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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER I their office. They repeat to us un- A FABLE j flattering things others say behind our Subscription Rates At the beginning of things, when backs and make us the butt of jokes, One Year, in advance $2.00 the world was young, the donkey was and admonitions. criticisms Six Months, in advance $1.00 esteemed by all the tribes of men as .50 Three months, in advance Friendships are, so to spaek, ac wisest of animals. The good Sheik quaintances wtucn nave "uucen . ur owned a herd Entered at the Posloffice at Tre perhaps it is more correct to say that of these sagacious beasts, great which was the of survival a monton, Utah, as Second Glass Mat friendships represent the pride and joy of his life. ter. fittest, for few persons can lang surOther sheiks ' from miles around vive the punishments friendship im- came to listen and marvel at the wisdom of the herd. At such a time EXPERIMENTS IN Published at Tremonton, Utah, on poses. There are some things that can be came even the Prophet himself Thursday of each week. CATTLE FEEDING said for friendships and friends. One most learned and wise of all the sons need not live in deadly fear of insult- of the East. With much glowing of Published by THE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. ing them, nor must one forever be pnae, led him out to striving to make an impression upon the herd and said: Need Mineral Supplements Incorporated them. And at all times one feels free "Behold, O Prophet, the wis antl to impose upon them With Poor Roughage. talented asses. Converse with them, SPENDERS A friend in need may be a friend test them, and see if they are not The exceptions prove the rule that indeed, but the worst sort of enemy is verily wires than forty trees full of When poor roughage Is fed to people like to spend money. So early the friend who has turned against you. owi-.cows mineral supplements are dairy does assert Then the Prophet addressed the itseii the desire in hie to be necessary In a recent shown inbe asses. "Let us test your wisdom," that it is thought by some to stinctive. There is less odium attachsaid he. "Answer me this question: publication of the Wisconsin experied to the name "spendthrift" than to What should an ass require for a ment station. Three cows fed on timthree days' journey?" its opposite "miser", which might be othy hay, corn silage and a grain And they counseled among themcited as evidence of the universality mixture were poor producers of ndlk. of the buying habit. selves and then made reply: "For a In addition they were slow to breed This tendency among the masses to three days' journey, O Prophet, and when bred they tended to dry up ass should require six bundles of any spend and buy is recognized by those hay from six weeks to two months earlier who have something to sell. Before and three bags of dates." than throe cows fed on alfalfa hay. some may spend there must be others "Very good," quoth the Prophet; Another test on minerals showed with something to sell and the times "that soundeth like a fair and proper cows producing from 50 to 60 that when the demand has exceeded the RAISING GUINEAS price." Whereupon broke into loud chuckles and said: pounds of milk daily without direct supply have been infrequent and of NOT DIFFICULT "Did I not tell you they are passing exposure to sunlight were unable to brief duration. There are many degrees of buying wise?" maintain a calcium balance in their The Prophet answered. "Wait!" bodies even though the ration was or spending. Some people spend more Pve been raising guineas a number and he than their incomes. Some buy for the of addressed the asses. "I otherwise adequate. When the cows years and have often wondered why nave loragain love of "shopping" and others because one of you." he said, "a were exposed to sunlight for six hours not more on are plentiful general three days' journey, but I will not they need the things they purchase. they daily they decreased the loss of calThere are the heavy spenders as well farms, as they can be raised iu con- give six bundles of hay and three cium from their bodies by 25 per cent. nection with or chickens with bags of dates for making it. Let him as the thrifty spenders. Every memturkeys In a comparison of soy bean hay ber of civilized society must spend and very little extra labor, writes M. G. who will go for less stand forth." And behold, they all stood forth versus alfalfa hay the cows produced Roberts In Farm and Ranch. buy in greater or less degree. the same amount of But there are only two types of Guinea is served on the tables t and all began to talk at once. One approximately sellers. There is that type which American hotels under various names, would go for six bundles of hay and butterfat and milk but the cows on two bags of dates. The nanother for soy bean hay gained only half as strives to give the buyer his "money's as It Is the best substitute for game worth", and there is the second type of any of our domestic poultry. The three bundles of hay and one bag of much body weight and wasted more which sees in the spending propensity dates, until finallv one psnprinllv of their hay. The results of this test, d an opportunity to get the other fel meat has a distinct game llavor quite ass agreed to go for one which does not check with tests run or from chicken different turkey. low's money for nothing. bundle of hay. at some stations, shows that There are three varieties of guineas It is unfortunate that the public then snake the Prophet: "Fool." soy bean other was calculated to bay in raised the does not do all its spending with those America, Pearl, the quoth he, "you cannot even live for who give them "honest weight" for White, and the Lavender. I have three days on one bundle of hay. worth 73 per cent as much as alfalfi hay. their dollars. If it did there would be raised both the White and I'earl va- mucn less pront irom the journey." In this connection It Is Interesting I rue," no need for laws against using the rieties, but found little difference be replied the long eared to note some experiments that were mails to defraud, wildcat stocks, bogus tween them, although the I'earl might one, nut l wanted to eet the order." H And from that conducted in chopping alfalfa and f promotions and confidence men. be Just a little hardier and easier to asses have been known as fools, and' soy bean hay. No advantage was raise. SUNSHINE prices cutters known as asses. The noted In chopping alfalfa, hut the These birds nre great layers. Al- Uusiness The Boy Scouts, Camp Fire girls l'nnter. cows wasted less of the soy bean nay. though their eggs are not quite so and other exponents of the This caused the chopping to improve as a rm. hen of richer are i eggs, large they Hr:i are enjoying benefits of life in iuiMies.s ine master was verv the valuo of soy bean hay by 2Ii per the open. They see the things of the flavor. They begin laying early In the happy this morning, Jane. He went cent. These figures Indicate that It world in a new litrht and understand spring, sometimes In March, and lay off to the city whistling. .. T may prove profitable to chop soy bean nature better. They meet friends in until cold weather if not allowed to jam? les, mum, it was my mis hay when used for feeding dairy the same cause, swap stories and form set. The first pair of guineas take, I made his mush of birdseed. cattle. congenial companionships. Every stuI bought, the hens, laid 80 eggs. That dent of the big gets new got the first season, and set and raised object lessons, makes new resolves Modern Dairy Barn Must and forms new links of character with a brood of young ones, and this excels the average chicken hen. the day of sunshine. Have Good Ventilation These fowls cannot be confined In BABY CHICKS of the ounsnine is tne test oi summer varieties heavy must It not be forgotten that each small and much do If time. It ripens the grain and fruit good, but yards for sale now. Call F. B. Barlow, cow in the stable actually gives off and gives strength to the camper. All given their liberty on general farms 39 from rruiay and Saturday. her breath alone about ten nature has a smiling face when the will pick up most of their living. sun causes the plants to grow, the They do not damage planted fields STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE Call pounds of carbondloxide per day and L. C. Peterson, flowers to open and the fruits to or crops as do turkeys or chickens, as 40 over two gallons of water. Hence, It mature. Sunshine induces youth to Is perfectly obvious that In the modern never scratch, but the will dethey Will buy veal, cows and hogs. Phone dairy stable there must be some sysget out, amid the fields and forests, stroy more Insects than any other 44J1. Garland annK in tne pure air and enjoy the g6tf tem whereby this used, moist, foul healthfulness of exercise in the open. fowl, and never stay away from home, Team For Sale 1400 lbs air may be regularly taken out of the Weight There are profits in sunshine that They are always on the lookout for each well matched. Call M. , L. stable and replaced by fresh air. Durone does not always reckon on when any strange onlmal or bird, and their uariana. ing the winter months, the occasional planning an outing in the open. It 6harp eyes will detect the presence of nijjovin, creates beauty and attractiveness and a hawk long before chickens will no- FOR SALE i opening of doors and windows will yearling sows bred for help but how often Is this done thereby adds to efficiency and usefuldaring tice It, and their shrill cries always eany iau litters Leland J. Han ness. It helps in fitting one for future so winter months, and needless to say It warning of any intruder. This sen.. Phone 5v4. work and inculcates a desire for keep- give Is never done during the night. fact should make them a welcome adUK SALE Team of Good ing young in order to continue enjoyKing and other authorities on stable Young to dition where farmers other general ing the playfields of youth. Yes, there loOO lbs. nurses, nut? and weignt have estimated that there ventilation are countless benefits to be derived poultry Is raised, If they had no other Murrey Hill, Elwood, Utah. 41 should be a continual air flow through good qualities. from mingling with the There was a large black drinnr Mt. the stable at the rate of about 3,600 The sun pains smiles on the cheeks of Any little disturbance In the night sets them to cackling, and therefore at my home the ngiht of the M. I. A. cubic feet per cow per hour. In other humanity and unerasible lines. chicken thieves usually give a wide day. Owner kindly call and get same. words, In a cow stable 36 feet by 50 Mrs. H. G. Scott feet with an celling, there should FRIENDS berth to the flock housed with guineas. be a sufficient flow of air so that one- Friends are people who have seen Guinea eggs hatch In from 25 to 28 Will the Derson who Knrrnu-(tv,o of the air would be replaced each other at their worst and can still days, and usually nil hatch nt about long handled shovel from me at quarter tolerate each other. It is commonlv the same time. Riverside Cemetery kindly return every hour or that the air be com are They remarkably assumed that as relations are born to fertile and almost Hadfield, phone 46a3 40 pletely changed In the stable six times every egg set will same.-J- os one and friends are of one's own mak per day. If this were done by the produce a guinea chick. They do betPLENTY OF MONEY to Wd ing there is a premium on friends. ter of doors and windows, the reopening when under set chicken hens, t the The unfortunate part about this is kind of real estate. NOR right of temperatures, chills changes sulting that while people are not responsible they can usually be given belter care. MAN LEE, Brigham 7tf to the animals, etc., would obviously City. for their relatives they are responsible The guinea hen will sit and hatch for their friends, a responsibility that well, but as soon as the first ones FOR SALE Good hniMincr lima be courting disaster. Hence, a regular is often unbearable. system whereby such a change of air hatched are able to travel she will $12.00 per ton. c Sugar will go on Friends are supposed to be people otien leave the nest and the balance continuously and still allow u., oariana, Utah. 18tfd to whom one may turn for help in of her eggs. the maintenance of uniform heat con We guarantee our Painting. -Pnnpr time of need, and yet a true friend is dltlons, should be the ambition of ev ... ' mIT never supposed to impose upon his uaiigiug, iinting, paper Cleaning. ery one Installing a ventilation friends. Often "friends indeed" strike "Darling1," he cried, covering her frices Reasonable Ned Wilkinson and son from their lists of friends those little hands with kisses. "Can't Qcn wf you "friends in need". see that I love you?" FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Though not always available in a I'Well," she said, "I should hate to For Sale by owner. 365 acre Stock Well Bred Calves Most crises, friends are exceedingly con- think this was just your way of be- ranch at Standrod. Utah. Roy F.UorValuable Dairy Asset scientious about the minor functions of having in company." vuunty: iw neaci stocfc Jattle with Calves from low producing Etock are reserve right; 50 head ewes. DncK house, pleasant place to live in worth little more than their value for winter and summer. Terms to right veal, but those from high producing people. O. D. Mclntrie, Naf, Idaho, strains must be assigned much greater iv. r. u. dtanarod, Utah. 41 valuation, as they command excellent prices as breeding stock. Lost A black valise, supposedly In the keeping of high producing uetween lremonton and Uarland on animals there are, of course, added the night of June 2, containing several articles of clothing, a box of poster expenses such as increased depreciacolors, and several miscellaneous art- tion and risk, Increased labor in caring icles. Finder please return to Lynn for the animals, and expenses of adEvans, Downey, Idaho, and any ship- vertising and selling; but It will generally be found that the value of the ping expenses will be refunded includcalves produced from such stock will ing a reward. more than offset the added expense of raising them over and above that inin the keeping of common stock. volved WANTED! DAIRY FACTS Ft P01TKY WIS - long-eare- URN wumiff MIGHT ' for the Man who is hard on Shoesl by experts, to wear for a long time even for the man who's hard on shoes Many wearers find that BALL-BANDMisW- soles co will outwear two or three leather soles. This sole is waterproof and special construction makes it unusually comfortable. The upper is tough, long wearing grain leather that will stand hard use. 3-p- ly BALL ( BAND Mishko Shoes will give you More Days Wear -- far-nf- rs . rs ...WANT COLUMN.. -, 840-1-- 5. J Utah-Idah- -- -I- - Charming Summer Millinery w - COMMUNITY BUILDERS As the business houses grow, so grows the Community. Towns like Tremonton, where a close liason is maintained between Bank and Business, thus insuring the development that wisely invested capital always brings, owe much to these two munity builders. com- Tremonton Banking Co. HELP I want two waitresses to Good wages and steady Employment. If you just want to fool your time away, Don't apply for the job. work. OTTO'S CAFE Unlimited Money to LOAN on Irrigated Land. 6V2 per cent. No commissions. JOHN J.SHUMWAY Phones: B. A V. 69.a-- 2; Bell, 129 Cold Hampers Cow dairy cow cannot continue normal production If she Is exposed to sevei j weather. It Is, therefore, Important If good yields are expected to hold up through the cold months, that all discomforts be eliminated. A comfortable cow will more han repay for added labor for her protection. Milk Is 87 per cent water, and a large part of this gets Into the animal's system from the water trough. A high producing uarlers for Cows $395 Every hat in this smart vollection has the cachet of chic that goes with every Fishburn hat. The Economical House Wife APPRECIATES THE SAVING OUR GROCYTERIA AFFORDS. WHY NOT TRY US,'NEXT TIME YOU ARE SHOPPING. YOU'LL SAVE SOMETHING ON EVERY ARTICLE. additlou to proper feeding, dairy will need good quarters If they are to produce maximum returns for their owners. Dairy cows do not have long hair or surplus fat to protect them from cold weather. They are more sensitive to cold winds, drafts nnd poor quarters than any other kind of farm live stock, unless It Is fn ?ow the poultry. Warmth, comfort, ventilation aod sanitation should receive consideration In fixing up the dairy barns or sheds for the winter months. J5 WE GIVE )1 &rf DISCOUNT STAMPS |