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Show WuAR RIVER VALLEY LEADEK CITY QUESTIONNAIRE A "TfTTT THF JliMinrK 11 anOIClNITY -- ANSWERS WHICH WILL SOLVE PROBLEMS OP , PERPLEXING THIS RECONSTRUCTION ERA. H. Capwelj has purchased a lot W.- - . in the Shuman addition. W. B. Home of the firm of BMW Query. The government has launched & Iverson spent Sunday and Monday an educational campaign to encourage ' in Ogden. , building In order to put more men to work. Would not a similar movement to E. R, Owen, district manager of the show how the old structures can be beat and most economically repaired and made Utah Power and Light Co.,? was in good as new also help? town on business. , CLOVER FOR EARLY PASTURE Highly Valued by Dairymen as Substitute for Silage and for Green I ' Feed in Spring. (Prepared by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture.) Excepting rye, crimson clover Is the in the earliest . pasture available spring in the Middle Atlantic states from New Jersey to North Carolina. Crimson clover Is grown mostly for soil Improving and for hay. Crimson clover pasture is especially valuable for hogs and sheep, which relish this clover quite as much as they do red clover and alfalfa. It Is highly valued by dairymen as a substitute for ellnge and as a means of obtaining green feed very early In the season. Many dairymen pasture their cows on crimson clover In order to save their silage for dry spells during the summer. An average acre of crimson clover furnishes day pasture for two or three cows and reduces the amount of silage that must be fed by about one-hal- f. Hogs, sheep and light cattle can be run on upland pastures throughout the winter and early spring except when snow is on the ground. Heavy cattle must not be turned on the fields when the ground Is soft, although crimson clover Is not injured by tram- - Wednesday learned that such a plan is in effect and !g linked directly with the Washington propaganda. Industry must be turned back from works of war to the ways of peace. Employment must be found, In the meanwhile, for those whose occupation has been interrupted. There is no real surplus of labor In the United States. Rather there is a shortage, which would be acute if normal condi-ditiowere already restored, and one step towards restoring them will come with resumption of repair work. Government restrictions, Imposed by the necessities of the war program, have for many months past retarded or altogether prevented construction, Improvement and repairs. These restrictions arenow off, and there is scarcely a town, a city, a factory, a dwelling or a farm that does not reveal a crying need for prompt attention. Nothing delays such instant action except the feeling that prices are high for the time being and may be lower. That is not logical. No matter what It costs to repair, the cost is less than the cost of neglect No matter what the cost of paint, the wind and the weather will collect a higher bill in deterioration and decay. Answer. It Is J. Dun of Denver has been demonstrating the Majestic range at Shaw & Iverson 's store the last week. Dr. T. B. Beatty, secretary of the State Board of Health, was In tnis. city Wednesday on business. . N. E. Iverson removed his family to Salt Lake Sunday, where they will reside for the wintei. ' A C. F. Dinsmore & Co., have oeen awarued tne contract to erect a n residence fir E. j. Winzeler. , A. Furse Mrs. een has-b- appointed librarian, succeeding Miss Phyllis Wilson, who is soon to leave for Logan, to attend the B. Y. C. Mr. and Mrs. Giles been in town the last the valley with of Morgan have day or so look-ov- er view a. .:.!:, here. Wm. S. Wheeer of Hansel. Valey has purchased a residence in the southwest part of town and wil remove his family ""V --- . thereto. Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Harlan motored up from Salt Lake City and ; were guests at the home of Chas. Montgonv ' ery Sunday and Monday. . - ; The Tremonton Auto Sales Company is engaged in unloading a ear of Oak land cars today. They report an ex cellent demand for the "Sensible Six" as the car is known. The Tremonton Auto Sales Co. reports the sale of Oakland cars to the following persons: Mr. Mcintosh manof the Farmers Union, Malad; Isager Left without paint, such a house would rael Hunsaker, Jr., White's Valley, Aafall into complete ruin in 30 years. So Christensen and Hans M.: Christ-enseron taking 60 years as a basis for our fig- Bear River. C.,y; and Sylvester ures we find that with paint a home will last that time. In good . condition Owens, Corinne. and will cost, plus paint, $4,375. With The Maccabees will hold their next out paint the house would have to be regular review at the Odd Fellow hall I vi u j j v. ii i o uiiu next-Ql Monday. The last meeting was would be ready for another complete Nirenovation when the sixtieth year ar held at the home of Mrs. Lulu rived. Cost, without paint, $5,000 for chols, when three candidates were ona home ready to fall to pieces. Does ligated, and three new names were jjre regular painting pay? ,.As the 'old sentea. me nostess served reireau-ment- s Dutch adage says: after the meeting. Mrs. Clara "PAINT PAYS FOR ITSELF." Woodward won the prize for the sloj"1 j L 1. V, 1 1.1 gan I have1 a quantity of old paint Can I use it for the first coat in ' " repainting my barn? Query. on hand. Showing Most Advanced Stage of Ripening Which Is Allowable to Use for Hzy. Crimson Clover, i Answer. On ao account should old paint which has become fat be used for priming either old or new work, Old paint in (hat condition is best used as as blue much pling permanent on a fence, brickwork or tinwork. If grass sod. Crimson clover Is not as value your barn sufficiently to likely to cause bloating as other clo- you It, do it the justice of a good Job. paint and but vers, cattle, especially young cattle, should not be allowed to graze U. S. Invents t when the clover Is covered with frost. "Dope." Incident to t lie war, the government DEFECTS IN BUTTER MAKING has faced the problein that has so long proved baffling to commercial concerns of protecting iron and steel from or Too at Quickly Cooling Working In an attempt to solve this fed- -' rust. Too Low Temperature Makes eral specialists have perfected various Butter Brittle. forms of protective coatings. In this it may be pertinent to ask connection Butter that possesses a perfect texture has a flinty appearance. .If the whether commercial uses will not be found also for the "dopes" grain is dPRtroyed It is usually the which the government has Invented to result of overworking or of too high to airplane wings and which be temperatures.. Such butter has a are applied of, valuable weather-resistin- g possessed weak, greasy body. Cooling too quickand fireproof qualities. ly or working at too low temperatures, makes butter brittle and crumbly. If milky brine is present, it shows the EFFECT OF COLOR UPON THE lack of thorough washing. Leaky butDURABILITY OF PAINT. ter results from lack of thorough In. corporation of wash water through Property owners who ma;,-- have un- -' wfishing In a fine granular form with der consideration the painting of cold water, then working insufficient;; dwellings and other structures should l.v. A rJxy body is ,due to excessive remember that more durable results t,hurnlng or h'gh churning temperaare obtained when tinted paints are ture. used. Permanent, coloring materials which have been ground by machine PROVIDE" CALF WITH SALT Into a high grade white paint base have the effect of preventing "chalk- and "checking," two defects h Fre-ing" Water, Always Supply of Clean, which are often observed when white Available Is Another Simple paints are used. Requisite, ' . Everyone who has contributed to the relief of suffering Belgium; will be interested and fascinated by the disclosures in the magnificient special . "The Cross Bearer" s PRETTY Ground Coat White VVhlte Light Gray : ; A GREAT MOVE FOBWABD. consider the present plan of of the State auu Federal Government with the breder for the eradication of tuberculosis as a great, move' in the right direction, and if tne breeders of the country wil tace ad vantage of it, it can not help bnt wipe this disease but of all the breed-herd- s "I ' White Light Gray Light Gray NEW MILK FOR YOUNG CALVES They Should Have It for First Two Weeks and Gradually Be Weaned to Skim Milk. Young calves ought to hnve new milk for the first two weeks of their lives, then they can gradually be weaned from new milk to skim milk, and nt three or four weeks of age you can take the skim milk away from them by substituting a combination of grains and hay, or any other dry forage that they will consume. Then gradually teach them to eat whole grain, like oats and corn, and give ' this to them extra besides their of the United States." Medium, lost quarters. Thrift Stamps tighten your Blue, n hold on them. Light Warm Light Cobalt Yellow Blue, Neutral Light Drab Same Gray, Gray, Gray-Or- e n or a little darker Light Cobalt Blue Light Blue Gray. Blue or Light Orange Yellow Light Oray Green ivory Olive Green Light Colonial Yellow Gold Bronse Light Blue Park Green I.lLht Gray. Neutral Drab Ivory or Grayish Light Green Neutral Gray, ivory Light Warm Drab, Medium Olive, Warm Oray, TO FACTORY EMPLOYEES. We anticipate starting the Garland, factory about September 24th, and those wishing work this campaign please notify tne as soon as possiWe. Will work eight hour- shifts. Wo Infve made many improvements in our hotels, and can take care of employees much better than we have before. Other applications will be received also from those wishing employment during fac- j j ! tory run. UTAH-IDAH- Creamr Aluminum Bronse Ivory Ivory Delft Blue, Blue Light Ivory, Light Neutral Gray Tan Brown, Burnt Umber, Cream Dark Brown Light Tan, Cream, Light Gray Drab Alex Chambers," Owatonna, Minn. Loose quarters may become Light Gray Gray-Gree- ct-e- FARMING FOR PROFIT Can only be successful where efficient machinery is made to take the place of man's labor. . Labor is scarce and high . Make your own labor count for the most possible. Co- - Bear River Vajley Implement S, B. T Watlaxd, Manager. . Better . Service pig-clu- r,v Better Service is what we want you to expect at this store and it's Jbetter service that we intend to give you v o to Pure Drugs, Accurate Compounding of Prescriptions, Best Sick Room Supplies, and Standard Sundries, you will re-- , ceive here. ' , Davis Drug Go. Phone No. 56 ( H Davie Mrirfr .1 , Tramnnlnn UlaVi "ir The Banking Habit - SUGAR CO, Chas. Edwards, Supt. . The Leader prints Butter Wrappers the most artistic manner, with ink. Mai) Vegetable, orders given prompt attention, ntf. in When you get the Banking Habit you have an asset that is of the greatest value to you. The pocket leaks. The bank preserves ,your money intact. The banking habit teaches you economy. learn that money grows. a Stencil Color Dull by the United States Department of Agriculture.) The boys and girls' club work Is through cooperation between the animal husbandry division of the bureau ot animal industry and the states relation service representing the department of agriculture and the various state agricultural colleges represented by their " respective extension ' ' departments. A swine) specialist, supported by funds appropriated by congress for the work of the animal husbandry division,.: ! placed in each of the states desiring such a man (so far as funds permit). The specialist's work'' Is ad ministered by the director of exten sion,' who furnishes office room and equipment' stenographic assistance, and pays his traveling expenses. He is a unit in the extension staff and works In closest with the state leader of other club work. All the work is done in with the county agent force and the various Interested departments of the college and extension force. The subject matter taught by the specialists is agreeable to the animal husbandry department of the college and the animal husbandry division of the department A simple project or of agriculture. agreement covering , the work is arranged by. the states relations service between, the extension service of the agricultural college and the animal husbandry division. b The agent Is the leader of the animal-clu- b work in the state, It is his duty to provide technical Instruction , for the club members ; to provide supervisors or local leaders and to train them so that they may Impart the information to the members. In some cases the duty of organizing the pig clubs falls to the lot of the state agent, while In other states the state leader of general club work and his staff attend to the organization. He works with and through the county agent force and makes use of such local leaders as are available. He projects his vision of the work into the minds of the local leaders and through them Into the lives and minds of the members. He must-- Impart his technical information in terms that can be understood by the local leaders and applied by the members. He meets the. fwlne breeders of the state and seeks to win their approval, support, and His work must be constructive and must strike at the swine- Prepared to be shown at the American Theatre, Fri.day and Saturday. One who has giv? en to the special Belgiun fund or to the Bed Cross will feel better for his giving, after seeing this production. Adv. , Pure Breda on Project Farms. Beciamation farmers 6f the JVlinni-dokirrigation project have recently, purchase I 14 Shorthorn and 8 Holstleu bred heifers for the improvement Of their herds. The average cost of the Shorthorns was $247.85 and of the Holsteins $316.38 apiece, all the animals being pure bred.' The cattle were appraised on delivery at the project, whereupon the farmers drew lots, for the stock and paid for the auimals on the basis of their appraismeut value. This shipment is typical of several others wheh recently have been distributed among the project farmers of the western dry lands. COMBINATIONS. Stipple Coat Light Rose In- which is : COLOR It le Duty of Agent to Furnish formation to Supervisor Who Instruct Members. Every season sees Improvements in all lines of farm implements, and this is no exception. Our stock was never more complete. All the latest labor saving machinery is here. pro-duct- j Anti-Rus- By the time the dairy calf Is old enough to eat roughage it should have either access to or small dn'ly of salt. IHeuty of clean, freh water, constantly available, Is another simple and Inexpensive requisite of good calf care that is too often noglf Because a calf receives milk to drink Is no reason why it does not require water. After the calf is two weeks old It needs wctor in smnll amounts at a time, though often. MANAGEMENT OF A PIG CLUB , A. Query. What do you think of paint as an Investment, aside from the appearance it lends? Dpes it really PAY to paint a house regularly, say, every three or four years? Answer. Good paint properly applied when needed is the main thing in making a house last long and well. A house worth $2,500 can be painted at a cost of about $125. In 60 years that house will need about 15 paintings, the total cost of which will be $1,895. 11 1 MM Members of Pig Club and Result of Their Work. husbandry problems of the state. He will plan and arrange for the statewide exhibits, judging contests, etc. He visits members on their farms and helps them solve their problems. He conducts demonstrations, simple in nature, yet effective In solving the problems of the members and the adults. His work must win the Support" of the parents of the members if it is to be successful. The individual effort of the agent would accomplish little were It not for the splendid extended by the extension forces, by the bankers and "business men, breeders, local Interested people, etc. The work succeeds because the agent multiplies his Influence through all the agencies. The pig club has not only stimulated the demand for better breeding stock, but also has been the means of introducing community breeding or breed standardizing in numerous counties in various states where the pure bred part of the Industry is praclicnlly new and where there were not numerous' breed', preferences to contend with. The pig club boys have not only taught the adults, where the industry is new, the superiority of the pure bred over the scrub, but have taught them that good Individuals bring good prices, "Before this year," snys one county agent, "it was hard to get a farmer to pay $10 for a good hog; now they puy $50 to $100." In addition to these bom-fitthe pig club: work is stimulating pork production to an extent extremely Important at this time,' stimulating home curing of meat through the organization of "ham and bacon" clubs, teaches the, members, better working methods. Inspires pig club boys "to better w ork by educational exhibits and Increases their knowledge through judging contests. These are In addition to the Indirect results, such as awakening a ne w spread of comradeship between father and 'son and the teaching of Intelligent borrowing and good business methods through the financing of members by bankers. You This habit makes for permanence in a depositor. . You feel you have a Stake in the community, and you are careful of your financial standing. ' This bank encourages you to get the habit of depositing your earnings; We will take your money, keep it safely, and pay you for the privilege. Get the banking habit. Get the habit of banking with ns. State Bank of Tremonton LLUI Ha! , n The Watch that Needs No Watching Is the Watch Bought Here. If you want to be right on time to the minute, nnd always confident in your timepiece, bny your watch here. Every watch sold by us carries a guarantee to keep perfect time and ke,ep in perfect condition.. Buy your watch here and you have the satisfaction of knowiag that you have good watch and bought at the lowest possible price, 3TJ |