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Show PAGE THRES BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1932 Man Lost 26 Pounds Looks 100 Better BEAR RIVER CITY By Mrs. C. W. Brailsford - Feels Stronger Than Ever DEWEYVILLE I ! By Mrs. Thomas Ault GARLAND By Mrs. Frank Peck WASHAKIE BOTHWELL I By Miss I Ilia Perry I . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite enMiss Serilla Loveland of Salt Lake Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Quest of OgJust to prove to any doubtful man The sixth of a series of a home read tertained at dinner Wednesday even- den, Mrs. Robinson of California and visited home at the Veda of is the Salts Kruschen or woman that ing course was held Wednesday, May jUty, ing of last week in honor of the birth Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bosley were dinner SAFE way to reduce let us take the 4th, at the home of Mrs. Olaf Jensen, Gardner the week end. day anniversary of Mr. Lillywhite. guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Payne. Miss Louise VinHeusser Mrs. -j and of F. Cincinnati, in this city. Miss Margaret Woodside J. Fritz letter of Mr. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. cent Heusser Mrs. Sarah Stark of Murray has and children of Calif of the Bear River High School reOhio, recently received. Millan Peck and daughter, Sherry attended been the funeral of their visiting at the homo of her son, He writes: ''I've tried extreme viewed 'Death Takes a Holiday" by Jean, Mr .and Mrs. Hunter Gaddie and Mrs. , j or-jni- a, diethfe, setting up exercises with very little results but the results from Kruschen are almost incredible. In 3 months I reduced from 205 to 179 pounds and feel stronger than ever no more wheezing or gasping for breath friends say I look 100 better." Bear in mind, you fat men, that there is danger in too much fat try jtfL. safe way to reduce of Kruschen Salts in a glass oi hot water every morning cut down on fatty meats and sweets one bottle that lasts 4 weeks costs but a trifle get it at any drugstore in the world. (Adv.) one-ha- lf Walter Ferris. A very pleasant ternoon was enjoyed by nineteen dies. Refreshments were served. afla- Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson motored to Bothwell Saturday where they visited with their son, Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Andersen, being the proud parents of a fine baby boy, born, May 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore were shopping in Tremonton, Monday. Miss Elenor Jensen is visiting in Malad, Idaho, with her aster, Mrs. Lawrence Budge and family. Mr and Mrs. C 0. Anderson and three children of Bothwell, spent Sunday visiting with Mrs. Anderson's sister, Mr .and Mrs. Carrol Hall. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Mary Mrs. Georginia Anderson, Mrs. LaVon Dallin, Mrs. Andrea Hansen, Mrs. Sena Thorsen, Mrs. Sina Anderson and Mrs. LaVal Matesen met at the home of Mrs. Carl Iverson where they celebrated her birthday. The afternoon was spent in social chat., after which refreshments were served. Sunday afternoon Mrs. Cliff Mate-so- n gave a party to a number of little folks in honor of the sixth birthday of her daughter, Ailey. During the afternoon games were played, after which a delicious tray lunch was served to seventeen little guestst. ul Ip-so- n, THE LEADER PRICES for SATURDAY, MAY 14th SUGAR 10 46c Pounds Fine Utah Granulated. FLOUR 69t 48 Pounds Honey Bee Brand. CHEESE Mild, Pound Utah. 23c PEANUT BUTTER 2 lb. Jar Made from Fresh Virginia Peanuts. ASPARAGUS 5c Pound I Fnesh, Tender, Green Tips. STRAWBERIES 3 Fresh Oregon Plum Variety. LETTUCE 29c Cups S(t Head Large, Solid Heads. BEANS 17c Pounds 3 Red or White. SOAP 10 23C Bars Luna Brand. COFFEE 20c Pound Airway Brand. BACON 12c Pound Eastern Sugar Cured. MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES BBaMBBMiiMMBI Will III WHIM Fine Goodyears packed with III bargain priced! mileage Goodyear Speedway Lifetime Guaranteed Super twist Cord Tires . CASH PRICES Full Oreralze 29x4.40-229x4.50-2-0 1 30x4.50-2- 1 23x4.73-1- 9 Price of Each Kch Pmir. 39S 4.30 437 3.S329S.0O-1- ln H I Full QrereUe 9 a17y30xS.0O.2O 4X331xS.OO-2- 1 5. IX 4.97120x3.23.18 Price of Each Each , Palre - S.39 533 5.4$ S.29 ."JX .3 rf 12 f.S $.97 $T04ll3.2S-2- l 6.43 Expertly mounted free. Tubea also low priced 29x4.73-2- 1 0 FRONK CHEVROLET CO. Id PHONE 20 TREMONTON, UTAH J WED TUNE l!N... .GOODYEAR RADIO PROGRAM Concert-Danc- Revellers Quartet Goodyear Orchestra Gueet Artiste" Ntw Low PrUt P.M. e TRUCK OWNERS! LATEST 1932 HEAVY DUTY GOODYEAR PATHFINDERS Trade Your Old Tlree for New mi COODTEAR (, Out Oferl Orereite 30i3 32x6 34x7 price 1S.4S 16. $0 36.40 Fu" Orerelte 6.00-2- 0 7.00-2- 0 7.50-2- 0 Price 14-S- O 2X.40 ilr.45 Louise Babcock, grandmother, here friday. They will visit friends and relatives here for a few days. Lynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Dewey, was operated on for appen--1 dieitis, Saturday at the Valley Hospital. Perry Spackman of Salt Lake City, visited his mother here the week end. Farm Bureau ball team played at Elwood Saturday, the score being 23; in favor of Deweyville. Mr .and Mrs. Albert Thorsen had as their guests Sunday, Taylor Benson, Mrs. C. N. Hoist of Brigham City, Ben Grant and daughter, Faun, of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Dewey were in Ogden on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Loraine Marble and family of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Burbank of Brigham City and James Sharp and daughter, Emily of Salt Lake City, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble of this place. On Friday night the Bee Hive girls and Junior classes of the Y. L. M. I. A. entertained in honor of their teachers, Miss Vera Marchant and Iris Schow, at the home of Mrs. Chris Hansen. Various games were played and dainty refreshments were serv- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Norr of Blue Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr of Deweyville visited relatives at Lo- gan, Sunday. Mrs. Geneve Gardner entertained at her home here in honor of her brother, Glen. A tray lunch was serv- ed to nine guests. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble entertained at a special family dinner at their home the week end. The evening was spent in a social way. Mr. and Mrs. T. It. Ault had as their dinner guests Monday, Mrs. T. A. Carter, Miss Jeanett Ault of Tremonton and Mr. Charles Barnes of Sunnyside, Washington. The social given in honor of our school teachers was very successful. The primary association put on the May day program, after which dancing and luncheon was enjoyed by near ly two hundred parent and children. Mrs. Annie Chapman of Salt Lake City, was calling on friends here Friday. Mrs. F. S. Harwood and children of Salt Lake City, are spendig a few days here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish. Miss Edna Cook of Ogden, is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Victor Burbank. Mr. and Mrs. Con Fryer and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Burbank were in Ogden Sunday evening. After spending a week here with relatives, Charles Barns left for his home at Sunnyside, Washington, Mon- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Harwood and children of Ogden, visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen. Mrs. Peter Jensen who has been ill for the past two weeks is slowly Mrs. Duett Loveland entertained twenty five little folks at her home in honor of her son Darrell, it being his ninth birthday. Games were played out of doors and a dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter Marble en tertained Thursday evening in honor of Henry Nielson who recently returned from a mi&f'on. A three course hot turkey dinner was served. The guests were seated at one long table. Bowls f tulips and daffodils centered the table. Covers were laid for fourteen. Very impressrve funeral services were held for Mrs. Louise Babcock, an old resident of Deweyville, Friday at 2 o'clock in the Deweyvilje Ward Chapel, with Bishop M. G. Perry in charge. The choir furnished the mus ic. Prayer was by Elder James May of Honeyville and the benediction, by Elder Louis Germer. The speakers were J. E. Dewey, B. H. Jones of Brigham, William Lasley of Honey viile, C. J. Dewey of Tremonton and Bishop M. G. Perry. The beautiful flowers and many friends and rela tives from far and near showed the esteem Aunt Lousie was held in the community. The grave was dedicated by Elder Horace R. Barnard. Interment was in the Deweyville cemetery, the host and hostess. Mrs. Rulon Manning and Miss Julia Manninl entertained at the home of Mrs. Manning Thursday evening in compliment to Mrs. Simonson of St. Paul. Dinner was served at small tables. Covers were laid for nineteen guests. Following dinner tables were arranged for bridge. Mrs. Simmonson received guest prize. Mrs. Gunderson high score, Mrs. Tracy Welling low and Mrs. C. J. Wood cut prize. Mrs. Simmonson is a sister of Mrs. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Kennet Malan of Ogden called on relatives and friends here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter and daughter, Mildred, Miss Jeanette Ault and Mr. Charles Barnes spent Friday with relatives in Logan. Mr .and Mrs. Lynn Hodges of Logan spent the week end with Mrs. Hodges' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lilly-whit- e. Miss Alissia Manning of Salt Lake City, spent the week end with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. D. E. Manning. Mrs. F. L. Nye was hostess to the members of the Ladies Self Culture Club, Friday afternoon, May Gth. Pres Mrs. M. E. Andrus was in charge of the following program: A tribute to Mother Mrs. George Nye; response Mrs. R. J. Stayner; Mrs. Katie C. Jensen of Salt Lake City, a member of the Y. L. M. I. A. General Board, gave a wonderful talk on "Motherhood"; vocal solo Austin Seager, vocal duet Miss Golda Acord and Miss Lou Veil Roberts. The host ess served a delicious tray luncheon. Adjourned to meet with Mrs. F. S. Peck, May 20th. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite entertained at a family dinner Sunday. Covers were laid for Mr .and Mrs. W. B. Barnard, Mr. and Mrs. Millan Peck, and daughter, Sherry Jeane, Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Hodges, Mr .and Mrs. Hunter Gaddie and the host and hostess. Miss LaVera Manning, who is attending business college in Salt Lake City 4s spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D .E. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Holmgren and family motored to Logan Sunday afternoon where they spent a few hours with Mrs. Holmgren's perents. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barnard of Hansel Valley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite. Dr. and Mrs. Wendell Wudge of Lewiston, spent Saturday with Mrs. Budge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Winters. Mr. Charles Barnes who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter left Monday for his home in Sunnyside, Washington. Mrs. Ursel Rose is spending a few days in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jensen and family of Springville, are visiting with Mrs. Jensen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. VanFleet. Odell Thompson, a student of the U. S. A. C, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson. Members of the high school faculty with their partners held a party in the high school Thursday evening. - By Miss Annie Hurd Mrs. John Neal has been suffering from an abscess on her face. Bishop and Mrs. D. X. Nelson, Jr. returned home Sunday after a three weeks stay at Salt Lake where Bishop p j i Farm Bureau News Thursday where lamp making was taken up and three lamps finished. After lamp making was finished a light luncheon was served by Mrs. Anderson. Before regular meeting an executive meeting was held where some more of the committees were named. The chairmen are as follows: Parlimentarian, Mrs. O. A. Iverson; homeland house, Mrs. Robert Allen; program and amusement, Mrs. W. A. Allen; County fair, Mrs. R. S. Calder-woomembership, Mrs. M. H. Pack; food leaders, Mrs. James Walton and Mrs. W. S. Muir, and health, Mrs. d; Gilbert Parker. It was decided that the local would meet the last Friday in each month. The next meeting will be Friday, May 27th, at Mrs. Gilbert Parker's home. ther Smith, local radio engineers, moved business to new quarters at 426 North, 5th East. Salt Lake City New flagpole being . .1 erected at State Capitol. :x: Corinne Charles Sheffield purchasThe following record of industrial ed general store of William Hobnes. activity lists items showing investment Tremonton Box Elder County Fair of capital, employment of labor and Rodeo planned for September 1, and business activities and opportunities. 3. 2 and Information from which the paraConstruction of Lake City Salt graphs are prepared is from local 13th East Street viaduct nearing compapers, usually of towns mentioned, and may be considered generally pletion. correct. NO, 67 IS NOT TOO OLD! Bids opened for construcMoark IRON BRINGS BACK PEP tion of 5.6 miles road from here to Castello at mouth of Spanish Fork After " I had lost my strength. canyon, estimated to cost $90,000. as Monticello Boulder Oil Knoll Co. taking Vinol (iron tonic) I feelcome has and ever pep as my signing new leases preparatory to in- strong 67." C. Tierney. Vinol auguration of extensive drilling cam- back I am Scott Drug Company delicious. tastes paign. Utah. (Adv.) Tremonton, Tooele International Smelting Co.'s local plant reopened. Cedar City Plans progressing for reopening Bank of Southern Utah. When You Think Ogden $200,000 post office annex expected to be occupied in May. HARDWARE About $9,000 to be spent by State Road Commission improving five miles WILSON Federal Aid Highway between Kays-vill- e To Build Anything" "Everything and overhead crossing at Phone 11 Utah Weekly Industrial Review THINK Farm-ingto- Logan n. Anthon Skanchy and Lu SEED GRAIN TREBI BARLEY FEDERATION WHEAT BOWERS WHEAT DUCKLOW WHEAT - TREMONTON-GARLAN- D MILLING CO. YOU CAN BUY THE FAMOUS J. I. CASE Line of FARM IMPLEMENTS at New and Attractive Prices Let Us Show You These Implements Set Up In Our Show Room And You WHl Be Convinced. OUl Farmers' Cash Union on Irrigated Land. 6 12 per cent. No commissions. MAKE GOOD OR WE DO 129 Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah Phone 21 - The local Farm Bureau met at Mrs. R. D. Anderson's home last HARDWARE - LUMBER - COAL LOAN 2; Bo-Pee- A very nice program was rendered in Sunday School last Sunday morning, consisting of songs, poems and tributes to mother. Mrs. Rhoda Woonsook drove to Huntsville last Monday morning. She was accompanied by Neatze and Amy Broom, who went to get deer hides to make gloves. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wongan and Mr. and Mrs. George P. Sams motored to Ogden last Friday morning. They returned the same evening. Bishop and Mrs. Parry attended the graduation exercises of the Seminary class at Garland last Sunday evening. A number of Washakie people attended Priesthood meeting at Malad last Sunday afternoon. Henry Woonsook drove to Pocatello last Saturday to take Mrs. Pompyoke home. She has spent the winter in Washakie with Mrs. Neatze Broom. Mr .and Mrs. Elias Pubigee took their baby to Tremonton last Friday to consult o doctor. Cooper, Sunday. to JOHN J.SHUMWA1 Phone: B. R. V. G9.8-Bell, Sunday and visited during the day at the Stark home. Mrs Eli Hawkins left Friday for an extended visit in California. Her intentions are to visit her daughters, Mrs. Manton M. Moody of Oakland and Miss Georginia Hawkins of San Mateo, and her son, William B. Hawkins of Stockton. Dr. and Mrs. Hawkins were overjoyed at the news of a baby girl born to their daughter, Mrs. Moody, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Oleson and Miss Bernice Sheffield of Brigham, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burbank and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Burbank of Deweyville, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunsaker, Sunday. A surprise party was given for Miss Fern Payne on her birthday Sunday, at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark from Howell and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Firth were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Stark. The graduates of the Seminary from Bothwell were Misses Dorothy Summers, Leila Stark, and Edna Chris tensen and Delbert Firth, Darrell Stokes, Franklin Hawkins and Eugene Haliday. The Cooking Club held their second meeting at the home of Mrs. Leland Anderson, Wednesday. A game leader was chosen and other business discussed. Then fruits and breakfast apetizers were prepared by the girls. The meeting was a success and eight girls were present. The third year foods club held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Wallace Anderson, Monday. Cocktails were made. There were six girls present. i j 1 SNOWVILLE Nelson underwent an operation for appendicitis, at the L. D. S. Hospital. He is getting on nicely now. Mr. and Mrs. Moroni Arbon were Ogden visitors last week A good crowd attended union meeting at Holbrook, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Robbins motored to Logan and Tremonton, Sunday. A beautiful Mothers Day program was given in Sunday School Sunday morning. Cleon Jeppsen and family returned from Brigham Saturday They had three children's tonsils removed while away. Mr .and Mrs. J. J. Cutler motored to Ogden Thursday. The M. I. A. presented their one act Payson Efforts being made to se (contest play "In the Secret Places" cure graveling of road located in west here of Saturday night. They will prethis part place. Salt Lake City V. S. Teteran's Bu- sent it at Brigham Tuesday night in reau asked bids for certain foundation the district tryout. Winter seems to have lost its grip planting around main building of new U. a. Veteran's Hospital now under on us. The last few days have been lovely and the farmers are busy tryconstruction here. ing to make up for lost time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurd, of Stone, were dinner guests of her mother, Mrs. Unlimited Money Mr. George Stark during the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. William Cribles and sons, Von and Oscar, and daughter, Sarah, and Mr. Alma Munk motored up from Murray By Mrs. Joseph Parry I t "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" Phone 35 Tremonton, Utah |