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Show THH BEAVER Thursday, August 17, 1972 (Utah) PRESS Community DOROTHY Editor-Publishe- RICH H. Subscription PriceOutside- of Beaver Cart-wrig- n He who is not grateful for the good things he has would not be happy with what he wishes he had. 3 LDS Sunday Schools First WardSacramentMaet-in-g. 2:00 p.m. Second & Third Ward Sacrament Meetings. 6:30 p.m. i() East Center St. Phone - Banks-Lyn- form of human knowledge is a two edged sword: good or evil can result from the application of that knowledge. It's what man does with his knowledgethat moves him ahead or backwards. Any wedding reception. Business Manager Ottnc Business Delores 2 r 13S-2S9- 1 County MEMBER 5MIA's. 6 J.C. Meeting. Per Year in Advance 55.00 Per Year - 7 MIA Stake Meeting. 8 Beverly Atkin - Lyman Ab- Mlnersville. LDS Sunday Schools First Ward Sacrament Meeting 2:00 p.m. Second & Third Ward Sacrament Meeting. 6:30 p.m. 11 Dorothy Williams DUP. 12 Lions Club 10 MEMBER iMATtONnL ivewspMper Association - Founded 18S5 MIA's. 13 J.C. Meeting. 15 Pam Marshall R.mi ord V ptr $l Minimur. MILLIONS of rugs have been cleaned with Blue Lustre. It's America's finest. Rent electric shampooer $1. REYNOLDS BUILDING SUPPLY FOR R ENT Portable Welder. R.E.D. Inc. 438-297- Call AC-D- C. 1. FOR SALE Newly remodeled two bedroom home. Fully draped and carpeted. Furnace. Garage. Excellent, One block from Elementary and high schools, grocery store, church and service stations. Quiet neighborhood. Contact Ronald Roberts Beaver, Utah. location: 438-24- 73 WANTED Useable coal range In good condition. Call 438-289- 1. EARN $7,200 ANNUALLY Root for us! Fall plantSend $2.00 (Refundable) Growing Ginseng Market guaranteed. ing. for seed, instructions. GDHerbs; 101 Pleasant St., Middleboro, Mass. 02346. FOR SALE ACRE CITY LOTS - 500 Block South Main, Beaver, Utah. Water and power, $3,295.00, terms, discount for cash. Mel Lowell, 641 Kingsbury Lane, Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. 14 ATTENTION ELECTRICIANS' The manufactured Housing Division of is In need of licensed electricians to work in the West Jordan, Utah Boise-Casca- de plant. For qualified people, we have good wages, insurance, vacations, paid holidays and other benefits along with good working conditions, all at one location. If you are licensed, please contact Boise Cascade Homes, 1400 West 7900 South, West Jordan, Utah 84084. Boise Cascade Is an opportunity employer. equal FERN'S CATERING SERVICE We have a complete service for every occasion. Call 2642 or 2849. 438-56- 75 FOR SALE Newly recovered, green and gold velvet, three cushion couch. Call 5640. FOUND One BUS class of 72. Found in pasture at 325 S. Main. Contact Joe Perkins. Pay $1 for ad and pick up. 2 rings. NOTICE The last day to register to vote in the Primary Election Is Tuesday, August 22, 1972. The date of the Priamry Election is Tuesday, September 12, 19721 Formt CIom- TudV pm NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BEAVER COUNTY, UTAH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ARVELH.MADSEN, Deceased Creditors will present their claims, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned executrix at the office of her attorneys, dine, Jackson & Mayer, Mllford, Utah 84751, on or before the 10th day of November, 1972. Claims must be presented In accordance with 5, Utah provisions of Sec. 75-9-- Code Annotated, 1953, and with proper verification as required thereon. that a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of Beaver County, Utah, requesting that a fire prevention district be organized, to be known as "South Mllford Fire Prevention District", and to consist of the property hereinafter described, and that apublic hearing will be held by said Board of County Commissioners at the courtroom in the Beaver County Court House in Beaver City, Utah, on the 7th day of September, 1972, at the hour of three o'clock P.M., at which time and place any taxpayer within the proposed district may appear and offer objection to the organization of such district, the proposed boundaries thereof or the including or excluding of any real property therein or therefrom. The real property proposed to be included In the proposed district Is all situated within Beaver County, State of Utah, and is described as follows: ack stereo tapes Rock and Pop Ulh olxt fry Wrilp or Call for FREE Pickup & Delivery FREE Estimates VAL BEESON Bc.tur V.illev Cle.i:ur Phone 438-283- on FAR WE ST Manufacturing's newly appointed manager desperately needs a house In the Beaver area. Requirements dictate three rooms. Please call 2. bed- 438-248- NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following application has been filed with the State Engineer to change water In Beaver County, State of Utah throughout the entire year unless otherwise desigLocations in SLB&M. nated. Beaver Land and Cattle Company, P.O. Box 67, Beaver, Utah 84713 propose to change the point of diversion, place, & nature of use of 28.0 ac ft. of water as evidenced by (77-43- 8) 14, SE T29S, R6W. UPHOLSTERY The Finrst in Custom Eosy Listening Grandparents areMr. andMrs. Howard (June) Walbeck of Beaver and Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Ger-ra- rd of Lakepoint, Utah. s Nicholas R. Dotson County Clerk Published In the Beaver Press August 17, 24, & 31, 1972. 388 Country Western NEWEST ARRIVAL Mr. and Mrs. Dale CMerna) Walbeck of Salt Lake City are the parents of a baby boy, born Monday, August 14, 1972. He weighed 7 lbs. 5 ozs. He has one brother, David. families part time use DWANE'S IMPERIAL p. o. r.ox r2 Main Cedar City, Utah Dwone Jones, Owner 10G7 So. 1 . ; Commissioners. 2. , Meeting. 100-30- Eastern ' MIA's. J.C. 27 77-43- 438-282- ' Wedding Reception. 24 LDS Sunday Schools. First Ward Sacrament Meeting. 2:00 p.m. Second & Third Ward Sacrament Meetings. 6:30 p.m. 26 Lions Club. 77-43- FOR SALE trailer house. built. Reasonable. Call j MIA's. J.C, Meeting. Priesthood Meeting. Tanya Coates - Danny White In Township 29 South, Range 10 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian: Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Award 17a, W.U.C. & 8, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29 and 30. Award 17b, W.U.C. 9. The In Township 28 South, Range 10 water has been diverted from West, SLB&M: Sections 5, 6, Beaver River at a point N. 3560 7 and 8 (exluding the portions ft. & W. 2070 ft. from SE Cor. thereof lying within the corporSec. 23, T29S, R7W; and used ate limits of Milford Citv). and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the Sections 16, ,17, 18, 19, 20, 21, supplemental irrigation of 9.09 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33. acs. but limited to sole supply In Township 28 South, Range 11 of 7.0 acs. in NW 14 SW 14 West, SLB&M: Sections 1, 12 Sec. 22, T29S, R7W. 13, 24, 25, 35 and 36. Hereafter, 28.0 ac. ft. of water In Township 29 South, Range 11 Is to be diverted from a SLB&M: Sections West, 1, 2, well 0 ft deep at a point 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, N. 50 ft. & W. 1370 ft, from 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28. E 14 Cor. Sec. 25, T29S, R6W; Dated this 8th day of August, and used from May 1 to Oct. 31 1972. for the domestic purposes of 75 By order of the Board of County 30 foot 8-tr- Kent 17 LDS Sunday Schools First Ward Sacrament Meeting. 2:00 p.m. Second & Third Ward Sacrament Meetings. 6:30 p.m. 19 Lions Club. Vay B. Madsen of the last Will Executris " and Testament of Arvel B. Madsen, Deceased. First Publication: August 3, 1972. Last Publication: August 24, 1972 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and Swlndlehurst wedding reception in Mlnersville. 20 21 22 Art Trimmer and family of Las Vegas spent the weekend with Mrs. Sara Mackerell and son, Fred. Art lived with the Mack-erelter, and attended school In Mr. Ruben Griffith of Spring-vil- le Beaver for two years. has visited here with his son, Chad, Bruce and Linda Mur- -. Park. dock, children of Dr. Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMullin Louise Murdock spent a week and Mrs. Wilma Davis met the in Beaver with Hal, visiting Saturday at the Salt Lake plane Gloria and other relatives and Airport to get Todd McMullin friends. who came from New York. He Mrs. Bobb Morris and sons, j had visited in Hartford, Connet-ic- ut Mlckle and T.J., and Laurie with the Scott McKnlghts. ;Fordham are visiting in Las Mrs. H.M. Gillins and family Vegas with their parents, Mr. of Kearns, Utah are here visiand Mrs. Bob (Betty) Bonner. Althea Gillins ting relatives. Mr.-an- d Mrs. Bob (Viola) returned home with them she had Ewart and son John of Pamona, visited in Midvale with her California are spending a week and family. daughter and In Beaver enjoying fishing Mrs. Nettie Myers and daughThe Ewarts visiting friends. Colleen Farnow and Dorothy ters, , and the George Royals ow:i the f. Johnson and a sister, Myers Cutler home at 595 N. 100 W. Mrs. Lois Pearson spent th.3 Mrs. Beth Crawford of Salt ' weekend In Salt Lake City on Lake spent the weekend with her ' business and shopping. mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jim (Sadie) Douglas a.id Elm a Blackburn Low and her daughter and family, and Irma Jean daughter, Mr. aid Mrs. Jack (Vickie) Wat- -. Edwards, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ers. Blackburn were In Salt Lake City Mr. Clyde Messinger was honto go the the temple Thursday ored at his home Saturday, Aug- wfth Brlaiit Thompson who got ust 12, 1972 for his 89 birthday He is the sonof Leland married. ' which will be August 15. Family of Salt Lake. members to wish him a happy Thompson and Mrs. Noel Wood and Mr. birthday and enjoy a delicious Kevin dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Don children, Valr'e, Ellen, Li are aid vacationing Kelly (Marie) Powell and family of Dor jthy's relatives. with IiJiana Salt Lake, Walt, Barbara Mes- -t Mrs. Maurine Kearny and son, singer and family of Cedar City, of Kearns, Utah were here Mr. and Mrs. John (Ethel Jean) Dale, the week at the home of during Barton and family of Twin Falls, Vella Stephenson. her mother, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Fay (Ina) had been in Arizona where They and of Boise, Maruine went to see a new family Messinger grandIdaho, Mr. and Mrs. Ray (Shirchild and- help the family out. and Mr. ley) Messinger family, Mr. and Mrs. Justin Gray and acd Mrs. Arlo (Da) Messinger of Cedar visited the and family, and his wife, Lois. daughter over the weekend. DeLn;v Jrays Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Irene) Cox and Mrs. D.H. Davis are Mr. and daughter, Teresa, are spendspending a week in Blackfoot, ing their vacation at BalboaPark Idaho with their daughter, Peggy, In California. They will visit and family. with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon BaldMr. and Mrs. Bill Garrett win in Pomona, California, Jim and family of Delta, Utah spent and Marie Botiller in Whittier, here at the Newell MarSunday Mr. and Mrs. George (Ruth) Royal home. shall of Downey, Gordon and Ruth GilAt Sacrament and Testimony bert in Whittier and Mr. andMrs. Sunday, April 6th, the Meeting Jack (Darlene) Harris and family son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goff in Las Vegas. was given the name of Jerrit Alice White is visiting withMr. Scott by his father. The daughand Mrs. John White and Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dot-ster Mrs. Leo (Naomi) White and famwas given the name of Jenniily before returning to Las Vegas , fer Rebecca by her father. Mrs. to teach this winter. Alice taught Evans and son of Fillin Las Vegas for seven years. Elmer Utah were here for the more, BYU went she to the Last year of the Goff baby who to get her Master Degree and will naming a grandson. is go back to Las Vegas this year. The American Legion Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Hal (Gloria) Murhad a canyon party Wednesday dock and daughters, Deborah and to honor the outgoing offDenlse, are visiting in Pleasant night A delicious dinner was icers. Grove with Mr. and Mrs. Wes to members and their served (Lucille) Jense and Dr. Dale and husbands. Louise M ardock and family. On Friday, August 4th, the famMr. and Mrs. Arnold (Althea) of the late James and Pearl ily Low are visiting with their childWood were happily surprised ren: Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Ruth) when their nephew. Otto W. Low and family In Salt Lake, Mr. wife and two children and Mrs. Scott (Maxine) Tatter-sa- ll from Wltchita, Kansas came to and family. They attended visit. K had been fifty-tw- o years the wedding and reception for since his mother'?, Clara Tatter-salDavid their grandson, R. l, death and none of the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick had any contact with their family Tattersall of Kearns and Rexene nephew during these years. They Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and came to town and Inquired at the Mrs. Stanley H. Mitchell of Salt home of Ethel Mathews saying Lake on Saturday, August 12, they had relatives here but did 1972. not know the names but would Mrs. Verda Heffner is visiting like to be directed to an older In Cedar City with her daughter resident who might know about and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarhis mothers family. She told ence (Jean) Kirkham. him that maybe Charles JameThe Joe Perkins had Mr. and son and wife, Virgene, might Mrs. James Miir as guests for know so he went to ask them a very enjoyable week. The and found out he was their nephew. Mairs are from Burbank, Calif. She called her sisters and Mrs. Joseph Sheppard visited brothers that live In town which in Beaver last weekend with Mrs. are Deen Jameson, Floyd and Retta Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Beulah Wood, Sherwin and PaulJack Lister and children of St. ine Wood and EZfie and Delbert George also visited. They had Jameson to come and visit him. been to the Manti Temple with They all went to the cemetery Arnold Lister of Paragonah and to see the graves of his mother LaRae Jacobsen of Oak City who and grandparents then to the were married in the temple Auof the late William and hojse gust 11. A reception was held Lena Davis where he was born. that evening in the Oak City Cultural Hall and a reception l's bott Wedding Reception. 9 Renae Albrecht - Rex Williams Wedding Reception In OF THE NE 14 NW In SW 14 14 Sec. 25, Protests resisting the granting of this application with reasons therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 on or before Sept. 23, 1972. Hubert C. Lambert State Engineer ' Published in the Beaver Press August 10, 17, & 23, 1972. , r's, was held August 12th In Paragonah for the couple by Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lister. Mrs. Sheppard andMrs. Parkinson attended the reception in Paragonah. DR. RICH says: Before Buying A HEARING AID COMPARE SERVICE I am ALWAYS close and available Prompt Adjustment and Repairs Loaners given You'll Novor Eo IMMEDIATELY Without Hearing! PRICE I have a Standing offer of nt least ONE THIRD OFF the Usual Price. Many Times it is ONE HALF OFF! A Custom-madMold is Included at NO Charge! PUFFER Introducing INSURANCE AGENCY representing IIKi:. .A ITO. CAMIALTY. LI IE. BONDS DAIRYI.AM) HIGH Rl.sK INSURANCE C V. SMITH. Phone i5.S-.35 t A.L-m- I GUARANTEE One Year undconditional Anything. Ni exceptions, Labor and Parts Against QUALITY The Travelers Insurance Companies 1J5 EAST 300 NORTH BEAVER, UTAH Mrs. Tom Makin and child ren of Mississippi, Mr. andMrs. David Pryor and children of California are at the home of their parents, Mr. aid Mrs. Howard Pryor and were here for the marriage of their sister, Gaye, to Dee Grimm. The Wayne Christensen family of Billings, Montana are here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carter gf Orem, Utah were weekend guests at the home of their uncle and aunt, Horace and Madge Car- BY ESTA Lynette Davis and Dan Cox Wedding 22 lions Club 23 Jaycees Meeting 26 Golden Wedding for Kate and Walt Joseph. Second ward. SEPTEMBER 22 84713. GiORGi; A. RICH Beaver Stake Quarterly Conference was held Sunday, August 13, 1972 at 10:00 a.m.inthe Beaver Second Ward Church. Prelude and postlude music was played by Roberta Stoker. President Paul Nielson presided and conducted under the direction of Franklin D. Richards from the General Authorities. Music was furnished by a children chorus of sixty-fofrom the seven wards In the Stake directed by Ruth Bradshaw, MINEKSVILLE Priesthood Meeting 18 Geneal Gardner and Darrell Yardley Wedding 17 Published every Thursday. Second Class Postage paid at Beaver, Utah rv'ed.Thurs. Fri. Stake Conference Calendar Second to None Superior to Most! For Integrity My Personal Reputaii-- I Behind Tlii BUDGET TERMS No Carrying Charges. The Easiest You'll Fnnd Master Chargt and BankAmerirard Welcome FREE HEARING TESTS NO OBLIGATION! SUPPLIES AND PARTS FOR ALL MAKES Dr. A. F. HICH . 60 H. Main, Cedar City, Utah 586-888- CHIT CHAT Mr. and Mrs. Glenn (Nada) Barton of Sacramento have been visiting her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard (June) Wadbeck. The group went camping in the Beaver Mountains for a while. The Bartons went on to Salt Lake to visit other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Fother-ingha- m of La Habra, California and M- -. and Mrs. Ed Nowers of Beaver went to Yellowstone Park last week and spent four days. They report that they saw some beautiful country and a lot of wild game. The had a most enjoyable trip. Kent and Pam Marshall attended the wedding reception Saturday for Rlnda Arnoldson and Steve Rosenlund in Moroni. Mr. Rosenlund was the band teacher at Beaver High School REGULAR Sat.Sun.Mon, IP'? J VS by Vickie Hutch-ing- piRAyOUKI KIUWS ?Uhe PKS Aug. N1S 19-20-- 21 Year's Best Seller s. Roberta Stoker and Carol Smith directed the community singing. David Rex Williams, Douglas Wed. Thurs. Fri. Aug. 23 Keith Baldwin, Al J. Yardley, Danny White, Hyrum Bradshaw and Mark Gale were sustained as Elders. w m mat Several Stake officers wvsre released and others were called to fill the offices. Show Time 8:00 p.m. unless otherwise stated President Nielson welcomed ' Pick up SHOW CALENDARS at the Theatre, the large crowd present and offered Instruction for more happiGrocery Stores or at the Beaver Press the In ness our homes by living gospel. He thanked all the many officers and teachers working in the Stake who love to serve. We must be In tune with the Lord to recieve his blessings. He said the Stake had shown much improvement In many ways but beautiful flowers. He reported session. we still have to be humble and there were nine hundred and Benediction was given by Ray willing to help each other'. eighty members attending the Bradshaw. Paul Coston told of how he joined the church. Marilyn Neil son told of the standards of BYU where she has been attending college and how each student Is taught leadership in the Wards and how they can learn to live so people will see the values of living the church standards. STOP CONDENSATION! Stake Mable Smith, Beaver Relief Society President expresfill your fuel oil tank for the summer sed her thanks for the lovely storm and how she appreciated her calling in the church. She Call us and get full information about our sertold of what wonderful lessons vice and Philheat high performance heating oil. were given in Relief Society. She reminded us that every woman In ERICKSON'S the church is a Relief Society She said for all of member. your Phillips 66 Distributor them to be active in their wards, 438-24- 50 receive the blessings and the knowledge from the lessons. Mrs. Richards said how grateful she was to be at the conference and to have the pleasure she and her husband had to be entertained in the home of President Paul and Eris Nielson. She warned us not to become complacent no matter how good we are. There is always temptation and we must live the best we can. She said the Beaver Stake Relief Society There are opening in many of the Vocational-Technicattendance was below the church areas witih placement upon graduation. She average. encouraged every women to attend, learn our religion and teach it in our homes. President Franklin D. RichThese areas include: Accounting, Auto Body, Auto ards said he brought the love and greetings from President Mechanics, Commercial . Art - Graphic CommunicaHarold B. Lee and the General tions Technology, Data Processing," rafting and Authorities. He commended the Electromechanical Design Technology, Technology, leaders in the Stake. He was Electronic Technology, General Education, Instruhappy to be sent to Beaver to meet with the members. He ment Repair, Machine Tool Technology, Marketing, the complimented Nurse Air, Professional Driving, Refrigeration and Primary chorus and the teachers for the Air Conditioning, Television and Radio Technology, beautiful songs and told of the ( and Welding. Importance of music, it is a part of every meeting. There is a He message in every song. encouraged everyone to accept their calling in the church and said everyone has a chance to serve. He said these are perilous times, but we recieve blessings every day and we should UTAH TECHNICAL COLLEGE AT PROVO be thankful for them. He said we should seek the kingdom of God and use it as a compass to 1400 North University Ave. live our. Lives, Wa must abide by the laws of the land as we do the laws of God to be happy. We should have love faith and desire Provo, Utah to help ourfellowman. President Nielson thanked everyone for attending, the ushers, custodian and for the 23-24-- Win . IFTnSSSLSJSriai7teofoe ENROLL NOW! al bargain baseme opens aft pm Odoir I , That's when low evening rates for Long Distance calls begin. So instead of waiting until 7:30 or 8 tonight to call the family. why not call earlier? You'll get the same bargain prices, and you'll probably stand a better chance of catching the folks at home. Remember, low evening rates begin at 5 p.m. every weekday. Three minutes for just 85P or less when you dial direct, Monday through Friday in anywhere the country except Alaska or Hawaii. Low direct-dia- l rates apply to most calls. out-of-stat- out-of-sta- e. te "Direct-dia- l raits do not apply to com phones, credit card, hotel-guecollect, per calls or to calls charged to another number Where facilities are not available, direct-dia- l rales apply to operator-handlecalls direct-dialin- g d station-to-statio- n for several years. AU of the Hattie Goodwin fam- -18 ADMISSION Swindlehurst ily enjoyed a birthday dinner celebrating Hattie's 89th birthday at the Milford Park. There were her seven children and their spouses to enjoy the special event. 16-17- AliMacBraw Ryan O'Neal ur accompanied Aug. Mountain Bell |