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Show Some miscreant ;b.roke into the restaurant Saturday Keystone and helped himself to a liberi'ublisued every Friday moinl.sj? by night al supply cf ham, eggs, chickens NEWMAN H. MIX. and flour. No.c.Iue has been obEntered at the at Eureka, Utah, tained as to the identity of the .mador transmission thrtuU the maiLs as THE TINTIC MINER. lVst-oftio-e second-clas- s matter. l'KICE OK SCBSCRIPTIO.JN ADVANCE. One year Sa.00 ......... ix months.. Three months If not p;tid in advance: One year, month. 12.25; three months. 11.50. PACIFIC Lake... UNION TIME 1 75 00 1 ?4.00; hix TABLE, 11:20 a. S;iX) p. 0:10 p. II :40a. 1:;J0 p. Ar. from Pa It Jv. for Salt Lake Ar. atSalt Lake I.v. for Silver City Ar. from Silver City. 'Through Coaches to and from Salt Lake out chance. Shortest Line und Fastest Fltne. m. in. m m. in. with- No. Jio. 10. 6.30.... 7:IK).... 8:0.... H::..... 8:40.... :00.... Arrives ):Xl... 0. No 27. Arrives, p. m. a. in. ...Silver City...... ...S:40 . ..EurekB ...H:15 ...7:00 Goshen ...B:40 Santatiuln ...fl:SJ .....l'aysoM Spanish Fork. .. ..,5;55 Leaves. ,.5:40 .....Ppringvllle l'rovo American Fork. 10:(W... Lent HlriKham Jc 10:12... 10:4S... 11:05... Salt Lake 5:21 .4:57 4:57 4:20 4 :0t MAILS. Silver City and Mammoth clewed at 11:00 .a. m. fialt Lake and all other points at 1:30 p.m. .Silver City arrives at 1:40 p. in. other points at 11:00 a. m. open from 8 a. in. to 7:30 Salt Lake and all General delivery . in. ' Money order and registry window from 8 a. in. to 5 p. in., and from ti::0 to 7::i0 p. m. Sunday General delivery from 11:H0 a.m. to 12:30 p. m. Jas. P. PRrscoi.L, P. M. TIMTIC FLOAT. For sale, 2,000 shares Oppahonga stwk. Enquire at this office;. ruining Firemen's Hall Friday n,ight. The major portion of the .male residents are rusticating in Provo this week, but a firstelass dog fight on lower Main street Wednesday attracted a crowd of at least fifty. It was a fight to a finish, and served Dr. P. A. Skinner, of Texarkana, Arkansas, is an enthusiast in the praise as a theme for conversation for the of Chamberlain's Pain Palm. He used rest of the day. it for rheumatism, and says: "1 found ; it to be a most excellent local remeThe Fire Department has ar dy." For sale Vy Eurska Drug Store. s ranged for a ball at the Odd Fresh fish and oysters always on at the '"Eureka Fruit Store" JIall, Friday evening October hand Lower Main street. 20ih. The boys will wear their uniforms and no effort will be ""During my term of service in the army I contracted chronic diarrlxea." spared to make it a success. Tick- says A. E. Bendig, of Ilalsey, Oregon. "Since then 1 have used a great ets, $1.00. Mrs. Haynes will serve amount of medicine, but when f found supper for $1.00 a couple. any that would give ioe relief they would injure my stomach, until ChamMiss Miranda Cunningham and berlain's Colic, (Cholera .and Diarrhoea Remedy was brought to my notice. I Miss Mae Naylor, spent Sunday used it and will say it is the only remand Monday with the Misses Tomp edy that gave me permanent relief and no bad results follow." For sale kins, returning to their homes by Eureka Drug Store. in Salt Lake Tuesday. Several of Go to the Eureka Drug Store for their Mammoth friends came over medicines of any kind. Monday evening, and with a few Paints, oils, varnishes, brushes, etc. invited friends from here, spent Eureka Drug Stoke. the evening very pleasantly with Two good second hand cook stoves for sale at the Eureka Tin Shop. music and 4ancing at the hotel. For fine Cigars and fresh Con The Union Pacific is surveying a route for a switch to the Mam- fectionery try ''The Eureka Fruit Store," moth mill. Jt is understood the Lower Main Street. Application for Patent. to be will let contract Pest meals in town at the Keystone grading NOTICE NO. 2247. Rhodes Bros, of Salt Lake, who Restaurant. United States Land OfRce., Sa't Lake City, Ctah, Augusts, 1S93. have also the contract for the MamAdditional Cripple Creek Service. Notice is hereby given that John Fleming, moth's pipe line to Death Creek. Commencing May 1st the Colorado whose post office address is Eureka, Juab Utah Territory, has made applicaThe railroad work will have to be Midland railway will put on and run County, a United States Patent forthel'ar-nell- s thereafter additional suburban tion forProgianie daily claim, situate in finished within a month, which will trains to accommodate Cripple Creek West Tint if Miningmining District. Juab Country. Utah Territory, consisting of 15(K) linear feet necessitate the employment of quite and Florissant business, as follows: of said lode and 000 feet wide, being Lot No. WESTBOEND. 3 and described in the field notes and plat a large force of men. 8:10 a.m. of the official survey (in file in this office, with Lea ve Colorado Spring's 0:i!5 a. m. magnetic variation at 16 degrees. 32 minutes Arrive Divide " Florissant 10:0i a. m. east, as follows: Commencing at l ost No. 1, Geo. E. Lee, of Bingham, E. W. a corner of the running thence .south EASTBOUKD. 4S degrees east ti04 feet to Post No. 2: thence Fel10:40 a. m. Utah Leave 750 Florissant ;i2 Odd of the editor west feet to Post No. 3; south degrees Loder, 11:10 a.m. thence soutli 5S Divide 30 minutes west 750 degrees 11::!0 a. in. feet to Post No. 4; ttience north 4 Woodland Park degrees low, Alexander Rogers and Dr. Arrive 11:50 a. m. west 604 feet to Post No. 5; thence north .53 Leave Woodland Park :00 m. 750 came of Colorado Arrive 30 No. Lake Salt p. Post to feet, thence 0; east minutes Suriiijxs Bucber, City, : 5::K) p. m. north 32 degrees east 750 feet to Post No. Pueblo 6:00 in on the Rio Grande last night to p.m. the place of beginning. Total area of claim acres; area in conflict with Lot No. Hi) This arrangement gives a conven 20.21 assist in the installation of officers ient, and hereby expressly excluded .OS acres; area and rapid service into and out of claimed and applied for 20.13 acres. Frum Post No. 5. V. S. M. M. bears north of the Eureka Lodge, I. O. O. F. Cripple Creek. 07 dearees 39 mutates west 107H feet. Said Pariiells Prograuie lode location minA banquet was served at the KeyJJave your prescriptions filled at the claim being of record in the otiiceofthe ing Store. Recorder of said mining district at Neph stone, after which the party pro- &ureka Drug known City. Jaab County, Utah. The nearest ceeded to the lodge room, where locations being the Scotia No. 2, Lot lift. Patent. for I direct that this notice be Application published in the the lights twinkled far into the Tintic Minkh at Eureka. Juab County, Utah NOTICE NO. 2251. the newspaper published nearest, the said period of ten weeks. mining claim for the United States Land Office. morning hours. HV'KON GKOO, Register. Salt Lake City. Utah, Sept. 21, mi. f Rogers, Claimant's Attorney. Attend the Firemen's Ball Fri- Notice is hereby given that John E. Uillea-r- J. J. LKirst publication August 11th, 1803. and John Waterbury Smith, whose postof-fic- e day night. address is Silver City, Juab County, Utah. I Mrs. K. G. Wilson returned last fright, after a week in Salt Lake. Go the Firemen's Ball at the Odd Fellows' Hall next Friday night. J. D. Kendal, of the Firemen's Uniform Ball at .Odd Fellows' Hall Friday night. to-w- lt: FeJ-low- Rio Grande Western Time Table, Leaves, p. m. a. rn rauder. herein, heing Uiiited States Mineral Survey No. 2,0.V, Utah .Lund District, and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in tLU office, as follows, Commencing at post uo. 1, a corner of the claim, f i oin w hich U. S. M. M. No. 4 bears north TSdeg 59 min east fi,4H-- feet distant, and running thence south 77 degrees 48 minutes west 200 feet to post do. 2: thence north 6 degrees 22 minutes west 1.300.1 feet to post no. 3; thence north 77 degrees 48 minutes east 200 feet to post no. 4; thence &outh 77 degrees 55 minutes west 423.8 feet to post no. 6; thtjiiee north 5 degrees 54 minutes east 1.300 to post no. 7; thence north 77 degrees 55 minutes east 700 feet to post no. 8; thence south 5 degrees 54 minutes west 1500 feet to post no. a; thence north 77 degrees 55 minutes east 423.8 feet to post no. 11, from which the quarter-sectio- n corner common to and between sections 25 and 36, township 10 south of range 3 west.of the Salt Lake Meridian bears south 88 degrees east 051 feet distant ; thence syuth 6 de grees 22 minutes east 1,300.1 feet to post no. 12; thence south 77 degrees 55 minutes wet 690 feet to said post no. 1. the place of begin ning, containing a total area of 44.61 acres, expressly excepting and excluding therefrom liowever 1.00 acres area in conflict with Four Aces U. S, M. S. No. 2.045. the area claimed ajid applied for being 42.71 acres The discovery point of said Mountain Chief bears north 6 degrees 22 minutes west 426,7 feet distant from a point at the middle of the southerly endline of said location, The discovery point of said North Swansea bears north 5 degrees 54 minutes east 121.3 feet distant from a point at the middle of the south erly end lie of said location. The discovery point of savd East Swansea bears north 6 degrees 22 minutes west 450.4 feet distant from a point at the middle of the southerly end-lin- e of said location. Each of said mining claims being of record in the office of the County Kacorder of said Mining District at Silver City, Juab County, Utah. The nearest known locations being the West Swansea and Soutli Swansea lode claims U. S. Lot No. 337, and the Four Aces lode claim U. S. M. S. No. 245. I direct that this notice be published in the Tixtic Miser, at Eureka, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, for a period of ten weeks. BYRON GROO, Register. Bennett, Marshall & Bradley, Attorneys for Applicants. First pu.b. Sept. 15, last pub. Nov. 17, 1893. evening and the blaze located in a small frame bouse above the Rio Grande track, the home of Lizzie Buchanan. The house and contents were entirely consumed, the efforts of the fire laddies being confined to 'paving surrounding property. As usual, water was obtainable in small quantities only. The lady of the house was rather severely burned about the face, and inhaled the flames while trying to rescue some household effects. She also suffered from nervous prostration, and it became necessary to caJl in Dr. Field. At present, she is much improved. Centennial-Kurek- a, came up from Salt Lake yesterday. A. B. Eockhill and John Banks, ,of Spanish Foj;k, spent JVJqnday and Tuesday here, .. M. O'Rourk, representitg a Chicago grocery house, was at the Iy.-rek-a Hotel Monday. Jas. W. Neill and A. M. Butts, of Salt Lake, registered at the Eureka Hotel Tuesday. )' 1 r I "CHICAGO LINK" SHOUT TH0; . Chicago, .Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R, Is the only line running Solid Vetlbule4-Steamheate- and Train Daily between Chicago and Omaha, composed .pf magnificent sleeping .cars and the fA v The Finest Dining Cars in the Worlds L'? "1 EYERYTHING FIRST-CLAS- S. Any other Information, asto'rate of tM etc., will be cheerfully furnished by J. a Taibot; J. IL Allen, , T. V. & P. Agent. Commercial At. 15 West Second South, 9alt Lake City. H0BGINS &..Y0UKG Wurk Guaranteed.' AO - - EUREKA, J. 9 . p.driscoll: ' , : -- DEALER - zi - !$- v. Stationery, Books, Wall Pgpst ; ' NOTIONS! Ej-tc- U s" Agent Troy Steam Laundry.."' RIO & 3;: ' GRANDS . RAIL,ROAP, fj. 4 T; i:: 1. si lt- two fast jrans.I;S, .;;.) it :'f V, riHf May 7th, the. IUo Grande Western and Denver St Rli Grande will inaugurate "a daily tfa'ittservice, unsurpassed, consisting x oti elegant day coaches, chaij cars vapJ,,; Pullman sleepers. Train, number , will leave Ogden 7:00 aVm., Salt'Laktr-8:0a. m., arriving at Dehverr-t- fc? m. next morning, connecting1. witha Burlington and Rock Jjsland jforW;t , Commencing 1 - Fair Fast Flyers. Train . number 4' will leave Ogden 6:15 p. m.alt'Laki5-7:2p. m., arriving at DehverlS!4ife. m., next day, connecting iatvP-uebfwith Rock Island and Missouri Pacifla .. and at Denver with Ruriington.tainf1' for all points east: giving an'otinori t unity .of viewing the magnificent' r4 world famous scenery ,of :,trie.DA.wq & Rio Grande between Grand Junctlo? and Denver by day light.". Takf Hu route jind have a comfortablef, speeay" wonderfully interesting trip; S. K. Hooper, 7. J. SnorVBiXoJ G. P. &T, A., General Denver, Colo. ) . TTTmrmm TiTTrinTr i nrt i ttt-it- JAMES EUSTICEMgJjJjjJ- " i tut ;t. Onflerlalelif y Hyde Bros, have opened a meat market in the room formerly oectv pied by the Saddle Rock. . -- Win, llatlield and Ron "Wheeler, of Mammoth, left last Saturday for a visit to the World's Fair. Supt. Robinson, of the Mam moth, started for Chicago last Tues day, lie will be absent about two weeks. Don't miss the Firemen's Ball Friday night. John McChrystal has greatly improved in health, and will leave next Wednesday, in company with Mrs. McChrystal for a visit to California. Nick Robertson came up from 1 vo Wcdnet d ly n; t with subpoenas in the case of Gus Ericson vs. Eureka Hill Mining Co. which was postponed until the ICth iust. Dame Rumor hath it that our popular postmaster has concluded that it is not we-J- for man to he alone and has procured the necessary .documents fpr changing his condition in life. l The Union Pacific will sell round trip tickets to Chicago, October 15th to iilst, inclusive, at rate of &7.1.0. Round trip j!o St. Louis, name dales, 'U.-. limited to return, November JSth. Mark E. Howard, whose postollice address is The Council met in special ses Keaver City, Beaver County, Utah and JoB. Slater and K. O. Lee, whose postofhee sion, Monday evening, to elect a seph address is Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Mayor pro tern., both the Mayor Utah, have made application for a Unite,d for the Four Aces mining claim, and Councilor Clark having been States l'ateut situate In Thttic Mining District, Juab Counsummoned to Provo. The first ty, Utah Territory, consisting of 141 linear and surface ground 21)1.1 feet ballot resulted in a tie between My feet of the lode, wide, being Lot. No. 2145 and described In the ers and Fullride, but on the second field notes and plat of the official survey on in this olHce, with magnetic variation at ballot Sullivan switched and Full- - file 16 degrees 31 minutes east, as follows: Comride received three votes and was mencing at Post No. 1. a corner of said ;joith 12 degrees 4fi minutes east, 1441 declared elected. Treasurer Blue, thence feet to post no. 2, a corner of said rlaim; of the Fire Department, informed thence south K:i degrees and 20 minutes east feet to post no. 3. a corner of said claim, the Council that the uniforms had 201.1 thence south 12 degrees and 40 minutes west arrived and that the department 1441 feejt to post no. 4, a corner of said claim, theiice nortli H.J degrees and 20 minutes west was short about 2Q of the amount 201.1 feet to place of beginning. needed to pay the bill, which they Post No. 1. a corner of said claim, bears, the discovery point of said claim, south asked the city to make up. Upon from 12 degrees 4t minutes west 250 feet distant; motion of Clark, the Council ap- thence north S3 degrees and 20 minutes west 100.55 feet distant. propriated the necessary amount United States Mineral Monument No. 4 and adjourned. hears north from Post No. 3 of said claim, Kl degrees and .02 minute east 5077.4 feet disDr. G. H. Keysor, the dentist, will tant. The Quarter corner between sections no. be in Eureka on the 15th, for a week 25 and 30 of Town No. 10 south of range no. 3, or ten days and will be prepared to do West, bears north from post no. 3, of said 24-all kinds of dental work. claim, 20 degrees and 25 minutes east S020 feet distant. Area claimed and applied for 0.015 The riot cases came up at Provo acres. No conflict. said mining claim being of record in this week. John G. Sullivan was theTheotllce of t he Recorder of said mining Silver City, in JuabCounty, Utah. found guilty of being at the stonThe nearcat known locations being the South ing of the Gardner house. He Swansea, being designated as Lot No. 337. was recommended to the mercy of I direct that this notice be published In the Tt.vnc Mi.nkk. the newspaper published nearsaid mining claim, for the period of the court, who reserved sentence est the ten weeks. until the J 3th of next month. Con Sullivan pas found not guilty on the same charge. Pat Shea, Jas. Murphy, John llauley and Mike Murnane plead guilty to a charire of unlawful assembly and were fined, Shea $10, the others ." each. The other defendants were dismissed. In the case .of Al Collins, the jury were unable to agree and it will be tried again at the next term of court. Thomas died at Mammoth hist Monday, of typhoid pyemno- nia, and was buried at Silver City J lie next day. Deceased was an I timer in this district, and was An alarm of lire was given a few Jhe owner of some good property minutes before J o'clock Mondav .trwmd -Mammoth. i Px'ii I ' I PROFESSIONAL Q F.LOOFHOUROW NO. 2250. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City. Utah. Sept. Mil. In'.U. f Notice Is hereby given that the Swansea Mining Company, a corporation of Utah, by Thcron Gedilc.s. Its Secretary. Treasurer and l. Attoriiey-lji-Fiicwhose residence nd postollice nddresH is Salt Lake City, Utah, lias made application for a United States Patent for the Swansea Lode Mining Claim Consolidated, consisting of the Mountiiln Chief. North Swansea ami Swansea lode locations, situated InTliiilc Mining District. Ju an County. Utah, being i.:iiif,.i. ,.Vtf and linear feet of said lodes respectively i:i Unorder above mimed, and suiface ground niahottiiby tht olliclal plat Kit d. F.u-.- t Commercial Bl'k. 71,72, 73 TO, - SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. )&ds Cols eurekatail; SAM HING. jDWARD PIKE. Attornsy at Law and s. ComsUssiocer. U. - Office in New Court House, c.v LAUNDRY Eureka. c. M. T11ACKSTON. Attorney Office at EUREKA, t-Law Vashlng and Ironing epatto-M- , Union Drug Store - .:iaicciMtf, Steam Work;T-- v UTAH. With Bennett. Marshall & Bradley. "Santa MINING LAW A SPECIALTY. 103 S. 'p EUREKA. A. R OBEKTSON. T Jlain Silt Lake City. St.. Attomcy-aULa- f$5? w, Patent and Land Office Business a Specialty Salt Lake City. Utah. JOAH W. McCURYSTAL, F. Tintic Mercnntilp 0. Horn. C. D. Co.s Works Op. U. P. Office 123 Main 11. store. Markland. $1 Tl8 forts. Depot. Street. Ores carefully sampled and sold tit highest market prliu. Returns made on dny of sale, Coiislmimentx solicited. Address The Salt Lake Citv, Utah. ASIIKK LIDDLKCOME, Urnntinn ll i '1 3 oS UADO MID LA DfAVClIimN? TOL'EKA AM i&APXAtXJBa. JAI LWA )jS.j .jfo saicJ .aaclS Tbe only line Tunrilnirf,PnlToMi cars between (ik'flen, Malt Lake City JO'( cago wit)iot fhanse. "lu V ;SWpff ina Chiii",.:.J THE SHORTEST AND'oUlCESf IHotT. M fz-- 'l EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED SCENERY UNEQUALLED X VIA GLENyOOU'SPJlN Trttln lenve Rio Pnlt Lake City, at 7:20, p. m. "Ul Main stNiet. OrMnd-.'Wfi'M'r- ii. a. Conkling Sampling Works, P. (). liox i42. If so, don'f your tichcts.re'adinfp mo an a ndk WEsf'ltktfWtb NtJtnry I'ubllo. Office in FPiE Are You Going To the World's Fair? C.BAILEY, I1YKON OKOO. licL'Kter. eptemlH-- r 22nd. ls'.ii. JiOTlCE WILLIAM KAUN, & FULL LINE''F'73""1 CARDS. -: Attorneys ana counsellors at Law. OFFICE-Booms- First publication Application for Patent. :- .XVpr il Trlw uftW ihixktt' CiPfl. Afrt. Pawt. 305 r)(K)lyT?uilillnK. Halt LaIW City; C.k. If sJ.?! ivhytHHf can buy a better rtlcl at the Tintic ,Mvrcant)l Oo, the ton. Very resMMlfuiy'"5 ": Do you uso coal? 7..")0 wiicti you for $7 20(K) pounds to YTWl llQblU ttl ,. TINTIC MERCAJmjtf, ' Chimneys a Specialty, CLoave order at the MtXEit office. " To Rkkt. !iAulK.:,:'Eft |