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Show III! I ' - - . World's Largest Airline in Operation A 1950 Dream Come, True Tremonton Society Section Mr. and Mrs. Clifford , Vance and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Green. PAGE FIVE 51931 BEAR JUVFjl VAlAEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY State Road Commission Confirms Opinion Grandma Farnsworth and Marjorie (Continued From Page One) are guests of Mrs. Quentin Allen, this week. had carefully laid their plans and were alert to the needs of Box Elder Mrs. Etha John had a quilting bee as it was they amended House last Thursday. Those present were: County Bill No. 28 by Jorgensen. Mrs. C. W. Green, Mrs. Clifford Vance The bill in designating the road in1 Mrs. Charles Barfus, Mrs. Geo. Cooke Box Elder County as a state road and Mrs. Joe Hanson. read, "From Brigham City Northerly Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drew entertain via Honeyville and Deweyville and "J, at dinner Friday evening for Mr. Westerly to Tremonton" and as amend id Mrs. Edgar Winchester. Mr. and! ed was made to read: "Northerly via Eli Winzeler arid Mr. and Mrs Honeyville, Deweyville to Cache Coun- E. Shaw. After dinner the evening; y line and Westerly to Tremonton Another pleasant feature in the was .spent playing bridge. meeting with the commission was to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodward en- find Ogden and Logan solidly behind tertained the following guests at din- the above proposed projects and parner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ticularly Logan who expressed a special desire to see a road designated and Egelhoff, Mr. and Mrs. Albert of Ogden, Mrs. Sallie Gephart, built around the hill, that is, from Edith and Wesley Gephart, and Miss Brigham North through Honeyville and Deweyville to the Cache County Lucille Arbon. line. The Logan representatives exSaturday evening Mrs. Edgar WinV pressed themselves as willing to forgo Chester entertained at a surprise party improvements in Cache Valley in orin honor of her husband's birthday. der to cooperate in this proposed proThe guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. ject. This spirit of cooperation shown Richards; of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Her by the Logan delegation was greatly man Landvatter, Mr. and Mrs. Filburn appreciated by the committee from Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shuman, Box Elder jCounty. fv and Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Shaw. Chairman T. L. Davis, of the county acted as spokesman commissioners, Mrs. Frank Powell entertained at a State Road Commission, before the bridge luncheon at the "home of Mrs; the commissioners being in absolute Gifford Watland Wednesday afterwith the proposed program noon. Mrs. Elmer Winzeler and Mrs. harmony the committee gave the com therefore of B. were Watland S. special guests as well as the commission the hostess. Mrs. G. H. Watland won missioners vote and confidence. thanks of a high score, Mrs. H. G. Scott cut, and and citizens of Box The . Mrs. Getz consolation. Elder County will be glad to hear the of a probMrs. Radcliff Henrie was hostess to news of the happy solution would time a seemed for that n the Literary club lem, what to as differences wide cause Mrs. P. week. Bates the 0. K"ng reladone be not should should and gVCithe book entitled, "Flashes From far As in county. the roads to tive A delicious theSternal .Semafore." interested In one as is every Invited known, luncheon was served. tray is equally guests were Mrs. Golden Frisby, Mrs. this project in the county James Walton and Mrs. W. S. Muir. pleased at the proposed solution as it stands. Mrs. lone Hansen and Alice Jacob-so- n entertained at a birthday party in Garland Arrangements made for compliment to Miss Mary Jacobson, rebuilding creamery plant, of Sego Saturday evening, at the home of Mrs, Milk Co. who will install new machin- Hansen. Rook was the entertainment ery' V of the evening,' Refreshments , were Ogden Construction completed on served. The guests were Mable Mich- - $150,000 Sperry Flour Ckimpony's new .' t aelis, Beth Sargent, Leota Hughes, feed mill. ' Manning, June Winchester; Marie Mc State alloted $400,000 for conDowell, Verda Johnson, Art Johnson, struction of .roads in State parks. Bill Linford, Tiny Roselle, Bill Powell, "Piute County News. Junction. ComDean Madsen, Virgil ,Wejd,man, Wayne, BThistle Junctiotate Mcwnorter. mission opened bids on bverhead stfuc tare to cross tracks of Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad here. Ogden Sam, Peter and Andrew nnrchased White Spot Sandwich Shon at 347 - 25th Street here. ' Hnlden State Road Commission ap Ogden Work progressing ifapidly on straightening of road through Og- propriated $5,000 for construction of den Canyon. road through this city. Richfield Plans being considered Bryce Canyon National Park to be for construction of $30,000 armory Richfield enlarged extensively. building. Wood, of Fielding, tax-paye- rs Garland-Tremonto- : . Utah Weekly Industrial Review f O aH)BX)B.),.eBoa-oa'a- i Big Athletic Show j TREMONTON' UTAH I Saturday Night, February 8:30 p. m. 7, 1931 s s K IVAN KOLLISH BETTY BUSHEY Austria Lady Wrestling vs. BIG BILL THORNTON Champ Boston -- ':i ' I H vs. Portland (Wrestling) I HAPPY BARKER Cedar City aaaaaaaaaaaMMaaaMa1aaMaalaaMMaaMaaMaj -- LYNN THOMAS FAT CLARK Tremonton Logan vs. vs. il . TOM LOGAN WALTER STILL Salt Lake J (Boxing)- ;-; (Boxhig) immiiMiiiiiiiiiii! ADDED ATTRACTION (Wrestling) HY SH ARM AN of Salt Lake Oty :vs RALPH WORLEY of Brigham City r -- Tremonton Admission: Reserved , $.150 Gener- al- $1.00 Umkr 16 25c .JLymulti-motore- Monday evening after the regular priesthood meeting the mutual boys from Clarkston visited our town and played our mutual team a fast game of basket ball in the Amusement Hall. ih favor of the 0 The score being was a large There Plymouth boys. crowd in attendance and a dance followed the game which was a big suc- 1 i r--J Cedar City Relief society corner on Beaver New mercantile store to be town folks were in attendance at the Main East and Center streets choBcn on here First in building opened games. Some of the young men here got Street recently occupied by Gus Fern as site for construction of new First ward chapel. the daily good turn spirit one day last ley Sons. week and went into the hills and got two good loads of wood and presented it to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, who were overjoyed at what had taken place. After the wood was unloaded some good sharp axes were brought into play and soon the wood was all cut up and ready to use. Saturday the M. I. A. put on a high class entertainment of song and B-a-r-g-a-i-n-s play speeches ending up with a one-aAlvin of Mr. given under the direction Smith. After the program a very en- joyable rtance took up tne resi oi uie evening, A little charge was made at the door to help buy books that are needed in the association. exThe Scouts under the direction of Scout' Master Alvin Smith and Howard Hess put on a very successful evening conjoint meeting Sunday which was attended by a large crowd Come of people. Mr. Job Welling, of Fielding was visiting here Saturday, with his mother, Mrs. Phebe Welling, who is living with' her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Rose, 1927 CHEVROLET TRUCK this winter. . . Mr. Alvin Bowcutt and Robert 1926 - FORD COUPE the missionaries who. are in out ward are holding a series CHEVROLET SEDAN 1929 of cottage meetines in the various FORD TUDOR SEDAtf 1930 honie here iW the ward, one of whJch was'ld in the home of Mr. Don R. MODEL A SPORT COUPE 1928 Lamb, '..Monday evening. They were and Mr. Evan Gee, accompanied by MODEL A TOURING 1928 ' Mr,' Erickson. This meeting was very interesting and was attended by about FORD i2.TON TRUCK 1929 25 members of the ward. Mr. R. T .Nish, Don R. Lamb, A. J. FORD SPORT COUPE 1928 Udy, Louis Zundel, Wm. A. Hess, Merl Hess,' Ervin Hess and E. H. Rudd, rep resenting a delegation of in Box Elder County, were in Brigham City Monday to be present at the special meeting called by the citizens - 44 Used Car 20-4- cess. Mr. ct Jesse and Golden Mason were in Logan on business Tuesday of last i week. Many of the young folks of the town part in the new steps in the dancing given after the mutual meetings Tuesday night by Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Heppler, sponsored by the stake board. Our district school children took a merry sleigh ride to Fielding Tuesday afternoon where they met the school team there in a game of basket ball. 4 in favor of the The score being " Fielding school. Some of our Vanguard Scouts did their daily good turn Tuesday by preHall senting the with a load of wood for kindling which they went into the hills to get." Misa Elva Mason, of Ogden, is with her relaspending the week-en- d ;. tives and friends here. Mr. Olean Josephson, Mr. Dewane Lamb and Louis H. 2undel were Brigham City visitors Wednesday. The boys of the Fielding' school re turned the game with the school here Wednesday afternoon, the game being played hi the Plymouth ward chapel. The game furnished lots of fun and excitement for the young folks in the two schools. The score was 0 in favor of the Plymouth players. The Relief Society sisters put on an e quilting bee here in the ward chapel Wednesday and quilted for the V benefit of the organization. Mrs. Edith Smith is spending the week in.Pocatello City visiting with relatives. There are a number of men working in the canyon getting out wood for the summer as well as saying the coal bill for winter. Miss Elva Mason, daughter of Johrij C. Mason, of Ogden is visiting with er grandmother, Mrs. Jesse Mason, : here during the week. Mr. Alvin Bowcutt and Robert McFar-lan- d of Riverside are here as missionaries and are visiting the ward., making a house to house visit inviting the people to some cottage meetings in v the near future. " Mr. David T. Burnett has gone to Salt Lake City on business. He expects to be gone about a week. Bishop. R T. Nish, Don R. Lamb, Sarah E. Zunled, Celia Zundel and Mary E. Estep were visitors at the Logan Temple Friday of last week. Our M. I. A. basket ball team played its 6th game of ball in the mutual loaerue games in the stake at Bear River High School with Garland mutual team Thursday evening and many of our people went to witness the game. The score was 16 to 47 in favor of the Plymouth players. ' :! Mr. Clark Rudd made a business trio to Brigham City Friday. Our M. I. A. basket ball team made another victory at the Bear River "igh School Friday evening when they matched with the players of the 5th .Ward of Brigham City in a close rame and winning by only two points, the score being 23 to 25 in favor of the Plymouth players. "" Many of xa took 30-3- - - t 21-3- old-tim- ; - tendants. pilots and stewards are In rull uniform and are under toe stricV It is a veritable Jules est disotUne Vvit.4 Unuin come true. . Her ta a view o! the Pan American Mra" pasKQgfr terminal and one of ..it gU.!t a'r Dncra. FLA. Plymouth ,.. f... If - Haiti. Porto Rico. Carryifig 'more than reached a1' peak in air travel service :Brim tuns Cuba. Honduras. romtntcan in Republic, and anything luxury surpassing SO.OOOt passengers 3.522.00 miles In One i ..a Brazil and 15 other Latin or European countries. The daily ; this AmiY-cayear over Its 18.000 mile route between schedule of arrivals and departure countries. 0. 8. Customs. d Health and Immigration authorise, South and Central America and tbe call (or moie than filty large no Onited States, the Pan American air; ships to operate with military stationed at the Miami depot A:: s- arrivals over the the check and Miami dally line between has air wsrla's precision ways r.p.e. largest MIAMI, ' Reconditioned and Guaranteed Cars Now's the time to get real values in pertly reconditioned cars that still offer many thousands of happy miles. to see our special bargains " t ., T yis-itin- jf j . , tax-paye- rs J0& of the county. ft Salt Lake City Bids opened by Gov ernment for renting offices here for Government activities. TooelePost Office Department con sidering construction of new post office building here. State Highway Commission awarded A. C. Thorn and Strong& Grant Co. contract for construction of highway from Harrisburg to Anderson's ranch in Washington County. ) Special Genuine ( Improved DUART Utah Auto & Imp. Co $5.00 . ... r iiuihih nam unii tmmrn COMBO RINGLETTE $6.50 : Given By : GEORGE HODGES Phone Miss Adams at- - MAJESTIC ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR ' BEAUTIFUL H ERE,everyat for appointments 27 Tremonton, Utah Phone 28 MIGHTY MONARCH OF THE ARCTIC Permanent Waive in MORE EFFICIENT QUIET last, Is a perfect electric refrigerator. Complete detail from its beautiful cabinet to its quiet,: unit. See how it fills your every housekeeping at prices you're' need. The 30 features you've wanted willing to pay Enjoy the satisfying knowledge that day and nighty whether you're home or not, Majestic is con-stantly guarding your food. Think how this wonderful re ! ever-wearin- g " -- When You Think HARDWARE t. THINK WILSON "Everything To Build - - Phone 11 . V 78' frigerator would add to your family's comfort and " enjoy-- ment. Think what its convenience will mean to you! IT IS HERE Utah t,' Woodward Brothers r i ;On Sale Billiard Parlor 7 Cubic Foot Siie i Reserved Seats - J f '' : t -- ''-.- :- " j?iJSHy - " Salt Lake 'l .L- Xiaczirnzizil Hest-mar- k, : fa XJ : V : :x aif A! lor, a $215 $195 (F. 0. B. Factory) (F. O. it You can now buy.a MAYTAG WASHER for less than $100, f. ob., Newton, Iowa' 5 Cubic Feet Size i; j; teeroonswauon t r : rr ) , , |