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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1929 Public School Notes I am nil a cViin with TTti1a Pan W that was once retirn nnw have lots of fun. I have seen birds, gayly on its way. nsn, and a lot of other pretty things. The rushing streams and pussywilWe are going to land in Los Angeles, lows are the first WITH UNCUS BEN signs of spring. I am on a big ship. I went out on California, tomorrow. vuariuiie raj, ioevenin urade. the deck this afternoon and had a nap The captain gave a big dinner and in a steamer chair. When I awoke a we were.au inviiea. ineima ureen, MESSENGERS OF SPRING large crowd had gathered on the deck. inira uraae. The soft, ltUi UUt ' tinv. buds!, hron;n. I hopped out and ran over to see what from the sprays that had been so glad it all meant There were a great to Uncle Ben and I go on the top deck greet the sunlight again, made our many birds of all sizes. The people of the ship each night and watch the nean.8 once more jump for joy. We were feeding them. One of the offi- bun we go to Dea at nine seemed so very happy to think that cers cried, "Look at that! Look at and go uown.at seven the morning. our joyous spring is once more apup get that!" He pointed to me. I looked at Some nights we read inbedtime stories pearing, that we have hardly stopped my dress. Some of the birds had before we go to bed. It is a lot of to think--- of wnnHorfiil "VWC II1CB- - the eaten part of my clothes. I was so fun to sail on the ocean. Junior An sengers that have brought forth their mad that I chased them away. Mary derson. Third Grade. Kiu woings. uiras and flowers or Fndal, Third Grade. even the grass seem so very dear to us after the lone. hloaV vint. GEOGRAPHY TEST I am wtih Uncle Ben. We will land We had our have j'ust experienced. test geography Friday. in vnina next week. Prom there We are more than woerner got ine nignest, which overjoyed to were going to Japan. I can hardly om have a chance ta innlr fnrararA i Anna WAS all iuoII foi'rln Wp Ml WtC w v.aw IM J "till v.mvi . wait until we arrive there. There are and many pleasant onH. was i sv medium Wfi agreeable days a scnooi or lishes following the ship. iur Yesterday an airplane sailed over the vawer, rxrtn urade. We must not let nurulva ship, and day before we left excited OVPr it hut- 7A ninof SPELLING EXAMINATION .no uiaus, toe " New York behind us. yesterday Whitney Bates, gladdest messengers, with all our The Fifth firadn tw hA cnoiln uraue. . I'uiu X.X ine uie sweet message iirsi one was the easiest "ca" lesis, f tlm thev haVA hrniio-Vi- giaa, a n Most Of OUr KnAlll'ntr crmAaa u' oevenm uraae. good. Floyd Wilson got the highest ern Uarfield, average m our ciass. . - 97. 7. -- 1 tu it. "r Baby Chicks Bear River City I Methodist Church Notes NEVER BEP0RE Sunday services at Tremonton: Sunday school at 10 a. m. After the class period each class will give a special number appropriate for Easter. Epworth League at 7 in the evening. Easter topic: "Evidences That Christ Lives." James upan is the leader. Evening service wor-sh- at Has such a thing happened in the history of this state as happened last week when a FULL TRAIN LOAD of Majestic Radios arrived in Salt Lake. in 8 o'clock. Va the pastor, "Christ With Us." Spe cial musci at this service. c..n Sunday crviVp . v u of. r,AMnn. wiuuk. uuuday school at 2 o'clock in the after noon ana service of worship at 3 o'clock. m Unquestionably it was because MAJESTIC is the Mighty Monarch of the Air. We have one of the latest all electric models for you. A cordial invitntitn i'o every one living in either of these Communities to wnrshin vrith .ie If WO. .1 you have no service in your church at the hours mentioned above, if you have no church hnm npfo 4 vaii ova a stranger just stopping over Sunday, we invite you to church Sunday. ALVIN R. DICKSON, Pastor. ". Pecks Electric Shop Garland Phone 10 If you want to be called unon ta do Gold digger's big thines. do not slieht the little Blood is thicker than water, but loves a flat man. ink. things. neither can touch post-offi- HEALTH EXAMINATION I think that the health tost TOOC Tlfl Mr. and Mrs. Rpn Hiri'dnnr. easiest examination we had. We had . VIIOVtlIOCl Hi One of our customers at GarJ 25 questions. Sam Woerner received this city are proud parents of a fine Hand realized more in cash tne highest mark, which was 96 oaoy gin, Dorn March 25. All con Iturns durinc the month nfi Miss Jensen was nlenorl with n. cerned ieenng line. Burnice pers. Mr. and Mrs C. n A,u. Grade. Fifth Peterson, cm llJanuary fr6m 500 of , . anuil ' cruidren or aothwell attended the fchicks than 1400 chicles fmml ARITHMETIC EXAM. show here Saturdav Ian outside hatchery. Fridav WA nfifl nrntlimotifl fact Tt also spent Sunday visiting with Mrs. was rainer pasv. Marvcv i;i c Mom nuuenn sisier, Mrs. u. w. Brails- redersen received iora, and iamny. jioupan ana XNeida the hlVhpst err a rips tvhili urns QQS. Mr. and Mrs. RasmiiB' PKric tor, an JLake uty, Utah vHawnacu Our class average was Mabei motored to Ogden Monday where they trmti Urade. version: ce rJ Mental pictures every "och Ramshaw Hatchery 80. Geo. F. Sommers car buyer should have Mr. and Mrs A If HISTORY TEST aivin were Ogden visitors Saturdav. I thoucht thf hictnrv Jensen and Miss Emeline Phone 59ji-- 2 Garland!a easy. Alice Brough received the high- - Mrs. Oluf nt-- Mvn. Anuersen were in Brio-haest oercenL. wnirn was ur "I'ha mo. day. dium of our grade was 75 percent. I Wm. J. Rose nnd -A. vol u...a hODe we all dn hotter navf fi'ma mnf.J ' Vim iiiv to ugden on business last Tuesdav. zveiLn wooney, ruin urade. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Klwoll an A If, and Mrs. Melvin Nplspn wpw in Rrio-SCHOOL SPIRIT ham City Friday. Everv student shnnM h Mrs. Rohort N' HnrHnor school spint. A spirit to boost gvvu and ""V. bUVi V111U vo aovance meir school to be ahead Fridav afternonn in hnnnr nf of all the fit.liprs-- ' I tii w ha tVio 1ao,li'n lUUI fa uinnaay anniversary. At 4 o'clock a delicious hot dinner ujaa and the most nnnnlar UVtiVVi cpVinnl in . t HW c&wA W Vi t '41 tka w, f county. That would be easily done if Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Johnson, Mr. and every ooy ano gin naa the scnooi ivirs. nenrv Johnson and famiiv Ptioh- OP and Mrs. Osev Jpnson nni familn spirit as they should have. School is not in at tn ITOAn Tra an1 Mr. and Mrs. Mplvin .Tnkncnn DTii tT . wv&kjvK uiiu mu ITiriS OUl OI miSrnipT hilt tn Mm or.H cmidren, Mr. and Mrs. Austin L. educate them. An education is worth Johnson and two children and Mr. more than anvthinc pIbp if tun t it and Mrs. Bert Gardner and family When we fit you with glasses and get it with a good spirit. Victor A verv eniovable nftomnnn vile cnortt we axsuw they are right. Sunday afternoon jilong with the Linton, eighth urade. sacrament meeting We have the experience and WHO ORDERED THE SXOW ence was held and the Primary was the lJuipment for properly Oh.. Michtv Marrh"t nrav njill itm reorganized, ine retiring officers "IW fitting the eyes with glasses. tell US Who OrdprpH thef'"J etinw t Wo were as ionows: President,. Mary J. Were havinc Slirh l'nvnna timoo in nam Garlick. first counspW. warm rays of sunshine, and now you sen, second counselor, Roma Thorsen, send us a snower ol sedef.secretary, . lhrpssn "KrmicfnrH C0L310Ifeathers to contend with disagreeable ant secretary. Aftnn C,roV niol Even the trees began to look cheer-- leader, Margaret Johnson, assistant iui in xne oeauuiul rays of sunshine. piay leader, rearl Elwell; LaVon Birds began to sing their cheery Christensen, Priscilla Gilson and BUUKS Ol IOVPIV (imnff Jensen were releaspH n fAarliorc Thai? d on The following were chosen to take gave people renewed courage. vi n Then someone ordered the snow and iL.l wieir piaces: rresiuent, uiga Kasmus- i cart 17!. comes here disannmntintr it - .J . . v. wc.au 1V1VIIW utt ilia ' xi '"""ft ner: second counselor. T.anln Matoson- We hope, Mighty March, that you secretary, Delpha M. Evans; assistant will once more send tn llfi All l" IaitaItt secretary, Violet J. Iversen; play rays of sunshine. We certainly would ieauer, Carrie j. Uhnstensen; assist' like to know "Who Ordered the ant play leader, Elreta J. Andersen. Snow." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weiler of Salt Zella Forsberg, Eighth Grade. kaice uity announce the safe arrival of a fine baby boy at their home on THE PUSSY WILLOWS March 18. Mrs. Weiler was The West Winds came whistling vciavo noimgren, daughter formerly of Mr. merrily over the sultry declivity. Tha and Mrs. A. E. Holm sublime pussywillows poked their Mrs. Trena Christensen entertained soft, w,hite, fluffy heads from out of a ridav afternoon in hnnnr nf hor Tit their mothers' dark coat They were tle srrandson Dovle's 2nd hirthrfav A oscillating hot supper was served at 5 l delicious J ns ' " '' wiem oy. ociock to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ChrisSoon the sun left the clouds and tensen and family, Mrs. Irvine Chris came to illuminate the pussywillows. tensen and family. Mrs. Wm Pnco LOW LOTS OF "Mv!" thoue-h"h AW and daughter Thurza, Mrs. Henry thp .ASH we do sparkle!" HEAT nansen, misses Winona and Uena The Dussvwillnws sppmprl nc thow innstensen. Mr. and Mrs. John Andersen of For the next few months you want were dancing to and fro. The stream iremonton spent Sunday in this city the highest quality coal obtainable visiung wun tneir daughter, Mrs, for comfort and cleanliness. nen nnstensen. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jensen attended Let us 'furnish you that highest the funeral services hpld at Titrnn quality coal with unsurpassed Sunday afternoon over the remains of one oi Mrs. Jensen s nieces. preparation and service. . F. A. Hinckley and J. I. Lillywhite Block North of of the hich council nf RnVTinm Pitw Tremonton Milling Co. were our visitors at Sunday school' and sacrament meeting here Sunday. Miss Marv Atlcins mntroH tn Cttr. den Friday. Mrs. P. M. Iversen had thp miofnr. tune to slip and fall down the cellar Phone 36 & IVERSON stens at her home last wpoTt hroalrintr Tremonton, Utah a small bone and badly spraining her Local Agent -- There Is No Guesswork About It . -- w SOME - II 1 1 1 ..." Keep in mind these pictures made from photographs of scenes at General - Motors' Proving Ground. A car wallowing in a sunken road with water over the hubs a car bucking a long stretch of cruel bumps and potholes a car straining to reach the top of a g hill a car doing twists and turns and other acrobatics that few cars are ever called upon to do. Such arc the tests given advance models of a General Motors car at the Proving Ground. The tests involve speed, power, endurance, braking, ridding comfort, handling case; fuel, oil and tire economy i body strength every phase of car construction and performance. When every test has been met, the factory goes ahead and builds your car like these proved models. Keep these pictures in your mind. They will come in handy next time you are buying a car. 1 T" ... 1 XT Burnsright 08AIL c RA going en a Proving Ground read, made had Hit various parti of Central Matert tart under barittt fett Alt tonditiont. to ... heart-breakin- a. , n68-acr- ... Lo-re- ne Utah car. A rn- Tremonton you will consider buying DAY - arroe-antl- A icitntific "both tuinnet to watb tart, but to tbew tlx Proving Ground engineer! exactly what baffint uibcn a car it driven through water. t On tiufiMMnilt tut track tli tntfntert tan ran a tar night and day, at any tpteJ, tt liarnj uit tew it ttandi tbi fact. RADIO One-Ha- MAJESTIC lf and BESSINGER BROS SPARTON Easy Terms SHAW idiom art bills at it up thit. avtragt grade of bighway billt is ievtn per tent. Hit bill it per tint and a tar-f"It good to make it.ij Very The anicie. El PLANET JR Garden Tools for the making of that Home or Field Garden Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, everything in Steel Goods, for Garden or Field. Mrs. A. E. Holmprpn snpnt sovoml days of last week in Salt Lake City visitine with her Mrs. j Frank Weiler. and family. Melvin . Johnson wan an Ocrdon vlo. daue-hter- Professor and Mrs. Emil Hansen of the Utah Agricultural tollege of Lo gan ana ur. r eruiand zucker of Hun- Car ..wwv.. oniocto ' V. were tho lnnrhnnn H.wwiff nt M ( and Mrs. Oluf Jensen Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Zucker is at the U. A. C. for two weeks studying bacteri- Leon Jensen and MpTvin v wuiovrftt motored to Richmond Saturday where mey purcnasea seven Holstein calves for the 4H club, of which Mr. Jensen is the leader. Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. T i Anuersen, mrs. Mary jpson, Mrs Esther Jensen and Mrs. rnnrino a n. dersen motored to Ogden where they aiienaea a parcel snower given in honor of Miss Leotta Ipson, whose marriace will take tilvo snmo timo in April. The shower was held at the nome 01 Air. anri Mm. Oirtia w . w.u Allies ..tijovilt e The received a great many useiui Kills. Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmgren entertained in honor of their son Roy Dells birthday. The afternoon was spent in social conversation and music, after which delicious refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Nyman of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Holmgren of Garland. Mr. and Mm. Emerv pvooA of Bricham Citv. Mr. and Mm pCk Jensen and children, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Holmgren, Miss Mary Atkins, all of this citv. ATI TioH o time. WJk 1 Hand Seed Sowers. Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company The Largest Retail Implement Dealers in the World" Phone 90 Tremonton, Utah ii 1 PONTIAG7n)odels. $745 $8. Now offers "pig motoring luxury at low cost. Larger engine; larger Bodiqs Br Fisher. New attractive colors and stylish liae. OLDSMOBILE.7models.$75- -r si' - S1035. The Fine Car bride-to-b- ca ""n at Low New models offer frrther ad Price. refine- ments, mechanically and in the Fisher Bodies yet at reduced prices. Also new Special and De Luc models. m - OAKLAND. 8 models. $n4t All American Six. Distinctively original appearance. Splendid performance. Luxurious appointments. Attractive colors. Bodies by Fisher. BUICK. ismodcl.$ii95-$tI- 4j. Km MGaml Ta.) WBAf m4 (All Frien f. mtj be mk .. k. PwoHm. oa the Iow-co- k s Tint p.jmcn GMAC PU..), ALSO FRIGID AIRE Automatic Refrig- erator. New silent models with device. cabinets. Price and model range to suit every family. cold-contr- Tu-to- " MLCO-UGHTElectr- ic Plant-s- Water Systems. Provide all, electrical conveniences and labor-savidevices for the farm. ng Gea"i Motor. ff oct. 0 ftle 'sr 0 o ?A car for every purse and purpose n. 1 Famous efficient engine. Luxurious-bodieby Fisher and Fleetwood. Extensive range of color and upholstery combinations. The Silver Anniversary Buick. Three wheel-base- s from txj to 118 inches. Masterpiece bodies br Fisher. More powerful, vibration-les- s motor. Comfort and luxury in every mile. LaSALLB 14 models. $1195 $i7j. Companion car to Cadillac. Continental lines. Distinctive appearance, degree engine. Striking color com binitions in beautiful bodies br GENERAL MOTORS rfWUil UUfTVi.. aT" Umon Ptailv trntt, MockcW nim maoa. Kame D ' ah "marf... lio' mm ' ut CADILLAC 15 model.. $3195 $7oo. The Standard of the world. S137J. New Oakland valve-in-he- Ivor Aionoay. .1 Northrug King Cos Seeds of all Kinds Flower and Garden. CHEVROLET. 7 model. S515 I7X5. A six in the price range of the four. Smooth, powerful engine. Beautiful new Fisher Bodies. Alto delivery chassis. Sedan Light delivcrr model. ton chassis and 1)4 ton chassis with cab, both with four speeds forward. . ,t 0 lr 3cacaet3cat- ,-Z . ' Wf'mi 0 Q 0 On 2 I f |