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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 Bear River vs, Ogdeii High, Jam. 5 P. I BEAR RIVER HIGH GYMNASIUM Otto Schenlcel was called to Salt Lake City Tuesday by the serious illness of his wife, who is at the home of her mother. Tremonton Locals Soap and Water Will Clean Iron Articles Mrs. Lewis Peterson of Garland was hostess to the Tremonton-Gar-lan- d Ladies Literary club at their Mr. and Mrs. Nephi . Nessen and last meeting, Dec 27th. "The Brdige Rae" by Thornton WilMiss Zelda Nessen visited at Rich- of San Louis reviewed was by Mrs. John Ander, mond the first of the week. Miss derson. Mrs. R. D. Law, a former Nessen remained for an extended was a welcome member of club, the visit guest Delicious refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Richards of Garland and Mr. and Mrs. H. Landvatter atMrs. David Hiltbrand and Mrs. tended the stock show at Ogden Edgely Owens of Pocatello, Idaho, Mrs. Grace Johnson of Preston, Idaho, and Frank Peterson of Logan were Miss Grace Bosley and Keith y in Tremonton Sunday to attend the of Corinne spent the week-en- d as funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Ida G. Miss of Edith guests Foxley. Janson. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson and Cornwall was an Ogden Chancey family spent the New Year holiday visitor Monday. with relatives at Richmond. Myrtle Holmgren's Garland. Bell 42w. Phone . ADVERTISING EGGS BRINGS PROFITS There eggs a market waiting for the Is that the progressive poultrymun advertises. So says W. A. Sumner of the agricultural journalism department at the Bos-le- Wisconsin College of Agriculture. Many poultrymeu are finding large profits in a "direct to the consumer" business and are building up a flourishing business through small Inexpensive classified advertisements In and town newspapers. Mesdames Elmer Winzeler, D. Can- cityBefore Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gephart, Mr. beginning, however, Sumner H. Persson and and Mrs. Alma Theurer, Mr. and Mrs. non, Earl Watkins that the future advertiser afemphasizes H. T. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. motored to Riverside Wednesday sure that he has something must be Mrs. Herald and ternoon presented and Dr. and Mrs. E. H. White Gephart were Ogden visitors Monday evening. Willing with many useful garments. worth advertising and that he can Mr. and Mrs. Welling lost their home give prompt replies to those who answer. To get top prices for his eggs Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Drew and Mr. and all effects by fire Sunday. and Mrs. E. J. Winzeler were dinner and bring repeat orders, the poultry-ma- n Dr. V. S. Keller returned Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wat-lan- d must have strictly fresh eggs that from a three weeks' vacation spent in he can Sunday. guarantee. But, it pays to sell California. them, for city customers are willing to Miss La Verne Storrer entertained Mrs. Felix Zesiger was taken to the pay from five to ten cents a dozen the lady employees of Gephart's with Garland hospital Thursday to be plac- above the retail prices for strictly a delightful sleigh ride Thursday fresh eggs. ed under special treatment. Often a single insertion of an adMrs. E. L. Storrer, Miss La Vern vertisement will bring enough inMrs. L. E. Allred is numbered with Storrer and Wm. Storrer were in Salt quiries to build up a steady trade for the sick this week. Lake City Wednesday and Thursday. months to come, but the sales copy Mrs. G. T. Hone was hostess to the must be attractive enough to draw atmembers of the B. B. club last Saturof Keeping in competition with all the tention Ways Many day afternoon. other advertisements in the column. in Floors Shape Maple In writing the advertisements, SumThe W. C. T. U. met at the home of Maple floors are somewhat harder ner gives this hint: "Make the Mrs. Henry Rohde Thursday afternoon. The state president, Mrs. M. to keep in good shape than oak, probcopy detailed enough to furnish all and H. Parry of Salt Lake City, was pres- ably because maple is such a hard the necessary information, Including first On wood. d maple the ent and gave a very interesting acThe copy must be brief, for prices." count of the national convention re- coat of varnish should be thinned wun it is paid for by the words, but no hold a liberal quantity of turpentine to cently held at Boston. important facts should be left out. subsequent coats of heavy bodied floor A trade mark also helps when sellMr. and Mrs. Jay Rhead spent Wed- varnish. to customers, if It is ing nesday at Salt Lake City. Not less than three coats should be attractive and remembered. easily floors to secure the When Is used on neat cartons, A. E. Holmgren of Bear River City, applied to these it floors former county commissioner, was a best results. Refinishing maple crates, or packages containing clean, done best is by fresh bad are in which shape business visitor in Tremonton eggs, It helps bring more orders scraping and sandpapering after re- and makes it easy for customers to moving the old varnish. tell their friends about the poultry-man'- s inEleven members of the Sunday Many painters prefer to use oil products. school board of the Methodist church stead of varnish on maple, and if a met at the home of Mrs. D. W. Jen- slight darkening of the wood is not kins Tuesday evening. Following a objectionable it is probably the best Fresh Warm Water Is business meeting, in which the offithese floors. Oiling should cers were elected for another year, way to treat Essential for Layers as It soon wears doDe be frequently, the evening was spent in games after Ice water may taste good at a hot which refreshments were served. away. but in winter it does not for finish excellent an is picnic July also Those present were Rev. and Mrs. A. Wax R. Dickson, Mesdames N. E. Shaw, maple and may be applied directly appeal to either people or laying hens. T. A. .Supan, P. E. Ault and T. A. to the wood without the previous coat If either were forced to consume ice Carter; the Misses Mary Burns, Ellen of varnish recommended for oak water In winter they would drink no Vera McDowall, Leah floors. Woodward, more than absolutely necessary. In Woerner and Pauline Miller. The case of poultry this would mean the 5 i ij ? ? J 4 f t & 'J next meeting will be at the home of j j serious falling off in egg production. Mrs. N. E. Shaw on Tuesday evening, It might mean serious injury to the DEFINITIONS 5. February health of the fowls. If water were an expensive part From an Archaic Dictionary. of the ration all would probably see that the fowls always had plenty of Tabloid A small tablet. it They would also give it to them Banana, Jonathan and Rome Beauin the most effective manner. But becull 35c at bushel of Sheba at Part ty apples per Ethiopia. my cause water Is a gift of nature, we are farm 1 mile south sugar factory. 18 Oluf Johnson, Bell phone 37rl apt to overlook its Importance. Moron A kind of salamander. The egg supply from a group of Dressmaking $2.00 a day. Ella hens can be practically cut off laying houseHusband Head a of Homer. 18p two to three days by Interin from hold. fering with the water supply or by FOR SALE 800 legfurnishing it In frozen buckets, etc. Dumbbell A weight for exer-elshorn pullets. Ralph Jensen, Bear With the winter months ahead it will River City. d pay to see that the hens get plenty of water and for best results it should MACHINERY FOR SALE 1 J. D. Drugstore Place where drugs not be too chilly. If fresh water is spreader, good as new, 1 Oliver plow, are sold. Wayne Binkley farm, Cropley statio given at least twice a day the hens 1 will consume more than where It is spring tooth harrow. Wayne Binkley farm, Cropley Station. not offered fresh. For this reason do 19p Teddies Flural for Teddy. not favor large containers; they are Los Angeles Times. FOR RENT Rooms over Utah apt to be neglected. Power & Light office. Call 16. 16tf OIL Admission 50 Cents A divorce suit always costs snore Stamp everything you do with the trademark of your own personality. than a wedding suit. '. It always seems so much easier to Its the easiest thing in the dtfrf from bad to worse than from good stir up trouble. All you hvr0 to go In Iron Is Wrought vogue. Every- to better. is to tell the truth at all times. thing from chairs and benches to Is being fashlamps and bric-a-brioned out of these strips of Iron. Some of the articles are painted or waxed or otherwise finished on the surface and people already are beginning to wonder how to clean them without damaging the finishing. . Dusting with a soft brush is sufficiently effective for every day, but occasionally a more thorough cleaning is desirable. For this, make a good, rich suds of luke-warwater and a good neutral soap. Apply the suds with a brush, bo that It will reach all the corners and crevices. Rinse by dipping the brush In clear water. Dry as thoroughly as possible with a soft cloth and let stand In the open air to dry completely. Polish if desired with wax or furniture polish. to Season's Biggest Hit Ice Carnival and Garland Personals Snow Ball. I i Get a permanent hair wave at Phone Myrtle Holmgren's Garland. Bell 42v. Last Friday evening Mrs. Grace Haws, Mrs. Geo. O. Nye, Mrs. F. S. Peck, Mrs. Harold Persson, Mrs. Arthur J. Felsted and Mrs. F. M. Peck were hostesses to a dancing party at the Palace Gardens in Garland. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The Gaiety Girls furnished the music. The hall was filled with invited guests and a delightful time was had by all. Punch and wafers were served. .i ; Festivity for Tremonton M. I. A. ; Saturday, Jan. 12 Beginning at'4 p. m. Look elsewhere in this paper for details close-graine- n ...WANT COLUMN.. - What is one man's news reel is Times. attention. 1. If pullets replace yearlings In the f.ock each year diseases such as T. B. will be reduced considerably. Be Prepared Heating drinking water for the hens with coal or wood is much cheaper than letting them heat it with food. Poultry culture, like any other business, must be regulated according to demand. It is a proved fact that, for d table use, the breeds, or at least those with legs of a color other than yellow, are the best By getting out your harness and strap work of all kinds and have it repaired and oiled, ready for the spring work that will be upon us before we are aware. High Grade Work Do dark-legge- The nesting boxes should be In the darkest part of the hen house, and should all face away from the door. High Grade Oils Sprinkle a little carbolic acid In the hens' dust bath occasionally. After each rnln stir the dust nnd make it not put it off until the last thing DO IT NOW! 1 Tremonton Harness & Accessories Co. Phone 48 Tremonton, Utah Ventilation of poultry houses is essential. One hundred hens give off f to four gallons of three and water every 24 hours. one-hal- Large supplies of eggs are keeping the prices down, and under these conditions it behooves every flock owner to get rid of his low producers. (This to....$ 8.50 Ss $L9a:Ji, j AO d0 OQ tJ).Di dQ , ' ; D,70 a Thistledown extra heavy ' cotton blanket) l ! i. Better Blankets at $4.69, $4.98, Sweaters for boys and girls priced at from 98c to $7.90 $5.90 and $7.90 In Our Grocery Department Tall cans milk (all kinds) 10c for bars Crystal White soap 45 c SPECIAL for bars not wrapped 39c for FRESH CANDY Jello, packages per pound 25c for Small bottle green olives 25c 12c for NUTS Ripe olives 12c SOFTBRAZIL SHELL ALMONDS per can FILBERTS 10 10 All fine again. Sweet milk and sour milk are about equally valunble as chick feed, but one of them should be fed exclusively. If the milk diet Is changed bowel trouble often results. Size 64x76 for reduced to....$12.50 $12 50 reduced sweep or scrub it each day. Frozen toes and feet are a bad thing for fowls, and if noticed need Size 66x80 for $28.75 reduced to....$17.50 If a concrete poultry yard Is used, Faint heart never got out from the middle of the row. Kansas City C!:!!.J $34.75 reduced to....$22.50 $16.75 There is no smoke without some trouble with the usher. into a pair of our blankets while the wind whistles and howls. Special values, a good variety of patterns to select from, aty)M . prices that are right. Coats at Reduced Prices Poultry Hints an- other man's comedy. It is pretty nice to be able to slip 50 Ladies' 10-tf- FOR RENT AND SALE apartment, modern, 20 head shoates, 40 acres choice land, close in, Call J. H. electricity available. Brown, Tremonton. 15tf PLENTY OF MONEY to lend on the right kind of real estate. NORMAN LEE, Brigham City. 7tf WANTED Old useless horses. R. W. Hunsaker, phone 96.0-16p Blankets Ladies' Coats f 3 Oranges Sweet and Juicy 2 dozen for CQp D" SOFT SHELL WALNUTS per pound 25c Gephart Stores Company Tremonton, Phone 33 Garland, Bell Phone 6 , |