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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930. 3;? MJ' d,T de XIII as it now exists is so narrow, by reason of what is called the uniform rate principle, that it must be broadened by "amendment before a new It may be system can be set up. generally conceded tiiat Article XIII should be liberalized that the uniform rate restriction should he repealed; but there are some who believe that we should po further that there should appear in the constitution no limitations whatever upon the taking power of the legislature. 'Those who advocate the repeal of ali limitation:-- , proct-eupon the hypothecs that all leeislatures are wise,e :K'rai fully informed and impart-ti;---swho aiivocate strict 1:.,: W! ti aaiitath.ns. upon the fr.lacy t;;at iei:l. teres are likely to be unin-- f. a lea, prtclp:tate in action and sel-- f: h. Th- - f;ict is, that lejrislaturos are of a fair cross ilhily to h? it is a body big ,v oi the p ea to resist precipitate action and It is a body i': ,i' :aaal si ' .:.!! a aa'aa-- i to ir.ove- without undue day, and," v.! ilo perhaps at the out-- : 't, unimji !".: a.t. it pn.- - ed.s v. ,So lonp ns to iriform f. v.- -i io. al.h- t- : ubmit our find 'it e ti""i ''.'" n:ca.iiy to as, our ii.:. seems ,o e d I'), Va'e ,Uf !Pt!e fa"th, if we a .1, the 10 liter ,.f our taxes turo. It is like stralmn'' the lea--l . swallow insr .amels. ot rr cxpod- "H living a oand loa-- t aa as tne evu to i,e conoci-ed- . as ier.cy, "; seeifs to me ta"t a middle "DOCTOR cf TOWNS" SAYS ANYTHING 'RUNDOWN" IS UNATTRACTIVE You haw rf;n h ard people speak of a community or section cf the city as b".v.'. "ivis d'.wn." If you stop and look at the mental -in your mind, you will have a vision picture that run down" cr.-at-:- of unkempt, cluttered ip streets, with mussy buiMifiirs un.i api.rtr.iert rouses, f. : . . h a .. - rundown u!ttrai is i.- tiv. it rep-drather thar have t;.a " rat!"-than. "i wouki; t you to haw s cast.i:e of thos. yott to t: Pay, "'I wouldn't live here on a bit,'" rat'--r-tin-'! like this part of ton n." h Am.thimr dmie or allowed to he done that t .'- ha u; t'-oiKiinuriiv !;. conmunity, and v. heu it is allowed to tro on cm.'.iruiou-lv- . cu ai one in-- .' tr.:.' can nappen: t 's ; go-- - "floe. man hv ms ( vjiie move out at'.'i Therefore, it - .i.iy sjood business on the. pait of the p ople who make u; a or't'.' to gee to it that ai:y practice that tends to cluii-- r at- - '. ;! is ').-.the to cmvv.untv, w ich Is hud, i,iv o rUi n rr... j :;,! t fro"! t!....f- to l...,r, fr ,m t..;ard, f f handCia- To ;.:,; dod-..-.r, of all shapes and sizes an T:- are many ( hies, comuull' and towns thr-.- vol r.-- allow i. at a:'; takers rename a license f. e .t. 'kiej.t t ) iV.uk" it i:V pi aft lea , towr.s. and o are wi-'! n e may f"i" the-- e in these ('..v'f'-i? n.i a ha ? t! arm vilue t h a m;i."k. a profit, hat it is us,and ca.;amiy these w' j ; ha for the eoimmmiiv, and ua! - th temm-.mitfived finan- a. a! -' a t :.: ; :a . cial::.' th it it can maiat-tipap'-tiv y make, it is poor business, and no:ah( r to clean up the nv-'" w ioiv '.. spent in oth. ; as f :r as adverti: b . :s ec:wr. choa.a-lwill undoabt. ilv h:h r " at r .ao.V. fur would .'Tl. I'iiwr:" l t i eau--- s : ! t:re bi..-ii:e-- s - -- t-- - 1 - o t p.eherta-- la v.h.h Copyrieht, 1929, A. T Sto:..-- Rapre.iucti'-.r River 'v ey !eacif-!- in This editorial is pabh by t!" ation with the Tren:r,i.tei I. ions Club. p-- 'a-,- 'iiu'- ; v aa ' r- con-aaoti- sboiihl so if SEN. HOLTHRRtS AIM 1 f 11 (W Xfl : - il&limm- I llA ,Mns cl-c- Change In Constitution i o Meet hes-essnvn.t'roii'- ovno-sihl- scr-ins- ' ", In-- , ; cer-sen- y tat ora-e,- " t!-- : 1 to ue i el nar net u e 4, b v 111 'diffe'r- - ti a-- en band maintained its chief na or !v, hy comih:ha,ry co"i iiniti'o.-Th. ;o list a. :et a a taime for tae a fi.id."meiit:div ri: "at nea' ! 01 a, ef f Ids !n't have t be i exi-i- .? c Iv thai lime, tin wealth h;.o the fv f an"'ih,e a as d iio-- ; 0-- ,1,;")!: pjj. it po-v- is. (,,. np oVdf ta I,i;,r f T' :c to Oar x that - Ptecipm most an .V. t h- . a. 7ov rne. v a het'ii a. a aacat an ; la- - if - its i ' t- !': 'a i' ;: a.!- - d- - hv us o i th- i i !. i - had - dr.- p !St V,'h. 'n tlm -- i n-t'- -r ''Pin-- . !':-- ' Tkv sio ... 1 .., i ' ' ort - lav- - proa--o- I I a, A 1 Q l! U 1 , r.l. - E5 I !. STOCKAID is put up in and steel drums. This is in ideal animal new, clean con-p- . shipped always spray .f y ttiir.ers. STOCKAID may also be obtained in con and tainers tins. lae aaie'io' em f,M i. ('i of - ' ,.1,. ' ni i a ,r , in- ie ics a. aj ' in assessment-- , and a SO-g- 50-gia- al. s. Wagon & measure of co' units throucho-.ithe I over local tain;r state "Tho third proposed amendment relates to the for the taxation of mines. Und r the presort constitution.t ones are asses-scp;ava-.vn- , ! m "4 1 IV t ata-t-ar- i V- ..((---- tl ' o! b- - the imafp mane; a! is put into M o. HARD WAKE AND IMPLEMENTS (The Eargest Implement Retail Dealers in the World.) Vhaub TriMiicntOH, Utah t0 tt or may ;: i' tan to tlie rah os and t tie. state. Tt V s th efore .h.eve.-re for this con tin- advisable to j r-- m-aa- W r l4 V.V 1 aff32I2?fa:SSS3WJ W A"-- 7 . l" i i h 1 WUi V "1 h V.S, ..V OTW' V...- h' ''ft ' ' , ' ...a, a., Si v I H rutti"" ill I j ' ' la- a' " V a- f , a d bv ill tia,: taxe. as and at irtolV." laara', on a U will a-i- a-l smiar-- chia.-e- 0f efr,-- he 71 ;i- - V I ,V.-'t, X .... v' ysv"TIIE o." it y. ai of J ,tion stand- - jl PLACE IX TOWN ' ah-ea- CD COOLEST jo velopment. Fr.e i ;l la in the same paint ve ron, roc f'tmi'len as the noma.ds. It was then a vple tvtter to revise and ano'y a system that would, and in fact did. oper-dfairly and comta'-'-That system which oner-- d ;.o evil Jmn is the same svsteni that operates so ponrlv now. That system is ex- pressed in Article XII! of the tution in about this lamru.nre: "Tor the purpose of tnxation ill I , X V; V f T i Pc) t:. boys stai:ii:;g V u r motor j jj t is e nt.' jj Mh i FAf'T TICK P I (i)iilln:i( ian FOR THOSE GOOD DRINKS 1? CLEAN of iijlrh inrr nnrl lopr clvra PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS PHONE 47 Tremonton Utah rf t h Ik rlrim -- ?i him frmt.Kitut-trrlro- nrrelc-r- Ion. a m and greatly fast pick-ureduced carbon content. Steer in at any station that has a PEP pump, and the attendant will give MORE p, qi'Jck-ctartin- g, POWER TO YOU! "7 AND DKY (i.G. Scott Drug Co. f cf bns'.er driving. More crjoyabie mo'Oik. And nil bccaucc the makers cf FHP 88 put lots cf power elements into this gasoline, alortg with )f rgeensi ve ctiek- - R VC'r car ever Less shifting :4 to til' H t t pI rst r Use f (m(. r. in iti f , j this sturdy PEP 88 rector fuel. It has the reserve strength that Ql'If'K - is li'i'tl dort discoura f -- arc the oiher So i full ca'h value and taxed at a uniform rate.' In the bopdnnlncr the wealth of her citizens was almost wholly of one kind, it was made up of livestock, personal propertv, and land. They ar- - inThat kind or trinsically valuable. class of property is called tanirihle property because it can he seen, measured, handled and counted. Thus it may he roughly distinguished from the other ereat class or kind of property cajled intangible propertv which, by comparison with tangible property, has no physical existence whatever. It consists of stocks, bonds, notes and credits, which in ami of themselves are merely "scraps of paper" Thoy have alue only as they represent and evidence ownership of something tangible that exists elsewhere, separate and apart from the paper. "In recent years there has been a rapid transition from wealth in tangible form, to wealth in intangible or imlMFqim cmoifrier .h, di M ! t n l d; t,.;l t i ,' I I - Ttn' lia a lestrv rf i"' " li Tlif, of taxation. ( avm- r ' o .ai, V ',(r .. ,.;,,;. H TV"' I'.'C h. II ,T T'a d'! ah H - , The Scientific Destroyer of Flies and Mosquitoes on your cattle Docs the Work Easily and Effectively Never Fails. A Herd of 100 Cattle Can Be Sprayed in Less Than Thirty Minutes Hand Sprayers Are Practical For A Herd e a .... ui ixu ui 10 xi ' - . i . o ' f; a till" , . - x doo-i- I illj h y ' t D TOCM p a cauo tancr'hh nropertv to i t'e-i-- he miren'; hv ( ; i a h- h-- l "TV-- olish Irfi. rh- t!-- laf 'th crph! - XHf of pr, nerlv into two - ho a'-- 'l i ' ! 'aiais. - dTf low.- fan -- ! J a- (dir. e'a :at:'-t- !'-- - an - l - w, To --. t.. India f aaree (va.,r. '.art of "" th- .'' 'h Cat " . T'i- - M ., v denir r o-- rh divt-reen- mens and f,.,v 4iin in a,, a, a ; of ue int'..ii('ii)!es in various and cont- nil ated fovii he "Tt found that it v: f and taa v to a nr' in tlmthese wa- - es and inta: i: and same way ?: pnfib'e that it would he unf,n in . t md conCiacato'-lo ; the ;,..,.-"Thm- ;c" Phone 20 t 'ahe ,.f th !v, r-'- ,v h-- conceutinns tf coiaaty widly tho a 'pdnuf of 'tn.e cash value", sotT!0 ass. c( jn.pertv within ries en th- - ha -- is of .,'!-- . th.Jr va' ; t 70',;. ant! corae as low as 0.'-- . "Tho in reso!tinv fror.i this . ' oo :t f H in the applieat Ion P;"-"' h:v f. r Teiiera! s' ate pur-- 1 o' a bah. - th .uae "- U! count-:t v. ,!I U,a a, that in ct hhVj whi-tla- h.'s-s.-t.rvo'e ,:n h;ls nf 70 0f irVl,-- . value, t'1? resdt:nr tax will he marly twice as r:a.t per d.!la- - cf actual taxable as iii thos-- counties where the e-rm n ba as of 10';' . aiaat ?. ,r, i t- , .a,.,-...- f ;., hi va :,..e. io.a-- t':e-'- m ti a, at cf . para: rce v. - t'-a- d- -- o v r i !t- in- s r!;' ;P (' t'-- e m od. is of "h p' p, taxed m Fronk CheTolet Co. Tremunton. Utah - cei-fia- n,at-;vr- tV that wmtt'l 1 leo-i-la- f st-i- ta esc: fin- -- som.-t- ; Purine- i 3.c- b(T" dnvo.f vd'ane- hv vaav (if the ma t twentv vears. i.t-- s,m-:- it of. a vi..o so 'oatr- - an:l practice, a - : t "' ' ' , userui it win is :ad am! it f .. .,.1 u. u:,u, ...1 : ua-ii- a- .'ordei! so as to constitution i a i,ev Permit tms cmsso be ,tax 1:uvs ft whch a proper Tor ion of the tax burden can be shifted from the shouh'ersof t nc owners of tan&iole thai proptyofto the shoulders of Thus, intanfible nropertv. ownel'i"' onro mnro' thre can be established a rierht rt,ation ''ionH'!s of government and ahilitv to pay.' ,The sp(,cinl SPS;0n ef the ttire was called for t'.i- o.prcs.- end sinrrle purpose. ircvensinw "It found that i amounts our citizens have been invest-irhit their savings in of foreign in bonds, .and vtr.-corporations, etc. It was alo found perh.ans 50 of th'- income of the of this state cemina: f rom citizens ' salaries and w: 1. The wafe earners benefits of fovem- are receivin; Wont. Thev have the abilHv to nav for it, yet they are cscaplne: their .,0-a,.nf nf .!, vnm,,nl !1 tn, In,,w'tC! " uv l!H'in devahin-vrnof modern business, in nWreroil from m.mmr'e- eom is ' ' with 'an MAKE GOOD OR WE DO ; - ud' irsi-.nc- r lt u-0- w y pro-ilca- th Conditions stirr-!;va- l Ah.'f a ii"W tax with. If etirct, this- majhod the; in !a,,n,Is;3nfl aPl-- : 5n,pi,.m,nt, this to rale uoiiom them. Time will Nevir p ,! tailed nccotmt of tlv i."t manifold reasons makinir that cor,e s e Ur I J. ilekia r, made a and uniust, but. it must ho Lo the audience attending i ,,rw,-n- t tn o,,,r ChauThov.-a'.a.ta'nccs th.cse night's home talent of are hard taiauai. c: ohmatory of the proposed to fjnfjt aht( r.niry" thev 0,;;V th,' outer'VheHof a phvicpV aaaaiaaunts to the stat- - constitution, Ca of vexisioa tax to p r:ait laws, pr(1pt,rtv tfent is alreadv on the'volk ... i:t oi.l.a-t, . ,t ,a more e(iu,tai le system ffc d ' tie' typo of ! statutes. aaaa La ia.eit-- d in Sl.'c weatlh (in(anu,i!)!e) tt) taxation hu:h he a ,jaid compliment: and reestablish (he balance becidontally, to the W. C. T. U. for their enterprise tween 'benefits of government' in carrying to a successful completion, and 'ability to pay,' is the object such a heavy task, as the presentation and purpose of the proposed of a home talent Chautauqua. He also amendments. Your the complimented them on their judjrmatt oa'"se"t of the per. pie nf this state in sah,ctio;i of the lianiisooie buiKUng indicated by your vote, is reces-f-;in which it was held and the public hefr.re any law can he made. spirit 01 vV. church authorities, which 'ft has hro:i with r.n ever increasing: ma le this possiljh successive legislatures, Senator Holther, then took up the insistmce burden of his address, which is civon'1'"' too past twentv years, have beer to devise a nev plan of taxation hero in part: would a'l70 fhf tr-hlirlT1 that n:. time a Las been when nere been n has that uf' v taxes haver i be n thorns in the sides f 10 shoulders of th" owners of ta-- neno'a of essential are a,h, pmpertv, ami irom which t'm as (rovrnmtt at and as is oftn said have al- imrs of in! nroi"tv 'as sure as (iaath'. v.v. n,,,. iii vtif.av f ,o., b,,. ' Uj Advocates . pa-so- - v.-- I rifc-b- i - th.-T.- iLl OUK al. ! na-ae- V UI?VYk'IS V k is th- t - - ret entirely conclusion intanihlo form, reached by the T;slata;e. The pro form, to wealth amts by them Imaginative "and- - have created manv po.-at of bil :n lomi.tr ' an cor- of wealth artificial of have tl some' havim-i :a!liieatiV to permit C'ass- lo nhesica! , ra.teace at stitatle ificr-tall. Tia- presort form of oar ,f property, at the same time i it : not I'th rea. or.ahle limitations condi- - nrovab .vi iaade to fa-.,P:ntlr.n. on the mammae rat the foarsof 'There aro van- practical "Theohjrct of th-- P;ooos' d amend- ks, why we cannot pat is to reirarao tne com ui a .ion ments it,,,;-.- , a .,!.. ,,,,,) n.,.: of that the t win e iik"cn tr-.- s 7- vr o: ccoi oraic aa-.e- '1, v.av tiait m bv r'.-.o; i.i "". -- nd aK.tioia-i, - : A at th" Ui v: !, Lilli of-f- a -- at h eo-oj- taken. That the e d or its hoa'a he trhn-ie as, aral soa-leeway h e t s . . I a-i- 'i ! al . - v.-- e r- .1 a-- - - i tu,Sn .,rPls, it.-el- ic I Ho market closing about 75c lower than last week. Choice carload butch-tote loteA up to $9.50. Bulk sales truck-in$9.00 to $9.25. Packing sows : to $S.0O. i w-- hole-hearted- ly i.- Weekly Hog Market ! i i . Z KSir, s. : . to bo taxed in one of two ways, either gency by amending section 4 of article XIH inff to the method of asss- mmes. This amendment author-- , nraredbyMncoe. . the izes legislature, after 1935, to pro- " 5 ' vWe such other and different J method . on nV les,cn if cfult in ; of mines as would re- - t l tffh S f h tax upon tanK1bk, to that extenV We'these amend-three ; if iy Pass. ,l e --ah .r ,, ss,on w ill be enabled ,ne?t ments, classification, tax commission. anJ mSaes assessmentt are calculated en act laws ch .n operation w,!l pro- t0( and wiU UbraUse irticle XIII of . -. .C I.L so that the leeisla- "ur "oni uus Mimau'a ovweaun, tbe constitution ture' if ''t wi:i- - can effect those m.ll en i Vt""ue annum. total per ; Thf iu our tVstem that annaal tax bid n twenty md hon to cMgi,6 hav? btPn ne,.d,ld forsso As Ja the imir.e.Jiate result, assunnncr the :... i ...,...., budtn-- t the same or nearly so, t:!( regains am, as al t;t lzen I will be a nu.tne, of roupbly 10', m sha!1 pro;Kal;4 for theM yole n't- lav juieea uoine iy ianiriuie pro''It is your t to either favor or perty, T- l- spec-aseson found tnrd on may be, it is your duty to ex-- ; acciunt of the lack of central super-- : djoU " prv!iS n vision of county assessors and cam-r mi tm "i KZZZSSZZmzmzZZSZXSZSlZZZZ:' th"r pr'-.-ee- 01 . Anything that un-i- t to store s rr.try-wuy- PAGE THREE tiiaf-rnrhiin a oralitnry Rrmti Mn. It In hlih-- It vnlndle, or dry." Sj' jA J - GASOLINE AT ANY PEP PUMP |