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Show ' tr BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADH3, THURSDAY, APRIL 33, U31 t Tremonton Society The L. 0. ,H. - . " t ft f AND FASTEST GROWING ANIMAL INDUSTRY C Washington. general ing to motorists against giving hitchhikers and pedestrains "lifts? has been voiced by the legal department of the American Motorists' Association. "The primary argument against such practice" it is pointed out by the Association, "is that the motorist, in most states, assumes a financial responsibility for the safety of the pass enger. The fact that the passenger is being transported without compensation does not change his legal liability. "Another argument is that ofttimes the motorist becomes a victim of his guest by assault and robbery. The kindhearted motorist has much to lose and nothing to gain from such practice," the A. M. A.'s warning declares. i- Pearl Morgan grave a dinner Sunday afternoon in honor of her father, J. Morgan's 52nd birthday. Besides the family, friends and relatives from Ogden and Riverside were at the dinner. Mrs. Hector Haight was hostess to B. Club Saturday and served following the games 4Namty luncheon of bridge. Mrs. Duane Lower won high yrize, Mrs. Harold Persson, cut and Mrs. Con Steffen low. Mrs. Stef fen was special guept. 2,MO0OJ0HAlB OOATS 5,605,000 mchair coats the-B- . i 54Z J 822 MORE MOHAIR COATS TODAY THAN IN 1920 MORE MOHAIR PRODUCED TODAY THAN IN 1920 Mrs. Mark Nichols and Miss Mar- at Mrs. NichoPs home Thursday, ApMrs. Leo Walker reviewed a ril 23. play 'The Baretts of Whipple Street', which is the story of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning. Several musical numbers were present ed by Norma Anderson, Clinton Smith and Stanley Benson. ,r . Mrs. E. J. Winzeler entertained the Mozart club, on Friday evening of last week, in honor of the birthday anniversary of her daughter, Helen. The following program was given; Cart Mildred Adair .... Helen Win wheels zeler; On the Trestle Mildred Adair .... Lois Dohde; (a) The Little Patriot March Hopson, (b) Vienese Melody, Arr. by John Williams .... Delmar Thompson; Butterflies .... Ruby Rolfe .... Cole WinValsette zeler; Miss Mary Haight, a talented young pupil of Miss Phyllis Wilson ,"3g3ve' two delightful readings, "A Little Boy's Lament" and "A Mortifying Mistake." Following the program the hostess took the members and guests to the picture 'theatre which was greatly enjoyed. A birthday cake and ice cream was served at the close of the entertainment to ten members and the following guests?' Bernice Stokes, a new member,' Mary Haight, Helen and Romona Supan. Land-vatte- r; -- nual formal dinner dance Saturday, April 25, at the Bluebird in Logan. The tables were decorated with yellow roses and plates set for thirty guests. Phebe Jensen acting as toastmis-tres- s started the party out at top speed. ' The theme of the party was "the world and the elements." Virginia Carter toasted the world It's really guite a good old world after all but the elements make it. Irene Pack toasted the men as the elements thunder, lightning, winds, , etc U. S. LEADER IN MOHAIR INDUSTRY First Coats Brought Here in '49; 17 Million Pounds Clipped Yearly. TFyOU are accustomed to think of the angora goat ai one of those queer "furrtn anlmules" that you would have to go abroad to see in his pative habitat. It may, come with surprise to learn that there are more angora goats right here in the United States than In any other country In the world, and that consequently this country leads the world In its output of mohair, the fleece or the angora. The year ,'49. which saw the great gold rush to California also was the occasion for the entry of nine inconspicuous immigrants, the first angora goats to be brought into this country. Brldently they found their surroundings congenial, for they flourished and multiplied and sent for a lot of their relatives to join them, until now there are fully three and a half million of these useful creatures here, clearing Phyllis Wilson toasted the girls as1 the gentle breezes, sunshine, the dawn etc. (with a few clouds for the winds to play with.) As a special number George Frost (the guy that turns lights out) sang two numbers. Cliff Kerr gave the rebuttal and won the honors by bringing to light a long lost and sought for article nuff said. ' The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing to the rythm' of one of Logan's best orchestras. Final announcement of the evening was that Lela Jensen attained her objective. During the moonlight waltz of "I love you truly", she said "yes!" EVERY-DA- WITHOUT Jr WASTE PRICES AT SAFEWAY Y Rice 3 23c ibs. Carolina Blue Rose Head Rice Corn 2 cans DelMonte Fancy Crocby Corn 2 PcaS DelMonte Early Garden Peas 27c 27c No. 2 Cans Selected California Large Lima Beans can 20c Closing ceremonies was offered by Holmgren 2 The following record of industrial activity lists items showing invest ment of capital, employment of labor and business activities and opportuni ties. Information from which the par agraphs are prepared is from local papers, usually of towns mentioned, and may be considered generally cor rect. n, Construction started on open '' : streets, completed. 25c Bunch .? Nephi state highway between this city and Sanpete County line NOTICE 5c J. W. Lewis will be back to the Fresh, New California Bunch Carrots old stand in Garland on and after May 10th, to take care of your watches and your jewelry troubles. Lux Flakes Lge. pkg20c Use Lux Flakes for All Fine Laundry Cabbaee Pound All old friends and patrons as well as new ones are cordially invited to come in and get to gether again. Let the spirit of friendship and harmony prevail as it did in the years gone by. 4c Fancy New Texas Cabbage 4D CHIPPEWA typ-ca- The average Tremonton girl doesnt worry so much about whether her soul is as white as the driven snow as whether she has a smudge on her nose The HOPI The KIOWA The MODOC . The greatest barrier busses faces in returning to normal in : threat of higher taxes. It is all very well to advocate taxing the big fellow to help the little fellow. But it is the big let. low who gives that little fellow bis job who keeps him employed at good wages, and enjoying exceptional living standards. Too, in the United States, the little fellow ha been purchasing for himself fHtef- -, ests in our great industries, so that it is often hard to tell where ."eapr ital" leaves off and "labor begins. Prosperity which is principally a matter of employment can only, return with increased industrial ae--, tivity, which, in turn results inm an influx of new money. Taa raising schemes that discourage industrialists and investors alike are det "v"'" pression's best friends, -- oo- One reason the jrrocery stores do so much more business than the book stores is that an empty stoimaefe an kick up a lot more fuss than an empty head. . and a score of MIGHTY MONARCH OF THE ARCTIC Tales the Tribes LlEFEUKBEElATTdPEl otheri treated in of Constantly Cold By Editha L. Watson A small deposit down and 24, monthly small ru ' payments for the balance. Indian lore that goes back to Iroquois and Hurons and extends to the - see it 3 Haidas of the North Pacific IK ... Years .Guarantee Review Logan Approximately 200,000 rain bow trout planted in Logan River and 50,000 more to be planted. Price City Council approves expen diture of approximately $6,000 for sew er In southwest Price. Delta Little Gem Cafe expanding Price Road projects eastof here progressing. Salt Lake City Remodeling of Pioneer stake hall located at Fifth South between West Temple and First West Cans CHEYENNE "Sargon is one of the most power, ful strengthening reconstructive tonics and body builders I have known in the 30 years I have engaged in the practice of medicine," declared Dr. P. K. Drummond, for 12 years factory physician at the Ford Motor Co., Detroit, who was retained to examine the formula. "At this season of the year, especially, people who are in a rundown condition, due to simple anemia, thin, watery bloc, poor d's'stlcr; or eleminatir n, should b;nefit rcl.ly from the Sargcn treatment." Dr. Dium-.ion- d straightforward endorsement of Sargon h of l the unstir.tcd praise it has received from scores of other outstanding phys icians and explains why Sargon is having the largest sale of any tonic medicine or its kind in the world to' ' , day. Sold by Scott Drug Co., Tremonton, Utah. (Adv.) club reporter. Sweet California Navels, Size 252 CarrotS 1 Utah Weekly Industrial Manti Wisconsin Medium Nippy Cheese Oranges J Harry Woodward Jr. assisted by De air dance hall here. Cheese tPpunci4 25c. Tuna Fish 2 cans 27c Dozen mobile upholstery. The skin of the angora is used for making gloves, while the meat, called chevon, fs much like lamb or mutton. But, of, course, by far the most Important use of the angora goat is its mohair fleece which yon probably rest on every time yo take out your car. teenth St: Rosedale Medium Red Salmon, Tall Cans Clearwater Brand Tuna Flakes iW No. stronger than wool, very lustrous and, due to its structural difference, much easier than wool to keep clean. Mohair has many uses for clothing, draperies, rugs and other domestic applications but by far Its most significant uses are for furniture and automobile np upholstering, for which It Is made velInto a pile fabric called mohair vet or sometimes yelmo for, short. Twelve million yards of this fabric are in use in passenger trains today, due to its extreme durability combined wlth pleasing appearance and fadeless dyes, while over m hundred million yards, it has been estimated, are on the highways In the form of auto- Utah-Idah- Lima Beans 2 M 25c Salmon off the brush land, increasing grain yield, and at the same time producing a total clip of 17,000,000 pounds of mohair yearly. Every state In the Union has at least a few members of the family, but the great bulk Is centered in Texas. Arizona, Oregon, New Mexico. California and Missouri. must not r Mohair or angora fleece be confused with wool.- Mohair Is even Briggs-Yayto- No. 2 Cans cans ) Monticello Dry Valley mill of Van adium Corporation resumed opera tions after being closed for repairs and installation of machinery. Cedar City Bergstrom Co. opened in new quarters in C. S. A. building. Approximately $2,000,000 to be spent in southern Utah for road con struction and improvements during coming season. Iron County Record Cedar City. Sweet Mine Graveling four miles of road from railroad under pass to this city started. Farmington Davis County Bank of Farmmgton moved to new quarters, Inc., held Layton grand opening of Ford Agency. Kaysville Important oil development at Grafton, five miles east of here, reported by R. M. Larson, assistant petroleum engineer of U. S. geological survey office at Salt Lake City. o Cement Brigham City Company's local plant reopened. Ogden Wheelwright Construction Co. widening Twenty-fourt- h Street east from Wall Avenue.. Salt Lake City Utah Llgt L Trad tion Co. Ftarted tearing up tram ra;ls on West Temple Street, south of Thir- AFEWAY STOREQ DISTRIBUTION ' 1 Q dub inet Friday, April garet Woodside entertained the faculty club of the Bear RivetHigh School ' ists Warned of- - Ford FaeisrfDtor DEPRESSION'S Pays HighTribute i BEST FRIEND Giving Strangers Lifts To Sargon's Powers D. warn A MOHA!rHK?AT FWS1KQ NATION'S YOUKGEST, 24, at the hojpe of Mrs. Londy Harris. '500' was played after, which delicious lunch was served. Jlrs. D, B. Green won both high and cut prize. Mrs. Vera Hess won" low "prize. A. ' J.W. L. Head the stories in THIS PAPER oYe "Specify Shenra-W- l. Paint and engaf s o4 printer. T m4 COLOR VARNISH FOR WOODWORK AND tuu Sherwin-William- FLOORS IN SIX POPULAR SHADES freely and easily. It flows to a smooth, even film, possessing a pleasc ing, rich lustre. is unusually tough and wears well on floors hot and cold water do not discolor it Comes to you in six popular finishes L i g h t 0 a k . Dark Oak, Golden Oak, s FILdD-LA- C RAPID DRYING Flo-La- S-- W Flo-La- is a com- c bination of a high grade varnish and a rich stain. It stains and varnishes floors, woodwork and furniture in one simple operation. Anyone can It brashes use Flo-Lac. Dark Mahogany, Walnut and Extra Dark Mahogany. Per quart Sherwin-Wiluak- Sherwin-William- s PORCH and DECK PAINT 150 Per quart.... s Sherwin-Wiluam- s rapid-dryi- SEMI-LUSTR- E ng For plaster walls that get hard service bath, kitchen, halls etc Pleasing satin-glowashes well. Enamel for home uss. Ideal for woodwork, furniture, toys, etc Wide range of charming v quart t. Varnish is made ta walk on tough, not discolored by water. Rapid drying for uso on wood and printed linoletsa ENAMELOID colors. s Mar-n- ot well and protects it against wear and weather used on boat decks also. Dries 1 1A orer night Per quart. 1.1U A real decorative, - 1 1 1.60 MAR-NO- T Keeps your porch floor looking ; Sherwin-William- . 1. . nU Per quart. Quality IN THE HEART OP II EVERYTIIIKC 1MI BEAR RJVEJt TOEPMOta VAUiy v Service FOHTICI 17 - A- -1 FAl ss 1.10 i |