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Show .V . BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930. PAGE EIGHT by a change of climate. and daughter Martha j Mrs. Anger j motored to Brigham, Tuesday. 4--- i Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Howlett and A Nev.. M. SnarVa. nf Mrs Smith Mrs. Hyrum Tibbetts, Mrs. L K. family left Sunday for California, with Mr. and Mrs. where they will make their home. spent the week-en- d Hillman, Thomas Waldron, of Logan Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ballard of Hansel and Ben Young of Kemmerer, WyoO. P. Bates. Mrs. Smith is a sister of Mrs. Bates. valley were shopping in Tremonton, ming, were guests of the George Abbott family, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Bates attended a Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huessar and Mr. and Mrs. J.'O. Garfield had as party at the home of Mr .and Mrs. H. Mrs. Orval Nish and baby, of Dewey-vi- ll dinner J. Hansen, at Mai ad. quests last Sunday, Mr. and Reed Mrs. Giles, were visiting Mrs. Mart Hansen of Brieham City, Mrs. W. A. Kerr, Clifton Kerr, Mrs. K. Donna Brough and Mrs. G. stent Monday in Tremonton. Her Tuesday. lone Conger and Mabel Beck are ChasBrough, Garfield. mother, Mrs. L. C Christensen returned home with her for a week's visit new operators at the Telephone office. Rae Abbott and brother J. S., acMr. and Mrs. Daniel Bradshaw, who their father, George Abbott Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bjorn and childcompanied been living in Locomotive ren visited Camp Kiesel, Sundays have to Monte Cristo, on Tuesday, where Treto returned Wyoming, Springs, Their son, Eugene returned home wish monton last week and are living in they will remain for ten days. them. The families of O. L. Brough, J: 0. their house on 2nd East Street Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wadsworth D. A. Walton and children are visit- Garfield, Charles Garfield and O. A. Seager attended the Sunday school spent Sunday in Hooper, visiting rel ing in Tremonton, a few days. atives. Miss Phyllis Bates, entertained the party at the Udy Hot Spmigs, TuesMrs. T. A. Franke and son Fred and club at her home, Fridav, June 27. day evening. Miss Florence Stewart, of Snohomish, The girls learned many things about Wesley Beck of Rupert, Idaho, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Washington, spent Thursday and Fri- making muffins. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Grover, of Brough last Sunday. day, in Tremonton, visiting with Mr. Mrs. L. E. Abbott had as guests the and Mrs. N. E. Shaw. East Garland, are rejoicing over the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MoClure and arrival of a fine baby girl, last Friday. latter Dart of the week, her two aunts, Mother and babe are doing well at Mrs. B. Steed of Farmington and Mrs. daughter Betty, and Mrs. Jean Linn Jones of Logan. of Salt Lake, were guests of Mr. the Valley hospital. Mrs. R. G. Brough was hostess at a and Mrs. B. F. Winzeler, Saturday and McFarland. daughter of Leona Robert McFarland, of Riverside had dinner party Mondav, the guests inSunday. Ella Stokes visited in Howell sever-day- s her tonsils and adenoids removed cluded Mrs. Arthur Kroksh and children of West Hollywood. California. last week. Monday at the Valley hospital. Mrs. Sarah Hadley, who has been Jack Welling, son of Mr .and Mrs. Mrs. Amos Hansen of Elwood and visiting in the East since last Septem- Carl Welling underwent a tonsil oper- Mrs. George Brough. Mrs. Clarence Brough and baby of ber returned Fridav evening and is the ation at the Valley hospital, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Stohl of Ogden, Ogden. visited this week with R. G. guest of Mrs. N. E. Shaw. A host of friends are glad to see her and hope are delighted over the arrived of a Brough and family. Mrs. Julia McMurtrie of Garland she will make Tremonton her home. baby girl. Tuesday. Mrs. Stohl and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baer and Mr. babe are doing fine at the home of Mr. was a guest of Mrs. George Beal, last and Mrs. Tom Gatherem of Salt Lake, and Mrs. Cleone Hunsaker. of Dewey-vill- Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Starlin Stanfill, Mr. and Joseph Horn and Frank Heppler of parpnts of Mrs. Stohl. Mrs. Perry Stanfill, of Penrose, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Anderson are Salt Lake City were callers at the Ettie Stanfil of Tremonton were din- elated over the arrival of a baby girl Geo. Beal home on Tuesday. C. Tallman and family of South ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ix)ndie at their home in Bear River City. Paul Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tremonton spent Tuesday evening Harris, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Bosley and D. W. Jenkins, had his tonsils and ade- visiting, with Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ault. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Beal. who are family, Bernice Rogers and Margaret noids removed Wednesday at the Jenkins visited Ogden canyon and Valley hospital. attending summer school at Logan at Mrs. Telca Robinson and son. who the U. S. A. C. visited George Beal Camp Kiesel last Sunday. L. C. Christensen of Tremonton, and have been visiting at Dr. E. H. White's and family, Sunday. Anton Christensen, of Bear River for several weeks left Sunday for City, left Monday morning prepared their home in Provo. to do some real fishing at Arco, Idaho. Dr. Stanford Fenmmore arrived .1. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hoggan, of Bur-le- Sunday to assist Dr. White at the Elwood Idaho, called on Mr. and Mrs. L. Valley hospital. i. C. Christensen, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Nelson, now Mr. and Mrs. Marion Clark and Mr. of Idaho Falls enroute to Snowville, Lewis Hunsaker, and sons Lloyd and Mrs. Demont Dockstader were stopped in Tremonton and visited with and Reginald accompanied his son Dr. luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Steffen, Sunday. Faunt . of Los Angeles. Hunsaker, Miss Mae Taylor of Burlev, Idaho, nd his bride, Miss Mamie Getz, Thursday evening. Adams, of with her parents. Thatcher, through the Salt Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Carrie ppent the week-en- d Lajve Drew entertained her card club. A Melvin luesdav, Pidriekson, "car temple, last Wednesday. June 25th. old son of Mr. and Mm Harvey Pidvery pleasant time was spent visiting Dr. Fiunt L. Hunsaker is very and playing bridge, after which a de- riekson of Thatcher, fell out of the pooular in Los Angeles being Sunday licious cold luncheon was served by door on a cement block and received school superintendent of one of the L. the hostess. pn ugly cut and bruise on the top of D. schools and is very successElaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the head. He was brought to the ful Sunday in his medical profession. His wife Mflvin ChristTispn. of Thatcher, was Valley hor.pital for medical attention. is also verv well knnwn. hpino- n t?ken home Friday aftr five weeks Ruth, the small daughter of Mr. and teacher in school and the illness at the home of her grand- Mrs. C. B. Gunncll. of Howell, has Presidert 4' the Y. district L. M. I. A. at from effects of Thatcher. They have a host of friends parents. Mr, and Mrs. L. C. Christen- been suffering sen, Elaine is very much improved. swallowing a button. She was brought who wish them joy and haDoiness. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jansen and to the Valley hospital, Wednesday for Those from here who attended the in hones of determining the weddmnr family motored to Rrigham. Saturday. an reception givn in their honor Mr. and Mrs. Marion Clark, who location of the button. last Friday at the Thatcher meeting have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. house wnre: Mr. and Mrs Tnn TTnn- Kind Old Gentleman inquiring his saker. Berchtold. the rast two weeks, left wav "Little girl, I want to go to the ana Raymond, Llovd, Reginadl, Una Monday, for their home in Nevada. Hunsaker, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods of El- - Methodist parsonage." Parley W. Christensen, Tr. and Mrs. Little Girl "What's a hinderm' of J. wood, are leaving this week for P. Christensen, Miss Vera Hansen V. California. Mr, Woods has been ye?" and K)rvi! Hunsaker. suffering from Asthma and hopes to Last Wednesdav. Wm. Goldsberrv come up. from Salt Lake Citv, to visit with his wife and son. Whilp here ho D accented a position at a service station at iTemonton. as the work m the Mines which he had been doing did not agree with him. Mrs. Goldsberry accompanied him back, while little Billy, stived with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Goldsberry are moving to Tremonton, this week. Miss Ada Bickmore of Paradise, and Miss La Vera Christensen. spent the week-en- d at the Hyrum Christensen, home. They are both attending summer school at the U. S. A. C. at Logan. Mr .and Mrs. James F. Monsen and four sons, of Salt Lake City, are soending their vacation, visiting with Mrs. Monsen's mother, Mrs. Iva Hunsaker. The Misses Helen and Loraine Wright, of Ogden, are spending their vacation with Mrs. Kim Mann. They will assist in the cherry picking. , Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hunsaker are rejoicing ovpr the arrival of a baby girl, born Friday, June 27. All concerned are doing fine. Mrs.Iva Hunsaker went to Garland, Saturdav to visit her daughter, Mrs. mrn Ida Hartman, who has a baby boy. Those who visited the Logan temple last Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Parley W. Christensen, Mr .and Mrs. Andrew Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rasmus-se110 Mrs. Amalie L. Petersen, Mrs. Msrtine J. Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Romer and children and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Romer, all went to Camp Kiesel last Sunday to visit the boy scouts. The Bov Scouts returned Sunday evening after a week stav at Camp Kiesel in Oeden canyon, all tired but happy for the experience. Three of the boys brought home Merit badges. They were Jem Hunsaker, Harold Hansen, O. Merlin Romer. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mortensen and children went to Brigham City last Saturday. The Beehive girls went on a trip to Mt Timponacras, Monday morning, about 4:30. They were accompanied by the Y. L. M. I. A. President and her councelor. Vera Hansen and Veda and other invited guests total. Irtg about twenty. They returned on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Andersen and children, Arvil Hunsaker, and Mrs.,V. L. Hansen and daughters, Vera and Lois, went to Lorin Farr park at Ogden, last week, where they attended th Hansen, reunion. Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker and daughter, Gladys have come home from Salt Lake City. Mrs. Hunsaker is much improved. Miss Gladys Hunsaker having recently returned from her mission in the Central states. The Sunday evening meeting was good having as speakers, the vry Elders Richards. Ashbv, and Woods, of Fieldincr, and Dr. Faunt L. of Los Angeles. The program "EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING" " wni greatlv en joyed. Flovd son Christensen. of Hyrum PHONE 11 TREMONTON, UTAH Christensen, will leave home an JuW 7th for Salt Lak Citv where he will snend a counle of weeks at the training school, before leaving for the be benefited East Tremonton Tremonton Locals 4-- H Hila-me- n. e, y, i -- , I-- - te X-r- Mar-rer- EVENTUALLY! WHY NOT NOW? ' p I ill . Pasteurized Milk & Cream Southern states, where he wilt fill a mission for the L, D. S. church. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Furse- and baby, of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. A. A.: Seager, visited at the J. W.. Green home last Sunday. It is reported that A. A. Furse of Ogden, formerly of Tremonton, is very ill at his home. Amos P. Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Green, went to Thatcher Sunday where they were speakers at the afternoon meeting. Mr. and Mrs. June Thompsen went to Brigham City last week to visit, Mrs. Thompsen's nephew, Tom Andersen, of Corinne, who is at the Cooley hospital, where he was operated onr for for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jones, of Kansas City. Mo., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woods, Mrs. Jones is a sister of Mr. Woods. Clare Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Mann, was operated on for appendicitis, at the Garland hospital last Monday. He is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woods accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. S". Jones, of Kansas City were visiting- - at Ogden, Wednesday. June Thompson and son Aldon, went to Strevell, Tuesday where they are dancing paviHTon. building an open-ai- r - East Garland I I Extrao3)Fininiaiii?y New Low Prices Scone High Quality Inc. PHONE n. And prevent the spread of disease, by the simple and quick method of spraying. Buy a quality product for less Ras-musse- n, Shell Fly Spray ... $2.90 Per Gallon Wilson Lumber Co. Haun-sake- r. - In every department, on preat quantities of merchandise, we have either lowered prices raised quality, or both, to. levels in many cases unheard of since the war. Readjustment We have dene this now to pass on to you immediately the savings we have been able to make on our purchases. a' Fa-ice- s Raw material prices are lower manufacturers prices are lower our prices are lower NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. -- f Miss Mavis Hansen, entertained her friends Reta Oyler, Dorothy Larson and Hilda Miller, at a slumber party Minds y night. Tuesday morning they cooked a campfire breakfast on the banks of the Bear River. Thursday morning, Scoutmaster Sylvan Korth took several of the Scouts to Camp Kiesel; who were unable to go on Monday. He was accompanied by his sisters, Mrs. Edwin Isaacson and the Misses Bessie and Mabel Korth, who returned home in evening. Mrs. J. W. Larson and son Lewis returned home Thursday afternoon from Salt Lake City, where they had spent most of the week, visiting relatives and friends. They were accompanied by Miss Phoebe Simmons, who is the guest of Miss Rhoda Lar- son. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deem and three children, of Briirham, were Sunday guests of Mr. end Mrs. Edwin Isaacson. Odoll Julandr, who is at present working on a. forest reserve in Idaho, at the spent several Ary-- vision? home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hansen. His wife is visiting with her parents, while Mr. Jularder is on the reserve. The homes of Bishop L. M. Holman, W. A. Adams, and Owen Cheney have been erreatly in proved by new coats of paint. Miss Louise Atkinson is spending the week in Layton, with friends. Thirteen scouts and the two scoutmasters, who spent the week at Camp Kiesel returned home Sunday afternoon. All the boys are enthusiastic Down more up go sales go prices more consumed more goods gooJi bought for manufactured more jobs everybody goocb more money in circulation more money in your pocket more prosperity mere happiness Jump Aboard the Bandwagon Buy Now! Summer Dresses of many types $9.90 No matter what your summer week-en- find every type "f dress you need in this inciu.ive group . . . and you will discover, too, how inexpensive a complete, new over the pleasant time had and are hoping to go again next year. Miss LoTs Shuman, of Penrose, 'is the guest of her sister. Mrs. James Miller. Mrs. Miller and children were visiting relatives in Penrose, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson, of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Lloyd of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lloyd, of Midvale, were Saturday and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hansen. Mrs. Alvah Rhodes and Mrs. Naomi Oyler, went to Brigham, Thursday, for cherries and to do some shopping. Delbert Atkinson, son Grant, and daughter Hazel, visited at the J. L. Atkinson home, Monday. Miss Beth Atkinson was home from the U. S. A. C. over ,the vou will plans, wardrobe can bel There are sports dresses delicate pastels and white, sleeveless or with tiny cap sleeves . . . soft afternoon dresses of silk crepe, plain or printed . . . fluttery chiffons and georgettes that w31 be exquisitely dainty and cool for summer afternoons and ever.ings . . . and dresses in practical plain shades and dark background prints for the street and for traveling. The styles are new . . . the materials of excellent quality . . . and the price takes smartness out of the luxary & d. DAILY MORNING DELIVERIES Pm Twin City Home Dairy VaMe2 4 class. George L. Browning, president of the Seaboard National Bank of Los Angeles, says: "A father can do more damnifying thing to his son than to leave him a fortune to handle without having that fortune. taught him how to handle It is like handing a loaded weapon to a child who" knows nothing about handling such weapons. "A daughter at five receives her first music lesson. Continuously she is taught 'and continuously she practices her music until she reaches her maturity. Because of the foresight, her patience, interest and energy ofmusian is she accomplished parents cian. "The son at five is given his first lesson in business. Continuously he is taught and continuously he practices At maturity he business dealings. can play the game of business as easily as the daughter can play the Pumps Are Being Worn . . with suits, with gay printed frocks in fact; with 'most everything this spring! They are always smart You may choose either gleaming patent leather or black kid. . $4.98 A. piano. "How foolish are the parents who expect the son to be a successful business man after having neglected to teach him economic principles and business practices in the eaarly formative period of his life! "Into the child's mind and soul there must be built a solid foundation on which rests the business principles. The child must have formed a habit of close analysis, definite objective. creative thinking, unyielding determination and honesty of purpose. The schools alone cannot give this. The home the parents must bring this about by directing the child's activi ties and thereby the child's habit of Cool Rayon Underthings 98c to $1.98 Especially popular are the combinaso cool, so comfort tion garments able, aD in one piece and so easily lauuidered. Select your summer needs ... now. thought ' "A father should make a pal of his son, and as soon as the boy can count, responsibility of paying the bills, of placing values on purchases, of determining possibilities of savings should be placed on the child. The child should be made to clearly understand that money within itself has no value, but is merely an implement to use in the garden of life, and, it is either good or bad as it is made so by its use." " DBFAnTtJENT . OTORB EAST MAIN STREET, TREMONTON UTAH |