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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY" LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1932 est which this great German poet and statesman had in our Revo Entered at the Postoffice at Tre- - lution. In his youth he was once Donton. Utah, as Second Class Mat on the point of emigrating to BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER ter. America. Like Benjamin Franklin and other founders of the Republic lames Walton. Editor and Publisher Goethe was an internationalist In his eightieth year he said, to quote from a recent article by Published at Tremonton, Utah, on the German historian Emil Lud Thursday of each week. wig in the Uew York Times: "Free trade in ideas and senti ments, quite as much as traffic SubecriDtion Rates One Year, in advance $2.00 in material goods, increase the wealth and the general well-b- e .50 ing of humanity." During the French Revolution he wrote, just as if he were ap praising the world situation to day: 'At a moment, when every one Town is busy in establishing new na as well as to your Country tional loyalties, the fatherland of the dispassionate thinker, of him who can rise above his time, is nowhere and everywhere." PATRONIZE YOUR And, as did his famous con LOCAL MERCHANTS temporary, the philosopher Kant, he even suggested a League of Nations as a means of realizing his theories of social justice. Six Months, in advance Three months, in advance J 1.00 To Your Free to Public :o: Devils Slide R. R. Dorland, general manager of Devil's Slide Cement Plant announced plant would reopen May 1. eat plac in th U. S. when catalog and adwftitinff matter covefins anjlina of bminaaa ba'obtaiood Fra and Wkbavt at product can Obligation U tha Ameaican Industrial Library. Writs for BiuinaM Advartuinc Matter yon ara inter sated in; tame will b promptly forwarded. AMERICA IffSOSTRIAL LIBRARY Ti KnSiaMrlatBniUlai, NOTICE Ckiaa,fiUni BASEBALL, BROOMS, AND BLOSSOMS. :: :o: come to SPRING has lowered the Capi tempera tures and clouded skies. President Hoover opened the baseball season by throwing the first ball high over the head of the umpire who was supposed to catch it. Little accustomed to Presidential wildness, spectators were amused. Boomings "for and against" are reverberating from every section of Washington. Capitol Hill has echoed with denunciations of the proposed $2,000,000,000 soldiers' bonus, both Democratic and Republican CALL FOR REPUBLICAN MASS CONVENTION Walter G. (Adv.) Mann, Secretary. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT A. D. 1932. Date of last publication, April 28, A. D. 1932. :o: FROM GOETHE TO WILSON. to: JOHANN WOLFGANG von just one hundred years ago. The coincidence of his centenary with the bicentennial of the birth of George Washington recalls the remarkable inter-When You Think t HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Everythinjr To Build Anything" Tlione 11 Mr. J. J. Larkin, Alma Larkin, Miss Harriet Larkin and Mrs. A. P. Larkin Our Country Is Intact What Ails Us? Playing at War Science and Crime were Pak Valley and Rosette visitors Sunday. The speakers at the Sacrament meet ing Sunday were Jos. Burnett of and Vern Steed and W. R. of Stone, and W. T. Robbins of Logan. B. S. Cutler and Archie Neal visiten the Rosette warn Sunday. Win Hurd and son, Archie, and daughter, Anne, and Fred Hurd, of Stone, were Tremonton visitors Sun Hol-bro- Traveling across tins country from west to east it is difficult to Ofeiitvo that anyluing serious is the waller wnh it, except the foolishness of Us A few hundred millions of acres of land cultivated, a billion acres waning to be developed, mines from whicn billions nave been taken iu gold, silver, copper and other mines wiw more billions walling to be developed, millions of cattle, sheep, swine, minions of auie and patient farmers, millions of skilled mechanics, the ablest engineers, greatest, most perfectly equipped factories In the world, such are a few of our national possession;, to which should be added watertaiia. oil and coal de posits apparently inexhaustible, to produce the power that industry demands. day. cJUNDAY, 1. Is National mid-meMay orange drink. The addiChild Health Day. This year. tion of citrus fruit Juices to mill: with conditions as they are. the day promotes the digestion of the milk should b particularly Important to and makes a very palatable drink. Children who will not drink milk parents. The food needs of growing child, alone, often like a milk and or ren must be met Milk, milk prod-net- s, ance Juice mixture. fruits and vegetables must be Salad served as well as the heavier foods 4 to 6 Mayflower oranges even on economy menus. Oranges, with their vitamin C. now 1 cupLettuce cheese cottage ell at a low price and fit excel, Jelly lently Into the menu. Here are Peel oranges, removing akte two delicious recipes for National Child Health Day and for the down to Juicy pulp. Cut out ments tree from membrane. Oa a 4 ays that follow: individual salad plate, place a bod Orange Nog of shredded lettuce.' Center a mound of cottg cfceee on this tablespoons orange juice 4 tablespoons evaporated milk and circle mound with two rows a tablespoons chilled water orange segments. Place a sp a 1 teaspoon sugar f ul of red Jelly on top of cheesa. H teaspoon grated orange rind Serve with a dressing of orange Beat or shake together thorough- lemon Juice beaten wtth an ecraatl ly. Serve at once In a large glass. amount of melted Jelly (J tstih Serves 1. spoons orange or lemon Juice aat4 f This Is an excellent breakfast or tablespoons Jelly). " What is tbe matter with us? The ancient dinosaur, enormous in build and power, possessed every tiling except a brain strong enough to direct and protect his great body. lias this dinosaur nation the same trouble, do we lack a national intelligence as wide as the country, a gov erning intellect capable of managing it from Alaska to Florida? Is our trouble a lack of intelligent Interest among voters? Do we need a dictator to govern those that will not govern themselves? Tbe nation has more of everything than its people can use, more coal, oil, al FOUND A paper box, containing women's wearing apparel was picked up on the highway and brought Into this office. Owner can have same upon identification and tf. paying for this ad. 4-- (Bliss). No. Thone Abbot. FOR SALE 1 f6.a-3- seed potatoes . George 4-- tf. Seed Russet and Bliss Potatoes. First year after certification on russets. James Walton. Phone 23 or 39.a-- l. tf. CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Cows and horses. Reverse call Brigham 493J2 tf41 FOR SALE Good building lime $12.00 per ton. Utah-Idah- o Jktgar Co., Garland, Utah . r Milford . -H - - rapidly. .i DEWEYVILLE . COLLINSTON By Mrs. Thomas Ault I - :x: By Mrs. J. A. Bigler j" 1. Mrs. Minnie Boyd of Idaho, Mrs. O. The Beaver Dam ward conference of Cario, Nebraska was enjoyed by a large audience Sunt, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boyd of Brother P. Patterson day evening. IHinoi.se, spent a few days here and Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten were as the guests of Mrs. John Eckley. in attendance from Garland. Clarence V. Bigler, under the di to and con be Teachers students are of Professor P. E. Peterson, of rection in for their efforts putting gratulated over such a successful program at Logan, has been appointed by the com missioners of Box Elder County, to the school entertainment. One hundred and four surface ships, Irene and Horace Lish, Jr. won 1st audit the county decords for the year Including tea battle ships, have com place in the M. I. A. dancing contest ending March 31st, 1932. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Riley and three pleted maneuvers off this coast, the in our ward here. Alta and Hyrum roar of the big guns rattling dishes in Marble won second sons and Mr. and Mrs. Stokes of Brigplace. Pasadena, back of Los Angeles. Mrs. Horace Gardner and little ham, while enjoying a ride around the Two hundred aircraft were included spent the past week visit- valley made a pleasant call on Mr. In the mock warfare, thank heaven. daughter, home of relatives at Pen- and Mrs. E. E. Lefler. the at Had the number been two thousand. It ing Mrs. T. Johnston of Wheelon, en rose." would have been about half enough. tertained the Rendezvous club at her sIVene Lish end week snent with the 1 . , .. .. t .. i fT' .l we war-- 4Fffiends u I home Saturday afternoon.- - A, splendid at Paradise. and navy secretaries o not get all tha I Miss Edna Cook of Ogden, visited program and delicious luncheon was facts concerning war practice :: - : f her sister, Mrs. Victor Burbank, last greatly enjoyed."? In recent mock warfare off Hawaii, week. An extremely large crowd enjoyed twenty-fiv- e transports, loaded with Marteilo Burbank of Mapelton, Ida-h- the dancing party held at the Collin troops, were supposed to be convoyed visited at the home of Mr. and ston hall Friday night. by ten fighting ships and attacked by Mrs. J. A. The Misses Erma and Wilma Bow' Fryer and Mr .and Mrs. innumerable air craft ers who are employed at Peterson, Gardner James week last Officially it was reported that had Joseph Hansen, of Nevada, spent Utah, are home for a few days with the war been real, the loss of men, a few days here with his parents, Mr. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert killed by bombardment on the transBowers. and Chris Hansen. Mrs. ports, would have been seven thousand, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler entertain Mrs. Mr .and Mrs. Beeton, Joseph not a high percentage. Officers on ed at a beautifully arranged birthday Frank and Germer Henry Germer, and their return told friends that had it been real war, every transport would. Mrs.' Wilford Miller attended the fun dinner party at the Brigham Grill nave been sunk, all in board lost, and eral of a relative at Logan, Monday. cafe Wednesday in honor of their son, Odell. The family was seated at one Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gittens-hav- e many, if not all the convoying war1 ships, would have been sunk, as well. returnd to their home here after long table centered with tulips. Cov This country needs the world's big- spending the winter months in Cali- ers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. J. A Bigler, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bigler and gest lighting air fleet and submarine fornia. sons, Kenneth and Eugene, Mrs. GerMr. Mrs. and Clarence the are re most higiiiy developed ileet, and Fryer explosives and war gases, not to hurt joicing over the arrival of a son, born trude Simmons and daughter, Nedra, and Clarence V. Bigler. any one minding his own business, but April 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Durfey enas a warning to our dear friends across Mr. and Mrs. Laraine Marble and the oceans. children of Logan, visited at the home tertained 14 guests at a splendidlly fo their parents, Mr .and Mrs. S. A. arranged luncheon and social at their Makers of big guns and armor plate Marble, Sunday. home Saturday evening. have long competed, armor plate men Mrs. Frank Fowers, Mrs. May Em trying to develop steel that no bullet and daughter, Ella, Mr. and Mrs. joy able afternoon was spent in playcan penetrate, gunmakers perfecting ery Lewis Fowers and children of Ogden, ing gamecs. A dainty lunch was guns able to penetrate anything. were guests of relatives here Sunday. served. A similar conflict for supremacy exMrs. John Becker entertained at Friday, Mrs. N. L. Hansen of Brigists now between crime and science, her home in Ogden, at a birthday din- ham City, Mrs. Ellen Hunsaker of with crime, as yet, tar ahead. ner for her little niece, Mildren Jean Honeyville, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Science's latest hope, auuounced re- Loveland, of Deweyville. Covers were Kelley of California were calling on cently, is a device of tubes and cells laid for Mrs. T. R. Ault, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish that will pbotograpu a burglar, sound- Duett Loveland and sons, Darrell and Mr and Mrs. O. S. Harwood and ing an alarm at the police station, and J. Robert, the little guest and Mr. children of were calling on gassing the burglar, as well, besides and Mrs. John Becker. The center relatives hereOgden, Sunday. turning on bright lights, the moment was a beautiful birthday cake Mrs. Arleen Dewey and children ache crosses an "invisiole ray." Burglars piece After dinner all companied Mr. Dewey to Ogden Tueswill cut off the invisible ray, as they with four candles. now cut telephone wires, and poison motored to Salt Lake City where they day. Alvin Norr and Arleen Dewey are watch dogs. The only way to discour- visited Mrs. A. A. Loveland who is in the L. D. S. Hospital. They also trucking wheat to Ogden from Blue age crime is to make it more danger ous and less profitable. Our present visited Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Harwood Creek. conditions make It highly profitable, and family. and not dangerous. Saturday Mrs. Duett Loveland enBrigham City George Victor to In New York, for Instance, a criminal tertained in honor of her little daugh- open sandwich and light refreshment In a holdup, in the absence of police, ter, Mildred Jean's birthday. Fifteen stand on his property on South Main knows that he la the only armed man little guests were present and an en- - Street. present. Think of that advantage. B. Waddington Jo-lie- ' 1 Site being sought for pro posed new Chapel building. Work on Card Canyon Logan bridge over Logan River progressing; . r Our 2 loaves of Bread for 5c is a real every-da- y buy. Many of our customers have remarked, that it is a good deal cheaper to buy the 2 loaves for 5 c Bread at O. P. Skaggs than to bake it themselves. Quantity as well as quality is the feature of this hew loaf that we are of- fering you, at that extremely, low-priof 2 for 5c Come in and buy 2 loaves and iyou be the judge. ce a, . Grapefruit We are offering you along with many other money saving items Shavers Grapefruit at 10c per can. Come in and buy several cans You know there is only one real pack of Grapefruit that We al- is Shavers . ' so have Diced Car- rots, Beets and Beans for the real bargain price of 5c per can. We would suggest that you come t our store and do your shopand see the many real bargains that are yours. ping COFFEE Chase & Sanborns dated Coffee always fresh and dated, at a real price of 29c per pound can. day Saturday will sell All we this and many other items. Watch our windows and. see the, many,, bargains we have to offer you. " r ; MEAT Place Your Order Now for a 5-- CLOTHING FOR SALE Jos. J. Cutler visited the Juniper ward Supnday, accompanied by JCYl Steed and Jas. Palmer of Stone. The M. I. A. contest and Honor Day was held at Holbrook, Friday. Only three wards were entered in contest work. Stone ward took first place in drama, presenting, "The Florist Shop" Holbrook took first place in M Men and Gleaner Girls public speaking and Snowville took first place in ladies chorus and Bee Hive Girls minuette dance. The day ended with a ball in the evening with music by the Tremonton orchestra. Bishop D. G. Nelson, Jr., is in the L. D. S. Hospital at Salt Lake City, an operation for appendi- -. citis. Mrs. Nelson is with her husband at Salt Lake. Miss Muriel Cottam of Brigham, is staying at the Nelson home. ; cotton, wheat, food and wealth of all kinds, land, machinery, skilled work- 1 istfd Java, to Sydney, Australia, and back to Schenectady. Not only that, but the shot traveled around the world and came back to Schenectady via the radio In less time than it look for the sound of the shot to travel to tha next room to that in which the musket was tired. The high speed of electricity, ISfl.uou miles per second, and the slow speed of the sound wave, explain that Tbe experiment teaches us that man can do whatever he cau Imagine, and theie fore, he will find a way to end this depression and its complications.. A fraction of what we spend for obsolete defense that would not defend anything in moderu war would provide airplanes and submarines enough to make tbe country safe and put the fear of UncleSam into all other ualious. ,19J1I, fcf kw. tt.tiuaj SraJxaM, U. ok Bun-ders- on inhabitants. peal Road" and "Constitution Avenue," upon which are parad--e- d the "evils" before Prohibition ..WANT COLUMNand the "benefits" which have .accrued under volsteadism. Governor Ely of Massachusetts fired Oblivious to the problems of LFOR SALE Tomato, cabbage, cauli from a musket daUng back to mankind, cherry blossoms burst flower and other vegetable plants, atbeshotRevoluUonary War. The sound 52.0-2, 5c in profusion around the Tidal dox.; 40c, hundred. Phone traveled over a short wave hookup to Greenhouse. Garland Basin in Potomac Park. t5p Kootwijk, Holland, then to Bandoeng, 4-- By Miss Annie Hurd ARTHUR BRISBANE ers. Pea-bod- -- by A Republican Mass Concention is And millions of the people have hereby called to meet in the auditori- nothing, but worry and fear for the um of the Bear River High School on future. What is the matter with us? Thursday, May 5, 1932, at 7:30 p. m. to elect 27 delegates from Box Elder Chamberlain, England's Chancellor county to the Republican State Convention and the same number to the of the Exchequer, tells the British that they can solve all economic problems Republican District Convention, heretofore called to elect delegates, to the with "work, economy, courage and Republican National Conpention. All patience." Victor Murdock, a Kansas editor, reRepublicans of Box Elder County, marks, '"Fortunately tor these Lulled Utah, are invited to attend. Stales the Chamberlain formula is not J. Wesley Corsley, copyrighted." Chairman. leaders lining up with President Hoover against it. The scheme Principal place of Business Snowville, Utah by Representative suggested Wright Patman of Texas for isNOTICE is hereby, given that at a suing greenbacks to pay the veterans was excoriated by Floor meeting of the directors held on the Leader Rainey of Illinois as "un- 7th day of April, 1932, an assessment of 7 levied on the stock in the economic, unsound and destruc- East was and an assessment of 8 canal, Con-nery tive.'' Supported by William on the stock in the West canal, payof Massachusetts, Mr. able on the 8th of April, 1932, to rnan argued that each payment Jesse Arbon, the day treasurer of the com 'oijld put money into circulation, pany, at his residence at Snowville. boost commodity prices, place the Utah. Any stock upon which these assess country back on prosperity road The opening guns of a cam ments may remain unpaid on the 6th of May, 1932, will be delinquent, paign to direct national attention day auc to prohibition repeal on the eve and advertised for sale at ispublic made beand unless payment tion, of the national political conven fore will be sold on the 26th day of tions resounded from the fash- May, 1932, to pay the delinquent as ionable Mayflower Hotel where sessments, together with the cost of the "women wets" gathered their advertising and the expense of the growing legione at the Third An sale. EDMUND HURD, nual Conference of the Women's National for Secretary, Pro Organization hibition Reform. "We are now Date of first publication, April 14 the party of Temperance," de- 1932. clared smartly gowned, keen eyed Date of last publication, May '5, Mrs. Charles H. Sabin, National 1932. Chairman. In another section of the city, TO CREDITORS determined Mrs. Henry W. y of Boston, leader of the Estate of Lars Christian Christensen "women drys, planned the reDeceased. buttal of the Women's National Committee for Law Enforcement Creditors will present claims with in the wet-dr-y debate. Awaiting vouchers to the undersigned at Trethe arrival of her own legionar- monton, Utah on or before the 1st day ies after the departure of the of June, A. D. 1932. E. Christensen, administratrix damp women, Mrs. Peabody su- of Mary the estate of Lars Christian Chris Profor a pervised arrangements hibition Fair to be held in the tensen, Deceased. LEWIS JONES. Washington Auditorium. The Brigham City, Utah, Fair features a picture of "beAttorney for administratrix fore and after taking." It repreDate of first publication, March 31, sents a community with two streets, "Beer Boulevard and Re- Recipes For National Child Health Day This Week PRIGILLA FROCK The Frock Thar Speaks for Ifself Choice Heifer Pot Roasts at the price of 10c per pound You than have tried' choice cuts of meat, know that we have only the choicest meat to offer you. at For Mother's Gift on Mothers Day Made By Mis. Golden Fiisbey and Mrs. J. H. Rhead : 8e Boiling Beef per pound is another very good unusual. Pish every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. OJRSIWVGGS "A SURETY OF PURITY" |