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Show PAGE FJyEr BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1931 Tremonton Society Section r' Always On FARM BUREAU 15,000 DEMAND SARGON DAILY Our motto is "There Is No Substi- - . La-mo- nt 4-- H er "." - out- ?V: The National Woman's Party wanU a home a permanent homer No soon er do the ladies settle their headquarters in the national capital than Uncle Sam, like an unreasonable landlord, moves to evict them. First, they were cast out of the stately home they had occupied for many years, so that room could be made for the new Supreme Court building. Then, after they had selected another site and dedicated their new mansion, it was discovered that the government wanted that particular place for a Bureau of Accounts The Alva Belmont House, as these latest headquarters are named in hon tute for Farm Products. 0. L. Brough, Harry Drew, Mrs. N. Vast Growing Army of Sargoa Umm, Peter Marble and Mrs. P. E. Ault atMarching Singh File, Would, tended a meeting at State Farm Bu. Encircle Glubc ia Only reau headquarters, in Salt Lake City Few Years Time. Monday., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen and Mrs .George Halhday entertained There will be a meeting at the club were dinner guests of Mr. and at dinner (By Richard L. Simms) Mr. and for Saturday night rooms at 4 oclock Monday, February Mrs. Quentin Allen. Sunday. 1 . , Mrs. N. E. .Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. Atlanta, Go.: More like a tale 16th for the purpose of getting the of old than from the Arabian Nights Ward Shuman. club work' started. Miss Izola a record of modern business achieveMrs. Harry Woodward had as din-nDemonstration Agent will be Jensen, Mesdames T, A. Supan, N. E. Shaw, ment reads the story of the marvelous guests Sunday, Mr .and Mrs. Alpresent. ma threuer, .Mildred Threuer,' LeRoy Sarah Hadley, Sallie Gephart, S. N growth and development of Sargon . The annual Social which is to be Bishop, and Delphiai.Measicks. Cole, and Miss Margaret Woodside at- the New Scientific Compound which held at the "Bear River High School tended Eastern Star chapter at Cor- has become the sensation of the drug Saturday, February 21, at 6:30 p. m. Mr.- and, Mrs.. Grover Preston and inne Wednesday evening. Mrs. Supan trade throughout the United States, has arranged a splendid program of other countries. family, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Vance and .and Mrs. Shaw served refreshments at Canada and special dancing numbers, two one-aThe old illustration of the pebble plays, Sam Keefer, (Peter Spray Nozfamily and Mr. and Mrs. C. Tallmari the close of the meeting. were dinner guests, of Mrs. Clifford dropped into the pool(best describes zle) will be present and also Mr. G. A pleasant surprise' was tendered the phenomenal and unprecedented Stalling, Vance Sunday. president of the Uah State Mrs. W. A. Westmoreland Wednesday demand and its fame is rapidly spread Farm Bureau. when members of her family arrived ing over the entire continent. Mrs. S. N. Cole, Mrs. Sallie The local orchestra will furnish the and Mrs. N. E. Shaw motored at her home and spread a sumptuous Recently compiled figures reveal music ; for the dance which follows Ur Ogden Wednesday afternoon to at- dinner which they had prepared in hon that approximately 15,000 men and the program. tend a tea given in honor of Mrs. Rose or of her birthday. Those participat- women are marching into drug stores tr The menu for the banquet consists Wheatley, associated matron of Queen ing were.' Mrs. rR C. Watt, Mr. and daily for Sareon and Sargon Softl of cocktail, roast chicken, and dressMrs. Calvin Waldron and family, Mass Pills, the marvelous new treat- ing, roast pork, mashed potatoes and Esther chapter. Grace and Lois- Watt. ment that is restoring health to count- brown gravy, carrots, peas, salad, celMrs. James Walton was hostess 6 less thousands by new and remarkable ery, pickles, rolls, ice cream, wafers, Mrs. C. ;A. Holland entertained the methods undreamed of only a the V. G. F. club Thursday evening, anL cocoa. Everyone bring r Sew 5. a The members kyouftlifflife,' fork and spoon, as it will spent Eight Bridge Club last Thursday years ago. February Already more than 5,000,000 suffer be impossible to furnish these. pleasant evening sewing after which afternoon at her home. After i an afa dainty luncheon, carrying out a pa ternoon of cards a delicious luncheon ing men and women have put it to the Tickets are on sale at the Scott ' was served Mrs. C. E. Clarkson won test and have told other millions what Drug Company and with all local triotic color scheme, was served. high score, Mrs. Herman Landvatter it has done for them, The L. 0. H. Club met Wednesday won cut prize and Mrs. W. H. Muth Marching regulation u. b. army with. Mrs. A. I. Morgan as hostess. was presented low score prize. Mrs. fashion single file this vast army Luncheon iwas'.served after which 500 O. Deen Luke was a substitute guest of Sargon users would reach from NewYork to San Francisco and at (he was played. Mrs. Claudine HarrisSpon- - .,. The Entre Nons Clnb were enter- - present rate of sale would, in a few hieh prize and Mrs. Genevieve Wuliams low. vtKtaine4 atdinnfTf at the' home of Mr. years time, encircle the entire globe. '7 '"V'vj and Mrs, A. J. Taylor, Tuesday even- The only explanation of Sargon's February 7, Mrs. T. E. BetnseH.1 ingMrsI .:,A. Gates and Mrs. Tay triumph in the Medical World is Sarv was hostess to tne i remomon ana lor hostesses. Covers were placed on gon's true worth. Back of its triumph Garland Ladies Bridge Club. A de- -' two tables, each prettily centered with in the drug stores is its triumph; in licious hot dinner was served at 2 a potted plant. Those who enjoyed the homes and it Is the- grateful" enV n m. tn twelve members and 'Mrs. P. the party were Messrs and Mesdames dorsements of its millions of users C. Petterson, after which bridge 'was Bernard Hansen,. X W. Iverson, Albert that has made it the most widely talk . K'Weidman, A. A. Iver- ed of medicine in the world today. played. Mrs. F. J. Lind won high, ;Holmg,fen,-Lscore and Mrs. E. H. White Cut 'and son, A. E. Christensen, Reuben HolmSargon is extensively 'advertised,; it and the host and is true, but no preparation, no matterconsolation. gren, Ralph Jensen "' , how extensively advertised, could pos 'hostess. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leak sibly meet with such phenomenal sue ' the Big Four at their home Monday Daughter (having just received a new cess unless it possessed absolute merit A hot dinner was served mink coat from father): "What I and extraordinary powers as a medievening. b. m., after which the evening don't see is how a wonderful fur can cine. '. exone be can such There but come a from possible low,' prize .sneaking High bridge. playing waypent ' was won by Mr. and Mrs. Herman beast." planation for Sargon's amazing suc' ' Mr. cess and it can be told in one word consolation ask don't "I. Father:. and for thanks, by Landvatter, ' and Mrs. J. D. Burgessi, ,? , .r dear, but I really insist on respect" MERIT! Sold byScott Drug Company. 4 Tremonton, Utah, (Adv.) or of Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont,' an standing patron of the Party, is The-jVIov- e perty with, many historic associa toons. Names of families, celebrated in the early days ' of Washington," fee" the Dainger fields and flftfrs," are part of its past There Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the ,TreKjrj'. under three Presidents, once resjawL So effective was the protest of the Woman's Party to the Congre8Jon ' Committee on Public Buildings $rid Grounds that Capitol architect DvM Lynn has been directed to investigate the possibilities of another site for the proposed Bureau building. Maybe-thladies won't have to move again sUst1 Car-rol- ls, e : alL Vr-- J - PRICES ct Gep-hz- nf On lumber and other building products are lower than they have been for yaers. The bottom has been reached and the price mil steadily raise from now on. Right now is the time to do your planning. Bring in your plans and lists NOW.; free. Come in today. We'll gladly give you our estimates i WILSON LUMBER CO. w i ''Everything to Build Anything" Phone 11 : i f Tremonton, Utah - ; American Food Stores Inc. - MEATS GROCERIES -- - ; Specials for Saturday, Feb. v :"' , 4 1 TREMONTON and GARLAND STORES -- n , COFFEE Blue Pine . s 2 i Utah Weekly Industrial Bear River City Friday evening Mrs. Henry B. Hania number of friends in, honoriof her husband's birthday, which was February otk The Evening was spent in placing progressive games. At 11:30 o'clock a delicious hot chicken dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. Leon P. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs., Alfred Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Rast Petersen,! Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Christensen, Mr. and Mrs Henry B. Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Merrell Waunker, Mrs. Georgina Andersen, Mrs. Sina Thorsen, Mrs. Josie Nelsen, Mrs Emtt4 Ohraan, Mrs. 'Thressa j Brailsford id Miss Dena OiHalensen jby all enjoy .i A very good time was ' who3 were,.. present.. ' .Wednesday evening Mrs. Wm,ir J. P Rose" entertained a number of friends at their home in honor of the 64th ym birthday of he- luisband. During the ; flying various games were played at a late hour-- ; delicious refreshments were served by the hostess to twenty-fivAll joined in wishing Mrs. Rose V many more Happy birthdays . Loretta and Petersen Misses Vertiell Jensen who 'are attending school afc the U. of U.Sin Salt Lake City spent - the week end visiting theirparents, Mr. "and MrsI Rast Petersen and M and Mrs: Lorenzo Jensen in this city Sunday at. the Sunday School con vTitinn hpM. Sn Briffham City this ward is very proud to have the-higest number present which was 6t. we are very proud of our Bear River Bun I V; . day School. ,. Miss Bernice Iversen spent several visitdays of Gist week at Bothwell Andersen Calvin Mrs. j her sister ing, and family. Mr" and Mrs. Ellis Arbon and son Jr., returned hme Saturday afternoon after visiting (pit Snowville for the past week with Mrs. Arbon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arbon, also with other relatives, Mark Simmonsen is onfined to his ofjrheu-matisbed suffering With an sen entertained : fiv Indignant Parent Brigham City : 6 A. City Council making -- system in district No. 1. State Highway Department making plans for improving highway between Ogden and Brigham City, work to be started in near rftoros - H State Highw&yTepartniii enng plans for fconsid- - on future-constructio- highway between5 Tooele vine...' " V . r ''li;.;T. , e. nd Grants-- . 3 Lb. Irrigated, Land. 6 per cent. No commissions; JOHN J. SHUMWA1 , 5 Phones: B. R. V. SMALL Packages 2 For Mrs. Ernest Olsen is confined H her suffering with art attack of trouble. ;2. &' ,'ftfcrt Mni Heber BaUlng, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Huggins(thresJ sa Brailsford, Mrs. Arnoia uauin, w Cliff Matesen, Mrs. Eli Andersen, Ed Rasmus Christensen, Christensen, Mark MeKay aid Ivan Iversen were all Tremonton visitors Saturday v misforRaynold Rasmusen had' the above Ws just have leg.broten to tune ' the ankle, when ticked by a horse last Wwtafidav.' were Mr. and Mm. iGlen--; Iversen vfsltors! Thursday. nirttim OttcNelsen Merrell Waunfcer-an- dwere Tremonton yisltSatway. I l Carter of Garland In this city with her parent,' isiting Mrs. NepJ! Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Emma Ohrifn is staying In El Krotch wood with her iiifti Mrs. Bill and family who aH'the proud parents 8th .4 f babv riri. born Februarywere ont Wendell Jensen' . Ofden Tisitors r STARCH Per Pkg.;.... fW OLIVES PINT 2 ir LIBBYS v J . 4 I Mrs.-Virgi- . , k.aI MILLING CO. -- u vv Mnn jl 9 PER , HORSES and COWS i IAr..., .:. PEACHES 1 ki lw Heavy Syrup No.2y2Can 1 79 c BLUE PINE pineapple;; TID BITS Lb.. , ...; Cofcrado By-produ- cts Cosipany 29c . CORN B. P Kernal 1 r 15 c No2ClX 2. Can- -. PEANUT BUTTER WALNUT '.JVIETS- 1 BLUEPINE 1 Lb. - 23c Per Lb. CHEESE i. t 1C No. 2i2 Can GRAPEFRUIT No. i SPINACH 3 Cans 9c Dozen a j I5d POWDERED u liSUGAR Seedless. ; d 9t K; Lb. Pkg.;..; !':.'4' HAISINS 29c 5 i'' MEAT DEPARTMENT - U. a Inspected Meats Mm Bead Or Alive Aahaal. : ; t.tu -- FLOUR . Per N ; 19e ,Mild PHONE 49 25 c Cans ORANGES . V . 3 ...'.. t' . Cans 2-l- b. f: (jt VJilk-Les- s ' 2 Cans,:. PURINA DAIRY RATION We 25e PINK No. 6 Sieve Bag SAUSAGE t vA7 PEAS 39c Cans , 'n SALMON 48 Lb. VIENNA; U. S. Cleaners ;T r e m o n fo n , U.t a h , 9t ; $1.00 GARLAND-TRHWONTO- 13e .. -- IIINGSFORDS .. atk' . 9e 21c 15c ... LUX TOILET Bell,' 129 69.a-- 2 IMPROVE YOUR APPEARANCE It Costs But Little, y .. SUITS CLEANED and PRESSED More f LUX PRODUCTS . . CELERY TWO 29c Bars : CONSER VE YOUR CLOTHES , LAUNDRY SOAP Bob White 10, Bunhes Packages 4? . VN. 9c Heads $1,0.0 Can LARGE LOAN on- - TWO , Unlimited ,: to plans for construction of neW sewer - h Review M.): "Young' man, wha'do you mean by .The following record of industrial bringing my daughter ' in at this hour?" activity lists items showing invest- '.' Flaming Youth:" "Well, I gotta be ment of capital, employment labor 7. and business activities and opportuni- - at work by nes. lniormauon irom wmcn tne para graphs are prepared is from local papers, usually of towns mentioned, and Money , may be considered generally correct : : LETTUCE 'i i f X 4 V? i LARD STEAKS Very Best Sirloin or Etound ' PER Lb. 23c 4, Bulk Per ( Wb. 1 White 10 c Omit) Sausage .... ..... 1.,. X Pure Pork PER IK , 15c 0 1 1 Sady: is A , -i |