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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1830 PAGE TWO Riverside East Tremonton -- 1 i Y- 'llr. Thursday of last week the Relief and Mrs. H. L. Childs and son ladies were entertained by were guests Lake Sunday Society City, Salt of of their mother, Mrs. Jane Abbott Mrs. Geo. Hales, Sr., and Mrs. August Danna Jean Abbott returned with Forsberg. Thirteen members and the Mrs. them and will visit several days with her grandmother at Farmington. atMr. and Mrs. Charles Petersen tended a meeting of the Wool Growers Association at Bear River City Sunday. Professor C. J. Meyers and family guests in the of Logan, were week-en- d George Abbott home. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Tibbetts of Logan, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott and family, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brough had as dinner guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brough of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hill of Elwopd, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerr, Clifton Kerr and Miss Irene Pack of Tremonton, and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Garfield. Mr .and Mrs. George Brough had as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Idaho, Stanley Crowforth of Rupert, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dodd of Harper. Mrs. Charles Garfield is having a basement excavated for a new home. Glen Garfield, who was operated upon for appendicitis last Sunday at the Valley hospital, is getting along splendidly. Mrs. Sarah Garfield spent the weekend visiting her son, A. W. Garfield and family, of Harrisville. Mr. Henry Ellertson of Phoenix, Arizona, and A. W. Garfield of Harrisville, were guests of Mrs. Sarah Garfield and family last Friday. Mrs. Geo. Beal lind daughter, Franke, were Brigham City visitors last Saturday. following guests were present: Effie Welling of Brigham, Mrs. Delta Marsh of Willard, and Mrs. Roland Boothe of Rapid City, S. D. The social was held at the Hales' home. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses. George O. Nye gave a recital at East Garland last week. Those from Riverside taking part were: LaVon Hales, Lila Tubbs, Arlene Hadfield and Afton Hales. Mrs. Emil Van Leuven of Downey, Idaho, spent the past week with relatives here and at Evans. Mr. Van Leuven came down Saturday and Mrs. Van Leuven returned home with him. Mrs. E. W. Ward and children were shopping in Brigham Saturday. Ceril Beecher of the Box Elder High school faculty, sang at our Sunday evening meeting. Miss Afton Welling and brother,! Dale, of Brigham, have been visiting with relatives at Riverside for the past two weeks. Mrs. E. W. Ward entertained at a speeding the week in Idaho and Wyoming. Mrs. E. T. Capener and daughter, Mrs. Leona Price, of Salt Lake, were visiting at the A. A. Capener home Tuesday. The J. H. Ward family were Ogden visitors Saturday. Delose Jensen and H. S. Tingey made a business trip to Logan Saturday. The families of Earl Hales and Henry Tubbs went to Bear Lake Saturday to attend the reunion of the Nye family. Leland Latham of Salt Lake, is spending the week at the A. A. Capener home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lawrence of Hyrum, visited at the Lorenzo Bowcutt home the first of the week. Mrs. Irene Johnston and daughter Cloe, left Tuesday for their home at Idaho, after spending a Kellogg, month with Mr. and Mrs. William Bowcutt. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. MacFarlane attended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Austin of Garland, Friday evening. Monday, Roland Boothe and son Frank, and Stanley Bowcutt, arrived from Rapid City, S. D., to visit with relatives. Mrs. Boothe and daughter have been here for a couple of weeks. They are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bowcutt. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowcutt and daughter Lorella, Mrs. Roland Boothe and two daughters, and Mrs. Irene Johnston and daughters, went to Montpelier, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bigler and son Glade, and Mrs. Louisa Bigler, went to Salt Lake Saturday. They also spent a few hours at Lagoon. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jensen and daughter, and Miss Carol Frye of Brigham, were guests at the 1. J. Udy home Saturday. Salt Lake, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Udy Sunday. Mrs. Alvin Smith and daughter of Plymouth, spent Tuesday with Mrs. T. J. Udy. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Udy and daughter lone, were shopping in Brigham Eva-din- e, Monday. Fielding Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Justensen'of Magna, and Mrs. Oscar Olmstead of Salt Lake City, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grover, Mr. and Mrs. Justensen Yeturned to their home Wednesday, Mrs. Olmstead will visit for the next two weeks with relatives and friends. Miss Merle Kimball of Kanosh spent week-en- d with Miss Lucile Gam, they were missionary companions in the Eastern States mission. Mrs. Frank Hawkins of California, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Laub, Mrs. Hawkins was formerly Miss Audrey Laub. Misses Lyla and Virginia Coombs spent last week ni Salt Lake City with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Coombs. Misses Cleo and Mary Spackman are visiting with their aunt, Mrs. Myrtle Criddle at Farmington. Secretary of State M. H. Welling of Salt Lake City, was a Fielding visitor last Sunday at the home of their parents, F. Coombs, they left immediately for Idaho Falls, Idaho, where they will spend a few days with Mr. Fife's parents, returning to spend the remainder of their vacation here, leaving the latter part of the month for their home. The Primary Social was held at the amusement hall Monday afternoon, sixty children were present. Games were' refreshments were played, served. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Garn spent Sunday in Snowville. Theron Farnsworth of Salt was guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farnsworth, Sunday. Miss Iris Coombs entertained at her home Sunday, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burrows of Los Angeles, Calif. Attending the event were Mr. ami Mrs. Gene Hawks and daughter, Miss Iva Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Henrich Jensen and daughter, Delores, Coombs of Salt Lake City, Lorin Noble Vaughn Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. T. F. and Miss Norma Crafts of Logan. Ethel Chadwick and father of Liberty, Mr. and Mrs. John Godfrey and son of Clarkston, all intimate missionary friends of Mr. and Mrs. Burrows. Dinner was served to which forty guests were seated. Miss Coombs labored in California as a missionary. Mrs. Leo Earl returned home Sunday from the L. D. S. hospital at Salt Lake City. Mrs. Earl underwent an operation there the latter part of July. LL Mr. and Mrs. T. Lake-City- , Ger-aldin- e, of U. Freshman Registration Sept. 253 (Special to the Bear River Valley Leader.) Registration of freshman students, at the University of Utah will take place Thursday, September 25, and former students will register Monday, September 21rth, according to. an nouncements in the new general catalogue of the University which i& just off the press and is now ready for distribution. Regular class room instruction for all students will begin Tuesday, September 30th. Friday and .Saturday, September 26th and 27th, will be given over to special instruction periods fc the first year students. Addresses of welcome offiby the administration and student cers, and special lectures and' discussions related to class room and campus life will be given and caases will be organized. All freshman will be required to attend these meetings. All students not completing by Tuesday, September 30th, will be charged ar late registration fee of fifty cents per day. Monday, October 13th, is the last day for enrolling in autumn quarter classes The autumn quarter will end Saturtheir-registratio- n day, December 20th. High school graduates who are en- children's party Tuesday for her son tering the University for the first Paul. time should send: a copy of their high Mrs. Nina Dustin and children came school credits together with a written Tuesday. home Sunday after a three weeks visit Mrs. Grandville Snow visited with application for admission to the Reat Bear Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ecklund in Ogden corder's office by September 1st. A. A. Capener has purchased a The modern home is a building Blanks for this purpose wilt be sent Thursday. Miss Mary Mason is spending her that is put up to enable the family to upon request. Willy's Knight car from the Heitz and Class programs and catalogues may Winzeler Auto Co. vacation in Los Angeles, California, get the auto in out of the weather. she will return the early part of .SepNext to playing a saxaphone we be- be obtained by writing the President's Silvey Bowcutt entertained a numtember. lieve the fellow in London who bored office. ber of her friends Monday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wyland and chil- a hold in a pin has discovered the August 16. 1930. a candy pull. dren and visited in Salt to time. Lucile, Leo, waste best way Mrs. Effie Welling and son Faul, Lake City Thursday. of Brigham, spent several days here Miss is Iva Wilcox i spending the PIANO last week. They returned to Brigham City week in Ogden wtih Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. . TUNING And REPAIRING Lavern Wilcox. rT'LiiiiTT'iin'iiiiiniimnfTTTr Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reese of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker and Miss Lulu Earl is in Salt Lake City Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Larsen, Mr. Rice Lee of Mrs. Mr. and and are and Welton Ward, C. J. Allen and Mrs. Sidney Avis, Misses Sevilla daughter Betty, visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Halverson and Alvis, Arta Larsen, Lillian Alvis, ElTremonton Phone 98.a-- l t children, Sherman, Gay and Marilyn, len Loouritzen and Mr. Lowell Alvis, ' of Rigby, Idaho, were the week-en- d all of Newton, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Christensen and three sons, Herbert, Garn, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl and LeRoy of Ogden, were the Halverson, Mr. and Mrs. Garn and Mr. guests of Mrs. Sina Thorsen and and Mrs. Eben Wilcox were guests of daughters on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Matesen and two Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fife and chil children, and Mrs. Emma Ohman, were dren Maurine, Don and Earl, visited the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burnice Hunsaker and family Sunday evening at their home in Llwood. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnson and children returned home" Sunday evening from Ephraim, Utah, where they have been visiting with Mrs. Johnson's mother, Mrs. Emma, Olsen, also with other relatives and friends. Misses Belva Fife and Lois Bingham They mean too much to of Ogden, are the guests of Miss Har week. nett Sorensen this you. Gothes hold their shape longer. Also all kinds of Fire and Monday, August 18th, a few rela tives and friends called at the home of We have the Experience Let us have an opportunity to Automobile Insurance Mrs. F. L. Nelsen to cheer her up and and Equipment to give you to congratulate her on her 66th show you the economical way of The afternoon was spent in a Apply the Best in Optometric Ser very sociable way, after which re keeping valuable garments fresh freshments were served to Mr. and vice. and immaculate. Mrs. G. W. Hartman, Mrs. Laura Neil, BEDLIVING ROOM, .sen, Mrs. Andrea Rasmussen, Miss TRADE AT HOME FOR SERSecretary and Treasurer Rose Larsen, all of Brigham City; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Romer and children of VICE AND SATISFACTION. ROOM ROOM e Elwood, Miss Gwen Rasmussen of Garland National Farm Loan and to Mrs. Hilda Iversen, Mrs. U. S. Association Anna M. Andersen, Mrs. Sina AnMrs. Anna Mrs. Emma Jensen, dersen, MAURICE PACK, Mgr. GARLAND UTAH Zinek, all of this city. A good time was enjoyed by all present. Tremonton, Utah YOUR YOU Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelsen of Ely, US are the a of Nevada, proud parents When You Think fine baby boy, born August 4th. They were formerly residents of this place. HOME. HARDWARE Congratulations. the son of Mr. Curtis, WILSON and Mrs. Henry C. Johnson, had the Euild to "Everything misfortune to get his left leg broken Anything" between the knee and the foot, when Phone 11. a horse kicked him Monday morning. He is at the Bear River Valley hospital in Termonton, and is resting as COMBINATION good as can be expected. the Friday following children from here had their tonsils removed at the hospital in Tremonton: LaRoy ChrisMoney tensen, Lowell Andersen, Arthur John-se- n and Val Jensen. Misses Ruth and Vernell Petersen spent Friday and Saturday in Ogden with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Budge and children1 of Malad, Idaho, were the on Irrigated Land. 6V2 per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jensen Sunday. No commissions. cent. Mr.. and Mrs. Golden Petersen and babies returned to their home in Snow-villJOHN J. SHUMWAl Utah, Monday, Mrs. Petersen and children, have been staying in Phones: B. R. V. 69.a-Bell, 129 this city with Mrs. Petersen's mother, Mrs. P. M. Iversen for some time. Use Copper Carbonate for Smut Preventative 18 54 Mr. and Mrs. O. Lewis attended the iunerai services held at Provo Sunday over the remains of their grandson, Dean Johnson, who was killed in an automobile accident at Mona. Utah. Wednesday, August 13th, the Third and Fourth Districts of the Relief held a meeting at the home of Bolette Petersen, in honor of her mother Marn Andersen, who is in her MAKE GOOD OR WE DO 92nd year and is home bound. The HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS hostesses were Matilda Rose, Emma Co. (The Largwt Iaplement Retail Dealers in the World.) Stander, Hansina Johnson and Bolette Phone 20 Tremonton, Utah Phone 90 Petersen. Matilda Rose was in charge. Tremonton, Utah Opening song, "Sunshine in the Soul." Prayer, M. P. Jensen. Followed by singing, "Shine On." Otto Jensen, a returned missionary from the Tonga Islands, told of the people of the Tongon, and some of his experiEMONTON G. ences while there. Sarah M. Fridal. By 1930 Cards Christmas Greeting picBiueiib oi me neuei Society of this ward, spoke of the great value of the shown. surpass anything gospei to us au. M. r. Jensen encourall to soeak well Mh of tmb 9t6ric-- v nfh aged you A modernistic designs in veritable Duet, "Proud. Yes! of Our Hwn n the Mountains,' Ty Florence Gardner Or I colors. Christmas cards printed, HftA, MAM1, CQ rainbow ana vicwna jonnson. Bishop Jensen JLgoo related some very interesting faith jnoo engraved or etched and imprinted to your promoting incidents. Singing "Count Your Blessings." Closing prayer. order. Far superior in quality and beauty. vmui Jensen, mere were twenty-is- x present Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Andersen children, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson and children, motored to Gentile "alley, Idaho, where they spent the HRS. GEO. CARTER, FIELD REPRESENTATIVE FOR ww-en- i with relatives. Miss Esther Ohman is staying at FJ?DISTINCTIVE LINE 0F BURGOYNE XMAS tne nome or Mr. and Mrs. Emil AnCARDS AND BUSINESS LETTERHEADS OF ALL dersen at Evans. To make mother and baby happier, to make father and KINDS AND PRICES. CALL AND SEE THEM. Early Monday morning the Mutual SCOTT CO. all of the familys' friend better pleased with life, we girts of this ward left for the girls' homo in Bingham canyon, where they sater to their wants with a multitude of ereryday necessi will stay for several days with their 47 , Tremofttoa, Utah tiei that used to be luxuries. leaders. Miss Aleen Hansen, Miss Car-n- o Zunck and Mrs. Andrea Hansen. ! Bear River ! u jar- Federal Farm Loans Interest Rate Hoffman Pressed Don't Neglect ypur Eyes WE OFFER JAMES BROUGH The latest styles in and DINING Cor-inn- FURNITURE CLEANERS at BARGAIN PRICES. LET HELP REFURNISH THINK ld Let the Majestic Radio CALKINS CLEANER GRADER Unlimited to 'LOAN and TREATER Make Money for You e, 2; -- So-cei- Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company ty Greetings of the Season Fronk Chevrolet . In Modern 1930 Designs Engraved Embossed Printed Our FOLKS far we have ever New and of td usrHvaJ a r CJ H. vmat csmt her. J v,y oSaZ, If f), ORDER TODAY DRUG Bear River Valley Leader Scott |