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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1S32 PAGE TWO .1 Weekly Grain Market 1. Now.. RIVERSIDE 4 "Biff Six of the Air" She Wears Cellophane! Radio Program to Start Social and Religious Notices On February 4th, and every ThursGrain Market Firmer With Colder ,i day evening thereafter, the Chevrolet Weaker in Central West, UnMotor Company will broadcast a half-hooqo settled Conditions in the The Midland Camp of the Daughmusical program over the N. B. entertained Mrs. Ora Monday Hyer Orient Also A Strength-enin- g of Pioneers will meet, Thursday, ters Network-TC. Red o at a children's party for her son, Iucn t 3 P. M. with Factor t 3 l make this series an outstand- February 11, at it ard. About twenty children were All members hostess. as Luke Zora were ing radio feature they are utilizing a are invited to be in attendance and Wheat futures advanced rather present. Dainty refreshments attracof radio's dozen half served by Mrs. Ilyc-- assisted by her biggest invitation is given to those sharply toward the close of the week Mrs. J. H. Ward. tions And to identify the program in a special to join to be present Ending January 29, influenced by sister,O. Hadfield who are eligible are on in the minds of the radio public they wa3 J. Ogden A . threatening damage from lower tem- business member. a and become Monday and Tuesday. tAWng it the "Big Six of the Air." v & peratures to the unprotected and and son A. J. and Leland, Capener growing domestic winter wheat crop wife, of Salt Lake, were here during and also by the unsettled political interests situation in the Orient, according to the week looking after the ' Wt KiAMX X A IS friends and the Weekly Grain Market Review of of their farm and visiting rp2 i i were guests at the A. the United States Bureau of Agricul- relatives. They tural Economics. Rye and feed grains A. Capener home. Miss Otta Nye and G. G. r i" 4d ?, 'U 1 strengthened with wheat. Cash grain Sweeten Rogers, of Garland, played two pleasmarkets were mostly firmer with fu musical numbers at the Sunday tures but price advances were lessj ing meeting. Mrs. Sweeten gave evening several at marked and points grain v on 4. her recent Eastern trip and a talk was quoted unchanged or slightly low: Mr. of the B. R. High School W. A. WESTMORELAND Spillman week a er than j ago. also spoke. faculty, WHEAT: New crop developments, The Primary is giving a children's and prospective acreage to be harvest- You Will Call party Saturday afternoon. dancing in 1332 are becoming increasingly im.R. Mrs. Senator and T portant factors , in the world wheat j were in Ogden Monday. Mr. Welling Welling market situation- - The outstanding1, a talk at the W. C T. U. convenfeature to date among winter wheat gave tion, producing areas is the decrease of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Forsberg, who around 4,500,000 acres is the .United are visiting with relatives at Bothwell the and States. Acreage relatively YOUR one during the week here unfavorable condition of the domestic spent Mr. dayMrs. and with August Forsberg crop in important areas in the westH. S. Biglow of Denver, was visiting ern part of the belt This, however, at the Geo Hales home Saturday. has been partially offsent by larger Mr. Clarke, agent for the O. S, L. Kitchen attire of cellophane and Right: Kay McDonald with tb seeding and more favorable conditions Railroad was here on business Mon oven ready biscuits judged the show's "canned biscuits" were the in other countries. India apparently He also called at the R. C. Rich most unique entry. This newest aid to at the 1931 National Food Expohas seeded the largest acreage since day. home. Mr. Richards and Clarke ard's the housewife's convenience reduces sition at Chicago. estimate 1918 with the prelifinary the intricate art of biscuit making to Left: The cellophane dress and cousins are which normally represents 98 per cent terms of a can opener. It represents a apron which kitchen fashion experts The Sunday School was reorganized of the total acreage placed at 32,437,-- ! distinct innovation in the food line will replace the unattractive say with officers. the following inasmuch as the biscuits come in unkitchen garments of yesterday. With 00 acres or around 6.8 per cent above Sunday Ira Superintendent; Ieon Hales cooked dough form in a moisture-proo- f these, the modem hostess may perthe corresponding estimate year ago and Ward, Lorenzo Bowcutt, Jr., as counselcarton already mixed, rolled and cut form her tasks in her daintiest frocks and also slightly above the final har- ors . with nothing left to do but open the which the cellophane reveals and yet vested area last season. Crop condiMrs. Mina Ward, Marion package and pop them into a hot oven. protects. .. Hales, tions, however, are only fair with ad- Lena Tubbs and Delia Dustin were ditional moisture needed in some areas also sustained Sunday as the presidenTrade and official data now available Plans underway to reopen "How is the milkmaid? "he said with 'Parowan of the Riverside Primary. cy for eight European countries show an bank. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Welling were a bow. increase of around 1,500,000 acres or Salt Lake visitors Tuesday of last a little more than three percent. In- week. "It isn't made, sir it comes from a Salt Lake City City .purchased new ambulance. cow creased acreages are reported for the Jack Forsberg went to Salt Lakei important deficit countries of France, Friday and returned home Monday. Germany and Italy with conditions favorable. Conditions in Spain so far Hamburg at $1.51, an advance of S2c are good despite the recent change" for the week. American Durum wheat able weather. In the countries of low- was quoted CIF Marseilles at 843c and er Danube some reduction is indicated CIF Naples at 77i per bushel. Italin Roumania with araa in other coun- ian Durum was quoted at Naples at tries showing little change from a $1.P1 and African wheat at Maryear ago. The snow cover is inade- seilles at $1.683c. quate in Hungary but is fairly abun Cash wheat markets strengthened dant in other sections. Conditions in with futures but demand was not urgSIX-CYLINDER North Africa countries are favorable ent and the advance toward the close recwat some caused rams although of the week at some points was not flood "damage"' In Tunis. In Algeria sufficient to offset the earlier declines of early seedings were At Kansas City, hard winter wheat regular anT the condition of late plant was one half to one cent lower than ings has improved with recent rains. a week ago. As a result of slow in While the uncertainty as to developquiry from nulls shipmers. Market ments in the Orient were political con ings of winter wheat were fairly large editions are very unsettled tended to totaling 2,967 cars at the seven West- strengthen the general wheat market em and Southwestern markets com situation during the week. Current pared with 2,826 cars last week and demand continued of only moderate 2.930 cars a year ago. The heavier volume with European requirements marketings were attributed in part being supplied principally from South- to a prospective increase in freight ern Hemisphere offerings. Australian rates effective February 20. At the and Argentine shipments totaled about close of the market January 29, no. 2 8,600,000 bushels during the week and hard winter ordinary protein was quot comprised over half of the worlds ed at Kansas iCty at 2 per CHASSIS PRICED shipments of 15,000,000 bushels. The cent protein at 124 per cent AS LOW AS control of the Argentine grain mar- protein at c and 13 per cent 1 kets has been temporarily vested in protein at 571c per bushel. No. 2 hard the Argentine Department of Agricul winter ordinary protein was quoted at ture but as yet no change in operation Omaha at 49ic per bushel. Receipts has been reported. Samples of Argen decreased at Denver but demand was tine wheat on English markets are re fairly active, particularly from west 1ST WHEELBASK 7QC ported of good quality while Austral- coast mills which in the market prinSTANDARD STAKE TRUCK ... MODELS ian wheat is averaging about one cipally for high protein wheat. Lo 131' WHEELBASE $'7C3C3 WITH BODIES PRICED 1 OO PANEL TRUCK pound per bushel heavier than a year cal float trade was dull with whole AS LOW AS ago. Russian shipments decreased to salers buying only for immediate only 284,000 bushels during the week. needs. At the close of the week 13 Prices of native wheats in Europe per cent protein no. 2 hard winter was were generally steady except in Italy quoted f.o.b. Colorado points at 41k-44- c where a decline of about three cents and 15 per cent at 49 per was reported at Milan. Good milling bushel. Ft. Worth mills were paying 157' WHEELBASK wheat was quoted market at for ordinary protein no. 1 FARM TRUCK WITH TIP TOPS MODELS $1431 on January 28. Native milling hard winter and one cent premium WITH BODIES PRICED wheat was quoted at Paris at $1.67 for 13 per cent protein, wheat basis, 131' WHEELBASE $ CANOPY TOP EXPRESS tha same as a year ago, and at group S rate points. AS LOW AS ur ntv M. r it m- - 'JLk:k - ! 'v. Pay Your Subscription 4 ' as Field Representative of on j THE LEADER j 'PwA- me - RENEWAL PLEASE PAY HIM Thank You rs j Bear River Valley Leader CHEVROLET ANNOUNCES l-- A NEW LINE OF - TRUCKS NEW CHASSIS NEW BODIES NEW LOW PRICES 50c-51- 51c-53- -- c, c, 53c-55- '355 00 '440 3-- Iftftrt 0tJ IVi-TO- in-th- 60c-61- ic 1H-TO- N 750 5-- 670 157 WHEELBASK HIQH RACK TRUCK . e. All prio . Flint, Michigan. SptoimJ muipmtnt tttra. Low dalirartd and aaar O. M. A. C farm: prio f 810 in chassis new in bodies new in every part that has to do with economical, hauling-y- er tailing at prices even lower than the extremely low prices of last year. That, briefly, Is the story of the new line of trucks, now introduced by Chevrolet. These trucks are available as complete units in three wheelbase lengths and capacities and 28 different body types. The price reductions, range from $10 to as high as $65 and make Chevrolet's first-coone of the lowest in the NEW :?SS V-- s - ', j . o -- .v.. TV , V er 5. k'DR. MILES' When gou are suffering You want Dromot relief. HEADACHE and NEURALGIA Use Dr. Miles' Anti - Pain Pills for prompt relief. M oscular Pains and Functional Pains ven thosa so severo that they are mistaken for Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago-- are relieved quickly by Dr. Miles' n Tills. 25 for 25 cents Anti-Pai- Dr. Miles' Anti-Pai- n Pills relieve the pains for which we recommend thwn. They do not upaet the stomach, cause constipation, or leave unpleasant after effects. A package in your medicine cabinet, pocket, or handbag, means fewer aches and pains, greater enjoyment, more efficient work, less loss of time. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pai- n Pills have been used with success for thirty years. Get them at jour drug atora J-t- st market. Outttandinf feature Chevrolet truck: A new line of of the new Chevrolet-buil- t Larger bulk capacity. New, roomier, more comfortable cabs. A wide variety of optional color combinations. A new truck-typ- e engine, developing greater power and speed, and assuring matchless economy of operation. A new, heavier frame. New, er truck-typ- e springs. A new, sturdier, stronger smoother-operatin- clutch. On the truck, a new, heavier, more efficient truck-typ- e mission. A g lH-to- n trans- rear axle 25 per cent stronger than before. Interchangeable single and dual wheel equipment. For the H'ton models, g the Syncro-Mes- h transmission. The lowest operating cost of any truck on the market. truck-typ- e COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIOAN. Wrfcto,, o4 8KB YOUR jrrs t UO easy-shiftin- bodies. Handsome new lines. Stronger, more efficient CHSVROLET MOTO 131" WHEELBASE HIOH AND WIDE EXPRESS TRUCK H4-TO- body construction. Om.l M'- - DEALER BELOW FRONK CHEVROLET CO. TRKMONTON. UTAH O lltfa Irara IC " 10 I ThurnJim Ow"' j Ml Uti Nttwrk J" |