and Mrs. Moroni Timbimboo and family have spent the past week in Brigham where they are picking Parry ::- Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wongan and TREMONTON -- 1 fruit. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Keller spent last Juanita Perdash drove to Fort Hall Chauncey Sorensen of the Sunday last Tuesday. They returned Wednes- - School Stake Board, visited Sunday week fishing in Yellowstone Park. day evening:. school and sacrament meeting last A baby boy arrived at the home of Mrs. Annie Jack of Ibapab, is visit- - Sunday, and Mrs. A. I. Morgan, Friday, Mr. feel Washakie ing with Mr. and Mrs. George Elk of very jhe people Mr. Katch Tayadook has gone to orateful that the storm which destroy- - July 15th. Bannock Creek to work. He was ac- - fiH the itods and wardens iust south of companied by Mrs. Tayadook. Miss Grace Sargent of Armstead, us, had spent its fury before reaching Bishop and Mrs. Parry and two chil- us. is the guest of Miss Ellen Montana, dren visited in Brigham last ThursWoodward this week. , i I I day and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woonsook drove to Brigham last Wednesday. William Horlacher Utah Cash Market from Earl Logan BASEBALL GAME I TREMONTON -- DEPOT GROCERY vs of Ogden SUNDAY, JULY 24th 4 P. M. ft' Pioneer Celebration 0 10 1:P.M. Prizes to Ward or Club furnishing most entertaining number on prgram. JNumber not to exceed 10 minutes FIRST PRIZE Free Swim to Entire Ward or Club V SECOND PRIZE THIKD PRIZE Boys, Girts, Boys, Girls, Boys, Girls, Girls, 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 Girls, 12 and 13 Yrs. Skipping race. Boys, 12 and 13 Yrs. Tin can race. Girls, Over 11 Yrs. race. w Paper sack Boys, Over 14 Yrs. Potato race on horses. Pillow Case Race. Men vs. Ladies Married. Horse Shoe Pitching. Boys, 8 and 9 Yrs. Sack race. Girls 10 and 11 Yrs. Mopping race. WATER CARNIVAL Ladies. Walking race. Boys, Under 12 Yrs. Free style. Girls, Under 12 Yrs. Free style. Men. Under water swim. Boys, Un. 16 Yrs. Back stroke 0 Obstacle race. contest. 0. 3: P. M. Boys, 10 and 11 Yrs. 4: P. M- - Girls, Un. 16 Yrs. Back stroke Men. Free style. Ladies. Free style. Fat Men's Race. Lunch Hour - 6:P. M. Dancing - 9: P M. MERRY MAKERS ORCHESTRA Wards wishing to enter contest, pleasfe see mgr. at springs & L-I-B-E-R- -T-Y SUNDAY MONDAY July, 24 25 TUESDAY 26 Breathlessly the world awaits the Star of Stars Greta GARBO in 'As You Desire Me' With Melvyn Douglas, Erich Von Stroheim and Owen Moore The strangest love story in the world played as it can be played only by the screen's most thrilling star A vanished bride . . . and then from the gay cafes of Vienna comes Zara, the exotic dancer, to take her A vision of loveliness and desire . . wa sshe plade. really Zara the dancer, who had known many loves, or the charming bride who had vanished on her honeymoon? FRIDAY July, 28 29 "Devils Lottery" ' With Elissa Landi Paul Cavanaugh Victor McLaglen Barbara Weeks Alexander Kirkland Beryl Mcrzer A LOT OF ROMANCE, well seasoned with humor, a dash of pathos, served with laughter, and That's that! COMEDY and CARTOON Q for Regular $4650 Own HOWELL HiiiiaTf-- t 0 Jack Voder had the misfortune to Mr. and Mrs. Mirl Mason spent Mon fall and break his arm, Monday even- day at Willard. Mr. and Mrs. Walter White took ing while playing with some boys on their small son, LaMont, to Ogden the lawn of their home. Tuesday to advise with a doctor about his health. The little fellow ha3 been Mr. and Mrs. Claud Quinney and quite ill a number of times lately and daughter, Katherine, of Logan, and his parents felt that he needed special Mr. and Mrs. Lon Smith and children, care. He is improving at this writing. of Brigham City, were Sunday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Larkin and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George small son and Mr. Merlin Larkin spent Wed. at Ogden with relatives. Quinney. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Burt were Mrs. L. S. Mann entertained the M. callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ladies Aid Tuesday afternoon at Ro.scoe Stoddard Wed. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Sorenson and her home. After a most entertaining family spent the week at Logan with program punch and wafers were serv relatives. ed. Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson spent Wed. Thurs. and Friday at the Temple. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Nielsen and A report, which was received here baby returned recently from a ten day this week from Salt Lake, is to the vacation at Spring City. Mr. and effect that Mrs. Jos. Carlson had unMrs. P. O. Syndergaard, sister and dergone an operation for goiter and brother-in-laof Mrs. Nielsen return- was as well as could be expected in ed with them for a few days visit in her weakened condition. Dr. and Mrs. Jay M. Schaffer and Tremonton. daughters and Dr. and Mrs. Stocks, and daughters, of Bountiful were at Mrs. T. A. Supan entertained her the Stoddard home on Sunday. bridge club Wednesday afternoon at Miss Irene Dunn and Mrs. Leon her home. Mrs. E. J. Winzeler held Dunn and daughter were Sunday high score. Special guests were, Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Larkin. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wood and little Harry Drew, Mrs. Sarah Allen, Mrs. W. W. Wadsworth, Mrs. Herman Land daughter, Doloris, were Brigham and Ogden visitors Tuesday. vatter and Mrs. E. J. Winzeler. Mini mr inn T im Wheat Grower Before You Buy Your Bags or Twine Before You Sell or Store Your Grain DON'T FAIL ' to see Lars Anderson Co. w Miss Anna Brown, formerly of Tre monton, was operated upon in a Sal. Lake hospital recently, as the result of an injury received in an automobile accident here about three years ago. While at the time it was not deemed of a serious nature it has both ered her considerably and has finally resulted in the removal of ten inches of bone from her leg, below the knee, Miss Brown s friends regret to hear of her misfortune and hope for a full and speedy recovery. The Economic Club met at the home of Mrs. W. E. Kerr, Friday, July 15. Mrs. Alma Lsplin, representing the U S. A. C. Literary and club department gave a wonderful lecture on books for children and the adolescent child, also adult books. Mrs. Edna Pack and Mrs. Irene Kerr sang two songs which were greatly appreciated. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Those present declar ed that this was a most pleasant and profitable meeting. A Store where your grain will be insured, The cost is no more and the risk is less. have plenty of grain bags and twine at lowest prices. We PHONE 41.a-- l Prices for Saturday July 23 193 2 Hour 9 oz. HR"cy 48 ib Bag Sardines Highway Brand Oval Tins Can 10c Coffee Libby's Red Airway Brand 19c Pound Can b. 49c Bars 22c Milk 4 Tall Cans :x: The Kelief Society ladies auilted two quilts for Mrs. Mary Sorensen at their monthly work and business meet Ing, W ednesday afternoon. Mesdames Amanda Miller, Zelda Adams and Alice Larson served refreshments. Our ball team played a lively game with Riverside at that place Friday afternoon, the score being 7 in favor oi luverside. Glen Larson and sisters Rhoda and ifl Mane, returned Saturday from a four day visit with relatives and friends In Salt Lake City. On Friday evening Miss Marie danced in the nroirram t v the Water Theatre in Nibley Park. Miss Bessie Korth is assisting Mrs. hJ Wilford Sorensen during her illness. Mrs. J. W. Rhodes and littlo Hnmrh. ter, Geraldine. returned Mondav from ja week' visit in Ogden with her chil- - Pound Pound 2 Can 10c ..... ! . 14c 2 Clio V Cans Wesc 91 29c Bananas Golden Ripe Pound .-.- 5c 23c SugarBrown Powdered ,'3 v. Y. i or 3 Pounds 25c Salmon 'Hanjyvale'" Tall Can 10c LgcCan 39c Lge- - Package 33c Deviled Meat Brand Melons 2 2 Cans Soap Powder 13c Each Beans Par Brooms 6-- & Malt Syrup Fancy Lge. Bottle 25c Balco Catsup Dinnerette Beefs n.LM 2 Cans Bacon 12c Can 17C 19c Utah, Mild Smith's No. 25c GRADE "A" Cheese By. Mrs. David Larson 29c Dinnerette No. Libby's Fancy Pound Morning or Sego EAST GARLAND Cans Quart Jar Pork BUTTER Soap Luna Brand 10 2 20c Mission Brand 20c 2 Pound Tuna Fish Grapefruit No. Malt Syrup Dinnerette Libby's 9c Salmon Spud Flakes Pickles Can Budweiser 3-l- 75c Olives Tall Can clinic, sponsored by the Kelief Society, will be held in the Relief Society room at the L. D. S chapel, Wednesday, July 27. The hours are 9 to 11 a. m. and 1 to 2 p. m. Dr. E. H. White will be in attendance and children up to the age of six years will be examined free of charge. It is desired that all mothers with chil dren of age, will avail them selves of this opportunity, as those in charge feel that it is a very important and desirable privilege aiid should be pre-scho- ol SATURDAY 30 - T taken advantage of. THURSDAY MAJESTIC RADIO BE relatives at Perry, Saturday. pre-scho- ol COMEDY and NEWS REEL T7 SX were coming. $5.60 Cash and 3 Yrs. Foot race. and 3 Yrs. Foot race and S Yrs. Foot race and 5 Yrs. Foot race and 7 Yrs. Foot race and 7 Yrs. Foot race and 9 Years. Marsh-mallo- in.... By Mrs. Roscoe Stoddard E. H. Iihead is able to be Mrs. Mr. Mark Nichols, of the m around again after having been conwork of the Bear River High fined to her bed for several days with School, made a tour Monday of his a very severe attack of gallstones. school boys to see how their projects $10 00 Cash RACES FOR ALL TTD Mi. and Mrs. Hugh Adams have Miss Mae Quimiey and Iiieuds, Dick to Yellowstone Park. gone Alont-pelier, Callipriest and Lydia Schick of a number from here enjoyed Quite Idaho, were guests of Mr. and the old folks outing at Lagoon, Mrs. George Quinney, Monday. Miss Ellen Woodward of Salt Lake is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mis. Harry Woodward. Jtoysttal CONTEST PROGRAM Mrs. Etta Staniill, who has Leen quite ill with asthma, is improving at the Rhodes home. Dr. Arthur Hansen and son, Steve, this writing. of Salt Lake City, came up to join C. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs and family J. Hansen on a short fishing trip the of the week. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Arbon were jirst Leo Oyler and son. Reed, and Lee Sunday visitors at Udy Springs. Isaacson of Garland, went fishing over ed -- The announcement of the achievement day to be held August 16, was made by President Zundel. Mildred Theurer and Margaret Kay conducted the games for the club. Wieners and marshmellows were roasted. Every club member called it a happy evening. The next meeting will be held August S, at 8 o'clock, in the city park. A Real BUY A REAL the week end. Mr. and Mr3. Wayne Sandall, Mr. .Mrs. iteth Vanfleet, of Logan, and and Mrs. Keed Giles and Dr. and Mrs. Leland Watt, of Layton, were guests D. B. Green enjoyed a swim and wien- at the J. L. Atkinson home, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oyler visiter roast at Udy's Friday evening. R July 25th At" V 1 Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Nielsen and Mr .and Mrs. P. O. Syndergaard were visitors at Udy Springs, Sunday. The Trcmontofl Community Club dren. Mr. and Mrs. Tom White. Mrs. J. W. Larson and eon, Paul, met at the city park Wednesday, July motored to Logan, Sunday to visit 20, for a meeting and wiener roast Mrs. Tompson, a friend who is very. The meeting was called to order by ilL Ruth President Marjorie Zundel. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Julander and Ada Scofield led the club little daughter, Gayle, from Kanab, Meister and in singing America and the rounds, spent the first several days of the week as guests of her parents, Mr. "Brother John" and "The Three Blind Mice." The minutes of the meeting and Mrs. E. S. Hansen. In meeting Sunday evening, Mrs. July 13, were read by Mary Supan Julander gave a very interesting talk and approved by the club. about Kaibab Forest where her husband is one of the rangers for the government. Master Dale Miller also pleased with a coronet solo. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Steed, of Logan were calling on relatives here, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Jensen and children of Brigham, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Alva Rhodes Friday. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard of Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Asro Barnard of Garland, were guests at 39c 3 Cans Vine Ripened 'b Libby's 10c I |