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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1931 Willys Six Sets Five New Speed Records Tremonton Society Section The Kitchen Queens met at the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgess entertained the Big Four Monday evening at home of Aileen Adams Thursday, May their home. A waffle supper was 28th. They were taught to prepare eggs five different ways. Later, gaiftes served, followed by bridge. were played and a delicious luncheon Popular Low Priced Six Hugs Up New Speed Marks Under A. A. A. Supervision; Sets Stock Car Record For Mile With Both Flying and Standing Start; Made Top Speed of 72.72 Miles An Hour; Sets Record Of 53.812 Miles An Hour In Second Gear. The fifth record established, which stands a a tribute to the car's flashing: second gear performance, was a second gear run over a mile course. In this test the Willys Six was timed at 66.90 seconds, averaging 53.812 miles an hour. To equalize, because of wind resistance and wind aid, it is necessary, under A. A, A. rules, to cover the course in opposite directions and the average speed is computed and credited to the car. The Willys Six made its fastest trip northbound, with a speed of 72.727 miles an hour. The fastest southbound speed was 68.768 miles an hour. Prior to the run the car was torn down, measured and examined by of ficials of the A. A. A to make certain that it was a strictly stock fodel, the requirements of that organization being that such cars must be exact duplicates of the automobiles sold to the general public No changes, devices or equipment to increase speed or pow er are permitted. The optional stock gear ration of 4.6 to 1 was used, this being available to all buyers. Considering that the Willys Six. is priced at $495 list, its speed performance in the official A. A. A tests is recognized as outstanding in the low priced field and is a continuance of other remarkable records already made by this car. The car that set the latest speed records is a duplicate of the Willys Sixes that won first and second places in the annual Pikes Peak hill climb; broke the record for climbing Mt. Baldy; captured first and second places in the annual mountain race from Mexico City to Pueblo, covering the 75.8 miles in 75 minutes; traveled 301 '2 miles from Denver to Casper, Wyo., in 284 minutes, averaging 63.07 miles an hour. Flashing over a measured course on Mrs. Roscoe Heppler was hostess served by the hostess. Muroc Dry Lake, California, a Willys to the V. G. F. club Thursday night of M. Gaddy entertained the Six Roadster has established five new Mrs. J. sewof last week. After an evening Tremonton-Garland Ladies Bridge club Class C American car speed records ing a delicious waffle supper was May 28, at 2 p. m. A delicious hot under supervision of the A. A. A. served. dinner was served to eleven members These new speed records add to the j and Mrs. E. J. Holmgren, guest. High other impressive records established The S. S. S. club met at the home score was won by Mrs. T. W. Inneis; by this low priced six, which include of Goldie McFarland Thursday, May cut by Mrs. Alma Theurer and conso- mountain climbs and power tests as 28, with nine members present. The lation by Mrs. Frank Dalton, well as speed marks. afternoon was spent in sewing after With Eddie Hearn at the wheel, and fcWljich a delicious luncheon was served. Mrs. E. J. Winzeler and Mrs. B. F. the tests officially observed and elecWinztler v.'tre hostesses for the P. N. trically timed by representatives of 1 Mary Getz entertained at a G. club Monday afternoon, June 1st. the A. A. A., the Willys Six Roadster "Bunco" party Thursday evening for Mrs. Sarah Allen, of Oakland, Cali- set new records for a mile with standher sister, Mrs. M. E. Castleton. The fornia, Mrs. Alma Thuerer, Mrs. H. ing start; mile with a flying start; guests were Mesdames, Demont Dock-stade- r, T. Woodward and Mrs. T. A. Supan one kilometer, both standing and flyB. F. Ellenson, Otto Schenkle were special guests of the club. Mrs. ing starts; one mile in second gear W. E. Getz and the Misses Anna Mil- Wm. Getz was the winner of the first from flying start. ler, Grace Thompson, Lois Thompson prize and Mrs. Carrie Drew With a flying start the car covered j and Elva Getz. a mile in 50.925 seconds, an everage of 70.692 miles an hour; from a standmired the wonderful trousseau. Miss ing start it set a record of a mile in La Vera is a bride of June the 4th 61.56 seconds, averaging 58.479 miles I when she was married to Clifford an hour. -- l Jensen, at the Ixgan Temple. Miss Over a course of one kilometer with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Anderson and Christen?en is the daughter of Mr. a flying start it established a new recWedto went last son, Stanley, Logan and Mrs. Hyrum C. Christensen and 6 32.225 seconds, a'eraging nesday to visit grandma, Hansen and Clifford Jensen is the son of Mr. and ord of miles an hour; from a standing Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Miller. Mrs..M. E. Jensen, of Bear River City. Aaron Peterson and his mother, They, will make their home at Bear start it was clocked at 42.17 seconds, equivalent to a speed of 53.045 miles Mrs. Amalie Petersen took a trip to River City. Hearty congratulations an hour. Salt Lake City last Wednesday, On from their hosts of friends. their return they went to Cache ValLeslie Andersen and Phenix Christ-tense- n ley to visit Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Daily went to Preston on Saturday. joyed a swim and had a very lovely at Lewiston, who recently came back Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jensen and time. from California and located at that children, of Corinne, visited relatives Salina Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Although the road to our cemetery place, where Mr. Daily is employed at and friends here on Decoration Day. is in excellent condition this year, Co plans expenditure of $9,641 to rethe sugar factory. Miss Sabine Erickson left for Cali-fori- many graves were neglected. Some place outside telephone plant here, Miss Vera Hansen and Miss NielMonticello Bids asked for construe last week. people have moved away and others sen spent several days in Salt Lake Vernon Hansen spent the week end can't locate the graves. For informa- tion of gravel surfaced road from here City last week. home from the U. of U. in Salt Lake tion, phone or call H. P. Rasmussen. to Church Rock at Peter's hill. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Freeman and City. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Freeman, of Miss Luby Rasmussen spent the Brigham City and Mrs. George Free-nS&- week end home from Salt Lake City. of Salt Lake City visited with Mrs. Amos P. Hansen spent SatMr. and Mrs. Herman Andreason last urday. Sunday and Monday in Logan Saturday. attending all the activity at the U. S. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Christensen and A. C. College from which place their "vi.ss j j Elwood 69.-41- , na NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Notice is hfrhv rivn thnf huts fnr the purchase of the nea. vines at River side, Utah, will be accepted by the undersigned at his home at Riverside, Utah. The undersigned reserves the right to reiect any or all bids so nrpRpntM. Call Bear River Phone, for additional information. JOHN H. WARD, President, 12. Riverside, Farm Bureau. Estate of Charlotte E. Mason Deceased. -- Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned executor at the law office of R. H. Baumunk, 9 attorney for the executor, Suite Eccles Building, Ogden, Utah, on or before the 5th day of October, A. 307-8-- 1. D. 1931. JOHN E. MASON, Executor of the 11 last will and testament of Charlotte E. Mason, deceased. NOTICE OF SUMMONS In the District Court of the First Jut3. dicial District of the State of Utah in and for Box Elder County, ' E Box Elder County. A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, TENTATIVE SCHOOL BUDGET Date of first publication. 1931. May 5-- 5 C-- AND CALL FOR PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with law, the Superintendent of Schools for the Bix Elder School District submitted his annual school budget for the fiscal year 1931-3- 2 in tentative form to the Board of Education on May 8, 1931 and that said board gave this matter its thorough and detailed attention, taking into consideration the funds necessary to meet the needs of the district in each and every department of the school system. The said tentative budget as modified is now on file at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Education where it may be examined by any tax payer or school patron who may be interested. Furthermore, notice is hereby given that Friday, June 12, 1:30 p. m., 1931 has been fixed by the Board of Education as a day on which will be held a public hearing on said budget to which patrons and taxpayers are invited. Dated this 29th day of May, 1931. BOARD OF EDUCATION, BOX ELDER SCHOOL DISTRICT, By John J. Shumway, President, Ernest P. Horsley, Clerk. Plaintiff, vs. Ogden Hot Springs Sanitarium Co., a corp.; Colonial Bldg. & Loan Ass'n., a corp.; Ogden State Bank, ay corp.; Emil S. Rolapp; Wm. A. Paxton; Manhattan Trust Co., a corp.; Utah-Idah- o Central R. R. Co., a corp.; J. L. Hous-le- y, D. R. Woodland; First Natl Bank of Brigham City, a corp.; Federal Land Bank, a corp.; Mary E. Housley, ! Pacific Coast Joint Stock Land Bank, a corp.; John Doe and Richard, Roe, ueienaants. SUMMUJNS. The STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you; If served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise, (within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and In ease of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. This action is brought to recover a judgment or decree condemning certain real property for highway purposes as will more fully appear in the complaint on file herein. LEWIS JONES, Plaintiffs Attorney, P. O. Address. 1st Nat'i Bank Bldg., Brigham City, Utah. t5. -- ' -- 5-- 14 n, children, of Price, Carbon County, came up for Decoration Day. They also visited relatives here. Mrs. Maren Petersen and Mrs. Gertrude Hansen, of Mink Creek, Idaho, in company with Mrs. Hector Haight, of Tremonton, called at J. P. last Saturday, while on their to Brigham City. way Mr. and Mrs.- Parley Christensen and J. P. Christensen were Logan visitors last Friday. Mrs. Angeline Hansen, of Logan, spent the week end at Elias Andersen. Mrs. Gertrude Hansen and 2 grandchildren, from Mink Creek, visited H. P. Rasmussen and H. C. Hansen, Mon day and Tuesday. Miss La Vera Christensen entertained at a trousseau tea on Friday, May the 29th. Some one hundred people enjoyed the entertainment and ad Christ-ensen- 's - . daughter, Erma graduated. Reginald Hunsaker was also a graduate from there. Gladies Hunsaker and Norma Andreasen attended the graduating exercises on Sunday. Amos P. Hansen attended the exercises on Monday. We are happy to have two college graduates this year. H. C Hansen attended a committee meeting at Bear River City last Monday to plan for the Christensen, Hansen and Jorgensen reunion to be held at Bear River City, June 25. Mrs. John Erickson entertained her club at a shower in honor of her sister, Mrs. Sterling, a recent bride. Many beautiful presents were received by the- bride and dainty luncheon was served by the hostess. The Apres Midi club went to Udy Hot Springs Monday where they en- - The The Nmt CHmroUt Spor Coup Tire Bargain ever saw MateMess 1 you with New 1931 Lifetime Guaranteed eost-per-ml- Pathfinder ptiti Why ia It ful, LOOK at these prices. BUY THEM IN PAIRS AND SAVE EVEN MORE I i4Ml. Dm. CS YUA L for bow Cssayeae MfeJ 42M4V. 1 Fronk Chevrolet Company Phone 20 Tremonton More Milk-Le- ss &. t.00-1- . (IMM) 1.15-2- 4.9 M MS its 0 (MM) ABSimlmtftkUl GARLAND-TBEMONTO- N smooth-runnin- g Slx-actu- ally power- costs 1 Modern Chassis Design increases the ability of the Chevrolet Six to run dependably. This modern design ie typified by Chevrolet's long heavy springs, and smooth-runniframe, four parallel-mountsix --cylinder engine, 3. Excellence of Manufacture also adds to Chevrolet dependability and long life. Chevrolet ed ng pistons, for instance, are built so carefully, and held true to such close limits of precision, that many owners have gone 20,000 miles or more without having their motors opened for major servicing. Materials are used through4. High-Quall- ty Chevrolet car out the costly nickel steel, chrome-nicksteels to assure steels, trouble-fre- e, st service for tens of thousands of miles of operation. chrome-vanadiu- low-eo- 5. Economical Nationwide Service, with its charges on labor and genuine parts, ia available at 10,000 dealers throughout the country. Remember In addition to all these baste economies Chevrolet offers the extra advantage of one of the lowest delivered prices on the market. low flat-ra- te Chevrolet paengr ear prion rengfrom $471 to $6S0. Truck chauis price range from $J3S to 59. Alt price f. e. b. Flint, Michigan. Spedel equipment astro, low delivered price end easy term. new cmwmwiLiETr Cost nx Se your dealer below Fronk Chevrolet Company 20 UTAH TREMONTON $1.60 MILLING CO. m el The Croat American Value PURINA DAIRY RATION "; that Chevrolet a big, lees to operate and maintain than any other car you can buy? The answer lies in fire outstanding factors of Chevrolet economy I. Efficient Engine Vetlgn makes Chevrolet fuel consumption so low that 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline ia nothing unusual for a Chevrolet owner. M. OUR LOW PRICES ctauf entyoM to say: I will bujronly TOI leading Make of lirel-Goo- le typical comment from owners of the Chevrolet Sis tire Supwior t- - mmy nulen' Mli ValM only Coodyear ctm. PattlM bo c Goodvnr builds MOUOIU MORE Um. fllll AUWo1ImwMoI smoothness six-cyMnaf- lei is the lowest of any "Better than 20 mllea to the gallon." "Its car." "Never have to add oil between eranhease changes." "Drove from Ohio to California on a repair expense of $1.05." "It Just runs and runs and runs." Sl'PERTWIST CORD TRA1I ecoBMwmny Phone 2 6--11 |