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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930 PAGE TWO Riverside j j and son, Debendiner Lenora Mrs. Franklin, of Salt Lake, visited at the Earl Hales home Monday and lues- i : i- day. Mrs. Glen Walker and daughter, Betty, are spending the week at Bear Lake. Ike Ward is spending the week at Isabelle Lee and Miss Bernice Barton of Salt Lake, are guests this week of Mrs. Leland Capener. The families of A. A. Capener and H. S. Tingey went to Centerville Saturday to attend the reunion of the Cleveland family at Ogden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tingey also visited at Salt Lake. Mrs. Leland Capener spent the past week in Salt Lake with her mother. Mrs. Lee. Joe Forsberg and Newell Udy had their tonsils removed by Dr. Betenson Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walker entertained at dinner Sunday for Blanche Woods and Gwen Laub of Fielding, Aleen Eilison of Oakley, Idaho, Ross Walker of Ogden, Marvin Steed and Jimmy Millard of Farmington. Howard Capener, Miss. Peg Capener and their mother, Mrs. A. A. Capener were shopping in Logan Tuesday. Mrs. Annie Rice of Pelasant View is visiting at the J. 0. Hadfield home. Norma Tubbs of Salt Lake, spent a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tubbs. the first of the week. Alvin Smith of Plymouth, visited at the T. J. Uudy home Sunday. Mrs. Phoebe Ward and her granddaughters, Mabel and Beth, both of Logan, were here Friday. Henry Mclntire and Miss Ruby Saunders, were guest at the Glen Walker home Sunday. Horace Udy and childhen, Mrs. Udy and Delose Udy, went to Lagoon. Miss Romona Hansen of Salt Lake, Ro-wa- ne National Broadcasting Company crooner, known to radio listeners as "Radio's Sweetheart," is now on the high seas on her way to London where American art of radio crooning among British listeners. She sailed Friday night, July 23th, on the Motorship St. Louis and expects to return early in September. Fielding Bear River City Elders Conduct Program At 7 a. m. Saturday, August 18, 1877, President Brigham Young, John W. Young and Daniel H. Wells of the First Presidency; Elders John Taylor, Franklin D. Richards, Albert Carring-to- n of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles; Elders Lorin Farr, W. C. Staines, Geo. Reynolds and, Geo. F. Gibbs, left Salt Lake City for Brigham for the purpose of attending a special confer- Ok-ma- n I I -- ir TtJ. X 'IJ ence. The e, Tre-monto- n, i MILDRED HUNT evening in connection with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gam of Wagon ourSunday Sacrament meeting the Elders of relawith visited New Mexico, Mound, the ward had charge of the program, tives and friends here last week end. with Bishop Osey Jensen in charge. They were returning to their home "We Are Singing congregation, after an extended motor trip, going as Earnest Watchers." Watchers, norththen and far east as Louisiana Prayer Elder George Bott. west into Washington, returning by Singing "Hear Us Pray." , spent Saturday and Sunday at the J. way of southern Utah. Mr. Garn is A. Capener home. Sacramental Music Margaret T. foreman on a large farm in New Mrs. Emil Van Leuven of Downey, Idaho, and Miss Mary Buxton of Evans, called on relatives at Riverside Tuesday. R. T. Shaw of Brigham, visited at the J. H. Ward home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ward and Senator and Mrs. Tracy Welling attended Mexico. Mrs. J. H. Laub and Mr. and Mrs. Wendel McDermaid of Ogden, spent last week at Rupert, Idaho, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dockstader Mrs. Jesse Earl and Mrs. N. Garn spent Friday evening in Newton, attended the piano recital the Farm Bureau outing at Bear Riv- where they given by Miss Larne Jenkins. er City Monday. H. L. Richards was hostess to Ira Ward went to Salt Lake Friday theMrs.members of the Relief Society and returned home Monday. afternoon. Seventeen memJesse Coffin of Downey, Idaho, has Tuesday The time was spent been visiting with friends here and bers were present. Mrs. Richards was work. in fancy at Garland during the week. Richards. Mrs. Elmer assisted by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ward entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bourne and at dinner Friday for the following children went to Salt Lake City Wedguests: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Squires nesday. and Miss Jean Squires of New York, Mrs. David Wood entertained in Mr. Andrew Eliason, Mrs. W. W. to her daughter, Mrs. Ross compliment of Oakland. California; Maclaughlin Mrs. Geo. Thomas, Mrs. C. W. Hansen Wood, Friday afternoon. Those presand daughter, Hilda, and son, Charles, ent were: Mrs. Maria Gleason and and Miss Lenora, Eliason of Salt Lake Mrs. Dessie Coe of Salt Lake City, and the family of Frank Benson and Mrs. Cloud Allred of Garland, Mrs. Karl Benson of Logan. Following din- John Oyler of East Garland, Mrs. Bill ner they all enjoyed a trip to the Jardine, Mrs. H. L. Richards, Mrs. Leo Farnsworth, Mrs. David G. Wood, Mrs. Uudy Hot Springs. Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Byington of Frank Wood. Miss Irene Farnsworth Preston, and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Van of Fielding, Mrs. Ronald Hales of Leuven of Downey. Idaho, called on Garland. Mrs. Wood was assisted by Riverside, and Mrs. Asel Godfrey of relatives at Riverside Monday. The family of Jesse Davis attended Mrs. David G. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Richards and the Davis family reunion at Garland Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farnsworth visited Sunday. in Salt Lake City Saturday with Mrs. Ieo Earl, who is at the L. D. S. hos pital and was pleased to report her ! Johnson. Remarks Bishop Osey Jensen, who then turned the time to Charley Cheeketts, president of the Elders' quorum. Robert N. Gardner, ward e of how clerk, gave a brief the record of each Elder is kept. There are seventy-nin- e Elders in our ward. duet by LeGrand PeterSaxaphone sen and Floyd Jensen. Talk Elder J. Otto Jensen, who related experiences while on his mission; also spoke in the Tongon lan-- : guage. Remarks Charley Cheeketts. Quartette Bert Gardner, Melvin, Austin and Henry Johnson. Closing Prayer Elder Ursal Whit-ake- rapidly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holt are receiv Miss Emeline Andersen, daughter of ing congratulations over the arrival of Mrs. Inger M. Andersen, and Fred T. a son Monday. Miss Viola Wood returned Tuesday Petersen, both of this city, were married Wednesday, August 6th. in the after visiting a week with Miss Isa Logan temple; President Shepherd bel Bridge of Salt Lake City. Max Laub returned Wednesday after performing the ceremony. Congratulation to the bride and groom. spending the past twelve days in Lo Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Holmgren gan. left early Saturday morning for a trip through Yellowstone National Park Chicago citizens now fear that the and Jackson Hole country. They were next generation may be cross-eyeaccompanied by their two small sons, from looking into the muzzles of Paul and Lynne Stuart, and their daughters, the Misses Audrenne and Many a Tremonton man who nuts Echo Holmgren. his shoulder to the wheel finds that Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelsen and chil- his wife has her foot on the brakes. dren of Franklin, Idaho, is visiting The American soldiers are accused with relatives in this city and also at of introducing potato bugs into France. "If we took potato bugs over Elwood, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Petersen were there," says a World War veteran, "it the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. was a bad trade.' ' Fish-bur- n, all who ple of the Box Elder stake and celebrawish to go, to join them in a tion to Lagoon resort on Tuesday, August 19th. o Central railroad has The its efficient seroffered cheerfully vices for the occasion. The fare has been greatly reduced so that all might take advantage of this excursion. Round trip fare for children between the ages of five and twelve will be fifty cents, and adults ninety cents. These tickets will admit the holdersv into the grounds where they may free dancing to Milt Taggart's popular orchestra. Should anyone go by automobile the charge for entrance into the resort will be fifty cents a car. will leave Brigham A special 7:35 p. m. trains will leave Lagoon at 11 a. m., regular trains at 3:38 anuj at 8:30 and 11 o'clock p. m. A com- plete schedule for trains leaving sts tions between Honeyville and Willard will appear later. Utah-Idah- en-jo- Esi RSodepii 1930 Designs Engraved Embossed Printed Our 1930 Christmas Greeting Cards far surpass anything we have ever shown. New and modernistic designs in a veritable rainbow of colors. Christmas cards printed, engraved or etched and imprinted to your order. Far superior in quality and beauty. h (ORDER TODAY MRS. GEO. CARTER, OUR DISTINCTIVE FIELD REPRESENTATIVE FOR LINE OF RURCOYNE XMAS SAKS5'AND BUSINESS LETTERHEADS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. CALL AND SEE THEM. Bear River Valley Leader Zundle. Mr. and Mrs. Rosel Zundle of Deweyville, were visiting relatives here Sunday. Mr. Alvin Smith was a .Sunday guest of Mr. Thomas Udy at River- - tj-ai- n .side. j i Miss Shirley Mason of Ogden, fm visiting her cousin. Ranee Mason, for , an indefinite period. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Welling of Salt Lake City, were week-enguests d of Mrs L. A. Rose. Mr. Jesse Nish was the visiting Seventy to the Garland ward Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Jesse evening. Mason and Golden Mason motored to More Tremonton gardens would fare Deweyville Sunday to visit Mr. Mason's uncle, Joseph Gardner, but Mr. better if their owners felt as much and Mrs. Gardner were in North Og- like working them in June and July den visiting, so they returned back to Foresters say the oler a tree, the to their daughter's, Mrs less it exudes sap. This does not soem Plymouth Don Rufus Lamb. to be true, however, with a family Mrs. Mary E. Estep and daughter, tree. An old married man might be deMary, Mr. and Mrs. Steed Estep and children, and James Estep, motored to scribed as a man whose pipe goes out Idaho Falls Thursday to visit Mrs. oftener than he does. Esteps' father, Mr. G. Estep, who is seriously ill. PIANO Brother James Brough, Edd King TUNING And REPAIRING and James Miller, were the visiting relatives at the ward meeting here C. J. Allen Sunday evening. Our Relief Society was reorganized here Sunday, the re- Plymouth Phone tiring officers were President Alvira A. Rose, Sarah A. Rudy and Jane S. Hess. The new officers, Jane Udy, Carrie Nish and Maud Hess. Don't Neglect your Eyes days. Federal Farm Loans Interest Rate They mean too much to you. The man who wants to borrow money should always do it from a pessimist. He won't expect to get it We have the Experience and Equipment to give you Also all kinds of Fire and Automobile Insurance the Best in Optometric back. i JAMES BROUGH . Secretary and Treasurer Why Garland National Fi.rm Loan Don't Be Envious Worry Don't get the "shopping blues." You find selecting your own foods a most pleasant occu- - 1 Association GARLAND - - UTAH of the man who is wearing a fine, becoming and perfect fitting suit. You, too, can be ao well dressed or even better. Let Us Make Your New Suit nofirtn in rmr ploan w h it e, sanitary Custom Tailored store where everything is arranged so that you can find want what you without a moment's delay. You will find everything you need for a bountiful, table in our store. to your individual measure, and you'll have a suit that will make others be envious of you. We've more than a hundred of the choicest patterns, colorings and weaves of this season's productions surely ample selection for you to choose from. Oscar Strand TAILOR System Works OUA System works for you when you let the O. P. Skaggs store do System your worrying. Your summer fears about purity and quality of the food you eat are dispelled by our modern methods of buyng and handing foods. Bring in your list of grocery needs and feel "safe," besides saving money on every item purchased. CL R Ser- vice. Apply will Tremonton 98.a-- l Miss Elva Mason and Howard Tay- lor of Ogden, were Wednesday evening guests of Mrs. Don Rufus Lamb. Miss Ruby Burnett returned from Tremonton, where she has been visiting Miss Marjory Zundel for a few Let the CALKINS COMBINATION CLEANER GRADER and TREATER Make Money for You for Smut Use Copper Carbonate J s reeling oS Season Tremonton, were Sunday guests of Mr. Zundle's mother, Mrs. Sarah E. r. 1. d party reached their destination shortly after 10 o'clock. A brass band, a concourse of citizens, and a host of Sunday School children were at the depot to greet them. Elder Lorenzo Snow and authorities of Box Elder county and numerous visitors from surrounding districts were present at the gatherings, which were held in a spacious bowery on the square on forest, between 2nd and 3rd West streets, owing to the fact that there were no public buildings sufficiently large to accommodate the immense gathering of people. The commodious stand was mostly and taste' fully decorated. the held, the visitmeetings During ing authorities spoke, and Box Elder stake was organized on Sunday, Brigham was divided into four wards, its officers were set apart. O. C. Snow was made president of the stake, with Elijah A. Box first counselor and Isaac Smith second counselor. The musical exercises of the conference were furnished by the combined choirs of Brigham and Willard under the leadership of Director R. L. and were a pleasing feature of the conference. President Young and party left Brigham City shortly after 5 o'clock in the evening, arriving home by special train at 7:35. This was the last public appearance of the great pioneer and colonizer, for it was just ten days later that he passed away. In commemoration of the organization of the stake and four wards, which occurred fifty-tre- e years ago, the members of the Brigham Third ward feel to cordially invite the peo out-lin- Bear River City j -- I Mrs. Eberhart Zundel of Tremonton was Wednesday guest of Mrs. Sarah ZundeL Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Davis, Mrs George Gunnell of Salt Lake City called on Mrs. Robert Nish on their way back from the Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Spencer of Garland, and Mrs. James Spencer of Tremonton, were calling on friends and relatives Friday of last week. Mrs. George Jesse Mason and son, Golden, motored to Ogden Saturday to visit Mrs. Mason's son, Mr. John Clifford Mason, tey returned in the evening. Mr. Geo. Jesse Mason was visiting his sister, Mrs. Charity R. Xish, Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eberhart Zundel of CELEBRATION OF FOUNDING OF BOX ELDER STAKE IN 1877 Orsen Jensen Sunday. Last Thursday the Daughters of the Pioneers met at the home of President Elvina Jensen. Solo by Mary A. Hansen, talk on the Constitutional Amendment by Rep. Lucinda Jensen, reading by Hattie Hansen. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Burnice Hunsaker and children of Elwood, Mrs. Emma of this city motored to Preston, Idaho, early Sunday morning to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Nels Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Andersen of Evans, are the proud parents of a fine baby girl, born August 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jensen of Honey-villwere calling on relatives in this city Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harris of Mr. and Mrs. I. Newman and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Andersen and two children of Bothwell, Mrs. Augusta Iversen of this city, are all enjoying an outing to Bear Lake and Soda Springs, Idaho. Roy Lewis left Sunday morning by auto for Leslie, Idaho, to visit rela ttives. Bishop and Mrs. Osey Jensen and childron were shopping in Kngham Oitv Tuesday. Those from this city who attended the Scandinavian Memorial Reunion held in Salt Lake City Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen and daughter, Thelma, Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Andersen, Mrs. Irena Christensen and Ilyrum J. Hansen. son of Mrs. Howard, the Sina Thorsen, is confined to his bed suffering with an attack of pleurisy and liver trouble. MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. Phone 28 Tremonton, Utah Preventative HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS (The Largest Implement Retail Dealers in the World.) Phone90 Tremonton, Utah By H. G. Scott " "WHEN 1 MARRIED YOUvmi ? Q HAP MOVE YOU DIDN'T HAVE A CT BUT ONE 0VER HE'D STOPPED FRIEND IN TTHEWORLpJ ME BEFORE Y RIGHT AGAIN 1 GOT ID TH' w Q fTWRE' r .jS ROVERp jL "A Surety of Purity" MORAL SWEETEN YOUR, FAMILY LIFE WITH A BOX F FINE CANDY FROM G.SCOTT DRUG SKAGGS SIORIS 4 Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company TREMONTON FOLKS t 18-5- Loving consideration, leads many here. The desire to please her the plan to please him brings folks to this family drug store. Things at pleasing prices to patch up a quarrel or an abraision. CQ SCOTT DRUG CO. Phone 47 Tremonton, Utah . |