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Show w "fff Til EUREKA, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, N3YEMSER 3, 28. 1893. and Frank Cook, it beCHOICE OF,fEM. erased thereby from the statutes. $104,000,000 at the close of the TriE Best Plastek. Dampen a Gus Henroid neck and neck, until over literally ing of Chamberlain's flannel with The law has been almost a dead Fifteenth century. But since the piece the votes had been announced by Balm and bind it on over the seat halfteller. Pain Then llenriod forged slowletter for four months, Secretary discovery of America, except durthe of pain. It is better than any plaster. ly ahead and came out the winner. A wars When the The Tickets to. be Voted Far at Carlisle' declining the proffered sil ing the Spanish-America- n lungs are sore such an ap- good portion of the spectators left at vcr except at London prices. The when many of the mines of the New plication on the chest and another on this juncture, and thereby missed the surprise of the evening In the action of Congress is a severe blow World were closed, the production the back, between the shoulder blades, greatest thCpmiJig Election;1' nomination of J. S. )Vatts over Edto tbe silver mining States, but one of both metals has been sufficient will often prevent pneumonia. There ward Pike, the present incumbent, for majority was34-Ale- x from which they will rally, and be to fairly keep up the supply of is nothing so good for a lame back or City Justice. Watts' Ceo. and Pet(Jourley, Gillespie IfllifCIPAL a in A sore can the side. throat LElISUTlVLCOyiTY pain er Loutensock were nominated f t much the gainer thereby. Either money, and thus to maintain apin cured one be nearly always night by trustees, after which the meet-r ;rvi:vv it will result in free coinage, or the proximate stability in the purchas applying a flannel bandage dampened school ing adjourned sine dir. LMatrlct Ttekata, and tb West will arrange for a silver cirwith Pain Balm. 50 cent bottles for ing power of the two metals. Tb Author of 'Gul)r. sale KkiMtTlitm. culation by Eureka Drug Store. that will them been at times a While there has UiUd(Mn many give Between 1714 and 1726, for .doxan in remained Swift withyears, advantages not possessed since the lack of gold and silver for money, Ireland, Carter II. Harrison, Mayor of out from interoiibaion, altogether apart demonetization of '73. in has silver suffered the world never from Chicago, and her most widely rTYjY.V".BFVB"CAK. life. At the latter date L went public There are no indications of a an oversupply of these metals, and known and best beloved citizen, to London, probably needing a changa fk ComdVh,' Fifth Vlttrlc of sceno after the shock of Mias shut down of the bonanza mines of for the simple reason that contin- was shot to death last Saturday! death and tha grievona aenw 1 this district, though it is hardly ued oversupply is impossible; for, night,y b a crank named Prender-gast- . he must have had that it was ho who probable that much new property if the production of the metals Four times mayor of the had killed her, and it was then that CkfjLBLESX'KcBBIDE. "Gulliver" was published. The lattr will be developed. The new 20 should increase beyond the growth city, he was elected for the fifth portions of it, which ' the children hava " : y .eoflio stamp mill of the Mammoth is al of population and wealth, the time to perform the duties that rejected, we are glad to have no space to 2WUt. . most ready to receive the machin would be indicated by a rise caused his The bitterness, passion and Superintendent of Sckool death, in the face of the dwell upon. of are beyond parallel. On them all is which of the in would till which on misery continue ery, nearly prices, opposition of the entire press of the would like to havo any ground for bedolground. Immediately upon its tho point was reached when a city. He came from a family re- lieving that the Houyhnhms and the rait DEMOCItitlC. completion, it will be started to lar could be obtained with less la- nowned for its noble men and wom- came into being after Stella't death, but work on a dump of low grade ore, bor or less sacrifice by producing en his name would have been this was not the case. She was only a woman and waa not, after all, of auoli U.Cou(iili Tlfth District and will be kept in constant opera something else than by mining the mouarchial rule a vital Importance in the man's existence. under knighted tioa. It is understood that the metal out of which to make the Withdrawal from the life he loyeJ, he yet was the idol of the masses confinement in a narrow sphere, the disVt ! Roum, Ninth DUtrtct work by the Eureka Hill and Key dollar, and the production of the with whom ho was alwys in touch. appointment of a soul which felt itself stone companies, at Homansville, metals would thereby be checked By the perversity of fate his light born for greatness and had tasted tha to increase their water supply, is while the production of other things is blotted out when at the zenith of high excitements of power, but now had nothing to do .but fight over tha choir done with the intention of erecting would be stimulated. Through his of and the sun this glowith his archbishop and give occasion glory, of.ScacoW luprInte'nJnt f tr a mill at that place. The Bullion-Bec- k this regulating principle, as long rious Indian summer for a hundred anecdotes in the Dublin reshines yet & Champion Company is ne- as the supply of metals last, the had matured the angry paesiou coteries, on of massive the frame splendent and in liim soured the sweetness of naxJttrotiiUt Attorney gotiating for the purchase of a mill stability in the value of the prec- the great Czar of America. Veri- ture. Few peoplo now, when they take but recently erected in Nevada. ious metals may be maintained. their "Gulliver," is go beyond up "Great Allah." ly, The rest is like a succession of It is a mill, of the latest It is only through legislation that bad the confused miseries of ft O. M. dreams, P. TICKETS, E. of and Posey Johnson, pattern, and if the negotiations are wide fluctuations, in recent years, To think fever. that in a deanery, that and E. G. of Chicago, lleffron, Denver, successful, it will be transported have taken place. eaifiii ad who are interested in the Salt Lake calm seat of ecclesiastical luxury, within the near future to some site ad Because of this principle of self copper smelter, came in on the Rio in sound of the cathedral bells and tha choristers' chants, a brain so dark and to to mine the and accessible jaoent regulation, and this alone, the prec- Grande Sunday and drove to Mammoth distracted and dreams so terrible should cCHRYSTAL. their water supply. These mills ious metals, through the process of the next day, returning on the Union havo found shelter! Mrs. Oliphant in will not only afford employment to evolution, have gained acceptance Pacific. A Miner man met Mr. Po- Century. " at the Eureka Hotel Sunday night The Hub? Ltke4 It. our idle men, but will enable the everywhere as money. Indeed, but sey DAYTQN, and asked him concerning the connecThe hopelessness of combating indimines to handle ores of a low grade for the principle of the automatic tion of the copper smelter with the vidual with the most &' "CLARK, ia 9 and smelter charges adjustment of money supply to recent deal whereby the Copperopolis ened ctupiditymeasures which enlightfreight the ausanitary 4 QKQfiGE APAMS, have prevented being shipped. The other things, there would be no ad changed hands. He stated that i,he thorities can provide was evidenced tha other day on a Grand street ferryboat. HYDE, copper smelter at Salt Lake will vantage in metallic money over asmelter people were not interested, as A woman came into the cabin carrying a in but the deal, company, BOVVEN. expected also be a great advantage to this paper money. This principle of 9 months and leading of baby perhaps ...... to arrange to handle the ore. They .ai)id,a.a toddler of about j years. Both chillittle district. We have it from Mr. Po automatic regulation has been in have Tor Citj Eecorder, a smelter at Durango, Colo., and dren, as well as the mother, were comJiXPIERCJE. two cars of ore from the Copperopolis eey, of the smelter company, that all ages the conserving force in fortably clad, but tho children's faom there are several bodies of low stability in money and main- have been sent there for treatment. were paety and unhealthy looking, as if and ill ventilated grade copper ore in the district, taining the equities of tine obliga- Mr. Posey stated that the smelter at unwholewms food were their portion.' Salt Lake would be quarters sleeping started probably which they can handle, and the op tions. It has survived sll revoluThe former was, for each in undoubtedly three would up though it .Tor Cltr Vkribal, . eration of the smelter will doubt tions and preserved the value of be another months, waa munching a large slice of not ' before it was entirely child year OUS. J. HENBIOD. less excite an interest in copper money amid the rise and fall of na- completed. There are in this district too ripe nor too clean watermelon, bought from one of the peddling fruit stand properties that will develop some tions. When this principle is giv- several bodies of low grade copper ore, which alxmnd in that locality. The baby good mines. On the whole, Tintic en up what will take its place? which the company expects to handle. in arms kept at his piece with his toothdistrict is in good condition to stand Will it be legislative regulation? This is welcome news in the face of less gums nntil he had secured several hv'.. the depression in lead and sil- bits, which he swallowed with gusto. the strain of several month's wait- Do they who now clamor for the ver present Alarmed for tho effect npon his tender ores. The business men of Salt ing, which seems to be the pros- overthrow of the bimetallic stan- Lake City certainly deserve commen- or at least youthful stomach, a passendard comprehend what the' are dation for their successful tight for ger, another woman, approached tha pect now. mother. JOHN McCHRYSTAL. If bimetallism is over- the copper smelter. doing? "Aront you afraid to let your baby of the Money Supply. B(ltlon eat that?" she asked, pointing to the fruit. r of the thrown i automatic Are your children subject to croup? Tor l&eprtr," i The Importance of tbe principle of principle The woman looked up mystified. "Oh, automatic regulation of money is in regulation of money goes with it. If so, you should never be without a he likea HF. FULLRIDE. ; it," she said. danger of being overlooked in the mad When this is gone, on what will bottle of Chamberlain's Cough RemeJ " "But it may make him siok, ha is such fox Truiiim, race to let up the single gold standard. the of contracts, extending dy. It is a certain cure for croup, and a young baby," persisted the other. equities has never been known to fail. If givAs long as it is possible to produce "Oh, no," answered the mother gool into rest? the future, en as soon as the croupy cough naturedly. "He's used to it aiid in metals tbe suf precious freely quantities , Tor Mrshal? Do gold monometallists under appears it will prevent the attack. peaches, sho added, with an air of prida ficient to keep pace with the produc EDWaBP x Axr "LEWIS, tion of. other things, it is possible to stand the significance of a change It is the sole reliance with thousands at his digestive prowess. ADd the other woman could on rehave the money supply regulated by from the automatic regulation of of mothers who have croupy children turn to hor seat Vanquished, while tha and never disappoints them. There wateTmelonntirraed the same laws that govern the producito its colicky way. or legislative regulation, nl 1 t FHED NEION. is no danger in giving this liemedy in New York tunc. tion of commodities generally, and in money ' this' way to maintain a close approxi perhaps to spasmodic regulat ion by large and frequent doses, as it conys?2oi:jior9 ; A Bhful Lord of Other Day. mation to stability in the purchasing banks? There is safety for all in tains nothing injurions. 50 cent botWILSON, waa a young lover who was a There power of standard money. regulating the supply of standard tles for sale by Eureka Drug Store. very rare of high rank aud compound If gold could be produced in money to the laws that govern tho eai; shea; A large crowd responded to the call great abilities, with Bweetness, grtst kiiank and shyness. Most noble lorfis quantity sufficient to keep pace supply of everything else; and un- for a mass at the Odd Fel- modesty know their own value and behave acthe growing need for money, til some method of regulation bet low's Hall meeting with hanson, Saturday night to nominate This noble lord, however, arising from increase of population ter than has ever yet been devised, a ticket for the coming city election, cordingly. ADAMS. was modest. He thought himself so far XpftGE, and wealth, then stability could be is worked out, the safest side is to in opposition to the one put up the so very far below the worth of tho secured by the single as well as the adhere to the principle sanctioned Monday previous. Edward Pike was youns: lady whom he loved that he wns to speak. Some women do not double' standard. But the admitt by the experience of so many ages. elected chairman and II. V. Tone kept afraid a record of the proceedings. Dr. Clark, understand this modesty. Believe rn.;. ed isci; is that gold cannot be proA. J. Warner, g in a highly eulogistic speech, proposed ladies, 'tis a sure and certain sign of y, noble character, because only a 16frr -duced with such regularity und in President American Bimetallic for Mayor the name of John McChrys-tal- . soul can conceive the existence of a No one aspiring to oppose him, such quantity as is necessary to League. Wo measure others, you see, by the nomination was made unanimous, ourselves. It is also a sure sign meet the increasing demand for it of Iotb, The Fire Department held a meet amidst considerable applause. For because such a man can only love a ww in the arts and at the same time ing last night, and discussed the feas- Councilors, Geo. L. Hyde, Geo. Adams, nma whom he deeply respects. Encour,;t ames! p. supply the growing needs for mon- ibility of giving another dance on the R. P. Dayton, C. W. Clark and M. I), age this modesty, my daughters. Abova J; FRECKLETON, ey. Neither has silver in the past eve or night of Thanksgiving. Sever- liowen received the highest number all, do not laugh at it. This young man, been produced in quantities suffic al members, including the Chair, of votes cast, and were declared the therefore, was afraid toI speak, and tha ":"fi)5LQs;u)(ijAKO. dfllay, which is at first. am told, pleadient alone to supply the needs for seemed to think the date too soon, nominees. J. A. Pierce, F. W. Blue ing and exciting, began to grow monotoTtt XIWHT AUK AD. fearing the Department might lose and 15. A. Goodman were the contest nous. Indeed, at times and the ;'g ontinuouB fij2;ht of al-- i money. prestige it had gained by its suc ants for Recorder, Pierce winning by One dsy they were playing card for 4,(tc sometimes for long periods, as dur- cessful efforts in the past. The mat 1.) votes over was who after tho fnrddon of tiieir genBlue, has money, supposed ;Sq w,re montb' Gopjapress' middle was not put to a vole, but it is to be invincible. This awakened con- - eration. The lady won; the loser paH. the the ter ing ages productye3,e4 he map dates of the Auto-- i "It is," he said, "half u crown. lw'a of hardly probable the dance will be giv siderale interest among the rat iii' the White lioue,. and re- tion both metals together was en. indeed it were a t rowu." as arose to disA discussion the tors, which was lulled to some extent not snffinient even to keep the mon"At least." replied the bi!yf "yoi.r pealed tie purchase .clause of the posal of the money on hand. Upon by the easy victory of T. J. Blue over volutce intact. On the contra- motion, a .committee, ronnistinir of can give uie a corojie!." Shermao law. The president af- ey Win. Hat (hid. for custodian of the lordship Ix'hoid a mira.l! Tor his tongua And Chief Martin. Driscoll Chairman and the of from the Chrisbeginning filed hin glynature to the reiwal ry, Xelson, was appointed to city funds. Mr. Hatfield was not an wai loosened, and his eyes glowed, and Secretary he discovery of Amer- draft a resolution that a sinking fund avowed candidate and made n: light his lips ipuke. They lived happy, one bill almost as soon as received hy tian Era to the total stock of both metals ue eniaoiMiPo for Hie ueneiif i mem for (lie nominal ion. The struggle for nmy add. though it u en utiusual eiidh g ban ica, him, Vadthe' measure which bers at (ires, to be presented the hot p,i.ing nS5ice in the list, that to a Ktory. ever aft erward. Vahor '.fa' touch' dicwufcbiqn was fell from about 11,610,000,000 to tomeinjured of l. member at liie next was unite. spirited l tween in JLondoa Queen.-- ' ' -- - v 1 TArj.yOUB 90a;t l- kl . , " Van-komrig- h's raifofo over-suppl- irTt yt C7 Brob-dinjrjia- g. 40-sta- KVilililt V&MwM L-- w tht ,.03:ifl ! se-curi- , . . : 1 1 ""'Cg: sappatura, george alex. ourle geoge gillespie, peter loutensock. Jo: got.-des- s. driscoll, . sin-cta- - Mar-lui- - -- |