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Show PAGE TWO j BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930. Bear River City Miss Aiton Scofield of Salt Lake City is visiting in this city with her cousin, Miss Rokie Nelsen. Mrs. Trena Christensen, Miss Dena Christensen, and Master Doyle Christensen, left Tuesday morning to visit relatives in Southern Utah. They were accompanied as far as Salt Lake City by Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Christensen. Mrs. Leonard Ipon and daughters Mary Iai and Mrs. Leota Shupe of Ogden, spent Monday in this city, calling on relatives. Mrs. Moroni Lumberg was shopping in Brigham City, Saturday. Mrs. Alice Burton was shopping in Ogden Saturday, Miss Ruth Iversen of Salt Lake City who has been visiting with her time left for; LaVoy Iversen for her home Friday and was accompanied by Miss l.aVcy, who will spend two; weeks visiting in Sr.lt Lake City. i - --I (Thursday, June 19.) Mr. and Mrs. Rast Petersen were shopping in Tremonton Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Orsen Iversen and Mrs. Marie B. Iversen. motored to Hunts-villUtah, on Sunday, where they attended the funeral services of Mrs. Anne Neilsen, a sLster of Mrs. Marie B. Iversen. Carlos L. Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo H. Jensen of this city and Miss Penrl Mae floltry of Wyoming, . were married last Friday, at Rocatello, Idaho, which was certaintly a suinrise to Mr. Jensen's many friends. Conirratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hansen, spent Sunday at Elwood. the quests of II. C. Hansen. Misses Borruce Iversen mul Alta Hansen, pert Thursday visitinj? at the home cf Dr. and Mrs. Innes at Garland. the New Last Thursday Testament class of the Sunday school with their class teachers, Mrs. Jennie Jensen and M'vi.i Johnson motored to the Crystal Springs where swim- ming was enjoyed and refreshments vere served to fifteen students of the class. Mrs. Hfber Hallirtr and Mrs. Emma Ohman made a bus:ne.s tr lpto Garland and Trevnor.ton. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jensen, of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jenpen, Mr. and Mrs. Trawnan Tolman, cf Honeyville, enjoyed a fishing trip up Blacksmith Fork canyon, Saturday and Sunday. Otto Nelsen and Roy Elwell enjoyed a fishing trip during the week-en- e, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Forsberjj of Salt Lake City came up Saturday night to visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Forsberg. Senator Tracy Welling was a Sunday visitor at Brigham City. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson was gladdened, June 16, by the arrival of a baby boy. Members of the Clio Circle club were entertained Thursday by Mrs. Leland Bourne at the home of Mrs. A. A. Capener. Roland Lillywhite, of Brigham City visited Sunday with his ssiter, Mrs. Tracy Welling. Mrs. J. H. Ward and Mrs. P. J. Udy entertained the Relief Society Thurs ,dV at the home of Mrs. Ward. Aldon I.i'ly.vhlte and Miss TaHman, of Iogan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Welling, cn Friday, j (Thursday, June j . 2G.) Riverside (Thursday June 19.) Aivin i;owcuu, uien cuiy, j.eon Hales and Lorenzo Bowcutt, Jr., spent on a ushing t '.p. to tne week-er- : Cl-- ar Creek Mrs. Glen Walher and daughter Betty Rae are spending the week in Wyoming with- Mr. Walker. Mr. and .Mrs. George Bowcutt and chiidrei and John Bowcutt went to Bui ley, Idaho, Tuesday of last Wiitdi and returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hales accompanied some friends from Fielding on i fishmg trip to Logan Canyon, Sunday. Mi and Mrs. Joseph Bowman of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Limb, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Goyette of Lor, irian.i, were ine guests oi rrancis city, 1U;?S'. Angeles, California, left this Minn-osat..... , Cancur, Mi.-.-,,,, iM!.-,i'uiijv iiiu ;u:u cinmren oi K'liiio.'ia I!iansen. Saturday morning for St. Faul, a Cap-nr.ast i ealJeei to see Mrs. to visit Mr. Goyette's mother. nd If. S. Tintrey Davis, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ursel Andersen left i m ,,f, ,, busino.-- s trip to Brigham, or warren Los in nates i.os Angeles, t.a!;fFridav morning for their home is visilhig w:th relatives here: m;.V. Angeles, after visiting with relative,; erei:!, Ezra Barlow and and friends in this city and at Both-- , !id at Corinne. chilile. n of Burley, Harm, visiteil at Eai-Kail 1 two weeks. Welling, well for the past ion'" from Wednes- wfiv trying d y, ns't:I 5 tturday. Mrs. Barlow and (Jj i accompanied home by Mrs.: ' j i i ! Jx or u.-.-.- Andersen's father, Willard Uirir H. Ander- in l.o-- c;:nvoM, For.-gre- n OIL fi-- st - ! Suninv. ?. MERWIN i CHRIST o - - i i , r : fi who for y v.'e:'c has bee-- i ill with tor.sih'te; at g the heme of Ivr parents, went back g (''ruin on Tuesdav to Brigham City to. in the Milady Beautv warlov d her w.-r-u he has been employed for the w MSI M&m '. Mi. . I'relborc Henih-i.-kson- S , ' ?,:-.- et . iv. sen. eiung, e.ev.-oiiuiy, i liumi; unoay alter spenilm.g two Miss Edna Thorsen, of this city at.turn-- ' tend the wedding ceremony of Miss .viaeiariane ana t,u? hors'ier-ee,vs iii lae training camp at .Ionian; Lowise Hesse r. daughter of nhmows. Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Heusser t Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowcutt andLouis Earl Burnham at Bountiful. , i,(r. i Jumta !),:stin, Utph on Sunday at noon Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Ohman ani lone ami .Nina Udy went to 0 den, dautrhter. Alfa, of Salt Lake City, van,I lay. ,T O. Hadfield I'e were the guests of Mrs. Emma Ohman family spent in Logan canvon. Sunday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt and I!aesen nro M"sse'-- F'orn. nnd A",nc-T e Angeles, .ai.ig.nier Mtvey and sons Kussell and! visiting with relatives inBerkl-v, .. .1 .... J. ' ii r v whore ....,.., at California, arid .lul,..inr ,,rli. a .L. uajMK--s Florn w'U attend summr sehooh H up lo ijiucKsiWui rone Mrs. Sir? Thorsen and dnne-TiterHarvev Curlet? of Fruitvale Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Udy and Mrs. E. Edna and Evelyn were shopping in n en verv Lnenlhl h . w. ward were shopping in BnVliaui, Ofdon. Rtin-dpya blood transfusion on 'Mis- Ruth Iversen of Salt Lake City Saturday. Manv friends here are Ln-VEdward t Tubbs and Miss son. of Blaine is visitm? with her cotmsin, hcpin.T for Mrs. Curies recovery. visited Ogden, with relatives at1 Mrs. Moroni Allen, dnm-hteTversen. .... 1.... n itjc.-- e M;s-Vennv Hpussm of Soldier viverside, Sunday. , J1,.. s,.ie Abraham Evans, Bishop te-T no:: Aeuuet is ,1enm tne VVan1, MrsLmcoln on Thursday for several !h Sat" n- it vioin v."th h"r grand PhV ' w it w, 7 ' R at petting in a rumble sent the and j with her father audi? coant sV wi'l be at cooking ir mother, Mrs. Mar;.? Rasmus-e- n !T - 011 Ira Went t0ve' W Mrs. Allen, accompanied bv th lcihon. family. faim:r Mn1ay, T d""n-hteZh. and ... oraee r l. in w on, onn . ler Mr?. Sinn ThoT"n f ml t,.1,;L1v.t, ,H (fill .,4 tf",i,.ij ii 111.1 UWII , l nit,: , , Del ires, motored to Cache Valley, f:l.! .,,.,1 11. t nnsten- - cnaui.er cm the trip, but expects urai latt sor were lie to Brigham visitors, Sunday. ;. joined here by her h,h-.,n- . Mf"day on business. I np (.c.orge Bowcutt family left v.dll return with his femiiv Mrs. Wm Storry and children of . morninn-fi ... n.i.--. n o. .uartm nnu sons . ..n .,,.!i .u Salt Ifke City, are visiting at the tuesdi'V 'v . ; .,, u. .vpenu a rew aays fishing, hon e of Mrs. Sarah Fridal. nad ns (heir guest. on SU!ll uiiu Miimi o;iut,rii- . LULes moun r an . no1- (laMiT'iler oi wi i.snurs ' ,ituns ouuuay Aort'i U,rden jl (Thursday, June S-- eral cases of whooping' cough . S.mday afternoon at our sacramenl J"ln- arc son m town ivemiarii and Imji. reported Men's Mutual meeting the Young were visiting with! M. P.. Ballard is (eason of his provement association was reorgan- Mr. and MrsLogan, George Hales, Sunday, ing outf.t a coat of "paint and g g officers were ized. The nr. and Mrs. Welling were it repo.it d and in good shape for the Aetin L Johnson, president; J. 0 shoppmrr in OgdenKarl the latter part of! grain th. it will soon be read- - to R. C. as counselor. Barker Hi'l as first It looks now as 'Ball- tYT- - and Mrs. second counselor. LeGrande Petersen Russell Capenorjard and sons will have thorgh mot!-- no as secretary and treasurer, and the entertained a number of relatives do this dimmer and fall new officers are J. Otto Jensen as "x"' .anday among them were: Mrs.j Miss Irel Wise is at BnVham fyS.fV.'n a President, Marvin Nelsen first coun of Salt Strong Mr. Mr. with and Lake, and ing Mrs E selor, Chester Stander ns second coun i, , can'.e i fiv.ro An-selor, and a new secretary and treasand Mr. to den idalio, and Mr. s:end Sunday with his family. urer will be chosen later. Our Primary 'nggs, and three children of Tetania Association was jdso reorganized Idaho. Those released were Olga Rasmussen Forsberg of Salt I,ako Citv, ns president: Ida Christensen as first wasGeorge here this week visiting with relcounselor and La Vela Matesen as atives. Mo3Hv second counselor. The new officers Mrs J. H. Ward and daughter TTanen. as nro'dd"'; Tdn Amanda visited nre last week with Ora B. Christensen, first counselor; Emma Blue at Creek. ilet. ,T. Hyer, Ohmnn Iversen ns secretary and trensurer. L A N Mrs. Cvril Fnnl: nnd ehib'vf.p -- f PIANO Richmond nre visitintr in this city with on Irrio;ated Land. CM per her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. James P, I TUNING And REPAIRING cent. No commissions. Jensen, Jr., and family. Mrs. Carrie Frisbv and children of jj C. J. Allen JOHN J. SlIUMWA'i Salt Lake pre visiting with relatives and friends in this city. rhone 98.a-- l Trcmontou. Fhones: B. R. V. 69,a-2- ; Dell, 123 Mr. Mrs. Wm J. Pose and I family. Mr. and Mrs. N.--1 Rasmusen, rnd Mrs. Sina Thorsen. all were shopping in Brigham City, Friday. Mrs. Ellis Arhon and Ms. Arnold TVdin. were shopping in Tremonton, Driving a Six means Kl 5U 9 ki. ,iA.' K 9 IUSK W Why Not Have A Full Season's protection on those splendid crops of grain you have growing, it costs no more. Mr and Mrs, C. C. Adney and Mr. ft . 'v T,aron Anderson wore those H Horinne who attee,),,,) th inter- V-- V'cHe m-of Brigham and Garland at M rds are .enters. pranr r(nsc-- tnd daughter Eva 3 Springs tn FxMav eve .ir.e-. find son Goort-e- , Mrs. vOV liiionsein. Miss iv. anMr. Mr,; and an.) jj Kail I ' o on ;.nd babv. all of T oirr.n McTntire, Taw. were Snnd;iv gue. ts of Mr. and Mr--- . eu! Mt- - Loran Anderson, rard W. Owens Vi fe 'jj Mi--M:u O ' : t; Hansen of S;ilt Lake 1! Ctv ;s ., ., nor r. ie J. A. Capornhrimo, thi; weik. birlhd: ! v of last week, Mrs. J. II. Mrs. Eld.-- Feller and Mr. f e aid ' t vten. ft fv. Thursday W :,t dinn"r for rie ''. i:ian;i, ;a r Klizn Mt ;. Sarah Cavdon, Vr rs 1'hoebe Ward and Ir;i w Hoi; ev . Mr. Feller is r Th femile ,f Heher , n oi t!.ee vi ei or. I hero ti ' spent h!;!Hl:i at the Jes.;,, Paris fco'me. i years ago ins' is a nephew of e O HPT A M h.-v- Thu--;da- hex-wer- iux-de- j H ! Mae-arlaoe.- d. ed i Mrs. Sarah Cardon of Willard has been isiting with her sister, Mrs. Eliza Ward for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson and children of .Salt Lake are visiting at the A. A. Forsberg home. Miss Pet' Capener, Mrs. Leland Capn'er and Mrs. Ronald Hal.-s- , at- ieii-a earn party at ru-hani nurs- dav. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ward are re- -' ceiving congratulations on the birth of a M.n, SMtirday. Mrs. Ward was formal'v Ali.--e Coomb: of Fielding. J. O. H'idfi. Id ar.d so:, i;0,s , n ..I. l i i": l i i j, uaipii li.ninea! Mieiii ine V.e'K-c- : fishing on the Provo river.. T';,e from here that attended t! Farm Bureau social at Udv Hot Springs. Mwn1.iv won Mr. and Tracy Wellmg. Mr. i ml Mrs. A. f . War; Mr. ar.d Mrs, R. D. Mr. d Mrs. Edmund Udv. Mr. Mrs. Leland Capen-- r, Mr. Mr- - J j I 2,1;.-,- j . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fields and Mr. The Tremonton girl who seeks a well start building additions to the " t I f ueorxe ropiey 01 nlTemon- - mndp husband should always remem poorhouses. aim Mia. ton were calling on Corinne friends on ber there are two kinds a working Sometimes we can't help wondering model and a sport model. whatever became of the Sunday. Several from Corinne attended the With the average family refusing Tremonton man who used to use the n underside of his coat lapel for a funeral services cf J,eo Yates at Og- - to make any distinction between pin on Sunday. Mr. Yates was a Juries and necessities we had just as cushion. prominent Mason and he and lus wife Eastern .Star members and they frequently visited here. Mrs. A. B. Dickson has been spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Tom Davis ct the ranch at East Promon-- ' tory. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wise of Ogden visited Thos. Wise and family of Fruitvale on Sunday. A fine daughter was born to Mr. U . Villi .A Fridav. Mrs. J t orsgren, who is a daughter of Mr. P and Mrs. Alton Carter of Fruitvale, is A at the .'Kiey hospal ia Brigham and all are doing nicely. The boys' club of Corinne, A. M. Reed-- r. leader, held a business meeting during the week with Donald Cutler presidins'. Officers as follows were elected: president Vern n CutJust West of R. R. Tracks Rav Nelson; ler; econd vice president, Donald Cutler, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ''ec'y rnd Treas.; Ray Reader, song ' adercheer leader; Roy Crai.-rPETROLE L':,I TROD U CTS Wymi IIuii;;a1;er. chairman of commit-- ; tee on sheen projects, Willis Craner. We Never Close 10 Cl 'll) w ill hoi, a mooting at the L. 13 D. S. all on Mor.dav tveiiinrr lsnv-in ports on their club project ,,,, g;v?n ant ether business tranacteu. i .ai:s vMii ai.-ue maue lor a Manager sw'mn-.innartv. N. H iaee a'Kt ii's two (inught'-r..,,,,-...i n,... .u. re spending &2SSSJSg?J& e si: nmor o:i t;,e ranc il .nt .'pieuuie iw wun t..eir lain-Twere calling on n,'-in Corinne on Thuisdav eve-- . h re ! 1 -- j n r Ts T en'-vo'- i'-- Miou-mter- 1 j ' AGENT FOR i . W.-i-d- - d ,. 01-e- 1; i i Hi-- . . I . i ALL KINDS OF . i v.-- INSURANCE AT THE On-.!e- Corinne II DARYL -- ov , rm-ive- r T i- I TREMONTON UTAH i r "!' "" .. r . v. n .' j vu i for Economical Transportation v.-- r.) ) ivt ' .V - flit t y ii J. Mttt?S?t??, out-goin- !jfilt. "!"-- . '"flu ' r-- c . y - 7r r tesh. ' A stav-Lmm- ii-- PoW . Unlimited fr ifa" fa! .'iJsJl to 0 3 Tuesdav. Mrs. Adeline Andersen, Mrs. Emmn Ohman, Mrs. Delia Christensen d Tester Andersen, were shopping in Brigham City. Saturday. a-- Free to Public mWHMHNsannaaHaaBBiaiaaakaa. BtiXltfiA Tho only place in tbe U. S. wliera catalogs and mdvertiiLiijj nmltrr any line of buainesa w product can be obtained Free and Without OMisMion ,t the American Industrial Library, write for UusineM Advertising Matter you arc interested in; same will be promptly forwarded. AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY covc-nn- Neic .fhthfvndet: Values possible because Gowlycar builds millions more tirc than any other company EaftinearingBnlMiiiA, Ckioago.Mlnoir Federal Farm Loans Interest Rate 5J4 "I fe real tftomiigmirs 181 mm Full Oversize Balloons j Big Orcrskc Cord BMvyDatjrTrucLTircs Come in and see our NEW LOW PRICES Also all kinds of Fire and Automobile Insurance Tubes also low priced CAREFULLY MOUNTED FREE Apply FRONK CHEVROLET CO. JAMES BROUGH Secretary and Treasurer Garland National Firm Loan Association . . GARLAND UTAH IS and MARBLE'S SERVICE STATION wanting a Six for a Six good. Driving simply closes the argument. Driving a Six is so different You definitely feel these performance advantages of the Chevrolet Six. You see high value typified the beautiful by Fisher Body and scores of advanced engineering features. And you know the fine character of Chevrolet materials, craftsmanship and design. and better that the miles seem to repeat, "It's Wise to Choose a Six !" Try the Chevrolet Six. "Step on the gas" or hunt out some hills or thread through the traffic. It's all so smooth and easy in a Chevrolet Six so free from lagging, Come and make the Chevrolet Six confirm all thf s for you. Find out the small down payment and easy terms on which you can own this tremors and strain great that the six-cylin- principle be- ROADSTER comes more than a principle to you. You know The Coach or Coup, 565 Th Th. Spor, coup. its exclusive m,H Cab. advantages are m& Alt ? . . PRICES r. Tremonton 1655 Phaptov entra), . . . 665 675 (JSJig tfui luo. Q. B. FACTORY, r FLINT, MICH. truly modern automobile. earn I why tens of thousands of new buyers each week are finding it wise to choose a Chev-rol- et Six. euoose a Six! Chevrolet Co. w&se eg Fronk . oa4.tS 16; OR Club Sedan 555 Th Sedan The Sport Roadster at once that all positive facts. 17 U-- S w Phone 20 |