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Show I BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1929 Bfcar Rover vs. Box Elder High, Jam. 25-- , Dance After the Game Bear River High Gymnasium Thatcher Bothwell .The Misses Edith and Grace Anderson have pone to Salt Lake, Grace t enter Heniger's Business college, and Edith has employment there. Miss Pearl Bergstrom of Tremon-to- n and Miss Ruby Bergstrom of Logan spent Friday with their mother, Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom. Mrs. Herman Bodily left Saturday for Los Angeles where she will join Mr. Bodily, who is employed there. ' Miss Lurille Diderickson, who has spent the winter in Pocatello, returned to her home here Wednesday. The M. I. A. officers are working hard to put over "big" their Green and Gold ball, Thursday, the 24th. The Night Larks will furnish the Miss Stella Anderson, Milton Anderson and Miss Phyllis Diderickson of Thatcher were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newman Sunday evening. Joseph Newman left for Ogden Tuesday, returning home Saturday evening. He is now the proud owner of a new Ford coach. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. .Summers have a new electrfc range installed in their Wednesday Mrs. Sophia Diderick-o- n entertained at a quilting bee. All the officers and teachers of the Pri mary attended. Friday evening the quilt was given away, Lrvin Summers of Bothwell holding the lucky number. W. H. Dunn and Leon Dunn came home from Malad, Idaho, Saturday, where they have been working as plasterers. Sunday Mrs. Joseph Nielson and children went to Bountiful to make An appendix is a portion of a book, which nobody yet has discovered of any use. Selected. Mt. of is an in Washington, ex- The Apache Indians practice a form trial marriage. The diameter of and four a golf hole is Inches. one-fourt- h Rome will have l.O'JO.OOO people by census officials estimate. 19"0. "Wild" deer in the Yosemite valley pat cookies from the bands of campers. Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunsaker and son Wendell motored to their ranch at Promontory Sunday. A social was given in the Bothwell L. D. S. hall yednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lavon Stokes and family, who recently moved from the Bothwell ward. At the beginning of the evening a new geological survey map shows the Sal ton sea basin, 270 feet below sea level. A Government geologists are finding airplanes useful to carry them into the Alaskan wilderness. De-lo- ra Mrs. Mary B. Cothran Is the new manager of the largest and most exclusive apartment hotel in Washing- I ton. -, Junior Mozart Hotel de The Seventeenth-centurLauzun has been bought by the city of Paris for $100,000 to give the museum more space. Car-naval- et An Important new lighthouse has been built on a coral island in the Philippines to guide shipping in transit between Hongkong, Manila and I 1 Australia. ' . - erated upon Jan. 16 for hernia. condition is good. op- His Bear River Band to Put On Novel Dance The Greenweld orchestra of Ogden have. been engaged by the Glen Bros.-RoberMusic Co. of Ogden to play at a dance to be given in Bear River City, Friday, Jan. 18, for the benefit of the Bear River City band. The Bear River City band is an organization of outstanding accomplishments and the oldest one in the ts been I NEW GOODS y Holds Fine Meeting - what mip roved. Ralph Ashby of Fielding was secretary-t- A dog doubles its weight in the first eight days of life, whereas a baby takes sis months to double its weight ! I improving very nicely. Mrs. Byron Henry was brought to the hospital Jan. 15 and operated upon for minor troubles. She is doing well. Gordon Blackburn came to the hospital Jan. 14 wtih sciatic neuritis. His condition is very stubborn but some- state, being organized in 1884 and has intact since that date. It is regrettable that so many social events have been scheduled for that evening as the people of the valley would like to patronize the event to show their New Hampshire is taking steps to appreciation of this fine organization. drain its coast marshes, where 11 found. are of mosquitoes species In early Seventeenth century England nearly 1,000 men, women and children were hanged each year. I d Ilanier, tinct volcano. program was given as follows: song, "America," prayer, congregation; Clarence .Summers; reading, Miss Rasmussen; several songs by the Boy Scouts; new year's resolutions by Mrs. Clarence Summers; instrumental selections by Isaac Burnhope and son Miss Donald; Marjorie reading, Stokes; musical selection, Miss Vera Sumsion. After the program games were played and refreshments were Panserved. A good crowd was there and Miss Bessie Wight visited over the all enjoyed themselves. week-enwith friends at Brigham. The Deweyville basketball team Mrs. John Craner returned to her met the Bothwel lteam in the Both-we- ll home in Corinne Sunday after a' evening. The week's visti here with her mother,! score hall 24Thursday to 18 in favor of the was .Mrs. Anton Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Wight of Og- Bothwell boys. den were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Club Roy Anderson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ray were the ' dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers at Bothwell Saturday eveThe Junior Mozart club was very ning. Tuesday the Relief Society mem- delightfully entertained at the home bers met in a work and business meet- of Miss Gloria Dalton on Friday eveing. After the opening exercises the ning of last week. This was the first time was spent in learning to make meeting in several months, owing to children's coats, etc. so many contagious diseases among fcMr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson of the children. The following short Tremonton visited with relatives here program in keeping with the new Sunday. year of 1929 was given: :u Mr. and Mrs. P. C. C. Peterson and (a) Goodbye, Old Year.John Williams " Ray Anderson attended the Farm Bu- - (b) The Band Is Playing Dixie reau meeting at Tremonton Tuesday Burke Gephart The Fountain evening. Bueng Carter Cole Winzeler LOCAL STUDENTS AT IT. A. C. Reading.."Earl's New Year Resolution Among the 131 new students to regMiss Burns ister at the Utah Agricultural college The annual election of officers for for the winter quarter without having the new year was held. Miss Gloria attended the fall quarter, are three Dalton was chosen president and Cole young people from Tremonton. These, Winzeler, secretary. Jones White was with- - their fields of major interest, taken in as a new member of the club. are: Fannie Chadaz. edurat.i on Mnv. The Juniors are planning a public renard Andreason, engineering, and, cital to be held in the early spring. nunier uaauie, engineering. Following the business meeting games were played and delicious refreshM you want your dreams to come ments were served by Gloria, assisted true, don't oversleep. by her mother and Phyllis Bates. .... improving. George Petersen of East Tremonton came into the hospital with a middle ear infection which later infected his blood, resulting in a severe milk leg affecting both legs. His condition is SCRAPS , - after a week's treatment for kidney and bladder disturbance. Her condition was very much improved. Seth J. Eagle of Washakie, while hunting rabbits Jan. 12, was accidentally shot through the left hand. The bone extending from the hand to the little finger was entirely shot away and the one to the fourth finger fractured. His conditi nis slowly In 1CT.8 the Pilgrims crossed the ocean, and tins was known hs Pilgrims' Progress. den last week. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kupfer also attended the stock show at Ogden last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stokes of Tremonton wre guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stokes Sunday. Ervin Summers was the winner of the beautiful quilt given away at the dance Friday evening. their home. Mr. Nielson is employed Thatcher Mrs. George Stark has been on the at. the Cudahy packing house. sick list the last week. Wednesday evening Mrs. Paul Eg-gi- n Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stokes were entertained a number of friends. entertained radio party at the Cards formed the evenings' pastime. home of Mr. atanda Mrs. I. D. Newman Luncheon was served. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peterson entertained. The evening was spent listening to the radio. At a late hour cake and ice cream were served to eighteen guests. Some time ago a rabbit hunt was staged and on Friday evening the losing hunters proved themselves real sports when they gave an oyster supper, with the entire ward as their invited guests. Following the supper was a dance at the gym, which was free to the winning side. After the dance Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Adams entertained. Covers were laid for eight. A. E. Roche left for California Saturday where he will attend a school given for employees of the Holt Caterpillar and Threshing Machine com- - tary-treasur- Mrs. Aaron Christensen of Bear River City left the hospital Jan. 12 man. bert attended the stock show at Og I VALLEY HOSPITAL by False doctrine is when a doctor gives the wrong stuff to a home. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Newman were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Miller of Tremonton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baccult of Wheelon were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunsaker Sunday. George Stark and son Ray and music. was discovered America the Spinach. The Farm Bureau held their annual meeting last Thursday evening at the home of George Abbott. The following officers were elected: O. A. Seager, president; Mrs. P. E. Ault, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Garfield an- vice president, and Geo. Beal, secre- a of nounce the arrival l The women reorgan daughter on Jan. 9th. ized with Mrs. Chas. Peterson, vice The small children of J. D. Hansen president, and Mrs. Geo. BeaL reasurer. The evening was spent are ill with chickenpox. Sun-r!- v discussing farm problems and plan- Ray York and family enjoyed th Mr. and Mrs. W. E. nine new work. Robert Stewart, coun- Elwood. of ty agent, was present and helped Woods Miss Phyllis Paxton was a Sunday work out the projects. Refreshments were served. guest of Mrs. J.K- O. Garfield. Mr. and Mrs. - H. Fridal, Jr., were NOTICE OF SALE FOR SPECIAL Ogden visitors on Tuesday. TAXES I,ewis Abbott was a Salt Lake City Notice is hereby given that Special vsiitor on Tuesday. Miss Maudell Seager attended the Taxes for Street paving are due and land teachers' institute in Brigham City unpaid in amounts and upon thedelinset forth and described in the Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Zelf Erickson of Man- quent list hereto attached; and untua were guests Sunday at the O. A. less said taxes, including interest, together with the cost of publication, .Seager home. Mrs. J. F. Cunningham of Bneham are paid on or before the 24th day of City is visiting her niece, Mrs. Floyd January, 1929, the real propertywillupon on which such taxes are a lien, Garfield. Several from this community at- said day be sold for said taxes, intended the Beet Growers and Farm terest, cost of advertising and expense Bureau meeting in Garland Monday. of sale, at the front door of the Post beGeorge Brough went to Spring City Office, in Tremonton City, Utah, last Monday to visit his brother and ginning at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of said day, and continuing unold friends. Leon Garfield is spending a few til p11 of said property shall have been gold. davs in Ogden. Delinquent Tax List Mrs. O. A. Seager and Mrs. O. L. Paving District No. 1 Brough attended a meeting of the Herman Landvatter, lots Daughters of Pioneers last Thursday at the home of Mrs. David Manning block 14, plat A, Tremonton Ctiy, 137.5 feet frontage on Main street. of Garland. Amount delinquent....$553.63 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Persch went I. N. Kirkpatrick, lot 5, block 9, to Salt Lake City on Tuesday and returned Wednesday. plat A 50 feet frontage on Tremont Mrs. D. E. Abbott was called to street. Amount delinquent....$256.03 Morgan last Saturday owing to the J. D. HOGGAN, serious illness of her son's wife. Lewis Abbott was transacting busiCity Treasurer and Collector of ness in Salt Lake City the latter part Special Taxes. of the week. NOTICE Miss Eva Garfield returned from A meeting of the local Tremonton California last Saturday after spendcalled for Sating several weeks visiting Mr. and Farm Bureau is hereby She urday, Jan. 19, at 3 p. m., in the ComMrs. Azur Evans and family. was accompanied to Ogden on Sunday mercial club rooms. The purpose of loby her mother, Mrs. Geo. Garfield, said meeting is to reorganize the and brother Leon, when she continued cal and transact such other business come before tho her journey to Columbia, Utah, to re- as may properly sume her duties as teacher there. meeting. Leland J. Hansen, Pres. East Tremonton Hospital Notes HOWLERS p.m. I BUBBLES ! Served In time Gets a warm customer. the Jail sentence. the cool reception "So he's a free poet?" "Oh, married, too." no, he's Are arriving daily at the Big Store. Come in and look around you will be" surprised. 79c each 2 for New Wash frocks See the new Colorgraph oil cloth patterns. $1.50 Something different. yard 35c Another new shipment of that good fast color cambric percale. per yard 25c Even a second wife may be first in command. . We are seldom peck of trouble. on a short-measure- d Money talks, hut it doesn't pay to listen to a bad penny. Look sharp when some one comes with an ax to grind. The pretty girl thinks it rough when she doesn't have plain sailing. To most of us Easy street seems to be marked. "No thoroughfare." "Did her singing have any after effect?" "Rather, I felt like going after a shotgun." FIFTEEN NEW FORD CARS PER MINUTE OR BETTER THAN . 7000 PER DAY "They say a man is known by the company he keeps." "Yes, and a woman by the company she keeps away from." Detroit News. the demand for this popular car. With this production cars are coming to us in greater quantities each month. We are now able to make immediate delivery in almost any type of New Ford FROM VICTOR HUGO Hypocrisy is a loan which the devil pays off. you want. Get in touch with us for a demonstration or come in and look over our new stock. We have just installed a hot water system in connection with our car washing machine. Get your car washed today. Utah Auto Power dies when there attained. Virtue and honesty do not always lead to soft beds and gilded chambers. Heavy afflicfs produce stupor and It Is by entering into the little acts of everyday life that JJen come back to themselves. The human body Is but an 'which conceals our reality; throws a shadow over our else Intensifies our darkness. Implement Go. our reality lies dorp below visible man. FORD DEALERS Tremonton tt Utah . envelope It either light or The soul . . The true man the surface of the i r if i it ii my son jonn Came from college with no hat on; A pipe and a slicker And half-Diof licker. my son John. I nt . tr Is no end to be Is & 98c "Did she manage to cheat the Customs?" "Sure. They didn't even get on to her foreign accent." is the production necessary to supply ; Ladies and Misses' Felt Hats 1 See our windows for a real bargain in blankets. Values to $9 90 Choice $4.98 Gephart Stores Company Tremonton, Phone 33 Garland, Bell Phone 6 |