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Show THE PRESS, BEAVER. UTAH, hoicrcsT BUNS tinn.-guesi lt her,.sist", the week-en- h, d. Monday Mrs. for Cali- - HWHIttlllHIHHIItiniUltHUIUUHmillllHHMtHniimi 8nd twin eft Cit'- - where' relatives for about a by. if,8 r.Salt-Lak- PP a student at the visit with his mother Junior a short WILL VTSTT IV o i , Mis. Gus Pernley and babies, left yesterday for- Salt n. m,, at tend the General Conference. iuMrs. rerniey expects to remain with her daughter Zola in Snlt l ot. close of school. iu Make these days feast days with GUESTS FRDf BEAVER BAKERY ALIAS SUMMONS REMODELING 0. A. Murdock is remodeling his apartment house. Dr. E. A. Petty and family, who have La Pnr had upper apartments, will move BARTON, Plaintiff, f to thethelower CEDAR GUEST Miss Laura floor, and Mr. and Mrs. VS. Shep, Murdock herd had as her week-en- d of TVVnnvn guest Neilsen will take the upstairs. The Miss Hazel Brockbank, instructor at apartment in the same buildI UAM HAWKINS, Deceased, ing is being remodeled also. b all other persons unknown, the B. A. C. of Cedar City. luniing any rigm, uue, bbuiuj, DEMAND FOR PONTIACS Art I . , intprpst. in the real proper- CARNIVAL VISITOR Mrs. I described in the complaint here- Gilmore. of Salt Lake r.itv aa Lewis, salesman for the Beaver Gar1 adverse to plaintiff's ownersnip, the guest of Mrs. Milo Baker, during age Co., this week purchased a new Pontiac for his own use, and sold a t'.nnthfir cloud, upon plaintiff's me carnival. Landau to a traveling moc from gile thereto, Defendants., VISIT MOTHER Mrs. Varr Colorado, who makes this territory, IHB STATE OP UTAH TU TriJij This leaves only two Pontiacs out of Milford. snent the wppfc-p;D DEFENUAM S: hereby summoned to ap- - with her mother, Mrs. Ilattie Ash- - of the carload received by the Beaver Garage Co. last week. They exl within twenty days after service wortn, m tnis city. pect two more carloads before the iliis summons upon you, 11 served JOINS FRATERNITY in the county in which this act-i- s Lewis Jos- end of the month. withiD eph, of the Georgetown University, hrmieht: otherwise CONFERENCE VISITORS Tues l:y days after service, and defend Washington, D. C, has been pledgjabove entitled action; arid in case ed to the Psi Amega National Dental day morning at seven o'clock, Superintendent and Mrs. Carlisle left for rour failure so to do, Judgment Fraternity. Salt Lake City to attend conference. be rendered against you accord-t- o the demand of the complaint HERE FOR PROM Miss Orvilla Accompanying them were Mrs. Su(b has been filed with the Clerk White was down from Salt Lake City san S. Murdock, Mrs. Annie Joseph aid Court. to attend the Junior Prom and Carni- and Mrs. Ed. Owen as representaWsartinn is hroiifirht to rechver a val, and was a guest of Mrs. Jane tives to the Relief Society conference. Mrs. Owen will also represent the fcment quieting plaintiff's' title to Black during her stay here. of Pioneers of the Beaver land and the water Daughters describ-i right said complaint. FIRST BIRTHDAY Betty Jean, Camp at a convention to be held Satm. WILLIAM F KNOX, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben urday at 4:45 p. Plaintiff's Attorney. Joseph, formerly of Beaver, celebrat VISITS LOGAN Mrs. O. E. Pufed her first birthday on Sunday, .Address: March 18, at her home in Washing fer returned last Friday from a five rer, Beaver County, Utah. days' visit in Logan with her son ton, D. C. Publication, March 9, 1928. Leroy, who has been attending the Publication, April 6, 1928. VISITS SALT LAKE Miss Ken U. A. C. The latter returned with STATEMENT dall Franke left Tuesday for Salt her for his spring vacation, but ihe Ownership, Management, Cir-- Lake City, for a week's visit with may decide to remain for a while. Jasper Puffer and wife took care nation, i.tc, by tlio her sister, who is attending school at of Mr. Puffer, Sr., during Mrs. PufIt of Congressiieqmred of August 24, that place. While fer's absence. improving IU2: Beaver Citv Press. niihHshed DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs, slowly from the accident which he of the year, fly at Beaver, Utah, for April Otto Schwob had as dinner guests suffered about the first Mr. Puffer is still confined to his Mr. and Dora Miss Houchens, Sunday of Utah. Countv of Reaver, rs. Mrs. Ed Houchens, of Cedar City, home. rfore me, a notary public, in and and Mr. and Mrs. John Ashworth and oe state and APRIL FOOL LUNCHEON The county aforesaid, family. nauy appeared A. C. Saunders, public speaking class of the Beaver MINE INSPECTER HERE E. A. high school gave an April Fool lunchhaving been sworn according w, deposes and says that he 13 Hodges, State Metal Mine Inspector, eon at noon on Monday, with Miss Publisher of the Reaver Citv of Salt Lake City, stopped over in Laura Shepherd and Miss White as is and that the following is, to Beaver Tuesday night with his neph guests of honor. The luncheon was oi ms Knowledge and belief, ew, Raymond Hodges. He had been given that students might gain pracstatement of the ownership. on an inspection trip to the Silver tical experience in this phase of their course. LaVerne Gentry was chairsement, etc., of the aforesaid Reef mine in Washington county. cation for the date shown in man, Ann Price, toastmistress; and above Carjtlnn roniilmH hv tha STATE LEADER W. W. Owens. toasts were given by Ruth Thomas, N August 24, 1912. embodied in Ray Atkin, Margaret of County Agents of Doris Skinner, Alice state Baldwin, Letha N 443,, Postal Laws and T?pcri- - Utah, leader arrived yesterday to spend a Huntington, Don Mildred Carlow, Anderson, printed on the reverse of F. and Beaver county, couple of days in It was a I form, White. Erma and Johnson Lew in rnmnanv with County Agent fit the names anrl aAAraaano f Mar Price is very successful affair. going over the various pbllsher, editor, managing edi- - projects underway here. The West uKsiness manager are: SCOUT MEETING F Wisher, A. C. Ward Boy Scouts held a rousing Saunders, Beaver, HOME FROM CALIF. Warren Tuesday night with twenty-seve- n Neilsen and family returned Wednes- meeting Pitor. A. c. members present. Plans were Saunders, Beaver, Los to day night from a motor trip Cali- made for an over-nigcamp up the and points in southern naew pfm.. a n o Angeles The week. boys will go this canyon j oaunuers, fornia where they spent ten days visrpf, Utah returning evening, into Friday camp and friends. Mrs. Ida Saturday. While in camp they exHlneJ Manager, A. C. Saunders, iting relatives a Neilsen, who had been spending ttah. to practice for the big events to Los Angeles, returned pect hQ haA hv the Zion Park National ifl: A' C Saunders month in iutar11" home with them. Council, at Cedar City, May 4th and 't the tn,u... i jt-t5th, in which the local scouts wir j uwu uuuunoioers, b. On April 14th a meetCHAMP. HERE Philip Baker, participate. Karl S. the championship of the ing of the scouts of Minerville, Mil Carlton, Milford, who holds and Beaver will be neia at Rocky Mountain division as light of ford University the of wrestler Hanging Rock, weight . v ... I rfl tn . u .... j j,....- - t,nm Calf Lake. "uoscriDea oerore F'Mth day of r. r.mr.s The east ward accompanied by eight fellow students on April, 1928. to take in the carnival. A BURDOCK, Sea Gull Girls entertained Thursday rwmmlBslnn his sister, airs. vhu i in at at the assemblyexplrea January he visited erruuife nf ...... week and brother, mho ua.er. Paxton, hall at an Easter party in honor of, Mrs. Ellen the Primary teachers. ma in harce of the program. i Two sides were chosen, the Rab bits" and the "Chickens." uomest the amusement and the program included singing and uanim readings, miss r.siner Love." Mrs. of .tn,.tha Mnlndv Throa Beeson and Miss Irene Tolton a uenciuu each gave a reading, , no a cprvprl at 10:30 and ur Famous everyone had a most delightful time. Per Roll If LOCAL ITEMS . w nt pi e ' crt WALL PAPER .. v., JALSOMINE-F- 1r b ull Very Rest HOUSE 5-l- bought with border package PAINT, per 47c gal....$2.65 WHY PAY MORE Mail Send Today to Our department order r or ana rnces samples PAT AD UTVlPKV I ALT T.Avri nTmxr xt x Do you take advantage "of all it offer you? We take especial care of any business you may entrust to us. We are glad to assist you in your business transactions, to help with your problems. All business matters are kept strictly confidential. free to come to us for advice and assistance. nrrvFXT TTTAII J. F. Tolton his trip to from returned Saturday Lake Salt City. He and California accompanied Chas. Erb and party of wue mv x to San Francisco, ere witnesses in a damage suit. woman brought by a California -- in,,t Mr. Erb. as the result of an automobile accident about a year Mr. Erb won nis case, aim mf ago Salt Lake by mo- paIrty returned to rouie. .m-- j nortnern over the tor t roiifnmla at the time of the we before dam disaster, and Just left n floods swept tne sacrameniu vai-trnmlne over the Seirras they a dishad to buck snow drifU for otherbut ten miles, tance of about was in fair wise the northern route condition. Mr. Tolton spent a coupie before of weeks visiting in Salt Lake Tolton Mrs. Beaver. to he returned Is expected who is In Salt Lake, home Sunday. irntTnv nETURNS We want you to feel We desire to be of service to every business man, farmer and stockman in Beaver County. State Bank of Beaver County INVITED TO MILFORD Karl S, Carlton and Jos. R. Miirdncit .if were over from Milford Wednesday auernoon lor the purpose of inviting a number of the Beaver business men to a luncheon to be given by the Lions club at Milford next Saturday evening. BLAINE BLACKETT, Prop. filiation Offer business. ' nvriATj in Walter Mackerell had as guests Sunday, her sister Mrs. Bella Hamlin, and two cousins, Mrs. Leona Bohemi and Miss Ruth Statley, all of Cedar City. A most eniovahl Aav woe passed. HOT CROSS BUNS Heirs-at-La- IINUimmilllUIHtttlMIUHl This is your bank, yours means of transacting the financial part of your U. of U. of Salt Lake auend the p" the"u10 mm, Carnival and for AND SUNDAY APRIL 6, 7 AND 8 iuo the County of Beaver: ntutintutuuimiiiiimiHiHitiiiiitiimnmiiuiHi HtmHimHHmiumMtHHHmiitmtiiiinimttHMiiimiwmHHmitHm Wal- - HOME FRIDAY,' SATURDAY the District fial District 01 YOUR BANK I at that place.' PAXTONS TO SALT LAKE Tue Jnavt0fn' li C'. was the Mrs. Ezra Ash-ort- RoseES3 F,K CALIENTE ho is employed Special for Easter Court of the Fifth ot.Cedar yy they will i FRIDAY, APRIL 0. 1028. . Capital and Surplus, $81,000.00 "The Bank of Personal Service" - TWICE TOLD TALES Items from the Files of the Press Twenty Years Ago This Week ScricrirQ The cornerstone of the new opeja house will be laid next Monday with SEED WHEAT appropriate exercises. A brass band has. been organized in the district school. R. A. B. Hatch has purchased a $2,000 soda fountain for the Beaver OATS SEED PEAS Drug Store. Lawrence White leaves in a few days for a mission in the northwestA baby arrived at the home of T, J. Hutchings this week. Miss Lennie Harris and D. E. Stagg were married in Salt Lake City this If you are planting corn for silos, we can get you two varieties ORDER YOUR CORN SEED EARLY week. A baby was born this week at Milford to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gale. The cold weather the past week has driven the men to their overcoats and the ladies to their furs. R. G. MURDOCK o MRS. LOTTIE CAR LOW "HONORED those present. o "The Treasure Hunters" A Comic Operetta TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL Monday, BY THE BEAVER CITY HIGH SCHOOL 17-Mat- REPORT OF BEAVEIt COUNTY LIBRARY FOR MARCH 1028 Directs! by A. E. Johnson Attendance Members registered inee 16 C. IJ. McMhIHii, Advertising Mgr. 3140 .' left-SEE- We have Special Feeds for Baby Chicks ern states. Complimentary to their mother, Mrs. Carlow, last week, Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. Thos. Cartwright, Mrs. Thomas Burke and Mrs. Eva Carlow; and their families, entertained at a birthday dinner at which all the family assembled. The next evening the daughters of Mrs. Carlow, with a group of her friends, gathered at the home of Mrs. Smith in a surprise party, which proved a complete surprise. A delightful evening was enjoyed by Just a little Have lots of them All you want THE 22 CAST-T- OM BLAKE, A young American Inventor Burton White PEDRO, Blake's Assistant Pirate Clyde Johnson HASIN, Blake's Assistant Pirate Milo Baker SUNGA, Blake's Assistant Pirate...". Tanner Elmo t PERAK, Blake's Assistant Pirate Lamar Morgan J. WINNER t,UCE, An American Capitalist Wm. Lang MADELINE LUCE, His daughter Bonnie Anderson COURTLANDT VAN PRISSY, Madeline's Fiancee.. E. M. Johnson MRS. WEATIIERSPOON, Van Prlssy's Aunt and Madeline Chaperone Roma Tolton JIMMY SQUABS, A master driver Lucy's tool Keith Owen SERAPIIINA SQUABS, Wife of Jimmy Ruth Thomas Alice Baldwin ARAFURA, Daughter of Datto of Hocus Pocus o COMMANDER BOOMDAY, of the Cruiser Oklahoma J. Frank Smith DAISY BOOMDAY, The Commander's daughter EAST WARD M. I. A.' Emma Thompson PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY MANUEL MANDULEY, Governor of Hocus Pocus Bernard Wrhite 25 Books added , 1318 Adult fiction circulated 1034 Juvenile fiction circulated Total of fiction and 2701 books circulated 88 Smallest daily circulation 118 Largest daily circulation 103 Average daily circulation ALDA NEILSEN, City Librarian. The library has lost several books the past few weeks by students. Will the parents please help us by looking for these books at home. They are your books, your money buys them for the students. non-ficti- Public speaking Miss Thomas. Sketch on English Literature Laurine Cartwright. Sketch on American Literature Mrs. Beeson. Vocal solo Chas. Booth. Piano solo Lois White. Musical Number Prof. Johnson. DOZY, His Housekeeper '. DONNA ISABELLE DONNA OLIVIA Erma White Helen Bohn Chloe Boyter BEVERLEY NORTON, Special Agent U. S. State Dept Owen Rollins CHORUS U. S. Marines, Natives of Hocus Pocus, Savages of Hocus Pocus '. place-ho- cus Pocus Island, located remotely in the Philippine Group Group o Special South Seas Setting for each scene Mrs. Len Roberta and baby, of Lois ORCHESTRA White, Bill Howard, Paul Tolton, Neil Boyter, E4 visitors at Parowan, were week-en- d the Will Roberts' home. Mathews, Howard Hurst, Ernest Meyer and Howard Farnsworth. Forget Rough Roads Standard Equipment on All New Ford Cars Starter e Five Wheels Windshield Wiper Speedometer Gasoline Gauge Ammeter Dash Light Mirror Rear and Stop Light Oil Gauge Ignition Lock Complete Tool Set. Steel-spok- Houdille Hydraulic Shock Absorbers The finest type hydraulic shock absorbers are standard equipment on the new Ford. These combined with the low center of grav-ity, the minimum unsprung weight, and the r easy riding qualities of the transverse springs to make the new Ford one of the most comfortable cars on the road today. Orders will be filled strictly in order received NEILSEN &' SON - |