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Show 1ST . ' h VOL HI. EUREKA, CHEAP GOLD. ex-pen- - UTAH, FH1BAY, DECE?- - 2EB I, H A AA IB23. 32. Then comes the fire a, President, so that he can put a pre- or six weeks has been, but there is fixed at Sr00,000, being divided into opal. with hyacinth red and opal, orreflecyellow t shares f of of the par value caution in his forthcoming message abundant evidence that it has been 500,000 tion. The former comes which are all taken. The com- the latter from Mexico. from Hungary, each, wa.s less a it The common, than much to read as follows: during cor pany owns a number of valuable or 6einiopiils, are nonopalescent The be Wo have spring, effectually responding period 'Whereas, claims in this district, and known as or oculus inundi, is nontrans-paren- t, but becomes so by immerf.ion squelched silver, the next thing fore the Indian mints were closed the Mammoth tunnel site,' and will m water cr aDy transparent fluid. The which we, as an honest Nation, to 'private coinage. This applies carry on a general mining business. cacaalons is nearly opaque and of a blushould turn our attention to, is the less to the mines of Mexico thun to Judge Goodwin, of the Tribune, finds ish white color. The hyalite is colorless, cost of gold, and if, as I am in- those of the United Stales; but in something to be thankful for in the pellucid and white. The opal jasper or wood, formed, gold can be mined for Australia there has been an almost fact that nine montns of the Demo- wood opal is tie petrifaction of ' without but the opalescent, coloring cratic Administration have passed from 1.75 to 5.60 per ounce, I complete cessation of silver mining. and that but thaee years and as which makes the "noble" gem o precious. Chicago Tribune. submit to you, gentlemen of Con- The adjustment of the question of away, many months remain. The history of betwill cause a wages in the mines gress, whether it would not be the past oilers conclusive proof that TVorklng For a Holiday. in the total output. If that is plenty of time for it to bankter to call in our gold coins and An Englishman stopping at one of the hotels was commenting upon the exhave them restamped, the 20 pieces this should cause the price to fall rupt the country. treme restlessness and incessant goof to make about 7; giving a fair below what silver can be mined DESCRIBE YOUR FRIEND. Americans. He said, "You Americans have such a beastly ide3 of the compenprofit to the miner; the 10 pieces for, the output would be checked. How Well Your rictureWUl sation of work." about 3.50, and the other gold Matters will continue in this way And Then gee Fit Scores of Others. mean?" questioned a "What do coins in the same proportion.' until gradually it will be ascer"He was a young inuu and fairly pood Pittdburer yon near by. standing We commend to those editors of tained under what conditions silver looking; smooth face and without work for money," was "Oh, you people glasses; wore a dark trait; was about 5 the explanation. the East, especially to the editor of can be mined profitably, and to feet in height and looked like a married "I don't see anything beastly about the Chicago Tribune, to study this those conditions the v.prk will be man. Anybody would know him." Such was the retort. "May I ask for that," was the description turned in by a young what matter. He was exceedingly exor- continued. Denver S'.?i. you Englishmen work?" woman who slipped quietly into the city we work for our holiday," waa "Why, cised a year under the impression 15 office editor's and wanted to advertise the THE TOLEDO WliKKiY LAD I reply. Pittsburg Dispatch. that silver was being produced at And bools containii yl the iNanby for Chalmers. It appeared that Chalmers had left home, and nobody knew why, A Cabrmsn's Kerenga. from 30 to 40 cents an ounce, ana Letters for One JJpilar. and this young woman had faith that A good story id told of a stipendiary hence made a most plausible arguIn answer to a ;ener;i!(.lemand from her recital of his personal traits would in a Yorkshire town, nut magistrate ment that it was pure robbery for all parts of the United Sjates, the To- bring him hack. It was a good example given to err on the side of leniency, who the average person's power of descripsuch an article to sell for 70 to 80 ledo made has publish! in one vol- of heavily fined a cabman for fast driving. of a follow tion being. cloth bound, all of the "Nasljy A few days after the magistrate, decents an ounce. Now, then, if he ume, Letters" ever written y the late D. boIt is totally inadequate! Though man tained rather longer than usual in the and wonderfully made, court, was has a 20 gold piece in his pocket, II. Locke, hurrying along to catch his omitting perlups a few un- therefearfully seems to bo an unaccountable in- train when, seeing an empty cab handy, was he knows that gold piece and important local or topics. ability in nine persons out of every tn ho hailed the driver and directed him to produced at a cost of about 5.60, Only a few of these letters were ever to give a creditable word picture of any proceed to the station, telling him that he being an honest man, we trust published in book fore.. Everybody one whom they have Been. Because we he was pressed for time. The driver, read some of them, but who has understand the looka of a person when however, heedless of the hint, kept to a that he will go out and get change, has read all of them? The )ook contains we meet them, it never occurs to the gentle trot. "I say, I say, my man," mind that other people do not grasp a exclaimed the and that he will give to the poor over f)00 fare, with his head out of large pages: andall the Is ashy idea cf his appearance with a the window, "drive faster than 'this!" 14.40, the difference between the Letters written durinf a period of thorough few passing phras'is of description. "It can't be done, sir," replied the driver. actual cost of the gold and the twenty-fivyears: also a portrait of D. Your friend conies in, and you ex- "Ye see, if we drives faster we're had II. Locke from his lasf photograph. stamped value upon it. These are It would sell at one dclar or more, pound to him that such and such a man up afore the 'beak,' and we gets fined, has jubt called for him, bint almost in 6o we has to be careful." He did not the days when the silver miners are but will never be placclrm sale. One variably your exposition is a jumbled lot alter hja and neither did the "beak" having a hard time, but they are hundred thousand copi-- are now be of pkrasus which apply to the human catch kiapace, train. London having some sweet revenges, nev- ing printed and bound, tnd one copy race in general. The other day when I rushed into my Women Usurer. ertheless. No one ever lost any will be sent postpaid ft c to every per- - office room wfth a colama Btory on the who this winter reryts one dollar as we know, invading Women spn are, end of my tojigue or at the tip of my most trades and money on their silver except them for the 'Weekly Blade Evprofessions, but it is inyear. p? wae given selves. The Government has pen, to be uiore accvurt-ethe London Lady, and not to r a send invited teresting, Bays erybody specimen this greeting: a little startling to learn that they have robbed them of 50,000,0u0 in the copy of the Weekly I;ue, which will "Hellol Aman has just been in toeet even taken to the doubtful one of usury. last two years, and while robbing give a full description f che ".Nasby you." "You would hnrdly credit," said a well Letters." did ho look like?" "What Governthem the agents of the fcnown solicitor recently, "what a Luge he was a good looking fellow nrmjber of women money lenders there ment have advertised to the world . The Toledo Weekly Bl;de is the best not"Oh, very tall, rather he&vy, but not too are about." Many of them have email and most popular week- newspaper so." much that they are all thieves; that they published in this coun t.:y. It has the private connections only, obliging femi"Wa3 he old or young?" dollar as largest circulation of ah; weekly newswant to pass a sixty-cen- t nine friends or acquaintances pressed for "About 20 or 23, 1 should say." the amount of some dressmaker's or a dollar, and now that the work paper, and goes to ever,' State, Terri"What color of hairf" bill with loans at interand of nearly every county the is completed and their work as sil tory "I don't remember now. However, I est. But there temporary are others who so in fcr Union. Only one dollar includdon't think he had a mustache." it extensively advertise, and, in fact, ver miners is gone, it will be a "How dressed?" ing the above mentioned book free. make quite a handsome income out of it. great pleasure for them to turn and Send postal to The Liar e, Toledo, "Oh, just an ordinary business suit." Have you ever heurd such a descripexplain to those wise editors that Ohio, for a free specimer copy of the The Naree'a RusincR. tion? If not, watch yourself next time The CallerDo the children mind you in several camps gold is being pro- paper. Send the addresses of your you tell of some one's coll. You will be when the mother is out? duced at a cost of 1.75 to $5. 60 an friends also. surprised to find that your description The Nurse I dGu't require any mindwould tit almoet any member of the ounce, and hence, to call that much ma'am. I wus not hired for them ing, human race. to mind me. bat for mo to mind them. into the $20 worth gold Are still in effect to f'istern points goes up Why is it? New York Press. realm of highway robbery. Why, via the Itio Grande Western Ey EeI don't know. We read in books that G. W. ed i ;not for the it's because we don't cultivate the habit FLOWER SUPERSTITIONS. a ton of gold is not worth half as lnernber the It. of intelligent observation. of new its its elegance nt, equipr much to a man dying on the desert There was once a boy who learned Blatdets' Barometers For Bivfntnjj the coaches, its free chair i rs, its tourist how to describe what he saw. Every as would be a quart of cold water. or colonist Depths of Tbelr Sweethearts Love. ui new and its sleepers ho is ringular to see how many meanIt waa sent his to father morning by Vnd that awakens another thought. artistic Pullman Do le Drawing walk rapidly by an elegantly arranged ingless ceremonies are now practiced by The next time one of those awfully Room Palace Sleeping f rs which rnri window, and then af.trward to young women ceremonies which word rept wise people begins to discuss the through to Chicago w; tut change. to him all the things he sa w at this one formerly used in earnest as love charm3 glance at the panorama and to describe or incan tationa. Most of tiieee have an amintrinsic value of gold, he should 'Speed, Safety and ( them. At first the lad could remember atory origin, and In connection with not well earned motto. ) main line be confronted with the fact that !' fast express trains to Eatt daily. but few things that his eye may have afew certain flcrweft oreuBed.presumably there would be cireumshuitos caught in the pacing glanco, but in time as a means of foretelling the future. Ia Deluney Clevelani i cousin of he could remember almost everything 6everal parts of New England when a where a ton of gold would nut be in a show window by merely seeing it young lady expeots visit from her lover Congress in once. Boston Herald. worth as much as much us a pint the President, ran she will pluck a marigold, take it in bfir hind when he arrives and carry it until cancy), on of baked beans, and he should be New Jersey (to till the end of hia vifdt, when from Its fresh At the Mtuiloure'e. Democratic the tickt the was ;id asked to reason from that standThe manicure with the golden hair or faded condition she will judgo oi tka man ini State. He was point, and tell us what the intrin- worst beaten bending over the hand of a now strength of his affection. said to is a be ci r A Gorman girl, after bating beei but customer. man, very sic value of gold really is. There "Do you want your hands bleached?" called oa by her lover, will jat a star name the Cleveland as a stench are a whole lot of people in Amerflower or dandelion ia water and leave it ehe a.ked. pie, hence ica who will be wiser after they in the nostrils of the there until his next visit, drawing an "Yes." his defeat. She applied the bleach, using more omen from its condition, while a Spanish know a little more. There i3. besides the gold, jus enough iron in the following arti cle fronfthe Tribune, to make it epicy rcadirg. "An eastern paper says: 'The ;slreir slump boomed gold mining all over the Y est and bouth west, and started booms where there hid, "previously been no miri Jnsr at all?,'?. I , i Our Eastern, friends should not have been ha mistaken. fiome ncivlinventions for workin the quartz gold and placer gold during the past two or three years which m'akes' it possible to work i .great masv gold mines that before could not )e worked. - People knew about the mines, but the ore could not bo worked. : By the way, that ug. that a great many pa per mitrt. in the East have, during the last year or two, been most m dignant iu their mathematics, es tablishmg the fact that silver was too high because it cost so little to mine it Of course thev knew nothing, of what they were talking, a9 they Mid not understand, or at least did not' want to understand, that the Cost of mining and reducing silver, ores ought not make any difference about its value as money except; that at first the Nation de clared that the unit of values might be 412,5 grains of standard silver, and the reason behind it was that it took a dollar's worth of labor to produce' the standard dollar. Then, there is no silver dollar which has ever beeii mined that has cost less. By that we mean that there has not been a Staf,e or Territory that has prodacod one million or twenty mill-o- n ounces of silver, that those ounce? hae not cost quite 1.2929. Some ,ri3'i; have made large fortunes ir ruining, but while they have beer doing that there have been a thousand others who did not maka a living. But it was of something c'sb we wished to speak, and that is 'he cost of gold mining. There h a hrre field of gold not far froiu here that promises to be very extensive when explored, and thcrp the ere is mined and worked, so wa ars informed, at a total c $2. SO a ton, and the ore yields fem $9 to $11. Say on the averpa, that it yield $10 per ton, that the ounce of theu.'Vra have-igo'd costs crly $5. CO. Now we subrait tc ths gentlemen on "Wall 8treq,. and to their agents in Washington, Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Cleveland, .that ?t is an outrage to put out gold at $20 an ounce which costs $5. CO. Thaj is worse than dollars. We trust those sixty-cs- rt gentlemen will look into this busi-nes- s at ceco pud declare by law that incsnmch ps there is a large mine in Utah being worked for $ 5.60 for tro tons, from whtch an ounce of gyld is produced, that the ounce- of gold s hall not bo worth more tliaa 10 per cent advance on The 1'rlte of (silver. the $5.60, lest the people of this f hero is something surprising in country bo swindled. There is the fact that the price of silver has nothing Yikz strict integrity in this advanced steadily since its fall to world, aad.we como down to close 68 cents immediately after the pasfigurb o;, tiern are some even worse sage of the l'epeal bill. The facts exnmpiea than that. We are told that if production is not that tho nincrs on Snake river, un- suggest increased the trice will remain der the sevr process, are washing above 70 cents. There is a heavy down the banks and clearing 40 a demand for silver in China and Ibis day. .That is, one man makes two makes a drain upon the sources of ounces of gold. The man's waes in this country and Mexico. on ht not be worth over 2. 50. The upply Uut since ,t he demand in India for cost of the machinery is 1 per day. i i i has closm almost That would be two ounces produced coinage purposes ntirely and the purchases by the wo ask, in all serifor 3.50,-anUnited States have stopped, there ousness, under what principle of is liltle doubt that either the sup integrity the great Government of lie be or curtailed must pries; the United States puts out gold and ply would fall much below what it is cull a it 10, when it originally cost! here are no st'iti'ucs at present. only 3.50? Wo submit that the at hand to show what the o'ltpat of .(act ought to be telegraphed to the the silver miii.s iov the lait month t JUAB COUNTY, .1 gira-Bol- , fi 1 . ,1 I - .1 ht fcm-itte- e Tit-Iiit- a. mil-liner- 'a j i: i than the ordinary quantity ujxo the maiden will take a moss Toeebud, wear thumb and of the rignt hand. it on her breast, and if it expands to beAfter working for about five minutes come a perfect flower the oiaen is conforr-fmje- r J he annual meetin ers of Tin tic Mining! f the m in-Di- she stopped Rnd said: "It is al ways difficult to remove nicor nccoriicr tine with the first application." " the eocioty gtrl, ensuing elevating her gapped "iNicotine? eyebrows liecord-'aturda- for the purpo.-'- of elect in of the said district for! year, will be held f t er soiiicc, Oliver iity. (ii December Oils, 1'8'Xj begin at 10 o'clock, a' n. C. It. 1U..KO November i c "Wh-a-a-t?- What do you moan?" "The t:i;arettw, you know," replied the manicure. "It's perfectly awftal how eeiing to they stain the fingers, ain't it?" And she femib'd a smile that even the society girl couldn't resist. That madothem friends lno, ail they fell to diacussinj the diuermt Ir.uidi of cigarettes. And when the job $ The l;ullli'i-i',- e .'eu The Bullion-recTin. tiled articles ouincnrp'jli,. Countv Clerk if Salt few day ago. Henry tiinvv neck, tieorge Ku y, wa dene the society girl whimpered: "Whatil tuko the stain off?" "Use lemon juice I do wa all do." "Thanks." New York Hartd! k Jr., L. G. The oilicei-- liaif v a: (f i pre- ident : A L. G. jiaidv, - lor, secular, , re About 0nU. prejudice asainht, onald anwars di paring. A cyhow they are popular. There ere oeveral variete r, of T; 'or. and theref ire KKverel ('.cirecs of merit. -'';'. The pjvious, or n,,M,., 0r orVntal l Mpmno. 1, us bus nil the colors, ':!.)"v ' !:.:! an.l,lfl i wii?i to l. are broken into "P'Olfe'li it is- I. ou ciu.c'i the hnfcvnua toe: ' i ' Tfco . b-- i " op-i- sidered exceedingly f ortnnato, A superstition cf the same kind i3 t'hown by tha Eust Indian maiden who pl.vras a poppy In her hair. In England the priuirose i3 nsed fcr th.9 same purpose, and in country districts of Now Eugh'iid the spfkes of the rib wort plants in are taken, wrapped in dock leave, placed beneath a stone, and if the nest d.iy sins of new buds appear the oint-- id considered happy. In Irance young ladies desirous of ascertaining the extent of a lover's affection take the common daisy and pull o2 it.-- leaves one by one, with the question, "Does he lve me? DoeB he love me little? Does he love me much? Dues he love me with all hi3 soul?" Marguerite ia 'Taunt" uses the common blue bottle with sLnilar titfitions. In England the leaf is sometimes employed to ascertain the faithfulness of an absent lover, of her future and the Irish midden by putting a shamrock in her shoe, aftir which he valka abroad, and tho first rnau cheineet or ono of his name will b Ler husband, Nuw York Advertiser. i |