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Show r r access to the records of the Go to the pureka Drug Store for council. ,What"s the matter with medicines of any kind. ;"" the "Czar of Eureka The Third LVnnual Session of St. Published every Friday morning by MIX. H. Joseph's $chO' will commence Tues- tEyMAN Two plain drunks weje guests day, 194t. SeptomM 5th, 1893. One the of night. Wednesday city at Eui&ka, I'tHh, Entered at the Persons troijjled'with chronic diarfor transmission through the priii,. - M.aCuud was discharged in time for. breuk-fas- t, rhoea should Chamberlain's Colic, elass matter. and the other got ?3, which Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Many cases have been cured by it after all means three days in his case. ADVANCE. PRICE OF 8UltfCpPTIOX.-J.- tf else had failed and skilled physicians f.'i.OO is ship- were powerless. For sale by Eureka Ouo year The Centennial-Eurek- a 1 7ft 8iv months.. 100 ping about forty tons of ore per Drug Stqjje. Three' months. If not paid in udvacc:?: One year, tl.ti); six day and the Beck about the same, Additional Cripple Creek Service. month. K.; three m ntlis. 51.50. in consequence of which the Rio Commencing May 1st the Colorado is doing a good Midland railway will put on and run TABLE. Grande Western UNION PACIFIC daily thereafter additional suburban business. trains to accommodate Cripple Creek 11:20 a. m. Ar. from and Florissant business, as follows: 2 .no p. m. Lv. for Halt Lake .fl':IO p. til 'Ar. atSali Luke WJ.STBOCND. A robbery, an attempted holdLv. for Silver City '.U:4)a. m. 8:10 a. m. Leave Colorado Springs Ar. from Silver City. I::t0p. tn, or9:35 a. m. Arrive Oivido.. up, several fights and plain and ....10:02 a. m. Flomsajit.. the was namental drunks withLake galore Through Coaches to and from Sujt BASTBOCND, out chanjre. 10:40 a. rn. Shortest Line and taste.vt Fime. gamut of Wednesday night's diver- Leave Florissant 11:10 a.m. Divide..?...' 11:30 a. rn. Woodland Park sions, and yet they say tho camp Arrive 11:50 a.m. Rio Grande Western Tima Table. Leave Woodland f'ark 1:00 p. m. .Colorado Arrive ' Strings No. 9. No.27. is dull. No. 10. " 5:30 Pueblo....?. er THE TINTIC MINER. P l'o.st-ofli- tt-- ' : : : Ml Hiilt-Lak- Arrives. ,J.oavn. " Deliver.... p.m. 6:00p.m. The Union Pacific changed time This arrangement fi.80 gives a convenSilver City 8:15 7:00 .Eureka again Monday and once more the ient and rapid 'service into and out of 7:K 8:0fi GoKhen 6:40 Lake dailies arrive at a reas- Cripple Creek. Santaquin Salt 0:22 Paywon 5 .. onable hour. The train now arSpanish Fork Faints, oils, varnishes, brushes, etc. Leaves. Arrives Eckkka Drug Store. 0:S3 5:4 Leaves for m. a. 11:50 rives at (iprlnnvUlA .'5:L'l Provo....y A iiHM'Ican Fork ,i:n 10:0i Silver City at noon and for Salt Two good second hand cook stoves .'v.. 4 :S7 W:12..;..;...Ii'hl for sale at the Eureka Tin Shop. 4:1:0 J0:4.'S Binnham Ju Lake at 2:20 p. m. 4:00 '11:0.'...; Salt Lake For fine Cigars and fresh Con: The traj of J. W. Haynes was MAILS. try fectionery 11:0 closes at and Mammoth Silver City called at Nephi last Friday, as not"The Euiikea Fumy Store," a. m. Lower M&in Street. i Salt Lake and all other points at 1:30 p. m ed in our last issue. indictThe Silver City arrives at 1:40 p. hi. Best meals in town at the Salt Lake and all other points at 11:00 a. m ment was found to be defective and Keystone ' (Jeneral delivery open from S'a. m. to 7:: Restaurant. p. m. disruissed. It was the defendant Money order and registry window from 8 a Have your prescriptions filled at the tn. to p. in., and from 0:.'i0 to 7:.'!0 p. in. ' Sunday General' delivery froiii 11:30 a. m is not probable the case will ever Eureka Drug Store. to ' p. m. be called up again. All kinds of summerdrinks at "The J as. P. Durscoi.i.. P. M. Main Eureka Fruit Store." Lower ' C. L. Brown, Avho left Eureka Street. aIV'VJ-Utf. For sale,- 2,000 share? Oppahonga last spring for J3utte, returned last Among the incidents of childhood mining stock. Enquire at tins cilice. Friday and will become a resident that stands out in bold relief, as our of Eureka again and expects to memory reverts to the days when we were young, none are more prominent Johp T. Sullivan went to Nephi open an office in the room formerly than severe sickness. The young today. occupied by the "Hub." He says mother vividly remembers that it was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that Attend the Hard Times Ball Eureka is good enough for him cured her of croup, and in turn ad and advises the boys to stay with ministers it to her own onspring ana always with the best results. For sale C. E. Loose was up from Provo it. by Eureka Drug btore. .Sunday night. The First National Bank, of Application for Patent. Grand Junction, of which Mr. Geo F. II. Hyde returned from the NOTICE HO. 2250. Arthur Ilice.is president, has reUnited States Land Office, Capitol Tuesday. Salt Lake City. Utaii, Sept. 8th, 1803. ( sumed business. On the first day Notice is hereby given, that the Swansea "Wear your old clothes to the of opening tpic deposits exceeded Mining Company, a corporation of by Hard Times Ball tonight. Its Tlieron Geddes, Secretary, Treasurer and thox disbursements by $11,300. . whtae residence and t, There will be a dance at Mam- Mr. Ilice is, to be congratulated on address is Salt Lak,e Gity, Utah, has made application for a United States Patent his success in getting moth tomorrow . ; p. m. a., m. in. a. in v. H:40 : :." ; float. to-nii- of the official survey pn file in this office, with ' SHORT JLIffi" magnetic vat iatlou at 16 degrees, 22 minutes "CHICAGO cast, as follows: Commencing at Post No. 1, a corner of the claim, running theue,6 south R. R, Chicago, Milwaukee & $V 48 degrees eat 6(4 feet to Post No. i; thence 32 750 tfce 'Solid south degrees west feet to P$tXo.3; Is Vestibuled. only ;lae runnlc? thence south 58 degrees 30 minutes w est 750 Sttambeate and Electric-Lighte- d Train feet to Post No. 4; thence north 48 .degrees Pally between Chicago and Omaha, . west 604 feet to Ptt No. 5; thence jjprth 58 composed of magnificent sleeping 30 minutes east 750 feet to Post No. 6; thence car and the north 32 degrees east 750 feet to Pott No. 1, the place of beginning. Total area of claim The Finest DmLcg Cacs.In.tha 20.21 acres; area in conflict with Lot No. 119 and hereby expressly excluded .08 acfes; area claimed aud applied for 20.13 acres. EVERYTHING ASS. From Post No. 5, U. S. M. M. bears north 67 degrees 39 minates west 1078 feet. Said Parnells Programe lode lochttoujmln-ln- g claim being of record in the office of the Any other information as to ratwoMarej. Recorder of said mining district at Neph .- (. -, City. Jaab County, Utah. The nearest known etc., will be cheerfully furnished by H. the Scotia No. locations being J. Allen, J. 9. jAtBOT,""'"' 2, Lot lit). I direct that this notice be published In the T. F. & P. Agent. Cuiereial' AfW3X:g Tintic Miner at Eureka, Juab County, Utah 15 West Second South, 8altLake.:Cltx; the newspaper published nearest the said j mining claim for the period of ten weeks. Si IT? l M4, FIRSTS Jaics' J. J. Rogers. Claimant's Attorney. First publication August 11th, post-offi- Attorney-in-Fac- night. (Jus Ilenroid and family turned from Nephi Sunday. re- You are sure of a pleasant time at the Hard times Ball tonight.' Mrs. Knapp returned Tuesday night from a week's visit with Pay son friends. A. E. Hyde, manager ,cf tiie Bui is expected up from the city tomorrow. lion-Bec- so quickly,' Things are lively at Mammoth, and considerable work is being done in the hills. Ron Wheeler is working the Copperopolis on bond; a small force is at work on the Phoe nix and three men are sinking the shaft on the Oppahonga. This lat ter property is developing some fine indications. k, A prize will be given to the poorest dressed couple at the Hard Times Ball tonight. Bishop Leonard Mill hold services at St. Andrew's Chapel next Sunday at the usual hours. About three o'clock yesterday morning, Jim and Ed Williams and Nat Higgins were stopped 'by a hold-uwould-b- e about fifty yards in the rear of the Eureka Hotel, while on their way to a cabin occupied by one of the Williams boys. Tho highwayman covered them with a but was scared out by the threatened resistance of one of the trio, who was slightly p, six-shoote- J. D. Kendal, superintendent of the Centennial-Eurek- a, came in r, H0DGINS 1803. Nafte. & Application for Patent. NOTICE NO. 224. United States Land office, I Salt Lake City, Utah, July 20th, 1SU3. Notice is hereby given that Charles H. Blanchard, whose postoflice address Is Silver City, Juab County, Utah Territory, and Thomas W. Jennings, of Salt Lake City and J Territory aforesaid, have made application for a United States Patent for the West Mammoth mining claim, situate in TinUc Mining District. Juab County, Utah Territory, conlinear feet of the lode and sursisting of 931.1304.442 face ground average Jeet wide, beng Lot No. 31!) and descr.Jwd in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file tn this office, with magnetic variation at 17 degrees east, as follows : Commencing at the discovlode claim, and ery of said West Mammoth thence north 84 degrees, 25 minutes running east, 2ti4 feet to post no. ; thence north 1 degree 47 minutes1 west 86557 feet to post no. 2; thence north degree, minutes west 38.4 feet to post do. 3; thence syuth 4 degrees 25 221.7 feet to post no. 4; thence minutes west south 17 degrees 11 minutes west 784.2 feet to post no. 5; thence south 3 degrees 59 minutes west 180.8 feet to post no. 6; thence north 84 degrees 25 minutes east 405.5 feet to said post no. 1, the place of beginning of the surface bounds. containing".?!) acres; excluding, however, from this description and application the areas in conflict with Lots Nos. 173, 160, 03 and 104, known as the West Mammoth, Copperopolis No. 2. South Mammoth and Hungarian lode claims respectively, containing in the aggregate 2.541 acres. Area claimed and applied for. 5.249 acres. From Post No. 3 of this claim the United States Mineral Monument No. 1. in said Tintic Mining District, bears north 10 degrees 53 minutes east 924.5 feet distant, and NW corner of section 30, Township 10 south, range 2 west bears north 40 degrees, 12 minutes west2,6;t8.8 feet distant. Said West Mammoth lode location mining claim betng of record in the office of the Recorder of said mining district at Sliver City, in Juab County, Utah. The nearest known locations being the Mammoth, South Mammoth. Trail. Golconda, Hungarian, Copperopolis No. 2, and the West Mammoth Lot No. 1 Mil R EUREKA, flUdldDWUg'Mij tcA DEALER;iST ? iuj .ikft:,3? i,s Boilksailfci Stationery, Agent Troy Steam pSffdrJ? DENVER & . .RK :GfflDE RAiL,ROAE):.,KiJi!: IS : TWO FAST TRAINS, "i ilfRt.VT ,:; y iU .e 5.5 Commencing May;'"th' li "RDgrij; Grande Western and Denver &:lk j Grande will inaugurate, ft4aU.y-.lra- i service, unsurpassed,. cbnsist(nij'.:;6f elegant day coaches, criair aTsTafiif Pullman sleepers. Trftla.' Rb&be'iQ ?:W.t . will leave Ogden 7:00 a..m.,jaaU.Lftk 8:05 a. m., arriving at DenTej,7:45a ' m. next mornini;, .conneqting.' wit&. Burlington and Kock Ibia'nd'' WofW ... Fair Fast Flyers. Train- u'mBrai will leave Ogdn 6:15 SulVLaS: '" 173 lodes. 7:20 p. m., arriving at. Po.ve.9:4a I direct that this notice be published in the m., next day, connecting, at Piiebls3 Tintic Miner at Eureka City, Utah, the with Rock Island and Missourr'TSiciffc weekly newspaper published nearest tilie said and at Denver with Burifngton trstitfj? mining claim, for the period of ten weeks. FRANK 1), HOBBS, Register. for all points east; givipg.nkQpppRr. Jos. Gorllnski. Atty. for Applicants. First publication July 28th, 1893. tunity of viewing, the .magnjacent aq'4, Notice I - 11 HVkON GItOO, Register. Notice to John L. Hunter, his heirs and as? You are hereby notified that fully three hundred dollars has been expended by us in labo:' and improvements on the Mammoth of the north Midwinter Atlantis mining claims, situated in North Tintic mining district, Utah. County, Utah Torritory, as assessment to hold the same for the year ending Dec. 31, 18!fi, and any parson purchasing the said claims will do so at their own risk. You are further notified that you own no interest whatever In the said mammoth of the North mining claim and have not entire d on the said claim except as a trespasser s ince the forfeiture of your agreement with us. and all persons are hereby notified not tn purchase any interest jp the said Maim ioth of t he North from any but the un- dersia ned who are the solo owners of the same. Joseph Biddlecom. William Babtlktt, IFirsi publication June 23. 18y3. " sign:!: - p.-j- n.. fc'i world famous scenery of 'the IJenvir & Rio Grande between Grant trhvwJ;C and Denver by day HgbU? route and have a, comfyrta pfsS?s wonderfully intarwting s.;k. hoopkr, ..w,, ZsudjwrfC Gl P. & T. A., ", , nexkX Denver, tr.; 8tk'l' CoIa'Saiye for the Swansea Lode Mining Claim Consolidated, consisting of this Mountain Chief, EUREKA North Swansea and East Swansea lode loca tions, situated in Tintic fining District, Ju JAMES EtrSTICBi''rC?B.Jp): ab County, Utah, being 3,(56.1, 1..SCQ and 1.306.1 linear feet of said lodes respectively in the order above named, and surface ground therewith as shown by the official fclat filed herein, being United StateB Mineral Survey No. 2.K5, Utah Land District, and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file In this office, ad follows, 'V;; Commencing at post no. 1, a corner of the FULL LJEpjT.j claim, from which U. S. M. M. No. i bers CARDS. north T8 deg 59 mln east 6.415.3 feet distant, PROFE and running thence south 77 degrees 48 minutes west 200 feet to post no. 2; thence north F. LOOFUOUROW 4 WILLIAM KAHN, C degrees 22 minutes west 1.366.1 feet to post no. 3; thence north 77 degrees 48 minutes east Attorneys and counsellors at Law. EUREKA. 'fFTAH. 200 feet to post no. 4; thence south f? degrees 70, 71,72, 73 Commercial Bl't. OFFICE Ko?ms 55 minutes west 423.8 feet to post no. 6; thence UTAH north 5 degrees 54 minutes east 1.500 to post SALT LAKE CITY, no. 7j thence north 77 degrees 55 minutes east -- si 706 feet to post no. 8; thence south 5 degrees JgDWARD PI KE, ,.V:is 54 mljutes west 1500 feet to post no. 5; thence and D. s. Commissioner. at .law Attorney north 77 degrees 53 minutes east 423.8 feet to post no. 11, from which the quarter-sevtio- n Ofllce In Now Co'Qrt House, Eureka. corner common to and between sections 25 and 36, township 10 south of range 3 west of Q M. THAOKSTON, the Salt Lake Meridian bears south 88 det-Law Washing and Ironliigfisl' Js'Tfp;-Steagrees east C51 feet distant; thence south 6 de, grees 22 minutes east 1,366.2 feet to post no. WoricVl ' Office at Union Drug Store 12; thence south 77 degrees 55 minutes west 600 feet to said poSt no. 1. the place of beginEUREKA, UTAH, EUREKA, ; ning, containing a total area of 44.61 acres, I::? y.. A. ROBERTSON, expressly excepting and excluding therefrom however 1.60 acres area in conflict with Four With Bonnott. Marshall & Bradley. Aces U. S, M. S. No. 2.&4.", the area claimed and applied for being 42.71 acres MINING LAW A SPECIALTY. Tho discovery point of said Mountain Chief 163 8. Main St.. Salt Lake City. bears north 6 degrees 22 minutes west 426.7 feet distant from a point at the middle of the southerly endllne of said location, The dis- fjt C.BAILEY, covery point of ald North Swansea bears To the World's v Mtomey-at-Law- , north 5 degrees 64 minutes east 121.3 feet disof endllne a at the from tant southerly point Patents and Land Office Business a Specialty said location. Tho discovery point of said If so, don't', fall .' to Rerai)re .::;:;.'!c ' Salt La Citt. Utah. East Swansea bears north 8 degrees 22 min: your tickets roadlBg', ,., utes west 450.4 foet distant from a point at McCURYHTAL, the middle of the southerly endline of said JOAIIW. IUO OIIAXDE WHSTKRX COLO. location. HA DO MIDLAND, WauiSOMtf Each of said mining claims being of record TQPEKAA$D SAMTAfE Co.fi Office in Tintic Mercantile In the ofllce of (the County Recorder of said store. i '..;-ii- t Mining District at Silver City, Juab County, C. B. Markland. F. 0. Horn. Utah. Th only" lintf 'ruhhfni?. rtlllrnan blT)1ni' Tlio nearest kaown locations being the West cars bet ween Otfden, bait Lake City ' and tiji Swansea and South Swansea lode claims U, Tie Contlini Sampling orb. cago without change. S. Lot No. 337, and tho Tour Acei lode claim THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST liNE.v.. U. S. M. S. No. 2045. ' " I direct that this notice be published In the Works Op. U. P. II. Depot. EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED. SCENERY UNEQUALLED Tintic Miner, at Eureka, Utah, the newspa 12S Office Main Street. VIA GLEN.W.OOO SPRINGS. per published nearest tho said mining claim, '' '' .... Ore carefully sampled and sold at highest ' for a period of ten weekj. Train Iprtm Rio Cranrle Wt4rntnnt ' market price. Returns made on day of sale. BYRON OROO, Register. Salt .Lake City, at 7t2fr p. but TVm ' ' " o1bi. . m Main trvot. , Bennett, Marshall & Dradley, Attorneys Consignments solicited. Address ;v ' ' for Applicants. The C H. Works, Conkling . Sampling" Bl'PKETT, l'irst pub. Sept. 15, last pub. Nov. 17. im.J Geo. r. O. P.nx 942. Salt Lake City, Utah. rH. ,LHph; 30SPooIy Building. ' fait'LVelty, fi4h. Patent. to-w- lt: mm, .raBERTAEIMm .M!J let :: SAM HlNGiii mt. LAUN'DftViS-- - Attorney '!r'fzf: yesterday, via theOvcrlaud lioute. intoxicated, and took to his heels. UTA'. The bonds of matrimony between of now the Beck, Burch, Supt. VT. L. and' Etta Seott were severed has about 100 men on the pay-rol- l. by J udge Smitli at Nephi last week. Last Saturday they Ayerc all paid T. P. Farmer, who has been in for July and tomorrow is ' announced as August pay-daA Wyoming for three months, has of ore was small quantity partially returned and gone to work lit the in recent at the the run treated Beck. i . Tintic Mills, Avhich aro being opeKliOpenshaw, Santaquin, F. W. rated by tho company. A new Bush, Jordan and J. L. Hoke, Salt ' Reaching process will be tested as Lake, were guests of the Eureka soon as the leachcrs arrive from Hotel Tuesday. Salt Lake. It is said to be superrailways: Joe Ilijstead, another pilgrim ior to the process now in use there, who quitted Eureka for greener and if successful, wijl be adopted. fields,' has returned and will open A daring burglary Avas commita shop as soon as he linds a room. ted early yesterday morning, at J. M. Moore, E. L. Carpenter the Oxford sa),oon. An entrance and Ed. Clements,' of Salt Lake was effected by breaking a pane .and J. II. Dmste, a traveling man of glass in the rear door and unof St. Louis, registered at the Eu- locking it. A desk, which stood reka Hotel Monday. in the front window behind the bar, was fonci open and ;$115 taken Application for Fred W. Bush, at one lime masASIIEU BIDDLEC03IE, therefrom. A small quantity of NOTtrK xn. 2247. Do you use cm ? I i so. W h r ra t ter mechanic 'at the Eureka Hill, Land Office., I'niO'd States ?7.50 when vou can buy h better article and some cigars are also f liquors 1M. I tali. Salt Lake Augusts, Cily, renewed old acquaintances here for $7 at liicv. Tintic. Mercantile. 'Co. Notice Is hereby given that John Fleming. Prac lical BricM missing. It is undoiilftcdly the wln)-2XX) ayer ....... now is He pounds to tin ton. Is e Juab Eureka, address prosTuesday night. verv repocUully, work of some o'.ic fainifiar wit li County. poMofllre made anpllca-ti'i- n bus Utah Tefrltory. C'V . f ra United States I'a'u nt furtlj pering at Bjhgham. TlMJC' 5lEtU.AS!TltE the premises 'nm the customs of ' I'riiL'r.iitie inltiiiiir claim, situate In .' U"v Untie Mining ONtrlcl, Juali Country. Chimneys a Specialty, The uiayor has stru tly forbidden the house. A vet iiij:rrests have! I'liih feet Territory. iinKt UK of Yi linear To R jMT.r-OnEa if x.lid lod'. H'ld Il feet ho, being Lot Nil STLoavc orders at tUe 'he fit v recorder to allow the Min been made, j j ii .id dcrrUx d lis the lief'i IK'tea and plil Mjotb office. WMW Eurcjk.DiMis S(re. ' ' y. Fair?i . Notry Public ' t-- . f . ' ''-ri' 1 -- ' ! f 1'ar-"el- N !: . i n. " ' |