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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 Snowville 1 Walter Andrew and Mra. Andrew's mother,' of Salt Lake City were guests of Mrs. Geo. Allen over the week end. They were acMr. and Hrs. TEN LITTLE FINGERS companied home by Miss Beth Allen who will spend a week in their home. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nuttal of Salt Lake City came to Snowville Satur-da- y to visit Mrs. Nuttal's parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Jesse Arbon. Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Wardleigh left last week for a trip through the North west and will visit Mrs. Wardleigh's people in St. Louis before going to Boston where Dr. Wardleigh will attend school for some months, after ivhich they will make their home in - Hol-Troo- k, Lt We are furnishing materials for the undeYconstniction:lowing houses Gilbert Parker, Tre Jess Earl, Fielding Thomas Summers, Bothwell Alvin Hunsaker, Honeyville Oscar ker, Honeyville Parley Holmgren, Bear Ogden. George Skidmore has bought the Wardleigh property here and is keeping a confectionery and cafe in what was formerly the drug store. Jos. J. Cutler and family and John Neal and family motored to Indian Springs to spend the Fourth. Archie Hurd, Miss Annie Hurd, and Horton Hurd motored to Ogden Thursday of last week, returning the same day. Ben E. Larkin returned home to Ogden Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Nelson, son Mack and Lyman Arbon spent the Fourth at Lava Hct Springs. Don Hansen who has been running the Nelson Service Station the past ten months, returned to his home at Emery, Utah, last week. He is succeeded here by his brother, Virgil. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robbins visited Mrs. Robbins parents at Emery, Utah, last week. Mrs. Anna Showell was in Ogden on business last week. Chas. W. Goodliffe and daughter, Alice, of Brighamj were speakers at the quarterly stake conference at Sunday. Miss Goodliffe has just returned from a mission. Carl Cannon of Stone, who has spent three years in Germany on a mission, returned home last week and was a speaker at the conference, Sunday. Mrs. R. N. Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. De Lamar Cutler and Miss Beth Allen pent the Fourth in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tingey motored up from Kanab Sunday to spend a week with Mrs. Tingey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arbon. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Larkin, Misses Rhoda, Harriet, and Sarah Larkin, and Coe Larkin attended a wedding dance at Juniper, Friday. Mr .and Mrs. Mathias Austin, of Juniper, visited relatives here, Sunday. Miss Rhoda B. Larkin returned home to Salt Lake City, Monday. Mrs. Chester Nelson and children, Masonic Temple, Mount Pleasant Elaine and Eugene, returned the last home of Damascus Lodge No. 10, F (Too Late for Week) of the week after spending two weeks and A M, dedicated." in Salt Lake with her mother, Mrs. New lighting system Park Gty Mr. and Mrs. La Rain Marble and J. E. Johnson. for Main Street completed. , ?, j children, of Logan, were visiting their Mr. A. Mrs. and S. Marble, parents, of this place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Burbank, of Brig ham City wre calling on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B rough and little daughter, of Ogden, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. fol-- L Marble Sunday. Tom Eitherington is visiting his now brother, James, Eitherington, of this place for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Wilford Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jensen and Mr. and U imoritori V. Mrs. Alvin Norr enjoyed a fishing trip 1 Hunsaduring the week. The boy scouts enjoyed their trip to the camp. They were accompanied by Mr. Frank Germer and Mr. and Mrs. DEWEYVILLE River Gty. Also other jobs have been furnished which H. A. Ush. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish and children motored to Logan, Sunday. Miss Genevieve Gardner, visited her . A RMANDO, internationally famous caricaturist, catches B. A. Rolfe in a characteristic pose. Mr. Rolfe, spurning the customary baton, directs the Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra with his ten dainty digits. khave been completed. aunt, Mrs. Arthur,. Pierson, at last week Dorothy Marble visited her 6ister, Mrs. Wayne Sandall, at Tremohton the first, of the week.. ' t Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr and sons, Wayne and J. Dewey and daughter, Cleo, were guests of' Mr. and Mrs. A. It Burbank, L ,IT .. Primary officers attended the Union meeting at Garland Saturday. I Sunday School "conference was held here Sunday rooming and at evening a splendid program was carried out by the different classes. 'The Farm Bureau ball team Vent to Portage Saturday and played ball and Tre-monto- n, It building materials. We are the authorized agents of the famous J. I. CASE FARM MACHINERY Full Line of Hardware, Oils and Paints - REMEMBER We give $5.00 in SCRIP for every dollar cash purchase or paid on account ASK FOR IT "" were winners;"' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farmer and sons, Jay and Junior were visiting relatives at McCammon, Sunday. Mrs. Ervin Stohl and little daughwood. The girls sang "In an old fashter are visiting their parents, Mr. and ion garden." Deweyville Deweyville ward received first prize Mrs. Cleone Hunsaker, of this placo. Miss Jennie Marble returned to her in the contest of best program put on Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Dewey, of Rich- in 10 minutes at the Crystal Springs home here after spending two weeks field, and little son, were guests of on the 4th. This entitles our ward to with her brother, Earl Marble and thoir parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dew- a free bath. Those taking part and family at Tremonton. those who sponsored the program are ey, of this place, a few days. Richfield City natatorium to be Miss Vesta Holdaway, of Logan, to be congratulated as the singing and visited her sister, Miss Alice Halda-wa- dancing was good. here the week end. The Sunday School enjoyed their Mrs. Ethel Kerr, of Tremonton, and outing held in Logan canyon on the Miss Burton, of Salt Lake, were din- 9th. ner guests of Miss Jennie Marble, Sun Mr. and Mrs. Larain Marble and chil day. dren, or Logan, were calling on relaMr. and Mrs. John Becker, of Ogden, tives here and at Garland Saturday called on relatives here Sunday. and Sunday. Mr. William Fergerson and sons, WalMr. and Mrs. Fred Harwood and ter and Willie, enjoyed a fishing trip son, Dallas and little daughter, Bes sie Lue, of Salt Lake, were diftoer of three days. The Boy Scouts returned from camp guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs and state that they had the best time M. A. Lish, of this place, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jensen and sons of their lives and wished they could Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudsberry and have stayed longer. Beaver Work on road here to PufSunday night at Conjoint meeting, children, of this place, and Mr. and fers' Lake to start in near future. under the direction of the mutual, a Mrs. 0. G. Harwood, of Ogden, en Lehi $12,000 dredge being built on splendid program was enjoyed. The joyed a fishing trip the week end. shores of channel leading from Utah following were the special speakers: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen entertain lake to Jordan River. Slder E. Gee and Elder Butler, of Gar ed friends and relatives from Califor Brigham City Hotel Zundel, Coun- land, Doctor A. H. Dewey and wife, of nia last week. Otis Chapman, of Salt Lake, called Richfield, and stake board members, ty jail, renovated, repaired and Bro. and sister P. Christensen, of El-- i on mends here one, day last wek. will pay you to let us estimate needs in Farmers' Cash Union "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" y, -- HiniC. GROCERIES TREMONTON, UTAH Conoco Passport Holders are on Vacation Highways im Ihese motorists have requested and received free I Passports from the Conoco Travel Bureau. In addition more than a million are using Conoco Road Maps. Now they are on the highways of America... fishing in the Minnesota Lakes, viewing new scenes in the Rockies, lazying thru restful days in the Ozarks, exploring historic spots in the East . . . swimming, golfing... en joying vacation time to the utmosc As these motorists travel the highways Conoco stations will be their stopping places for service and information. These stations axe not merely sales points for Conoco Germ Processed Motor Oil, Conoco Ethyl Gasoline and Conoco Balanced Blend Gasoline; each is a field outpost of the Conoco Travel Bureau, rendering many special services, which include: Local Road Information Fishing Information Hotel Information Package Checking Mail Forwarding Camp Information Assistance in Obtaining Repairs and Making Necessary Purchases The Conoco Travel Bureau . . . maintained by the Continental Oil Company ... is the only free national service of its kind. It is the culmination of years of growth of the idea of service to travelers, dating from the earliest days of the oil industry. This free service is at your command, whether you plan a identified long trip or a short one. Stop at Conoco stations, You'll service. for men by the Red Triangle; all on Conoco friend. find each a well-inform- ed TRAVEL BUREAU r J 7 I CONTINENTAL ntNVII OIL tOO. COLORADO it CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANYor MAINTAINED in the inthiit AMERICAN HOTOIITi GARLAND, UTAH :: Specials for Saturday, July 22f BUTTER 40,000 MEATS PER POUND - Yc ORANGES EACH New Utah POTATOES 10 lbs. CATSUP Kitchen King 15c 15c no. 22 can COFFEE B. P. 1 BFANS CHILI LBS. 4 ALASKA PINK - TALL CAN 10C 7C TALL CANS TOMATOES String Beans Kitchen King Cut 3 no. 2 cans 3 no. 2V2 cans 29c 33c 1 RICE 19c BEANS JJt LB. CAN SALM0N 11 FANCY BLUE ROSE 3 LBS. 35c 5 LBS. NAVY 71r MACARONI BROOMS Toilet Paper Grapefruit Bulk - Cut 5 lbs. Economy Each Tissue per roll B. P. Fancy no. 2 can 39c 39c 5c 15c RaisinS 1 MINCED HAM PER POUND BACON SLICED PER LB. 3 Seedless or Seeded " -- - 7C "25c LARD -- BULK 2 LBS-- 25C 23c 1 8c - ICHAMS - PER LB. SODA BANANAS Buckeye CRACKERS 3 lb. box Golden Ripe OATS 35c 5c per lb. Pkgs. 9 lb. bag 35c DEVILED MEAT 6 cans 25c , |