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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1929 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER the number of rich or moderately well Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hansen were last week, returning home Monday. to do has increased enormously. But business visitors at Tremonton MonMr. and Mrs. O. B. Waddington of Red Wood,' Nebraska, returned to their that the poor have grown poorer is not day. Subscription Rates One Year, in advance , $200 true. It is impossible for wealth to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Melson had as home Saturday, May 4th, after atSix Months, in advance $1.00 increase without its benefits being their Sunday guests, Mr. Coraway tending the funeral of Mrs. Wadding-ton'- s .50 distributed to every stratum of socie- Wilkes and Miss Estella Three months, in advance father. Wheatley. Mr. and Mrs. William ty. For proof one ha but to look Lasley of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Barker and home of the at visited Honeyville, Entered at the Postoffice at Tre- - around him. children of Willard were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Lish here In the seventeenth century in Eng- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mirl Mason. monton, Utah, as Second Class "'the We land the accumulation of wealth was J. C." Wood was a business visitor at A of relatives number from Dewey as noticeable as has been the accumu- Tremonton Tuesday. Published at Tremonton, Utah, on lation in the United States in the last Mirl Mason motored to Brigham ville and of William Fryer who lives at Preston, Idaho, attended the funerfew years. The rich got very much J Tuesday. Thursday of each week. richer in that time, but the number of we'd Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Carter and Miss al services of his daughter who died you people with estates increased by leaps Mildred Wood were shopping in Tre- after a lingering illness. Mr. Frytr Published bv and family have the sympathy of all. and bounds, these rising from the monton Tuesday. dissappoint-edTHE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. ranks of the poor, while the condition Saturday, May 4th, Mrs. Derett Mr. Ellis Wood and Wood George Incorporated Loveland entertained eight little folks of the latter class vastly improved, as were Brigham visitors we Tuesday. was shown by their ability to gratify Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ipsen had as at her home here in honor of her son Darrell's Games were sixth of out aforetime birthday. MOTHER'S DAY wholly (ambitions their dinner guests Tuesday evening, we Mother's Day. All over the nation their reach. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wood of this place played and light refreshments enjoyed and in many other places, that And today the betterment of the and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Carter of by all. A birthday cake with six candles was the center piece at one will saint will become the object of condition of all classes of society as Park Valley. Mr. Herman Fonnesbeck spent Sun- long table and places were laid for men's homage and veneration. evidenced by ability to gratify materDarlene Fryer, Virginia Miller, Cleo There is a dispute in progress as to ial desires is far greater than 300 day at Logan. who originated the idea. For the rest years ago, or 10 years ago Mr. F. B. Gunnell of Logan was a Noir, Ethel Record, George Fererson, Delbert Jensen, Charles Mone and of us that is unimportant. But it is Howell visitor Tuesday. We Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gunnell were Dairell Loveland. easy to understand why any person THE UBIQUITOUS FLY Mrs. and Mr. Arlen and Dewey dinner at the home of Mr. and responsible for so inspiring a thought colors, Swatting the fly is meritorious Mrs. O.guests children of Ogden were guests of Mr. M. Munk Sunday. should cherish the credit for it and breedbut the swatting fly's and practice, Mrs. J. here Satur Dewey Joeph be coud unlike more Mr. a e . Mrs. G. adn yet nothing and in two place is far better. The best way children of Park Valley, Carter mother than to squabble about whose' ing who have day. is to in to swat the eliminate, fly C. and Mr. Mrs. J. was the credit. Dewey and been visiting at the home of Mr. and sizes. One need only consult one's own and about the household, the places Mrs. tins Wood returned daughter Mary, visited relatives at to their and the best time for where it Salt Lake City Saturday and Sunday. home experiences and seek in vain to recall this workbreeds, Miss Mil Wednesday morning. of pres dred Wood Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gardner and son a single instance when mother sought ent. A little elimination is the worth accompanied them home. spring cleaning is credit for the service and love she C. L. Schriber is staying at of Idaho, were visiting their parents, Mrs. bore her kin. The home may have more than a lot of summer swatting. the home of Mr. A. E. Taylor of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gardner, the looked especially tidy, the meal may Exposed garbage and filth in gen 1'leasant View, taking care of Mrs. week-enMr. and Mrs. O. G. Harwood and have been unusually tasty, the covers eral represent the most prolific fly Taylor, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Mililons of these children of Ogden, were calling on were formerly of Howell. might have been tucked with especial breeding spots. Taylor filthy, annoying in Mr. aud Mrs. C. B. Gunnell motored friends and relatives here Sunday. care, the sick room may have been comforted by her almost divine pres- sects can be produced from a small to Tremonton Monday. Myrlen fryer of Ogden was visiting They were ence, yet not in a single instance did accumulation of rotting refuse. Ow- accompanied by Wayne and Lola Gun- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. she claim credit for it. Mothers find ing to individual carelessness in this nell, who had spent the week-en- d here. Fryer here Sunday. Lsra Gardner and daughter, Elva their satisfaction in something else. direction, countless flies are each year Thales Leavitt of Tremonton was of Southern Utah were Sunday guests It will be an old son or daughter bred to spread their damage. the week-en- d guest of Mr. and Mrs. or who permits Sunday to pass without relatives here. There is no possibility of going too Gean Leavitt. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hazel of Twin some message, some greeting to the far in the elimination of potential fly Falls, Idaho, returned to their home living mother, or without some breeding conditions, for the fly's death Sunday. They were guests of their remembrance or tribute to dealing power is not exaggerated. It the mother dead. From the mother is probable that 40,000 deaths annualgrandmother, Mrs. John Eckley of this We less everywhere to the mothered child ly in the United States can be traced place for a week. Lavor Kedford of Logan was visit goes the counsel to dedicate Sunday directly to infections brought by flies. Mrs. Orpha Clarson of A to her honor and her service. Than the fly, there is no deadlier en- Falls, Idaho, visited her brother. M. ing friends and relatives here Saturemy of infancy and no greater ob- A. Lish of this Dlace for a few flavc day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burbank, stacle to the reduction of the infant DEEDS, NOT WORDS, COUNT were visiting relatives at Brigham One's life should not be measured death rate. one f Lucre's smart City Sunday. The annual war on the fly must by time, but by service. Its history Parisian shades in Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gardner of should not be so much a record of his start early if this pest is not to spoil t words as of his acts. Its influince is the spring, summer and fall for evLiberty, Utah, were guests of their TOMATO PLANTS not in to proportion to his years, but erybody. Housewives who do not relparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gardner. Tomato, cabbage, califlower, pepper, of this place Saturday and Sunday. to his rghteousness. He has been of ish ceilings and flies in JU. rarley service to his fellows to the extent their iced tea will superintend an egg plant, and other vegetable and Watson of Hagerton, and early erection of flower plants. Cut flowers a special Idaho, 'was calfing on friends here that his deeds have been construct- early clean-uGarland ity. Max Sunday. Greenhouse, ive. summer screens. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bickmore of Kloerig, Phone 52.a-2- . 37 Positiveness on the side of right Lucile, famous Parisian Faint heat or complexion never won Downey, Idaho, were guests of their gets him somewhere. It builds, it lifts, LOST Handled Pick between authority who creates all of it pulls, it purifies and ennobles. a husband. son, Kenith and family here Sunday. Homers ranch and Blind Springs Elder not is so much the evil things It Joseph Carr of Tremonton Holeproof s smart shades, You can't fool a woman by lying to r inner return to Acloiph Harris, Blim and Elder Wm. Bickmore of Downey, one has refrained from doing as the this color. She says: describes You wear Walton can 35P the bpnngs, Idaho, were the special speakers at good things he has done. her, unless it's a compliment. held not is here a force for Boot all day in comfort. "Blond d'Or, an interpretation of conjoint meeting Quescent good FOR SALE P. O Beet Plow, Sunday God pity the rich; the poor still can section steal harrow, right. It does no more good than it culti night. R. Stayner and Mrs. Gaddy of buckles fit it snug Three garden sunburn, matches the complexion of the Mutual Stake Board were visiting does harm-- not as much. enjoy wishing for things they cannot vator, one John Deere y plow, to pale and the ankle when they are those who take naturally Action is as imperatively demanded afford. Call Carl Welling or T. R. Welling, our ward and gave some very good inand darker versions brilliant yellows, in mental and spiritual things as in structions. Kiverside. 36 unbuckled the boot slips of new sunburn beige shoe leather." Mrs. D. B. Marble is ill at her home In some ways automobiles are almaterial. It is not he who offers no on or off easily. The strap FOR SALE Good comfortable here. discouraging words who cheers and most human. The cheaper the car, Andrew Gardner of Idaho, was the Ask to see Blond home, new barn and garage, chicken comforts, but he who speaks the word the louder the horn. and buckle hold snug at of encouragement. Keping silent when coop, 3 city lots, best location in town week-enguest of his parents here. d'Or and the other the top and keep out Bad luck is usually cussed for bad for a chicken farm. Call this office, tf Mr. and Mrs. Walalce Waits andi one s mend is overwhelmed with neu shades children of Smithfield and Mr. and and grief does not comfort him. It is the luck, while good luck is usually taken water. wearers Many Will buy small calves, any kind. Call Mrs. Colt of Richmond, Utah, were friendly hand oporv his shoulder, the tor granted. I racy K. Welling, Riverside, B. R. V. dinner say it's the best boot they guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd sympathetic word in his ear, the act mone 4b.0-NAME of helpfulness in his behalf that Lish of this place Sunday. ever had. It's means something to him. Mrs. F. S. Harwood and son Dallas AND I now have ready for market a nice Howell The negative man is a failure. He of cabbage plants; will m due sea- and daughter Bessie Lue, of Salt Lake lot may pull back, but those who pull forson have all kinds of vegetable and City visited her parents, Mr., and Mrs M. A. Lish of this place Monday. ward carry his weight. He is a conMr. Frank Stevens and Miss Estelle flower plants. Garland Green House, sumer, but not a producer. He uses Wheatley spent Saturday and Sunday Max Kloerig, Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs 52.a-Phone 32d quality so you can be sn the light, but creates none. He slakes at HoneyviUe and Brigham. James entertained Ertherington. his thirst, but refuses to go the well of long time service Mrs. Ellis Wood has returned to her PLENTY OF MONEY to lend on friends from Tremonton. The Loveland family will hold their for water. The life of service is the home here after spending the Dast the right kind of real estate. NORweek at the home of her daughter, MAN LEE, Brigham Gity. happy life. 7tf family reunion at Lava Hot Springs, June iy, iyzy. Mrs. r. ti. carter of Park Vallev. RICHER AND POORER Relatives and friends from Salt Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Sorenson and FOR SALE Good building lime Lake were visiting at the home of Mr. Throughout the centuries of ad- children attended the funeral services $12.00 per ton. c Sugar vancing civilizations apostles of un- for Mr. Dally at Logan. 18tfd and Mrs. J. S. Burbank. Co., Garland, Utah. rest have rung the changes on the Mrs. Grant Evans of Pavson. Utah. Mrs. j. Xj. uunneii ot Logan is FOR SALE Edison phonograph, was called here Monday as her mother assertion that "the rich are getting visiting with friends and relatives richer nad the poor poorer." There here this week. ?i:00 machine with 61 records for $35. Mrs. D. B. Marble is ill. have been alternating periods of exMr. and Mrs. Wallace Hawks and Inquire at this office. SUMMONS In good children of Portage were Sunday pansion and contraction. Victor Orthophonic phonograph with times all shared in the prosperity, guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gunnell. In the District Court of Box Elder 15 8 new months ago. $135 County, State of Utah. Box Elder records, while in bad times the poor suffered They were accompanied home Sun machine sacrificed at $40. Peck's County, a municipal subdivision of greatly. But the movement as a day evening by Mrs. Gunnell. tf the State of Utah, plaintiff, vs. Fed whole has been persistently toward Mrs. J. H. Forsgren and daughter Electric Shop, Garland. eral Land Bank of Berkeley. Rad improvement. Cora, and Miss Lida Wood were shop run K,m 3 turnisned rooms, cliff The rich have become richer, and Henrie, Edna C. Henrie. Howell ping in lremonton Wednesday. ot Mrs. Walter Vvyatt, phone Real Estate & Investment inquire Co., Alfred os.u-l- . AT Or. ficot, U)uis T. Miller, Wm. Ander We guarantee our Painting, Taper son, Harriet Anderson, Robert Smith, GROCYTERYA J. Richards, Jr.. Alia M. Richards. AND Hanging, linting, paper Cleaning, M. and save Prices Reasonable Ned Williams and Fred Miller, State of Utah. Lorenzo Others are doing it. Curlew Hansen, Land son. WE MAKE AS GOOD Promontory Co., BREAD AND PASTRY 37p vern Miller. M. S. Miller. Luc lie F. AS CAN BE MADE. Paper flowers for Decoration Day, Miller, Lester Hyde, Pearl Hvde. Al WE ARE A HOME INSTITUTION. All kinds, natural colors. Order now. vin J. Hocks, Wm. M. Howell, G. Ray WE GIVE YOU PROMPT AND COURTEOUS Mrs. Darral Heaton, Phone 4y4. 36 coggs, r. Cache Valley Keller, SERVICE. eanKing jo., J. u. Walters, trustee Ripley, Heirs of S. Lyon, deceased, ARE WE ENTITLED TO YOUR PATRONAGE? LEGAL NOTICE Empire Lease & Royalty Co., Elra John Doe 1st. John Doe 2d. Fishing in the Blue Creek reservoir Miller, STEAM will be closed for the season of 1929. John Doe 3d, John Doe 4th, John Doe and the wives of the individuals Any one taking fish from the said &th, Defendants. aforesaid, Summons: reservoir will be prosecuted. The State of Utah to the said DefendBlue Creek Irrigation Co. ants: You are hereby summoned to Carl Schrieber, Secy. 36 Give appear within twenty days after servMattresses Cleaned and Rebuilt. ice of this summons upon you if servPrices lower this year than ever. ed within the county in which this acLocal representative for Brieham tion is brought, otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the Matt Co. and Baron Woolen Mills. Lester Andersen, Brigham Utah. A above entitled action; and in case of YOU KNOW THIS IS TRUE your failure so to do, judgment will tho?eein 7Auh time t0 Pick up-post card brings me to your door. 38p be rendered against you according to ? fl00r' or straighten tha df JS, the All demand of the complaint which around you failure is in th PAINO FOR SALE We have a high grade straight has been filed with the clerk of this head. He THINKS he CANT. He court. This action is brought to re- says he can't. He can't save money, piano also a player piano in the cover a judgment condemning the he can't get to work on time, he can't of Bear which River we will lands described vicinity in said complaint. do his work any better, he can't kepn sell at a very substantial discount. Lewis Jones, plaintiff's attorney, P. his eye off of the clock. Iiong easy terms or extra discount for O. Address: 10'0i0 tkphone calls 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg., The boy who CAN gets the call areFhaLW9 IN IDAHO MAY 16. cash. For information write Geo. R. hours everv work- some day. Lvery ereat industry. 6 Larsen Music Co., Preston, Idaho 38 Brigham City, Utah. railroad or merchant is looking for Soon men to taKe the Die hitrh salaried PIANO AT A SACRIFICE jobs. We have on hand in the vicinitv of Tremonton one of our very best pianos. Rather than pay storage or this instrument to Ogden, we will sell to a responsible partv at a sne- it MOTHERS of cial price, on easy terms. Or, we will rent the piano with the privilege of From the famous Vestal HatchDANCE Come in buying later and apply rent on pur live delivery guarery. 100 chase price. In answering, please anteed. Quality unsurpassed. at the give full reference in first letter. AdAsk any of the many satisfied dress Glen Tjano Co., customers in Bear River valley. Ogden, Utah. 34 CRYSTAL White Leghorn Chicks $12 per PIANO AT SPECIAL PRICE hundred delivered Tremonton. 11th We have a beautiful, new, quality Order from F. B. Barlow, Treupright piano, small case, in the Merry Makers 8 piece Orchestra vicinity of Bear River which weowill monton, or direct from sell on terms Also special numbers at a greatly . long easy featuring reduced price. This is the very latest Caberett dancing. design in pianos. Don't pass this A real treat for all. opportunity to obtain a marvelous at practically wholesale No admission Petaluma, Calif. charge for mothers price. For information write Geo. R. Larsen Music Co., Preston, Idaho. 38 1 most Astounding values" for be sur rather don't say . prised than like But frankly, know these suits, and like them. that you ter-resti- al are showing them in a variety priced groups, all $24.75 $29.50 d. germ-carryin- of g, love-tinctur- ed Deweyville Present BOOT BLOND D'OR that fitS ...WANT COLUMN.. ti (,Hnp, p HOLEPROOF HosiERY at two-wa- it d dirt DEALER'S 4. ADDRESS 2. v Utah-Idah- SHOP BREAD OUR PASTRIES a' Why Pay More TREMONTON FKHBURNS BAKERY We Attention Issac Walton W. Green Trading Stamps Season OPENS IN UTAH 32-3- After We are Headquarters for the best line of fishing tackle all kinds that can be and make an early bought. selection re-sh- ip Baby Chicks , Bros.-Rober- ts SPRINGS Tremonton Harness And Saturday, May Accessories Co Tremonton DAY Vestal Hatchery |