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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931 I Bothwell mers served very delicious refresh- C. spent the week end with his parments which were enjoyed " by ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King. were 21 guests present. Erma Lillywhite, LaVera Manning, Mrs. Clifford Stark and children' Hazel Innez, Lizzie Archibald, Phylepent the day with her mother, Mrs.' lis Haws, Dorothy Harvey, Mary Gad-diEu Ellis, Monday. Violet Bone and Ralph Kirkham j Mrs. N:"s Anderson visited Mrs. took part in the program put on by 3crt Huruaker Friday afternoon. high school students at the Weber Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Harris were in high school Friday and also attended Ogden Sunday visiting relatives and the basket ball game between the two Mr. Christ Christensen, Mrs. Harris high schools in the evening. brother accompanied them home for a Jack Shumway, who is attending brief visit. j the U. S. A, C. at Logan spent the Saturday Mrs. Oleen Stokes and chil wiek end, with his parents, Pres. and dren and Mrs. A. M. Austin, of Gar- - Mis. J. J. Shumway. land visited Mrs. Amel Kupfer. The members of the Ladies Self Miss Gertrude Nichols had for hfr club were pleasantly enterCulture dinner guests Helen Christensen and tained at the home of Mrs. George Leona Stokes, Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. Marion Summers and Nye Friday afternoon, February' 20th. son, Bobby, visited Mr. and Mrs. II. The rooms were made attractive with roses and carnations. Pres. and Mrs. Davis of Garland, Saturday., A surprise party was tendered M. E. Andrus was in charge of the Mr. Ezra Harris Monday evening at meeting. Business was taken care of his home. Games were played dur- after which a very interesting proand gram Vas given. During the social ing the early part of prizes won by Mrs. Sam Mills and hour the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. W. Chambers, Mrs. Charles Hales and Mr. Rudy Schooler. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Harris, as- Mrs. Sterling Huish served a delicious luncheon to thirty three members and sisted by Mrs. Wallace Anderson. There were 32 guests present and all twelve guests. Club will meet with had a very enjoyable time. Mrs. G. G. Sweeten March 6th. Miss Alissia Manning spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and all-Th- I We are just beginning to realize the splendid talent we have here in Bothwell, with the winning of the one rav "Tinri nniM Thru"'. nnHpr the direction of Marian Summers. This play was given at the Farm Bureau Banquet, Saturday evening at the Bear River High School. This is the sixth prize Bothwell has won in less than a year. The Mutual Improvement won the Road Show. The Primary gave "Mistress Mary's Garden and Miss Leila Stark won the reading at the home talent chautauqua. Pauline Peterson and Darrell Stokes both won cash prizes in a sugar beet contest, sponsored by the Banks of Box Co. last fall. trkhope our ward folks will always be ready to join in and take part in these activities and when they do we have a better and finer community. Tuesday evening, Mrs. C. 0. Andersen entertained a number of her friends. Rook was played after which refreshments were served by the . hostess. Seven were present. Mrs. Jared Fosgren was very pleasantly surprised Sunday wher her moth er Mrs. Joseph P. Burt, her brother Joseph P. Burt, her brother, Joseph W. Burt, and his sister, Mrs. Earl Anderson, of Brigham, came to visit her. Mrs. Fosgren served a delicious dinner. Mrs. George Summers and children spent Thursday visiting her mother Mrs. George Henrie of Garland. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Allen, of Ogden, and Mr. A. V. Sparks, of Ogden, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen Sunday. Mr. Allen expects to visit a week with relatives and friends. Mrs. Ezra Harris was in Brigham on business Wednesday. Mr. Jack Wilson spent the week end visiting his sister, Mrs. Guy Bosley. Mr .and Mrs. Mantus Moody of Council Bluffs visited their parents, vi .anu mrs. nawKins Tuesday, on their, wav home to Oakland raa Mrs. Millan Marble had for her guests Monday, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simmons and Miss Lucy Simmons, parents and sister of Mrs. Marble. Mrs. Alvin Evans and daughter, Afton, and Mrs. Homer Andersen and baby attended the birthday dinner of Mrs. Evans' father, Mr. John Watson, at Ogden, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Watson accompanied them to Bothwell where they expect to visit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Summers were the dinner guests of Mrs. Clarence Summers Sunday. Mr. Roland Christensen and baby visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Christensen Saturday, Mr. Bert Hunsaker and Jared Fosgren made a business trip to Salt Lake, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Everd Roach were visiting their mother, Mrs. Rasmus Anderson, Sunday. At the Sacrament meeting Mr. of Tremonton, was the visitor and his son, Austin Seager, rendered a vocal solo. Mrs. P. M. Iverson of Bear River City spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. C. 0. Anderson. "Vothy Summers spent the week her sister, Mrs. Boyd Han-Seof Union. Mrs. Pearl Munsey of Brigham was the dinner guest of Mrs. Jared Fosgren Thursday. Miss Lola Madsen and Miss Leola Seely spent the week end at their home in Brigham. Dr. Eli Hawkins visited his sick father in American Fork, Saturday. His condition has not improved. Mr .and Mrs. Roy Ellis were the din ner guests of Mrs. Guy Bosley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Henrie and their grandson, Floyd Gunn, of Garland, were dinner guests of Mrs. Geo Snummers, Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Wells, son and daughter, Arthur and Edna, of Willard, were din ner guests of Mrs. Geo Stark .Sundav Mrs. Roy Ellis, Mrs. May Boslev and Mrs. Lewis Anderson visited Mrs. Clifford Stark, Friday. Light refreshments were served by Mrs. Stark Mrs. Fred Eggley had for her visitors, Sunday, Mrs. George Stark, Mrs. George Wells, Arthur Wells, of Willard and Delia Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers and children visited at the home of T. V. Summers, .Sunday Gloria Nichols was the dinner guest Getz of Tremonton, Sijndav Ely ere e, ! Mrs. D. E. Manning. Mrs. P. C. Jesse of Springville, who has been visiting 'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Boss, has returned to her home. Malad visitors last Thursday. Mr. Leanord Carter of Idaho is Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway entertained a number of friends at din- spending a few days at the home of ner Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs.' T. A. Carter. Covers were laid for seventeen. Games Mr. and Mrs. Millan Peck and small were the diversion of the evening. daughter Sherry Jean, and Miss JenOdell Thompson of the U. S. A. C. nie Peck, were Ogden visitors Tuesday spent the week end with his parents," Mrs. Oleen Stokes and children of Twin Falls, Idaho are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson. Mrs. A. M. Austin was hostess to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Austin. the members of the Garland-Tremon-to- n Mrs. F. A. Driggs entertained at bridge clug Thursday afternoon. J. D. Gunderson was an Ogden vis- bridge Monday afternoon. First prize was won by Mrs. J. L. Harvey and itor Saturday. Bill Howard of Salt Lake City spent second by Mrs. T. E. Betensen. The the week end here with friends. hostess served delicious luncheon to Lars King, student of the U. S. A. thirteen. I Garland Persdnals M C w n, spent t few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Persson. Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway and Mrs. J. J. Thompson motored to Clark ston Saturday, returning home Sunday Mrs. L. W. Treston of Ogden is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A Driggs this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Richards and Mrs. Oscar Harris left for California Friday. No Radio Taxes When the auto came along every state in the union found a new and fertile field in which to sow a lot of new tax seed. Nothing before had offered as fine an opportunity for raising revenue. So the man who bought an auto was taxed by the federal government for a part of its cost; he was taxed by his own state for a license to operate t; he was taxed by his county because autos are personal property; he was taxed so much per gallon of gas he used in it. And he still is beinir taxed, and the taxes are still going higher. Then came the radio. And we hope no one in Tremonton is so dumb as to think that the haven't already had their eyes op it. South Carolina is the first state in the union to levy a tax on radio sets. But, isn't going to get very far. A fed- billion dollars 50 years ago to 60 bileral court has ruled that a tax on rado lion dollars today. The report eom- -! sets is unconstitutional, because it mends the women of America for their would be in violation of our present ' thrift, and gives detailed figures to interstate commerce laws. The court show that every year find more and holds that radio sets are not subject more of them opening up savings ae--f to either a state or local tax, any- counts or investing their money in gilt j edgfe securities. It alsopeaks quite where in America. Here then is one thing that can't be well for that gold mine from which taxed. In recent years there has been they drew "a big part of their savings the American husband. a tendency to tax anything and everything, to raise more revenue for office- - holders to spend. It is gratifying, therefore to find one agency that serves the public's convenience, . necessity and pleasure placed bejond It certhe reach of the Sunday school 10 a. m. Classes for . tainly is something to be thankful for-- all ages. Junior church 11 a. m. A short service of worship for children but enjoyed by older folks as well. Women There will be no evening services. The pastor will attend a union service Tremonton women should get a lot in the Centenary Methodist Church, of satisfaction out of a federal report Salt Lake City. Bishop Charles L. now. being sent out covering the fi- Mead of the Methodits Episcopal nancial and economic habits of the Church will speak. fair sex. According to the report, 75 The District Conference of the Utah percent of the savings in America are Mission will meet Monday and Tuesin the name of women. They don't March 2nd, 3rd at the Liberty keep money behind the clock on the day, Park Methodist Church, If you are mantlepiece as they used to. That Is in Salt Lake City those dates plan to one way in which bandits have been one or more of the sessions. attend useful, and that explains how bank R. Dickson, Pastor. Alvin resources have increased from three j ..,Methodist Church Thrifty In 8 months time our company has paid $15,000.00 to Utah policy holders to fix wrecked cars. $1238.00, of which was paid Box Elder County policy holders. Ask the man who carries the STATE MUTUAL AUTO INSURANCE Local Agent LELAND J. HANSON Phone 70:0.1. rs When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 H. G. Scott Drug Co. Phone 47 Tremonton Utah ANOTHER ALLOTMENT OF Hot Water Bottles 83c It IF Mr. Wesley Ault and son Wesley, Jr., and Mr. Peterson, of Logan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hales aiwl Mrs. George Nye were Salt Lake City visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Henry Manning entertained at a family dinner Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of Alissia Manning of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Persson of Pay-so- ovu o m - XVM? r TT Two For $1.49 7 WHILE THEY LAST FULLY GUARANTEED MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Phone Tremonton, Utah t 26 ANNOUNCEMENT!! " r. Sea-ge- r, lvith n ,llva M.flr. Leslie Allen and son, Louis irVfle a trip to Hazelton. Idaho Tues day where Mr. Allen expects to make nis home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fosgren, and Mr. Merle Larson of Brigham were dinner guests of Mrs. Rudger Fosgren Sunday. Mr. Elzo and Thyres Sessions attended a funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buckway, Sunday. Mrs. Buckway was formerly Miss Verba Sessions. Mrs. Vaughn Koffdrd and daughter, and Mrs. May Bosley visited Mrs. Clifford Stark Monday. Mr .and Mrs. Oliver Fosgren of Brigham were the dinner guests of We Ecery new Ford is equipped with four Houdaille double-actin- g hydraulic shock absorbers of the fine things about driving the new Ford is the way it take9 you over the miles without strain or fatigue. No matter how long the trip, you know it will bring you safely, quickly, comfortably to the journey's end. The seats are generously wide, deeply cushioned and carefully designed to conform to the curves of the body. Every new Ford has specially designed springs and four Houdaille double-actin- g hydraulic shock absorbers. These work both ways up and down. They absorb the force of road shocks and also provide a cushion against the rebound of the springs. Olher features that make the new Ford a value far above the price are the Triplex shatter-proo- f glass windfour-wheenclosed brakes, more shield, silent, fully than twenty ball and roller bearings, extensive use of fine steel forgings, aluminum pistons, chrome silicon drive, Rustles9 Steel and alloy valves, torque-tub- e in unusual accuracy manufacturing. In addition, you save many dollars because of the low first cost of the new Ford, low cost of operation and and low yearly depreciation. ONE el up-kce- d J. I. C A S E Complete Line of Implements and Harvesting Machinery for This District. Our First Car of Machinery and Extra Parts Just Arrived For Every Crop Requirement There is An Efficient and Modern Case Pachine We Are Headquarters for All Kim Jof Garden and Field SeSf : p, The New Foudor Sedan AND REMEMBER for Coal - Lumber - Hardware . Mrs. Jared Fosgren Sunday. Mrs. Boyd Hansen who has been visiting several days with Mrs. Isaac Burnhope returned home Friday. Mrs. C. O. Anderson and children and Mrs. P. M. Iverson of Bear River motored Sunday where they visited Mrs. Golden Peterson. Vera Summers Miss Norma-anwere surprised by a number of their Bunco was friends Friday evening. the game played and after Mrs. Sum- - Are the Authorized Dealers for the Famous LOW 1MMCES OF FORD CARS Home and Farm Supplies We Are Best Able to Serve You $430 to $630 "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" i delivery. Bam pert and tparm lira ou con buy a ford for a tmatl down payment extra at .moll roil. on a convenient financing pi mm. See your Ford dealer for detail: F.O.B. Detroit, ptul )fight and Farmers' Cash Union Tremonton, Utah Phone 35 -i- |